In the room, a man and a woman are silent. Xiao Cui is a good girl. After wearing it, she also brought a set of dry clothes to Liu Wei. Liu Wei is also dressed, and Mrs. Cai will walk a few steps. However, the following is a kind of pain that is concentrated. I can't help but look at Liu Wei with that kind of charming eyes. All this is Liu Wei's masterpiece, but Mrs. Cai also remembers her own madness and her face is also It is rosy.

"Okay! Dressed up, you should leave!" Mrs. Cai put on her clothes and immediately refused to recognize people.

"I think too, but now you want to let Liu Jingsheng see it in the room!" Liu Wei pointed to the broken battlefield on the ground and said to Mrs. Cai.

"You!" Mrs. Cai wants to come and clean up, but the pain in her body makes it difficult for her to move, and now it can't be taken out of the way to let outsiders come to clean up, only to do it themselves.

"Liu Wei, Liu Hanyang, this lady was discovered, and you won't be good!" Mrs. Cai grinned and looked at Liu Wei and threatened Liu Wei.

"Not for threatening me! You and I are all grasshoppers on a rope. I am unlucky. You can't go anywhere. I will die at most when I die. If you die, can you still have a Cai family?!" I am also angry at the woman who is Mrs. Cai. Now this woman simply can’t understand. In the end, who is the enemy, Liu Wei himself is also framed. The two tigresses in the family still don't tear Liu Wei into pieces.

Mrs. Cai’s hearing of Liu Wei’s twilight was also dim in her eyes. Indeed, Liu Wei’s words were discovered by Liu Bian, and Liu Biao killed Liu Wei at most. Maybe there is a Lu Bu in Yangzhou to help Liu Wei revenge. And if she is Cai Wei’s words. No matter how much Liu’s favor is that she will eventually die, even with Cai’s family, she will be unlucky. This is what Mrs. Cai is most worried about. “What do you want Liu Wei Liu Hanyang to do?!” exclaimed Mrs. Cai’s Liu Wei shouted.

It turned out that Liu Han and Liu Hanyang once again came forward, holding Mrs. Cai in her arms. Mrs. Cai wanted to struggle sharply, but how could a weak woman be a rival to Liu Wei’s second-rate general? Can twist in the arms of Liu Wei and twist over. It's like itching.

"Don't move!" Liu Wei said to the beautiful woman in the arms, "I am not responsible for moving again!" The toxins of Liu Qian's drunken dew have not been completely removed, so the twist of the beautiful woman is brought Liu Wei once again entered the kind of **.

"Hey!" Mrs. Cai also felt that something was glaring at herself. She wanted to struggle, but she was afraid that what happened before Liu Wei would only be cold.

"Well?!" Even Mrs. Cai did not think of herself. After being hugged by Liu Wei, she sniffed the sweat on his body and the unique smell of their **** struggle. Mrs. Cai’s face began to flush. .

"Is it so okay!" Liu Wei took the beautiful woman in her arms and threw it on the bed, wrapped it in a bedding.

"You are so difficult to see people now, or stay in bed!" Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai. Now Mrs. Cai is just waking up, as long as she looks carefully. Still can see the flaws.

I don't know why, Mrs. Cai actually agreed to it.

"The room will be handed over to me!" Liu Wei looked at the broken battlefield in front of his eyes. He had a headache. How crazy they were, it would become so. The past life watch movies, that is, those professional players. An hour is over, and the longest is only two hours, but it is a woman's strong, and now Liu Wei wakes up from early to Liu Wei, at least two or three hours, this combat power, Liu I don’t know if I’m crying or laughing, and martial arts really is to keep fit.

Now this battlefield needs Liu Wei to come and clean up.

Liu Wei’s hands and feet can not be slow, so the broken clothes and other things are all cleared out by Liu Wei, the doors and windows are also opened to breathe, so that the smell inside the house disappears, even Xiao Cui also sent An aroma was added to remove the smell from the house.


"The Lord Gong we have already arrived in Jingshan, and the front is the house of the lady!" The cockroach on the side said to Liu Biao.

Finally arrived, Liu Biao wiped the sweat on his face. In the end, it was old. It was not the original Liu Jun Liu Liusheng who entered Jingzhou in a single shot.

"Come on!" Liu Biao did not appreciate, but snorted loudly.

"Subordinates are there!" Several thousand people will include Cai Wei all in front of Liu Biao's fist.

"Give me the whole Jingshan House, and let him half of the flies can't fly out!" Liu Biao screamed coldly at the face of the soldiers below.

"This?!" Several thousand people will be stunned. The front is Jingshan House, but it is the house of the lady. The thousands of them are the sons of the princes, or the characters of the sects. How could you not know who the owner of Jingshan Mansion is? Surrounding the house of the lady?

If the lady is okay, but the wife still has a status, it is the sister of the Jingzhou military division Cai Wei, and their boss is Cai Wei, they are the direct songs of Cai Wei, so they all turned their attention to Cai Wei.

"How, even if you don't even listen to me, you have my main lord in your eyes? This Jingzhou is surnamed Liu, not surnamed Cai!" Liu’s cold voice made the following thousand people fight in a cold war. I have never treated Liu Cai like this before. Every time, whether it is a big event or a small matter, Cai Wei is the person who focuses on Liu Biao, and is also the red man under Liu’s watch. Even if Huang Zu is in Pang, Liu Biao still makes Huang Zu. Sitting on Cai Wei's body, using this to indicate that Cai Wei's status can be regarded as a figure above the 10,000 people in Jingzhou, but today Liu Biao actually said such a thing.

The thousands of people below will be shocked by the hearts of the people. Is this Jingzhou going to change the wind?

"Let's look at me! What do you do when you let the Lord do what you do!" Cai Wei was also angry. Today, Liu Watch was summoned for no reason. After the disaster, Liu Biao was reprimanded for no reason. it's good now. Directly outside the court, the public screamed. Cai Wei can not be angry! But Cai Wei is not a person without a sense of proportion, can only suppress his anger.

When I saw Cai Wei, Liu Biao snorted.

Thousands of soldiers and horses were immediately separated and surrounded by the entire Jingshan Mansion. The current Jingshan Mansion is really nothing to say, even if a bird passes by, it must be shot down.

"Haha, haha! You see, the military division, you see, Liu Biao is coming. With the terracotta warriors!" On the limelight of Jingshan, Pang Tong’s men pointed at the Jingshan Mansion surrounded by heavy horses and horses. Pang Tong said excitedly.

Can they not be excited? Above this limelight, but for a long time, the body is stiff, even if there is a coat, but it is cold, cold wind, coupled with the wind and the humid air, everyone is fighting.

Now that I am calling for a long time, Liu Biao is finally coming with his men. Can you be excited? Their military division is to watch Liu Biao kill Liu Wei personally.

"Liu Jingsheng! You are finally here!" Pang Tong also nodded. The black fat man is freezing into a dead fat man, but when he sees the arrival of Liu Biao, everything is worth it. As long as Liu Biao entered the Jingshan Mansion, he saw the frank and honest relationship between his wife and another young man in the room. He would be mad at the madness. Once Liu Watch is crazy, then Liu Wei has a way to live! Killing, killing Liu Wei, and then fighting with Yangzhou, when Yangzhou is not enough.

"Is this the 襄阳卫?!" Pang Tong looked at the soldiers and horses in Jingzhou below, and sent a letter from Pang Tong to Liu Biao. This is already a few hours, even if it is going back and forth, but it is too slow! And now, Fuyang Wei, Pang Tong looked at the soldiers and horses, although they did not look carefully, but the team was still dragging, like a short bug.

Such a piece of music, the master's armpits do not need Xiliang iron ride, relying on the Qingzhou soldiers, you can defeat it in a battle!

Pang Tong looked coldly at the Jingzhou soldiers and horses below. Attacking Jingzhou was already in the planning of Pang Tong. Jingzhou’s stepping was not enough to worry about, so Pang Tong worried about Jingzhou’s water army, and now Jingzhou Shuijun The elite is dragged by Jiang Bei, the ally of Liu Bei, who is the ally of Liu Bei, as long as Jingzhou and Yangzhou fight, then Jingzhou really needs to be at your fingertips!

Pang Tong greedily looked at the soldiers and horses under the mountain, killing Liu Wei!

The protection of Mrs. Cai’s horses and horses in the Jingshan Mansion also saw that some troops were galloping towards it, and all the people were on guard.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" The guards in the entire Jingshan Mansion all acted, and the swords and hard bows were all armed.

This gang guarding Mrs. Cai’s terracotta is really elite, and it’s better than the yang yang.

"Old Li, you speeded up to the war horse before going to Jingzhou to sue the lord, Jingshan House was attacked by an unknown army, and the wife's safety was at stake, let Jingzhou quickly send troops and horses to support!" A guard's head is facing the guards of his majesty Shouted.

“No need!” The group of people came directly to Jingshan House.

"Who!" All the bows and arrows have been put on the bowstrings and they are thrown out as soon as they are ordered. The guard leader asked the hostage.

"Bold! Jingzhou animal husbandry is here, not rushing to meet!" A screaming voice passed from the opposite side.

"What! Jingzhou animal husbandry?!" All the people in Jingshan House are stunned, Jingzhou Mu Liu? Who is the husband of Jingshan House? Do you know? Why did you send troops and horses to surround the Jingshan House?

"How can the Lord go here? It must be fake!" Someone questioned that the bow and arrow did not relax at all, but they could not speak out for a while.

Because the horse gradually approached, an old man dressed in a battle armor who was escorted by the crowd immediately was not Jingzhou Mu Liu and who was it.

"The hundred people in the **** camp will see the lord!" The guard head was directly stunned.

The guards of the Jingshan House on the edge of the house saw their own heads down, and naturally they all bowed down, and the bows and arrows were all put down. "We have seen the Lord!"

"The subordinates do not know that the protagonist is coming, but also hope that the Lord will forgive the sins!" The hundred people in the **** camp will be holding the fists at Liu.

Liu Biao will not ignore this little hundred people, but directly to the hundred people will directly say coldly, "Where is the lady, take me quickly!"

"Ah?!" This hundred people will not know how Liu Biao came in. He wants to know that his guard head is still a book by Liu Biao. On weekdays, Liu Biao will also encourage a few words. But now it’s a cold face that doesn’t know what’s going on. This guard leader did not dare to ask. I am going to go straight with Liu.

"Liu Jingzhou" Liu Biao went straight to the inner court. Just arrived in the inner court. A middle-aged man smiled and walked out and said hello to Liu.

"Jia Jia Jia Wenhe?!" Liu Biao knows this man, because Jia Wei used to give Zhang embroidery advice. He also taught Zhang Xiu not to be against Liu. Instead, he took Nanyang County and then went to Liu. In this way, Zhang Xiu’s Xiliang Army has a place to go, and it is also possible to rely on Liu’s grain to make Zhang Xi’s Xiliang Army grow.

And the person who talks with Jingzhou Liu Table is Jia Wei. Therefore, Liu Biao still recognizes Jia Wei.

The current Jia Yu joined the Yangzhou Army, and Liu Biao also knows.

"Liu Jingzhou!" Jia Wei will come forward to say hello, but Liu Biao is sneer, "Come on, take this person!"

"Liu Jingzhou, Liu Jingzhou?!" Jia Wei's task sleeps to Liu Wei as much as possible to delay the time, but Liu Biao can not directly distinguish Jia Jia, it is completely uneasy to play the script.

Jia Wei is also no way!

"Liu Liu Liu Hanyang!" Liu Bian saw this Jia Jia Jia Wen and this anger is in the heart, Jia Wei is Liu Wei's person, how can Jia Wei be in Liu Wei? And Liu Biao remembered the letter "traitor, husband, kinky, woman!" Liu Biao is simply gnashing his teeth. He believed more and more in the letter.

"蒯越兄?!" Jia Wei looked at the side of the hurriedly and hurriedly wanted to help him, but the more he shook his head and smiled, and said that love could not help,

"Jia??" Cai Wei looked at Jia Wei's gaze. It was a fire. My sister won't! Cai Wei is not a fool and should guess something. Although my sister has been squatting for a long time, it is not as good as Liu Wei Liu Hanyang.

"The Lord, the Lord, can only ask you to ask for more blessings!" Jia Wei could not stop it. He could only hope that Liu Wei would ask for more happiness. If Liu Wei was caught alive, then Jia Wei would not escape. Falling a dead.

"Master!" Xiao Cui also came out, although the body is very painful, but it is to endure the pain to come to meet Liu Biao.

"Well?!" I saw Xiaocui Liu’s eyes smashed up. "Mrs!"

"Madam, madam!" Xiao Cuizhiwu, I don't know what to say. "Mrs are resting in the room now!" Xiao Cui can only be perfunctory.

"Yes?!!" Liu did not believe it at all, but was prepared to go over Xiao Cui to Mrs. Cai’s room.

"Master, lord! You can't go in now!" Xiao Cui is rushing to pull Liu Biao.

"贱婢 贱婢 !!" Liu Biao was very angry, Meng De shoved a direct push on Xiao Cui to the ground. He is going to go to the rape, husband, kinky, and woman on the spot.

Xiao Cui can't stop, Liu Biao went straight to the room of Mrs. Cai.

"Go in, go in!" In the house, Pang Tong's chess pieces are excitedly watching Liu Biao and will directly enter Mrs. Cai's house. As long as I see 1 Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai honestly, the big thing will be fixed. .

"It's over, it's over!" Jia Wei did not see his master coming out of the room, so the master is still inside the house. When I finished, Jia Zhang’s heart was already screaming. I wanted him to be wise in his life. He thought about waiting for the price and found a real person who could win the world, to consolidate his Jia’s status, but who knows that he is going to be destroyed here. Still died because of a woman.

"Liu Jingzhou really is a big temper!" A person's figure appeared, I saw this person came out from behind Liu Biao, his body has changed a set of clothes, watching Liu Biao coldly said.

"His Royal Highness!!" Yu Yue saw the coming, exclaimed.

"Lord?!" As soon as I heard the voice of the singer, Jia Yu, who had already despaired, once again raised his head and saw that Liu Jin and Liu Hanyang, who were coming in from the outer court, should be in the room. Well!

It’s just a big surprise. Jia Wei thought that Liu Wei would be caught in bed by Liu Bian. Finally, he was killed by Liu Wei, who was angered to the extreme, but Liu Wei is now, and it’s not from Cai. Out of the lady's room, how can this not be overjoyed, this Liu Wei appeared, then naturally there is no such thing as catching a **** in the bed, indicating that the life is saved.

"Liu Liu Liu Hanyang?!" Liu Biao's pupil narrowed up in his eyes. He thought about the **** of Liu Wei in the bed instead of appearing here. Looking at the direction of Liu Weilai, is the room in the outer courtyard?

"Liu Liu Liu Hanyang?!" Another shock is the Pang Tong's spies, how is it possible, how come! I have to know that he gave Liu Wei a medicine, but it is a whole bottle. How is it possible? It is counted ten times. How could it wake up so quickly, and now Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai are still in the middle of no wits. "Is it Xiaolian that is a monk?!"

Yes, Xiaolian really used the whole bottle of drunken dew, but not all of it was poured into the tea. Xiaolian is afraid that these people will harm other people, so Xiaolian’s tea in Liu Wei Only a few drops were put in, and all the rest were dumped by Xiaolian. If it was really a whole bottle, Liu Wei would not even wake up if he was a refining warrior.

Liu Wei did indeed come out of Mrs. Cai’s room, but it was not on the main entrance, but on the roof, lurking on the roof, and then appeared when no one noticed.

"Liu Jingzhou really is a big temper! Not only has the king's men been taken, but also the temper of his own prostitute?" Liu Wei was rude to Liu Biao, originally Liu Wei I slept with Mrs. Cai and had a guilty about Liu Biao, but now Liu Biao hit Xiao Cui, so that Liu Wei’s cockroaches disappeared directly. Turning to an anger, Liu Wei found another blood in the room of Mrs. Cai in addition to her own blood. Originally, Liu Wei thought it was his own, but the blood was not on his own arm. The same, and Liu Wei also has his own body, so naturally know who this blood is.

Liu Wei used the king against Liu Biao, that is to explain Liu Wei and Liu Biao and not to talk about friendship.

Liu Wei paid Xiao Cui up and guarded her behind her.

"His Royal Highness, there is something to do in Honshu, and I will wait until the Royal Highness of the King!" Liu is still not assured. He did not answer Liu Wei’s question, but waved his hand and let the soldiers under his hand stop. Yu Wang. I am going to walk in the room of Mrs. Cai.

"His Royal Highness, madam?!" Xiao Cui was anxious, he was about to yell at the exit, but he was stopped by Liu Wei.

"Xiao Cui, you are fine!" Xiao Cui was directly pushed by Liu Biao and fell on the ground, and the clothes were dirty.

"Mrs. Your Royal Highness, madam!" Xiao Cui yelled at Liu Wei.

"Do not worry, Xiao Cui, let your family go in!" Liu Yan looked at Liu Biao with a cold eyes and walked over Mrs. Cai's room.

Liu Biao directly opened Mrs. Cai’s door and did not knock on the door.

In the room, Mrs. Cai was lying on the bed, her face flushed, and she was sick. (To be continued.)

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