My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 490: Untitled (3)

Jingzhou Fuyang City

"Suiyang defenders gather!" The sky is slowly falling, and the defenders of Fuyang will have to change jobs, but the watch of Liuzhou, the head of Jingzhou, is ordered, so the defenders can only take one day of exhaustion once again. I put on the armor and went to the assembly.

"Fast, fast, fast!" One of the schools in Xiangyang City is gathering their own hands to make these originally lazy Xiangyang soldiers and horses quickly assemble, because the main public Liu Biao has passed the order of death, You must start immediately within half an hour, or you will be ready to come to see them. These Fuyang defenders will naturally not give their heads, but they can only roar over their own hands over and over again. Tao, the whip was drawn on these hands.

"Li Er, what happened in the end! Why are you gathering at this time!" A soldier who had just arrived at the school yard asked the other fellow soldiers.

"You ask me, who do I ask!" The man named Li Er is depressed. A **** red print on his face has already bleed. This is just a slow step and was taken by his boss's head. It’s not swollen now. It’s natural to have a question like this.

And the people like Li Er are really not in the minority, and the entire school campus is in a mess.

"Maybe Jiangdong Army has come over?!" Some people are skeptical, because Xiangyang Wei is the second-line force among the second-line troops. Xiangyang is the richest man in Jingzhou and the rear, basically there is no war, if any. Then Jingzhou is almost the same. Therefore, the defenders of Fuyang are rarely dispatched. A lot of dignitaries or people with a little relationship will arrange their children in Fuyangwei. It is security.

This is also the news that Jiang Dongjun wants to call, but many people are shocked. Jiang Dongjun is a distant thing for these young masters who are far away from the battlefield, but it does not prevent them from knowing the combat power of Jiangdong Army. Because Jingzhou has been losing more and more victories in the wars between Jiang and Sun Jiang over the years.

"Lianjiang Xia's defenders can't beat it? Then what do we want to fight!" A bit flustered. Jiang Xia's defenders have always been looked down upon by these young Shaoyang soldiers. They laughed at the Jiangxia's terracotta warriors. The grain is less than them, and they are still dying, but once these Jiang Xia soldiers are gone, how do they fight? The first-class army can't beat it, relying on this group of young soldiers to turn over!

"How can you call it! You are all pig brains!" Someone scolded, "If the army of Jiangxia fails, then there is no need to fight. The lords in this city may have surrendered directly, but also use you?!" If it is finished, then Jingzhou will be almost the same. Even if it is against Jiangdong, it should be transferred to Changsha's Huangzu. Instead of this group of young masters, this group of young masters will not only be able to glory, but also look good. But the fight is still forgetting, absolutely the first to run.

"Yes! Then why do you want to aggregate!" Everyone is talking.

On the other side of the Fuyang garrison camp.

"Dream brother. Is this your elite?!" Yan Yue also looked at the squad of the Xiangyang army in the camp of the Xiangyang army, and said that the squadron of the Xiangyang squadron was facing the side of Cai Yiyi.

"Oh, huh, this is not a temporary gathering!" Cai Wei is very incomparable. This Xiangyang army is under his hand of Cai Wei. It can be said that Cai Wei has direct abilities to him. In normal times, Cai Wei also boasted this yang yang to the top of his head. On the top, even said that even Huang Zu can not match him, Fuyang Wei is not to defend Fuyang, he has long gone to Jiangxia to kill Jiangdong Sun Ce children.

But now it seems that this group of young masters, but also to eliminate people, can not dare to go to others is still the same thing!

"Der's brother, you can't take care of this money!" He patted Cai's shoulder and advised him.

"Different degrees seem like you earn less!" Cai Wei said with no anger, half of this yangyangwei is that the gangster children want to be gold-plated, so those sects will give money, and the money One-third of them fell into Cai's pocket, and one-third of them got up and down the people around Liu Biao, and the remaining one-third fell into the pocket of the Yue.

"There is!!" Yu Yue is also stunned. He can't remember it, but some people remember it. Soon, a young master of the sect came to say hello, and shouted at the uncle, saying, The last time I went to the house of Minyue, it was also that Yue Yue introduced him here to serve as a thousand people.

"As long as you control the money, whether it is a hiring or a ancestor, isn't it in your hands?" Cai Yu’s mouth showed a confident smile, saying that marching snoring requires food and grass, and Cai Wei is in the water army. It is very rumored, so the Xiangyang garrison is not good, but the Shuyang Shuijun is an elite force. This is not the biggest reliance of Cai Wei. The biggest reliance of Cai Wei is money and grain. As long as the money is controlled, then the hiring and Huang Zu I also have to listen to Cai Yu’s words.

The more he did not agree or dismiss, he looked at the chaotic school ground. "The messenger of the German brothers can be sent out!"

"It has already been sent out!" Cai Yu nodded and said that it would take time to get to Jingshan Mansion from here. Although I don't know what happened, I am prepared to report it, and I will do other things!

"This time, thanks to the brother-in-law of Cai Xiwei, otherwise, this messenger is too late!" 蒯越调侃道, these gangs, this time really helped, if that kind of elite part of the words I am afraid that the maximum amount of tea can be combined with the army, but now the gangs have to wait for more than half an hour. This helped the Cai and He Yue to fight for time in the invisible.

On the other side, Liu Biao waited for half an hour, these gangs. Half a hour later, the waste was quickly gathered under the threat of the human head. Liu watched him in the armor and rode up the horse. He looked at the Yue and Cai Yi coldly and looked at them. It’s a sentence, “Starting, Jingshan House!”

Five thousand people from Fuyang Wei went to Jingshan House.


"Little Cui sister, Xiao Cui sister. Someone wants to see the lady!" Xiao Cui's mind is still thinking about the rolling pin. Zhang Hong, the guardian of Jingshan Mansion, went forward to report.

"I don't say no!" Xiao Cui directly refused "no one allowed the ladies without the lady's permission!"

"No. No!" Zhang Hong ran anxiously, so he didn't finish talking.

"This is not someone else, but, but Cai, Cai Junshi is coming to send people!" Zhang Hong finally said everything.

"Cai Junshi?!" Xiao Cui hurriedly stood up. Cai Wei was the great lord of Xiao Cui, so he still attached great importance to Cai Wei’s sent Xiao Cui.

"What did Cai Junshi send people to come?!" Xiao Cui took the lead to ask Zhang Hong, and now the lady can not see the guests. Xiao Cui can't directly see the people sent by Cai Junshi.

"I don't know, that person didn't say it, just said that there is something to find a lady!" Zhang Hong repeated it again.

"I know, you go to bring this person to the front hall quickly, and you will say that the lady will come soon!" Xiao Cui wants to disappear, but does not know what happened, can let Cai Junshi send people to come There are also things to do business, Xiao Cui can only help people to see themselves first.

"Yes!" Zhang Hong took the lead.

"Mrs. What about my wife?!" Outside the courtyard, a scout dressed up. Anxiously walking around the courtyard. He had wanted to go straight to find his wife, but he was stopped by several guards. He can't be tough, even though he is a Cai Li person, but if Mrs. Cai is angry, Cai Wei can't report him.

As soon as Zhang Hong came out, the scout immediately went forward and asked.

"The brave man is in a hurry, the lady said to let you go to the front hall and wait, come right away!" Zhang Hong said to the scout.

"It’s too late, it’s too late, let me see my wife directly!” The scout waited and rushed straight into it.

"Bold!" The man has not yet entered, and the two swords are in front of this scout.

These two swords are not for playing. If this scout really breaks in, I am afraid that the sword will fall. The scouts will not dare to swear. They have to bite their teeth and say, "I hope that my wife can see you soon." "Going to the front hall."

This scout was left in the front hall and waited until he waited for the right. He couldn’t wait any longer, and walked over in the front hall.

Xiao Cui saw the anxiousness of this scout from the curtain and frowned. He carried a tray and walked toward the scout.

As soon as I heard the movement, the scout hurriedly turned around and said, "Mrs. "but I saw Xiao Cui, and I couldn’t help but ask the lady, madam!"

"Mrs. I will come right away, let me give you a little tea for a while!" Xiao Cui put the teacup in his hand and said it to the people.

"Can't wait, can't wait! There are at most half an hour, it's coming!" Scouts were anxious to the extreme.

"What half an hour?!" Xiao Cui asked, he just wants to know what the scout is going to send, and where the lady can see people now, he can only cope with this maid. "I am a close-knit maid around my wife. If there is anything I can bring to you for my wife now!" Xiao Cui lowered the alertness of this scout.

"Hey, I will just say it!" The scout is really unbearable. If the son-in-law is the best girl next to her wife, it would be best if it was not the news, so the scout will be directly Opening up, "There will be a small half hour, Jingzhou Mu, Jingzhou Mud will bring the army to Jingshan House!"

‘“What!” Xiao Cui directly stunned. “What do you say? Say it again!” Xiao Cui could not believe the news.

"I said that there will be half an hour, Jingzhou Musher will bring the army to the Jingshan House!" This scout repeated a flat.

"No, no!" Xiaocui Mengde shook his head. How can the current lady see people, let alone the arrival of Jingzhou Mu Liu, if Jingzhou Mu Liu sees his wife, then everyone will be finished. His Royal Highness will die, and the wife will die. Even the son-in-law who is with him, even the entire Jingshan House will die, because it involves Liu’s green hat problem. It is a man who can’t stand it.

"Does Cai Junshi say why Jingzhou Mud is coming to Jingshan Mansion?!" Xiao Cui continued to ask, he hoped to get the whole story.

"This Cai Junshi doesn't know, there is an assassin who killed the guardian of the state's pastoral house. A letter was turned out from the murdered guardian. Jingzhou Mu was only seen after reading this letter! I don't know what the reason is, but looking at the face of the state animal husbandry is not good, so let me wait to tell my wife, let my wife meet as soon as possible! Please also inform the lady quickly!" Cai Wei sent a scout to Xiao Cui .

"I know! The strong man also please take a break, I will inform the lady immediately!" Xiao Cui also knows the seriousness of the matter. This Jingzhou animal husbandry is coming, once the lady is discovered, it is true. It’s over.

So now, regardless of whether they are willing or not, Xiao Cui will go to stop the wife and the royal family.

Xiao Cui quickly ran towards the backyard and reached the front of the lady's room. There was still a shy voice coming in, and the voice was getting bigger and bigger, and Xiao Cui’s face was red again.

But now Xiao Cui has taken care of this, she directly pushed the door directly into the door.

It’s not that Mrs. Cai is on it now, but that Liu Wei is on the top of it. It seems that the battle has been reversed in the direction of Wang Hao’s Liu Wei. The king of Liu Wei is more and more brave, and Mrs. Cai is only a parry.

"Mrs., madam!" Xiao Cui wanted to wake up to Mrs. Cai, but Mrs. Cai now has a flush of red on her face. Although the expression on the face is painful, the movements on the body are going forward. Where is Xiao Cui able to wake up.

"His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness!" Xiao Cui went to the other side of the king, Liu Wei, and wanted to wake up the king. She just took the guard on the shoulder of Liu Wang and suddenly screamed. .

It turned out that Wang Liu, a singer, grabbed Xiao Cui’s arm directly, and pulled Xiao Cui into his arms. Xiao Cui wanted to struggle, but she was a female slut, how could it be Liu’s opponent, directly Liu Yu was pulled into his arms. In the horror of Xiao Cui, Liu Wei directly tore the clothes of Xiao Cui.

The fragments of the clothes were scattered all over the place. There were two women and one man, three frank and opposite people.

"Pain!" In Xiao Cui's horror, the rolling pin she had been thinking about finally realized that Xiao Cui has been twenty-six years old, and it is already a big woman in this ancient age, but in modern times. Twenty-six of them are just right when they are just looking forward to the moon, and Xiao Cui is not bad. Even if they can't fall into the country, they don't fall into the city, but they are also very beautiful. There is a little girl's charm, not to mention she is still a yellow flower. Prostitute!

The first time, naturally, it is not so comfortable, but a kind of severe pain, just like something is torn apart, so Xiaocui is fainting, she wants to stop, but can’t stop it. I can only watch my body being torn apart.

The tears on the face of the tears are falling, just when Xiao Cui thought that he was going to die, another feeling felt on his mind.

The whole body seems to be sublimated. For more than 20 years, a feeling that has never been seen before has been put on the mind.

"Hurry, hurry! Ah!" Xiao Cui was shy and died. How could she say such a word, but then she would not be ashamed, because she was completely immersed.

Just when Xiao Cui thought that he was going to die, Mrs. Cai was also entangled like a water snake, and even rudely pushed Xiao Cui away, and he occupied Liu Wei alone.

The departure of the rolling pin, Xiao Cui was awakened from that realm, the pain of the body, let Xiao Cui think about it, she wants to wake up the lady and the royal family, because Jingzhou Mu Liu is on the road, if If you don't wake up, you will be finished.

Xiaocui knows that she is not awake by relying on her, because the two are completely in a situation of selflessness. Xiaocui bites her teeth and she stands up. There is an unbearable pain in walking. Accompanied by her, but this little woman still insisted on the end of a copper basin with cold water on the side, and has been walking to the place where Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai are entangled.

"His Royal Highness, Madame, offended!" Xiao Cui directly took the cold water and fell directly toward Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai.

This is winter, even if there is geothermal heat in Mrs. Cai’s room, but it cannot be directly watered with cold water.

Liu Wei’s body that had been hot was directly poured into a chilling heart.

Liu Wei’s originally red eyes began to slowly turn black, and the enlarged pupils began to return to the original.

"I, this. Me. This!" Liu Wei slowly recovered his mind. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found a white jade body in his arms. Liu Wei remembers that he is in the middle of the family with his wife. The body of this white jade is Linger, or Yuer or Fang!

"His Royal Highness!" Just as Liu Wei was still confused, someone was calling Liu Wei.

"Hmm?!" Liu Wei turned her head and saw a similar white jade woman standing on the side and Liu Wei honestly opposed, this woman was also obviously injured. There is still blood in the body.

"Xiao Cui girl?!" Liu Wei's temper gradually recovered and came over and looked at the white jade woman in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, you finally woke up, and finally woke up!" Xiao Cui saw Liu Wei recovering his mind and cried directly.

"What happened?!" Liu Wei was really confused. What happened in the end? Why Xiao Cui girl is honest with her. Looking at this, all these masterpieces are made by myself.

Is it that I have not resisted the Xiao Cui girl and the girl in her arms?

"Little Cui girl, don't cry, don't cry, I will be responsible!" Liu Wei is most afraid of the woman crying. For the barbarian princess squid, Liu Wei’s heart fell. That is because the squid is too strong, she has been holding back, and Liu Wei is afraid of a woman crying, not a woman who wants to be strong, and Xiao Cui is crying directly, let Liu Wei really A little lost.

"What about your wife?!" Liu Wei did not persuade him to persuade Xiao Cui to cry even more, and Liu Wei could only transfer the topic.

"Mrs., madam, my wife is in your arms!" Xiao Cui looked at Liu Wei with tears in her arms.

"What!" Liu Wei will be really dumbfounded. The woman in this arms is Mrs. Cai? Liu Wei changed the beautiful woman in her arms in one direction. Only then did she find that this is not Mrs. Cai? Although it is Mrs. Cai who has no clothes, this is indeed Mrs. Cai, the sister of Cai Wei, the wife of the old man of Jingzhou, the head of Jingzhou.

"Yes!" Liu Wei twisted so that Mrs. Cai had another feeling. A pair of lips once again printed on Liu Wei’s mouth and kissed Liu Wei in the past. Liu Wei’s body once again reacted. Up, the tide red once again put on the body of Liu Wei, and once again the blood on the body climbed up.

"No, no!" Liu Yan's eyes will turn red, but Liu Wei is strong, and he is fighting with his own standing.

This is not a normal person's reaction at all. Liu Wei is no longer shameful, but he is not shameless, but he will not be directly touched by people. He has no wisdom and only wants to create life! And the body is still hot.

This is obviously being taken medicine. Regardless of it, Liu Wei took out his arm and slap it on his face. He hoped to wake himself up, but his eyes became more and more confused.

"Can't do this!" Liu Wei doesn't know what's going on, but once he gets lost again, it will be a big problem.

Liu Wei saw the coffee table on the side, because Mrs. Cai had fought hundreds of rounds on the table, so the teacups that were originally placed on the table were all swept off the ground and were smashed. Fragmentation.

Liu Wei directly picked up a broken piece of porcelain and tied it to his body.

"Don't want to go down to His Royal Highness!" Looking at Liu Wei's desire to self-mutilate, Xiao Cui on the side immediately shouted distressedly.

Can't be! If Liu Wei does not do this, he will once again lose his own. Under the force of Liu Wei, he directly used a piece of porcelain to give a half-foot-long wound on his arm. The blood rushed directly from the wound and splashed into the ground.

"Ah!" Xiao Cui did not dare to look at it and stared at his own eyes.

"Oh!" The blood was flowing, and Liu Wei finally recovered his mind again. The feeling of loss gradually disappeared. This kind of severe pain made Liu Wei’s mind clear. The wound that was torn open was also like a venting mouth. The blood was flowing and flowing, and the heat that Liu Wei should not have had slowly dissipated.

Looking at the tender body in the arms, Liu Wei finally knows what kind of poison he has planted. "Drunk Xianlu!" Liu Wei is simply gnashing his teeth. This thing Liu Wei has seen it once, but he did not expect to see the second. Times.

If this little Cui wakes up in a timely manner with cold water, he may be lost in this love.

Where is this thing coming from! The first time Liu Wei met him was in the music hall. The old man of the music hall used the drunk fairy to use the barbarian pelican. Just a small spoon. Let such a strong person become lost. If it weren't for Liu's help, it might be that the squid's life was so ruined.

Now Liu Wei has met again. This time, not only Mrs. Cai drank, but also eaten herself. This is the scene in front of her eyes.

Liu Wei shook his head, in the end when he was recruited.

After thinking about it carefully, he did not eat or drink anything when he came to Jingshan House. "That cup of tea?!" Liu Wei suddenly called out the voice.

"What cup of tea?!" asked Xiao Cui on the side.

"Xiao Cui. What is there in the cup of tea?!" Liu Wei looked at Xiao Cui with a clear eyes, because when the cup of tea was brought in, there was Xiao Cui on the side.

"That glass of water?!" Xiao Cui heard what Liu Wei said, "You are suspected of the cup of tea!"

"Well! Xiaocui, tell me what is in the cup of tea?" Liu Wei looked straight at Xiao Cui and wanted to get an answer from Xiaocui.

"This tea is not for me!" Xiao Cui wants to defend what.

"Isn't you?!" Liu Wei looked at Xiaocui puzzledly, but it really didn't seem to use Xiaocui, because if it was Xiaocui, then it is impossible to get yourself into it! Moreover, the kind of loyalty that Xiao Cui showed to Mrs. Cai is not pretending. If it is pretending, then this little green is too terrible.

"It’s Xiaolian, yes, it’s Xiaolian!” Xiaocui said directly, “It’s Xiaolian. She said that if she wants to meet with you, she will come in!”

"Xiaolian?!" Liu Wei remembers that there is still a woman.

"Why is she going to harm me?!" Liu Wei looked at Mrs. Cai, who was lying in her arms. He knows that this thing may not be good. Once drunk Xianlu will definitely lose himself after drinking, and now he and Mrs. Cai have happened, how should this end, if Mrs. Cai or Liu Biao want to pursue, then Yangzhou and Jingzhou was completely broken. Liu Yixiu wanted to get the slightest grain from Jingzhou, and the two armies would fall into the war.

"Not a small lotus!" Although there are many enemies in Liuzhou in Jingzhou, there is still less than a woman and a woman who must start to work with Liu Wei.

I can't get the grain? Jingzhou and Yangzhou fight? Conspiracy, which is full of conspiracy, who is the most profitable?

Liu Wei gritted his teeth and spit out three words from his mouth, "Little Turkey!" That is, Jingzhou Little Turkey will do this, once he is finished. And Jingzhou Liu Biao became a deadly enemy. The most proud thing is that Yuzhou Liu ran away. Jingzhou will certainly fund Liu Bei, and Liu Bei will also accept the attack on Yangzhou.

As for Cai Wei’s shooting of these enemies, Liu Wei would not think about it, because the first Cai Wei could not come to frame his sister’s, even if Cai Wei was unhappy with himself and wanted to play himself, he could not take himself. The younger sister came to sacrifice, because this sister gave Liu Biao a son. This son is the root of Cai Wei in Jingzhou. As long as Mrs. Cai is there, then Cai’s Cai family will be stable, if Liu Liu is down, Then the Cai family is almost finished.

The yellow shot is even more impossible. The IQ of the yellow shot has not yet reached this point. This kind of double-edged, even multi-carved plot is not a single-cell creature that Huang shot can think of.

Then in the end, there is only one person left, that is, the Jingzhou small turkey Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, and only Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan is an enemy who hates both his own bones and a high IQ. Such an enemy is the most terrible.

"His Royal Highness, now is not the time to think about this, hurry up, Jingzhou Mu, Jingzhou Mu Liu is on the way!" Xiao Cui told Liu Wei about the news that Liu Wei almost jumped up .

"Liu table is coming?!" Liu Wei is crying and tears, this is to be raped in bed! Once Liu Biao arrived and saw them like this, not only Cai’s finished Liu Wei but also finished, even if Lu Bu could not save him, Liu Biao would definitely kill himself, even if Liu Biao would be embarrassed again, no matter how enterprising, but he The old, the woman was asleep, and she was also worried about being brought with a green hat.

"What happened!"

"Before, some people came to inform me that it was half an hour!" Xiao Cui did not know what to say, can you say that you have bullied her for half an hour?

"Lord, the Lord! Happy, happy! Liu did not know why he came to Jingshan House. We can see Liu Table and talk with him!" A lady’s familiar voice came from outside Mrs. Cai’s room. This is not Jia Zhang. Jia Wen and the voice of the old fox. Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai chat. Naturally, someone went to treat Jia Wei. Jia Zhang naturally got the news of his own spies in the mansion. This Liu watch is coming. His frame has already been out of Xiangyang City. At most, there are still a few moments, it is coming, Liu Wei goes to Liu Biao. The house is not seeing Liu Biao. Now Liu Biao has appeared personally. Liu Wei can still convince Liu Biao with the help of Yue Yue. And the people of Pang Degong’s Lumen Academy did not make a scorpion. It can be said that the probability of success is great.

"Mad happy? If Liu Biao came in and found out that he is now waiting for me to do funeral!" Liu Wei said with a sigh of relief, "Jia Wei, you have to give me a house, you must stop the watch." !"

Liu Wei looked at the chaos in the room. This battlefield must be cleaned up, otherwise he will wait for the death, and it will take time to clean up the battlefield. It will be too late for a while, only to let Jia Wei go first. Stop it.

"Ah!" Jia will refute a moment.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to go to Laozi. I have to pull you to die!" Liu Wei's impetuous voice came out of the room.

"Why is Liu Biao coming, is the Lord Gong finished?" Jia Wei is an old fox. The old fox can naturally get a lot of news from the clues. Liu Wei was looking forward to talking with Liu Biao before, but Liu Biao did not give the opportunity to be sick, or went out. Now Liu Bei picks up the door, Liu Wei is afraid It is.

Liu Wei is afraid that Liu Biao has only one explanation, plus it is in the house of Mrs. Cai.

"This, this!" Jia Wei can only smile at Liu Wei, this lord, when is it, and also engaged in the wife of Liu Biao, although Jia Wei smiled, but had to give a thumbs up to this master, In fact, what Jia Wei is looking forward to is how to return to Yangzhou, how the protagonist explained to the three masters.

Jia Wei went out to go to the front door, and was ready to stop Liu.

"No!" Liu Wei is now leaving, and Mrs. Cai will still be aware of Liu.

Therefore, it is imperative to wake up Mrs. Cai first.

"Mrs., ma'am!" Liu Wei gently patted Mrs. Cai. This row was big, and Mrs. Cai was like a water snake. It didn't make Liu Wei dry and uneasy.

"Mad!" Liu Wei was crying. The last time the squid happened, Liu Wei wanted to die. Now there is more Mrs. Cai. Fortunately, Mrs. Cai and Liu Wei have been fighting for a long time. Time is up, so this effect has been reduced a lot.

"Xiao Cui, you will go out and give me a quarter of an hour. I will definitely wake you up from my wife! If Liu watches come, you will say that my wife is ill!" Although Liu Wei and Xiao Cui have a husband and wife, but still To avoid Xiao Cui, this will detoxify Mrs. Cai.

"Yeah!" Xiao Cui nodded. She naturally heard drunken dew, knowing the power of this drunken dew, and knowing how to detoxify it, so she looked at a few pieces of clothes from Mrs. Cai’s room and put it on her own. Out to the lady, there is still a shame to Liu Wei.

"Water!" Mrs. Cai is still in the middle of confusion. The whole person is controlled by the drunken dew, and there is nothing else in her heart.

Seeing Xiao Cui left the room, Liu Wei took a deep breath, and this has to be done again. Liu Wei now finally knows a famous saying, what is called a dead cow, no farmland. Liu Wei had planned to use his hand, but his arm was already injured. Although it was simply wrapped, it was still not too vigorous to watch the beautiful woman in his arms.

Anyway, it has already been violated, and I don't care about this time. Liu Wei picked up the rolling pin and worked hard. The whole room seems to have entered the spring.

"Hurry and fast!" Liu Biao rides on the trenches and whipped his squad, his face cold and blue, this is the second time since Liu took the Jingzhou, he personally rode the horse to go out, the last time he shot Jiangdong When Sun Ce’s father, Changsha Tiger, Sun Jian, now Liu Bian once again climbed the war horse. He did not go out this time, but went to Jingshan House because of the note.

After the kind of note was received by Liu, he did not pass it to Cai Wei and he looked at it. It was because the things written on it were really shame. Once spread out, Liu Biao really had no face.

Behind them, there are two young people, Cai Wei and Yu Yue, who are riding on the trenches and galloping up. They have not been on the horse for many years. Both of them ride on the horses and feel the buttocks are uncomfortable, but the two do not dare to have the slightest Complaint, because the current Liu watch is really cold and terrible.

There is only one sentence on the letter to Liu Biao, "Mrs. Cai is in the middle of Jingshan Mansion!" (To be continued...)

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