My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 489: Untitled (2)

"Well!" The beautiful voice of the beautiful woman in the arms made Liu Wei more and more unable to control himself. The blood in Liu Wei’s body was telling the operation, and the whole person exudes a huge amount of heat. This article is by . . Starting

"Hey!" Liu Wei directly screamed, and couldn't help it anymore. He suddenly printed his lips.

"Thirsty, thirsty!" The two lips were asking each other.

The pores of Liu Wei’s body radiate heat all the time. He was originally a powerful military commander, and he was really young and impatient. This is a volcano that erupts directly on two people. The clothes were torn open directly.

The white body was exposed in front of Liu Wei’s eyes, and Liu’s eyes were wrapped in blood red.

White as jade, smooth as silk, this is the wonderful body of Mrs. Cai.

"Give me," Mrs. Cai can't keep the temperament of his lady. Now she is like a person who asks for nothing. Liu Xin's body that radiates heat is particularly attractive to him.

"Hmm?!" Xiao Cui outside the door, it is very strange, how the lady inside and the royal king of the king discussed how to make a roar.

Xiao Cui pulled the door open a little and ran his head in. The scene in front of him directly stunned Xiao Cui, and the whole person was stunned.

The original neat room is now full of broken clothes "that, that!" Xiao Cui saw a red shirt.

That one is not the lady's phoenix apron! This is a lady's favorite apron, but now it has been torn open and scattered on the ground.

"Mrs. Madame!" Xiao Cui was extremely worried. Is this the king of the king of the king who will do nothing against the lady! It’s true that the lady’s looks are true. It turned out that this royal king is also a prodigal son.

Xiao Cui Yue is more shocked, how can the lady not call it! The **** who immediately screams outside the courtyard will come in.

Xiao Cui worried about looking past in the inner room, only to see two bodies are violently fighting there.

"Ah!" Xiao Cui wants to look at her own eyes, because although she already has twenty-seven, but she is still a yellow-faced niece, the things in this room are just heard from others, or others. The commentary, where will see this live broadcast. It was simply shy, Xiao Cui wanted to lick his own eyes, but under curiosity, he could not help but grow the slits of the fingertips.

"The original is like this!" Xiao Cui's heart was in a low voice. "Like the old Wu Shu's rolling pin, that thing doesn't hurt like this!"

Xiao Cui had long forgotten the original intention of himself. After observing for a long time, Xiao Cui was awakened. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh. Xiaocui, Xiaocui, what are you thinking about? This 蜀Wang Dianxia is not a thing, he is bullying Miss, you should inform the guard to take down the king of the king!"

However, Xiao Cui is very tangled and found a result, that is, this is the king of the king, who is bullying Mrs. Cai, but Mrs. Cai is bullying the king of the king, and the king of the king is under the pressure of Mrs. Cai, like People drive horses on the grasslands, violent bumps and violent movements.

Now Xiao Cui really doesn't know what to do. After watching it for a while, he can only smug his face and retreat. There is only an inexplicable smell in the room, and an inexplicable voice.

Above the ground, on the desk, on the side of the bookshelf, on the ground, all on the battlefield, this battle is so dark and dark.

"Hey!" Xiao Cui closed the door again. She hurriedly shook her little head. Xiaocui, Xiaocui, what are you thinking about? Xiaocui tried to dispel the sight seen in his mind. However, this scene seems to be alive. Even Xiao Cui unconsciously brought herself into it. She replaced her wife and rode on the horse and galloped on the grassland.

Xiao Cui is not an idiot. She doesn't know why her own lady has become like this. Perhaps it is a long time in the squat, or other, but Xiao Cui also knows that he and his own lady are tied together, and one glory is lost, and such a scene must not be discovered by others.

Xiao Cuiqiang endured the shame on his face and went out.

"Little Cui sister!" Watching Xiao Cui walk out of the courtyard, the two guards outside the courtyard lowered their heads and bowed to Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui is the red man around Mrs. Cai, naturally in this mansion. Above one million people, it can be said that it is a female butler.

"Yeah!" Xiao Cui nodded. "Everyone worked hard!" Xiao Cui appreciated the guard.

"Not hard, surrounded by ladies, these are all we should do!" was praised by Xiao Cui, these two guards are very happy, if the status of Xiao Cui can help them to say a few words around the lady, they will certainly be quiet of.

"Zhang Hong, I heard that you only married a girl a few days ago! Which girl is so blessed to marry us in Caifu?" Xiao Cui looked at a slightly smaller guard.

"Where, where is the girl's blessing, it is the blessing of Zhang Hong, and the blessing of my wife! This will be able to win a wife!" Zhang Hong said a little awkwardly around his head, they were such a big soldier. It is very difficult to get married to his wife, but because he is guarding in Cai Fu, it is Mrs. Cai’s hand, which will enable him to win a wife, a girl willing to marry him.

"Old Li! Your kid can be sent to the school!" Xiao Cui asked another old guard.

"Come on, fast, this is not to give him a picture!" The old guard is also showing a happy face, his boy is five years old, can enter the school, it is because Xiao Cui girl and his wife help Otherwise, it is very difficult for military personnel to have the opportunity to enter the school. Those who read the books may not look down on the soldiers. The good men are not soldiers, and the irons are not nailed.

"I will definitely tell my wife your dedication!" Xiao Cui did not blame his praise. "Come here, this is some broken silver, it is a reward for you. You can buy some rouge gouache for your wife at night, old. Li will buy some candy for your kid to eat!" Xiao Cui took some of the broken silver from his arms and put them in the hands of the two.

"Do not make it, can't make it. Xiao Cui girl!" Lao Li and Zhang Hong are all panicked. They also thought that they had offended Xiao Cui somewhere. Asked in fear. "These are all we should do, we should do it!"

"Let you hold it!" Xiao Cui's sleek and wrinkled said, "These are not for me, but my wife will let me reward you! Don't you take me back and tell my wife? Do you want to Let me Xiao Cui be married by her wife?!" Xiao Cui pretended to be angry.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Zhang Hong and Lao Li heard Xiaocui say this, and then the heart was put down in a panic, and this took over the broken silver. With these silvers, both of them are happy, Zhang Hong is happy. It is these broken silver even if it is divided with Lao Li. I can buy a good rouge gouache for my new wife.

Lao Li thought it was a bit more. He wanted to buy a few pounds of meat, and then bought some new cloth to open the taste to his wife and son at home. Therefore, both of them are grateful to Xiao Cui.

"The silver is taken, and it should be more diligent!" Xiaocui said with a smile, "Mrs. let me go, now the lady and the king of the king are talking about it. If there is no permission from the lady, no one is allowed." Enter the courtyard!"

"Yes!" Lao Li and Zhang Hong are both uplifting and standing up against the command of Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui let the two guards not let anyone in, that is, afraid that someone will directly break into the lady's room, if seen by others. That can be really finished. So Xiao Cui came out and greeted the two guards.


Pang Tong stayed in his room, and he was playing chess alone. But the more I didn't think about it, the more I finally got rid of the board.

"Army, why bother to worry about it, now that the big thing has become, the Liu Biaosheng, Liu Biaosheng, is coming!" Pang Tong’s men presented their courtesy to Pang Tong.

"What's the big thing?" Pang Tong wanted to calm down. This drunken dew has already gone in. Now it should be the two people who drunk this drunken dew. If the two of them drink, then the two should now have a fire in the firewood. If there is only one person to drink it, it’s okay, Liu Wei will drink it, Liu Wei will certainly not hold his own, once he is facing Cai What the lady did out of the ordinary things, will certainly be caught by the guards in the Jingshan House, so Liu Wei really do not want to get food from Liu Biao.

If Mrs. Cai drank and Liu Wei didn’t, it didn’t matter. Pang Tong wanted this effect, so I sent someone to go to Fuyang to send a letter to Liu. Pang Tong really didn’t believe that a beautiful woman who fell in love with you would directly rush into you. You don't want to be in your arms.

The effect of this drunken dew has been seen, even if the chaste people drink it, they will be drunk.

"No, I have to go and explore! Come, give me a room to go to the lady's room and tell me that my Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan has something to leave!" Pang Tong knew that he would rush to show his feet, so Pang Tong Just playing a heart, sent someone to go to Mrs. Cai’s room to tell Mrs. Cai that he had to leave Pang Shiyuan. Under the circumstances, Mrs. Cai also had to send a fake.

If Pang Tong’s plan is not successful, Mrs. Cai will definitely come to Pang Tong’s. If it succeeds, I am afraid that the two will be in a hurry between the bed, and there is still time to come and send him Pang Tong!

"Yes!" Pang Tong's men took the lead.

Pang Tong waited anxiously in the room, and soon Pang Tong’s men came back. "How's it going!"

"The sergeant, did not see Mrs. Cai!" Pang Tong's men shook his head and said. "Before the courtyard, I was stopped by the guards of Mrs. Cai. It was a little girl next to Mrs. Cai said that her wife is busy now!"

"Busy!" Pang Tong’s face showed a happy color. This Mrs. Cai, Mrs. Cai, you are a monk, I let you listen to my words, stand with me, and let Liu’s Yangzhou get the grain. You don't want it, now it's alright, I will let you go with this Yangzhou Liu Wei.

"Haha, haha! Of course I am busy, I am afraid that I am busy between the beds!" Pang Tong’s men laughed.

"Cautious!" Pang Tongqiang endured the joy of the heart. "We are leaving now!" Pang Tong was originally going to leave. He was afraid that if Mrs. Cai was discovered by Liu, then Mrs. Cai knew that she was playing with herself. It’s not good to break the fish.

"Yes, yes! I will wait for this to clean up!" Pang Tong's men quickly packed up Pang Tong's things, and there was not much. Add a few pieces of dress on a chess board and a feather fan.

"Is this black fat man left?!" Xiao Cui got a notice from the guards in the mansion. It is said that Pang Tong has already got the house. When I said that something was going to go back, Xiao Cui whispered to herself, and she always felt a little uneasy at the bottom of her heart, as if something was going to happen.

Under the pressure of this uneasiness, Xiao Cui continued to tell the guards, if anyone came, I would inform me immediately. The guards went away.

"Liu Liu Liu Hanyang, this game I see how you broke, hahahaha!" Out of the Jingshan House. Pang Tong finally did not endure it, and released the laughter.

"The military division now we will go back to Fuyang?!" asked Pang Tong's men on the side.

"No!" Pang Tong shook his head. He looked around and looked at it. Jingshan House was at the foot of Jingshan Mountain. Pang Tong looked at Jingshan and found a hill. "Go, let's go there!"

"Go there?!" Pang Tong's men, very puzzled, there is only a bare hill, there is no building on the top. Because it depends on the river, plus height. It can be said that it is a limelight.

It’s cold, because it’s cold, because it’s the wind, so you can’t build a bonfire to warm it up, so everyone can only get together to get warm, otherwise it’s going to be cold, so that everyone is still shivering. I have to know that it is winter now, this cold wind blows, and the moisture of the Yangtze River. At that time, there was no modern warmth technology, and at most it was a cotton coat. It’s natural to know how cool it feels. .

"Army, military division, what are we doing here!" One of the men shuddered and asked Pang Tong. The wind above it was really cold. This hand was the least worn, so the teeth were shaking.

"Nature is watching Liu Wei Liu Hanyang go to death!" Pang Tong smiled coldly, Pang Tong is also cold, this cold wind blowing even if Pang Tong has a thick layer of fat can not help, but Pang Tong must also endure He couldn’t wait to see Liu Wei’s death in Liu Hanyang. He closed his eyes and imagined it. Liu watched the goalkeeper and saw his wife’s wife in the arms of Liu Han’s Liu Hanyang. If you have a good mentality, you will fall ill in bed. If your mentality is not good, you will be able to breathe a life. And Liu Wei’s adulterer is naturally unable to escape. Jingzhou and Yangzhou will also completely break. The two sides are really dead. .

Although the mountain is cold, but the line of sight is good, it is clear that everything in the Jingshan Mansion can be seen, so Pang Tong will stay on this hill, just to wait for the arrival of Liu Biao’s army to dismount Liu Yu’s adulterer. Block of.

"Ah!" These guys are suffering. You said that you want to play Liu Wei Liu Hanyang. You can go back and wait for the news. You have to look at it personally. If you look at it yourself, don't bring it. We, accompany you to blow up, even if you take us, you have to say something in advance, so that they can prepare in advance, this kind of cold wind, one by one, it’s frozen and shivering. If you add music, it’s not a Disco!

"You, still you, you!" Pang Tong pointed out a few men.

"military adviser?!"

"Take off your clothes!" Pang Tong said to his men and pointed at them.

"Ah, ah!" Suddenly these few people who were named to the name were dumbfounded. This was already cold and shivering. If it was taken off again, it was not waiting to be frozen. The other few on the side are gloating, but the military division did not point to them.

Although the order of Pang Tong was very unwilling, but a few people still very obedient to drag the jacket down, leaving only a thin shirt inside, the wind blows, this is not a retreat can be solved, and It’s all the direct tears and snot, and it’s going to be cold and dead as long as it’s blown for a while.

"You, return you, you! One person wears it!" Pang Tong took one of his thickest out of his body, and left the rest to another man who had not taken off his coat.

"Yes!" These couples not only did not get off their coats by Pang Tong but also had a coat out of thin air. Although they could not completely protect the cold, they were much better, so they were all happy to pick up from the faces of their peers. Come over.

Some also ridiculed to say a thank you.

Just when the jacket that was put in the gang was put on his own body and thought he had earned it, the order of Pang Tong came down again.

"You, and you, you! You guys who took off their coats, took the carriage back to Fuyang, went to the house to do hot food, set up a banquet, wait for us to go back and celebrate in the evening!" Pang Tong had no coats Said the person.

"Yes, yes, yes!" These few are just a look of sorrow and grief. Now it is completely human life to be the master of the house. This huge change is great.

"Army!" The man who got the coat on the side looked at Pang Tong "We are a military division!"

"Since I took the coat, I naturally stayed here waiting for me!" Pang Tong said, let them cool from the head to the feet. This is what Fengshui turns, this year to my home, just still ridiculing people, now it is good, unfortunately become yourself, even if you add a jacket, but above this limelight is also cold wind and bones. (To be continued.)

Ps: These chapters are a bit overdone! So use no question! There are also spectators! If you look cool, can you reward me and give you some motivation!

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