My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 491: Untitled (4)

"Where is it?" Liu Biao is old after all. The horse riding for a while is tiring up and tired, and can't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead and ask the soldiers under his hand.

"The swearing lord, there are still fifteen miles to reach Jingshan!" 蒯 赶 赶 赶 赶 。 回答 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Five fifteen miles?!" Liu Biao's brow wrinkled, this fifteen miles is far away, that is, the horses of the horse for a quarter of an hour, but said that the near is not close, but also bump for a while, to know the general march words It is already a front-line force to be able to march for fifty miles a day. Only those elites can be able to travel hundreds of miles a day. After all, Liu’s body is coming, and this road has been a bit bumpy.

"Lord, there are still fifteen miles left. We are not in a hurry for this half-time. Let's take a break for a while!" Cai Wei got up and presented to Liu Biao with courtesy. Cai Wei was able to occupy half of Jingzhou in Jingzhou. I am good at seeing the face of the main official Liu Biao and knowing what Liu Biao wants.

However, today, it is doomed that Cai Wei’s horse is going to be photographed on the horse’s leg. He only heard Liu’s cold snoring, and said to Cai’s dedication and calmness, “But it’s just fifteen miles! What else do you want to rest? Do you Cai Cai’s Cai Dejun? Tired? Or are you in the heart of Cai Dezhen?!"

"Lord, this?" Cai Wei would like to distinguish a few words, want to ask where to say this, what is in the heart, from being pulled out by you, Cai Wei has been in the fog, the more squatting on the side Cai Wei, now Liu Biao and not the one who can listen to the persuasion, and instead of being insulted by him, it’s better to calm down and wait and see what happened to Jingshan’s house. Anyway, it’s already done. I have done it, and I can’t do it. Can I still pull Liu Biao back?

"Let's go, let's go, go to Jingshan House and say anything else!" Yan Yue pulled a handful of Cai Wei, Cai Wei can only endure the uncomfortable feelings in his heart, and waved his hands, and once again in the army of the majesty The startup started.


"How can I be here? How can this be like this!" After the hard work of Liu Wei, Mrs. Cai finally discharged the toxins from the body, but everything in front of him was completely let the lady give I was so surprised that she couldn’t hold herself anymore.

"You go out, go out!" Mrs. Cai pointed at Liu Wei and suddenly shivered her face and shouted, because she was naked, so Mrs. Cai wanted to find some cloth to cover her, but found that it was all in vain, the ground There are only those broken clothes where there are other things that can be shy. Putting these rags on the body is not just not covering them. Instead, it has a feeling of sentiment, so Liu Wei can't help but look at him.

"I have been honestly relative to this level, but also use the cover? I have not seen anywhere in your body!" Liu Wei said softly.

"What do you say?!" Mrs. Cai’s brow wrinkled and yelled at Liu Wei.

"Nothing!" Liu Wei said, haha, took the clothes that Xiao Cui had prepared from the bed, and threw it to Mrs. Cai, "wear it!"

"You go out first!" Mrs. Cai looked cold and said to Liu Wei.

"I must go out when I go out, but now I can do it without wearing it! Don't blame me for not reminding you, there is still a quarter of an hour, maybe your state husband husband is coming!" After such a sentence, Mrs. Cai was stunned, Liu Wei was also stunned, and Mrs. Cai’s where she still manages, Liu Wei has not yet gone out, she just wore it up, the glamorous body, Let Liu Wei see that I can't wait to go over the bed to the beauty, and enjoy it! (To be continued.)

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