My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 493: Flower viewing

Liu Biao suddenly opened the curtain, and fixed his eyes. The beautiful woman on the bed seemed to have some sense. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the coming. This article is by . . Starting

"Master? I won't be dreaming! Master? It looks like I am confused! Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui, medicine is good!" The beautiful woman on the bed confusedly said to herself.

"Cough, cough!" Liu watched as Mrs. Cai, who was wrapped in a beggar and closed her eyes, could not help but cough.

He coughed, and Mrs. Cai’s eyes opened again.

"Madam, this is not a dream, it is me!"

"Master? Really a master?!" Mrs. Cai will do it, but the pain in her body made her frown.

"Master, it is uncomfortable to be physically uncomfortable, so I can't give a gift to the lord, but I also hope that the old man will forgive him!" Mrs. Cai said to Liu.

"Is it sick?!" Liu looked at his wife on the bed and wanted to see any clues on the face of Mrs. Cai, but everything was in vain, because Mrs. Cai was really sick, and the physical wounds fought. It’s so painful for a long time, it’s not loaded at all. It seems that the lady is really sick.

Liu Bian’s feeling in this heart is indeed very complicated. He has an impulse to see Mrs. Cai’s wife. She wants to find out that Mrs. Cai’s disguise is to arrest the husband, husband, and woman, but he’s on the spot, but he I don't want to, because no matter who doesn't like to be with a green hat, I saw that Mrs. Cai is ill, and how complicated Liu's feelings are.

"How did you come to Jingshan House?" asked Mrs. Cai.

"I, I, I!" Liu's face stunned and even flashed. He can't tell Mrs. Cai directly. I got a letter saying that you are derailed. Carry me with a green hat on the outside! I thought that Liu Biao had an excuse. "I learned that my wife was sick, my heart was upset, and I came to see my wife beforehand!"

"Why should the lord say this? How can a family say two things! This time I came to Jingshan House, I don’t know why this body is in the cold, I spent all these days in the hospital bed, I want to After taking a rest, I will go back. Whoever thinks of the lord, you are here! It’s really touching!” Mrs. Cai is also a character born from the sect. This act is still very good at it. There was tears on the corners of the eyes for a moment.

"Mrs. Don't have to be like this, don't have to be like this!" I saw the tears in the eyes of Mrs. Cai. The feeling of Liu’s heart was coming up. My wife was sick, and she still suspected that her wife was derailed. It shouldn’t be.

Mrs. Cai was very favored in Liu's home, except that because Mrs. Cai was Cai's sister, there was another one that Mrs. Cai had already grasped Liu's heart. Basically, Liu said what Mrs. Cai knew.

"Master. The lord can put down Jingzhou's government affairs and come to Jingshan House to see him in the busy schedule. He is very touched. But the master came out with a comprehensive child?!" Mrs. Cai asked Liu Watch. .

"Comprehensive children?!" Comprehensive children, naturally Liu Liu, is Liu's youngest son is also Liu's favorite son, Mrs. Cai asked this question, Liu Biao really forgot Liu Zong, he is coming to **** So, remember to take Liu Zong with it.

As soon as I saw the appearance of Liu Biao, Mrs. Cai sobbed again. "Master, you can see that you are very touched. But the comprehensive child is still small. How can you bear to leave the whole person in the house?" Among them!" Liu Zong is only three years old this year, a complete child. Such a grade is the time when parents need to take care of them.

"The brown child naturally has a nursing mother and daughter to take care of! Madame should not worry!" Liu Biao comforted Mrs. Cai.

Who knows that Mrs. Cai does not eat this set at all. "No, no! The whole child is so small. If he wants to marry her mother, what should I do? No, I have to get up, I want to go back. Master, let them prepare the carriage, I will go back. "Mrs. Cai struggled and tried to get up but failed again and again."

"Mrs., ma'am, don't be too embarrassed, don't be too embarrassed!" Liu Biao quickly comforted his wife, Mrs. Cai's face was very unsightly, and with physical weakness, naturally she could not go back directly.

Liu Biao thought for a moment, "Mrs. You are at peace in Jingshan, and I will go back to Xiangyang to take care of the children!" Mrs. Cai can't act, then only Liu Biao will go back. I can't send someone to bring Liu Zong. .

"So hard lord!" Mrs. Cai nodded and said to Liu Biao.

The toxins in Mrs. Cai’s body have not been completely removed. Liu’s watch will come out sooner or later, so Liu Biao must leave.

"Master, I am dizzy, I want to sleep first!" Mrs. Cai began to let Liu watch leave.

"Mr., take a good rest!" Liu Biao nodded and left the room, so that Mrs. Cai had a good rest.

Looking at Liu’s departure, Mrs. Cai took a sigh of relief. She just changed her belly and was soaked.

"Lord!" Liu Biao got the room of Mrs. Cai. Before the door, there were already Cai Wei and Yan Yue standing outside the door and saluting Liu.

They were still worried about what they were, but now they are not worried at all, because Liu Biao is cold-faced and enters, but now he has a smile, and naturally there is not much worry.

"German, different, hard work for you!" Liu Biao did not catch people, the natural mood is pleasant to the attitude of Cai Wei and Yue Yue is also good.

Cai Wei and Yan Yue looked at each other and knew that there was nothing big. They went back to Liu Biao and returned to "not hard, the Lord!"

Liu Wei and Jia Wei were still under the control of Jingzhou Wei's terracotta warriors. Liu Biao waved his hand. The following soldiers released Liu Wei and Jia Wei, "His Royal Highness, how can I have time in my wife's Jingshan Mansion?" In the middle?!" Although Liu Biao called Liu Wei's official residence, but this tone is very affectionate.

"Without him, Liu Jingzhou! This one is to come to the lady to bring some glutinous gouache brought from the Western Region! I want to keep my wife youthful!" Looking at Liu’s expression, Liu Wei also knows Nothing, now it is not easy to directly produce trouble. Liu Biao actually smiled and spoke to himself. I can't help but give myself face.

"Hey?!" Liu Biao is not interested in this western-style rouge gouache. The answer is just a courtesy, and he does not believe that Liu Wei will have such a good heart just to send rouge gouache.

"The other one is to ask the lady to help me!" Liu Wei said to Liu.


"Yes, Liu Jingzhou should know that the son of Mr. Alizu is going to marry the county owner of my great man, that is, the sister of the king. The king came to Jingzhou to have a haste. This mediation is not a dream. Help. So I want to let my wife do a maiden family! Let the son of the singer return to her sister from the lady!"

After listening to Liu Wei’s words, Liu Biao nodded. Although it was once a woman in the music hall, it is now a past, and it has become a county owner. Naturally, the water is rising, and it’s just a few months. In the midst of it, you can’t get back from the station, you must have a maiden! This Mrs. Cai can do it, because Liu Biao is nominally Liu Huangshu, and Mrs. Cai is the embarrassment of Liu Wei. It is a good home that can be done.

"This is no problem, no problem! At that time, it is different. Directly let you come to my house to marry!" Liu table because he did not catch the woman, so the mood is also good, all of a sudden agreed.

"So I will thank the lord for the dog!"

"Thanks to my uncle!" Liu Wei looked at Liu Biao's fist, and Liu Wei did not say it all. Liu Wei's real purpose was to let Mrs. Cai help him to convince you to put grain in Yangzhou. Now it seems that Mrs. Cai is Almost done.

"To the uncle, this Yangzhou grain and grass thing?!" Liu Wei has been unable to find Liu Table directly to discuss the matter of grain, want to see Liu table can not find, now Liu Biao is in front of Liu Wei naturally will not let go This opportunity.

"This, this! Abnormal, you should first discuss the marriage with your family here! My family is still waiting for me to go back, I will leave first!" Liu Biao haha I am ready to leave.

"Uncle, Liu Jingzhou, and so on!" Liu Wei wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Liu Biao's men, and when he reacted, Liu Biao had already left the house.

Looking at the departure of Liu Biao, Liu Wei shook his head helplessly.

"Don't go chasing after your Highness!" Yan Yue stepped forward to discourage, and now even if he catches up, Liu Biao will not talk directly, only to open the topic, and want Liu Zi to sell grain can only be from the side.

"Mr. Hetero!" Liu Wei looked at the departure of Liu Biao. He naturally knew that he had not caught up with it. Otherwise, Liu Wei had already looked for Liu Biao directly. He still needs such trouble.

"Mr. Hetero, why is Liu Jingzhou appearing here?!" Liu Wei asked Pu Yue, he wanted to know who was telling the truth.

"Why should you ask this question for your Highness!" Yue said, shaking his head and shaking his head. "Nature is someone who doesn't want His Highness to succeed!"

"Yes!" Liu Wei replied plausibly, the problem is that the stove is not right, but the two understand their own meaning.

Among the Jingzhou, the most unwilling to succeed Liu Wei, but also want to drag the Cai family into the water, only two of them are Huang Lu, one is Pang Tong, and Huang Lu does not have that IQ, then the rest is Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan.

"Pang black fat?!" Liu Wei's eyes smashed up, he regretted a bit. He should have killed Pang Tong directly in the house of Yan Liang. Even if he offended the Lumen Academy, he would not hesitate. If it weren't for Xiao Cui, then Liu Wei would be really finished. Once Liu Biao was robbed in bed, Liu Wei could really argue with him. When it was time to say no food, Liu Wei was able to live out of Jingzhou.

This Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan is really poisonous. This arrow is double-edged. Not only is Liu Wei finished, but Cai also has to follow the bad luck. Liu Wei is dead. Naturally Yangzhou will fight Jingzhou, and Yuzhou Liu Bei will be the big winner. When Liu Zi does not support Liu Bei, it will not work.

"The Principal Gong Pangshi Pang Shiyuan should still be on the house!" The old fox on the side is also a fire. If you want to calculate Liu Wei, you will be implicated even with his Jia Zhang. The viper can't help it.

"Yes, Pang Tong!" Liu Wei asked the side of Xiao Cui, Liu Wei remembered that Pang Hefei is still in the mansion. He wants to go directly to kill this person, the last time he gave Pound's face, but this time he would offend Pang Degong to kill Pang Tong. Otherwise the threat is too great.

But Xiao Cui shook his head, "His Royal Highness. Pang Tong has left!"

"Dead fat character is really good!" Liu Wei snorted.

"His Highness. If there is nothing, I will leave first!" The more he did not want to marry and enter the calculation of the Lord and the servant, he would retire first.


"What, Liu Biao retired?!" Standing on the limelight of Jingshan, Pang Tong could not believe his eyes. Originally, this Liu watch was imposing to go to rape, with five thousand horses, put this Jingshan The house was surrounded by a water leak. But now it is a tiger's tail, and even retired?

"Liu Wei has been caught by Liu Biao?!" Pang Tong asked the spy who came to report.

"No, no!" The spy replied shaking his head.

"That is killing?! Well, well, Liu Wei Liu Hanyang, you are finally dead!" Pang Tong wants to scream in the sky, and he fights with Pang Tong Pang Shi, you Liu Wei is still a little bit, and he is played by Liu Wei. Many times of uncomfortable grievances have finally been enough for one time, Yangzhou. Jingzhou, the Central Plains overlord. Lord! Your great cause is about to become, Pang Tong’s eyes are shining, and once Yangzhou fights with Jingzhou, Pang Tong is ready to let the main public Liu Bei like Liu Biao to ask for food and grass, waiting for Jingzhou and Yangzhou to fight almost, then his main public Liu Beitang and Yangzhou It’s time for Jingzhou. As for Liu Wei and Zhang Lu of Yizhou, they have not been put in the eyes of Pang Tong.

"The military division is really the resurrection of Zhang Liang Xiaohe!" The men on the side of the horse patted the horses. As long as Liu Wei died, it is worthwhile to freeze them. After that, they will lose their praises!

"Haha, haha!" Pang Tong also laughed aloud. What is the meaning of Xiao He Zhang Liang? This is to say that his Pang Tong’s ability is strong and talented. Is this the second, that is, their main lord can be the same as Gao Zu Liu Bang? Make a career and win the world.

"No, no, military division!" The spy was about to cry. He didn't dare to tell Pang Tong the truth, but he was afraid that if he cheated Pang Tong, he would die even worse. Death died early and died anyway, and the spy’s heart said it directly. "The Lord, Liu Wei did not die, Liu Biao did not catch him, and left directly!"

"The excited look on Pang Tong’s face condensed directly." What do you say! "

This spy is almost a "military teacher" who said it in a crying room. Liu Wei is not dead, and Liu Biao has not succeeded in rape!"

"How is it possible, you are not telling me to put the whole bottle of drunken dew into it?!"

"Yeah! I put it all in, but when Liu Zi went, Liu Wei came back from the outside! No longer in Mrs. Cai's room!"

"How come, how can it be!" Pang Tong directly stunned. Pang Tong’s strategy today is not going back. I want to know who is out of the ass. If it succeeds, it will succeed. And Liu Wei finished with the egg, even if he knew that he had to form an alliance with Yuzhou, but once he did not succeed, then Pang Tong not only sinned Liu Wei, but also gave Cai to death.

This Jingzhou four major family, the family has been on the side of Liu Wei, they Pang Deermen College Pang Degong has spoken, not awkward Liu Wei, plus a Cai family!

Pang Tong did not dare to imagine "You are harming me!" Pang Tong took a sword from his waist and swung it toward the spy.

"Hey!" The blood flew out of the arrow and splashed Pang Tong to his face. The entire face was stained with blood. ,

"Military division, military division you. You!" This man did not think that Pang Tong would be so embarrassed.

"What is the waste left!" Pang Tong's cold face, so that the people under him simply do not dare to speak.


"Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan?!" In the room of Mrs. Cai, Liu Wei went in again, but this time the two were dressed in clothes, Mrs. Cai listened to Liu Wei’s words on the bed, and that pretty face was cold. Go on,

"Yes, only Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan will make such a plan!" Liu Wei nodded.

"He is Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan and you hate Liu Xie, why do he want to harm me?!" Mrs. Cai did not understand, to know that Pang Tong and Liu Wei have hatred, that everyone knows, but Cai Jia even was with him before. Allies, now they are directly pitted.

"Allies?!" Liu Wei sneered a sneer. "The old Zhang embroidery is the same idea as you, but the last one!" Liu Wei took the example of Zhang embroidery and showed it to Mrs. Cai. "The two masters and servants are the best at it." Hang allies!" The example of Zhang Xiu is alive there. It was originally eye-catching with Liu, but the two sides were in the honeymoon period. But the last one. Zhang embroidery was defeated. Liu Bei swallowed Zhang Xuan directly in order to restore his vitality. Even the bones and scums were left. Zhang Xiu started from his uncle, and two bags of hard-working foundations were all run by Liu to the swallow. There is no bone slag, this is an ally.

Looking at Mrs. Cai, I still don’t believe that Liu Wei continues to come up with the example “And Cao Cao, and my father-in-law Lu Bu! Cao Cao Cao Mengde, kindly gave him Liu Bei Liu Da’s name as Liu Huangshu’s title. He also gave a left general However, this Liu Bei is how to return Cao Mengde. Cao Cao lay down Xuzhou in front of him. This time he killed Cao Cao's generals and occupied Xuzhou! This is an ally! Not to mention my father-in-law, the two are calculating each other!"

"Drunk Xianlu!" Mrs. Cai’s voice was cold. This drunken dew, Mrs. Cai knows its medicinal properties better than Liu Wei, because this drunken dew is the product of Mrs. Cai’s industry. Mrs. Cai was originally supposed to use this thing as a high-end commodity, but who knows that she has taken her own medicine! In Mrs. Cai’s room, there is a list of drunken dews sold, and there is really a record of Pang Pang’s sales.

"The barbarian princess is in your house of Liu Wei!" Mrs. Cai suddenly asked Liu Wei.

"Barbarian Princess?!" Liu Wei took a moment, why Mrs. Cai would ask.

"Don't pretend to be stupid! The squid princess! The one who saved the barbarian man that day is your prince," said Mrs. Cai, looking straight at Liu Wei.

"How do you know?!" Liu Wei answered subconsciously.

"Of course I know. Because of the reason of your dear King, I lost two thousand gold in vain!" Mrs. Cai looked at Liu Wei and said.

"I am hurting you for two thousand dollars?!" Liu Wei did not understand.

"You have stolen the barbarian princess, it is our **** is not good. So I can't get money from the Huang family!" Mrs. Cai continued.

“From the Huang family? The **** is unfavorable?!” Liu Wei finally understood and pointed to Mrs. Cai’s unbelievable saying, “You, you are the owner of the music hall?!”

"Yeah!" Mrs. Cai nodded.

Liu Wei is really shocked. The owner of this music hall, there are only a few people in Jingzhou who know it, but everyone knows that the owner of this museum has a great background, even the children of the four great families are not. I dare to let go in the music hall, but I did not expect that the owner of this museum would be Mrs. Cai in front of me!

"Since you are the owner of the music hall, why does Cai and the music hall still need money?!" Liu Wei did not understand, but Mrs. Cai was the sister of Cai He, and the younger brother even had money in his shop. .

"I am me, Cai He is Cai He, what does it matter?" Mrs. Cai asked the function of the music hall not only to make money, but also to collect intelligence, naturally not to tell everyone.

"In advance, your barbarian princess is not going to rob us. We just saved the barbarian man!" Liu Wei knows that the most important thing in the world is the woman’s money. If it is directly said that it is self-hijacking Grabbing, then Mrs. Cai naturally put this account on the head of Liu Wei, two thousand gold, Liu Wei is not a big head.

"I didn't let you lose money, why are you so nervous?" Mrs. Cai looked at Liu Weibai.

"How are you going to deal with Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan?!" Liu Wei asked directly about the topic.

"Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan?!" Mrs. Cai's eyes flashed in the cold, this time Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan is simply too sinister, and not even put Liu Wei into the calculations, but also brought her Cai Wei, so Mrs. Cai is thorough It’s a fire. If it’s not Xiao Cui and Liu Wei today, they’re really a land of annihilation.

However, Mrs. Cai also has scruples, that is, the status of Liu Zi, the young son. If it is against the Pang Tong, then the Lumen Academy will do what it wants. This is the scruples of Mrs. Cai.

Liu Wei had already known Mrs. Cai’s scruples from Xiao Cui.

"You are worried that Lumen Academy will support the big son Liu Qi and your position for the Jingzhou Lord?!" Liu Yan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?!" Mrs. Cai looked at Liu Wei with a pair of eyes and looked cold.

"Then I tell you, you don't need to worry at all. This Jingzhou I promised to Liu Qi, I won't compete with Liu Chao!"

"Hmm?!" Mrs. Cai is getting ignorant. What is called instead of Liu comprehensive promised down.

"Your Jingzhou Dagongzi Liu Qi was already a person in Yangzhou!" Liu Wei said an answer that Mrs. Cai had stopped.

"What!" Mrs. Cai did not believe it.

"Oh, when I was in Xinye, Liu Qi was already loyal to me!" Liu Xiao said with a smile to Mrs. Cai. "If you are worried that Lumen Academy will be stalked from it. No need at all. I can promise you Liu Qi. Absolutely not. Join Liu Jing’s struggle for Jingzhou Shepherd!” Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai, but there is a saying that he did not finish it. If this Jingzhou or Liu Biao, then he would never let Liu Qi join the struggle. But if this Jingzhou is no longer Liu Biao, then it has nothing to do with Liu Wei.

"Is this true?" Mrs. Cai looked at Liu Wei and wanted to seek answers from Liu Wei’s eyes.

"It's true!" Liu Wei confirmed it.

"What do you want?!" Mrs. Cai is still staring at Liu Wei’s words.

"I don't care who is in the position of this Jingzhou state animal husbandry, but what I want is that Jingzhou can sell grain to Yangzhou. As long as the lady can help Yangzhou out of the predicament, the grace of dripping water will be reported. There are wars in Jingzhou, so Yangzhou is a strong ally of Jingzhou!"

“Grass?!” Mrs. Cai frowned. She didn’t know the problem of this grain. This Liu Wei took the noble body of His Royal Highness, but it was not for the food and grass in Jingzhou. However, it is difficult for her alone to make Liu Biao change her mouth. Why did Mrs. Cai never confuse Liu Biao, that is, Mrs. Cai does not participate in the handling of government affairs. "It’s hard for me to be alone!"

"Don't worry about my wife, I believe that my wife still doesn't know. I don't know how to drive a car with my wife!" Liu Wei told Mrs. Cai.

“蒯越?蒯然?!” Mrs. Cai still knows the son of the family.

"Yes!" Liu Wei nodded. "The Deergate College Pang Degong also promised me, will not be embarrassed with Yangzhou!" Liu Wei gave Mrs. Cai a reassurance.

“Lumen Academy?!” Mrs. Cai did not believe that Lumen Academy had always helped the Pang family. It is precisely because of the Lumen Academy, so the low position of the Pang family in this Jingzhou, although there is no position of Cai family and Huang family in the army. There is no family status in the officialdom, but it is not inferior to these three! But Liu Wei is offended by Pang Tong, the heir to the Pang family.

"Oh, my wife also said, Pang Tong is Pang Tong, Pang is a Pang family!"

"Well, I promise you!" said Mrs. Cai nodded. It was originally because Mrs. Cai hesitated because even if Mrs. Cai promised it, she might be unsuccessful because of other aspects. But now it is different. The two most worried for Mrs. Cai have been opened by Liu Wei. They are just a Jinshan icing person, and they naturally agree.

"To the wife, there is Liu Qi's life, I hope that after Liu Chenggong's position on this Jingzhou animal husbandry, Liu Qi's life can be left!" Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai.

"Leave Liu Qi's life!" Mrs. Cai hesitated. The first thing Liu should do after he succeeded to the position was to kill Liu Qi for the last time, so as to ensure that his Jingzhou Lord was calm, and now Liu Wei actually let Cai Madame does not want to take Liu Qi’s shot. Mrs. Cai can’t help but look at Liu Wei’s eyes. Because Liu Qi is so Jingzhou, it’s difficult to settle. If Liu Wei just wants to stay Liu Qi’s life, then it’s fine, if Liu Wei has something else. Thinking, then it is really hard to say.

A Liu Qi can arouse the restlessness of the great Confucian scholars who regard Zhou Li as the Bible.

"Reassured, madam, once Liu Xionggong has inherited the position of Jingzhou Lord, I will let Liu Qi stay away from Jingzhou for the rest of her life without going to Jingzhou. If the lady does not believe, the king can also write a document for the lady. The signature of Shang Wang!” Liu Wei’s sincerity has already been said here, and Mrs. Cai does not believe it and believes.

"I hope that His Royal Highness can say that it is done!" Mrs. Cai looked at Liu Wei’s words,

"That is natural! Mrs. Yangzhou and Jingzhou are both win-win, and the points are double-loss!" Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai to "What is the enemy of Jingzhou now?!"

"The enemy of Jingzhou?!" Even though Mrs. Cai did not participate in government affairs, she also knew that the biggest enemy of Jingzhou is now Jiangdong Sunce "Jiangdong Xiaobawang?!" Jiangdong Sun Ce and Liu Biao's army killed and killed in Jiang Xia. .

"Nature is Jiangdong bully! Then the lady knows who the enemy of Yangzhou is!" Liu Wei asked again.

"The enemy of Yangzhou?!" This is a difficult embarrassing Mrs. Cai, Mrs. Cai, but a woman flow, he thinks the most is just the low position of his son Jingzhou, the other can think of it!

"We have a lot of enemies in Yangzhou. There are Cao Cao in the distance. There is Liu Bei in Yuzhou. There is a common enemy with Jingzhou. It is Jiangdong Sunce!" Liu Wei explained to Mrs. Cai.

"Jiangdong Sun Ce?!" Mrs. Cai is still not very clear.

"Yes, Jiangdong Sunce. Probably the lady also knows the territory of our Yangzhou! Yangzhou six counties, Lijiang, Hefei, Shouchun, Anfeng, Gushi, Linhuai" Liu Wei is giving Mrs. Cai popular knowledge.

"And the Qijiang County is what we got from the hands of Jiangdong Sun Ce!" Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai.

"Linhuai now I am fighting with Jiangdong Sunze and I have already competed with Jiangdong Sunce! I guess there will be more chances for the future!" Liu Wei painted a simple map for Mrs. Cai.

"Jiangdong Sun Ce is a tiger, but now, he occupies Jiangdong. Although it has the terrain and resources of Jiangdong, but this Jiangdong is like a cage! The tiger is trapped in a cage, we Yangzhou is the north wall of this cage, and Jingzhou is the west wall. Once this tiger breaks this cage, then this world can be unstoppable!" Liu Wei is not threatening Mrs. Cai, this is indeed the case, Jiangdong bully Sun Ceze If you win the Jingzhou, then it really occupies half of the country and has a Jingchu land. It can completely compete with the Central Plains hegemony and the Hebei hegemon.

"We Jingzhou and Jiangdong Sunce have the murder of the father! You Yangzhou?!" Although Mrs. Cai did not understand these. But she knows that there is no eternal interest for politicians without eternal enemies between princes. The reason why Jingzhou and Jiangdong can't solve this knot is that because Jiangdong and Jingzhou are already hateful, they can't be touched at all, so they will fight every year. That is to kill the father and not to wear the sky.

The Changsha Tigers of that year, that is, the Jiangdong Xiaobawang's Changsha Sun Jian, but led the Yuzhou thorns, want to attack Jingzhou, but was directly killed by Jingzhou's Huang Zu under the rule of Yu Yue.

It can be said that since that time, Jiangdong and Jingzhou have no possibility to talk about it. They can only live one, just like Tao Qian and Cao Cao. Tao Qian has killed Cao Cao’s embarrassment. Cao Cao must kill Tao Qian, even if it is Cao Cao. This kind of person who can't bear the suspicion of talents can't stand it. He Cao Cao forgives Zhang Xiu. It is because the dead is a son. A dead son does not have a living Zhang embroidery. It is difficult to make up for it. It is better to use Zhang embroidery and then settle the account.

Tao Qian is different. As long as Cao Cao compromises, then there is no need for the enemy to take it. Cao Cao will be killed by the people of the world. The ancient people have been governing the country with filial piety for thousands of years, and the filial piety is to take filial piety as the first. Good filial piety is the first.

Therefore, a god-killing feud does not share the sky. Jingzhou and Jiangdong are not dead or live, and there is no possibility of any discussion.

Mrs. Cai said that this means that we Jingzhou has no possibility of reconciliation with Jiangdong, but if you are allied with Yangzhou, what should you do if you hang with Jingdong in Jingzhou?

"Mrs, ah, you can't just have the possibility of reconciliation between Jingzhou and Jiangdong. We are like Yangzhou!" Liu said to Mrs. Cai.

“Hmm?!” Mrs. Cai did not believe it.

"The killing of the father's hatred is not shared, but this hateful wife is not the same!" In order to get the support of Jingzhou, Liu Wei even came up with this secret.

"Hate the hate of the wife?!" said Mrs. Cai in confusion.

"Jiangdong Sun Cecheng was close, his Lijiang River was broken by us. Similarly, his newlywed lady naturally fell into our hands, and Sun Ce declared that his wife was dead. That is because his wife has been taken by the king. Wife!" Liu Wei said the identity of Qiao Yu.

"Ah!" The women are obviously gossip. When they hear Liu Wei’s secret, they directly let their eyes shine. I have to tell Liu Wei to explain to her.

"Mrs. You listen to me!" Liu Wei explained to Mrs. Cai.

Mrs. Cai listened to her incompleteness and even said a sentence, so that Liu Wei was so twitching, Mrs. Cai actually asked her how? How can this compare? Only when you are sleeping with a big person can you compare it,

However, I heard that Mrs. Cai said that Liu Wei was really a little moved. These two beautiful women have their own merits. Yuer is an ice-cold jade and has a kind of temperament, but Mrs. Cai is familiar. It is a deep sorrowful woman. Have the temperament of a lady. It can be said that each has its own merits.

"So we have a common enemy. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The alliance between Yangzhou and Jingzhou can only occupy a place in this troubled world!" Liu Wei encouraged Mrs. Cai.

"Mrs.'s current world is getting more and more clear. The hegemony between the two biggest forces in the north is over. Cao Cao of Xudu has occupied the north. It is only a matter of time before the North is settled. Once Cao Cao goes south. I I want to ask the lady who can stop it!" Liu Wei is threatening Mrs. Cai.

The front is to explain the world's general trend to Mrs. Cai. Now it is telling Mrs. Cai that this world is not the one that can occupy a three-point land in the first place.

"Cao Cao?!" Mrs. Cai is really strange to Cao Cao. Because Jingzhou has war, it is also in Nanyang. In Jiangxia, there is no war in the Liyang.

"Yes! Cao Cao! Once in the hands of Cao Cao, there were Zhili, Zhangzhou, half Yuzhou, Xuzhou. It occupied the land of three states and a half! Now Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shaoyuan at the beginning, Yucheng has been broken. I have already won half of it, and the state is the same! Waiting for Cao Cao to settle the north, then Youzhou Qingzhou, Zhangzhou, and Zhangzhou, Xuzhou, Zhili, and Yuzhou are in hand, and who is the opponent in the world!"

"The first thing that should be the first is Liu Bei of Yuzhou and you Yangzhou!" Mrs. Cai is not a fool. After Liu Yi’s explanation, she naturally knows who is the first to be unlucky.

"Oh, madam, the story of the lips and the cold, the lady should have heard of it!" Liu Xiao said with a smile. "It is true that our Yangzhou and Liu Daer's Yuzhou are the first to bear the brunt, but once we are eliminated, the rest are Jiangdong and Jingzhou. The lady thinks that Jingzhou has a geometric victory!"

"We have the natural danger of the Yangtze River!" Mrs. Cai argued against Liu Wei that "Cao Cao is a million-strong army, and that can't fill the Yangtze River!"

"Oh, is it true? If this is the case, why is your brother, Cai Wei, Cai Junshi, who sent the soldiers and horses to contact Xu Du of Cao Cao!" Liu Xiao smiled and looked at Mrs. Cai.

"Where did you know?!" Mrs. Cai listened to Liu Yu’s words and was shocked. This matter is too secret. The whole Cai family can only know that Cai and Mrs. Cai are both. How did you know?

This secret can not be passed on. If it is known by Liu Biao, the fun can be big.

"Oh, why should my wife hide it? You also know that you have been with me and I am a family?!" Liu Wei deliberately misled Mrs. Cai.

“蒯越?!” Mrs. Cai remembered this, not only did Cai Jia’s family do this! It should have been told Liu Wei.

"Would you like to talk about it?" If you don’t say that you will know it, you will not tell Liu Wei’s character because of the character of the old fox. Liu Wei can know what this Cai family and his family are doing. That is because on the original trajectory, Cai Jiahe’s family took Jingzhou to Cao Cao after Liu Biao’s death. Now Cao Cao has won victory in the hegemony of the north, and Cai’s family will definitely Send the messenger to congratulate the foundation.

"Madam, if the lady doesn't mind, it's not that what I said is not good. If the lady took Jingzhou to Cao Cao, then there is only one ending for the lady!" Liu Wei said to Mrs. Cai.

"What ending?!"

"The ending is that the lady will become a plaything of Cao Cao Cao Mengde, and the Cai family continues to sell the body by the lady in exchange for wealth!"

"You, you!" Mrs. Cai was furious and pointed at Liu Wei and didn't know what she wanted to say.

Liu Wei said that it is too ugly, what is called selling the body!

"How? I was wrong? When I was in the 28th year of my wife, I was supposed to marry a talented person to be worthy of a good person, but my wife served Liu Biao, Liu Jingsheng, and Liu Jingsheng’s age can be a wife’s jealousy!” Speaking to Mrs. Cai coldly, "There is a good body in the light, but this beautiful beauty is not appreciated!" Liu Wei said that he still stretched out his hand and gently stroked Mrs. Cai’s smooth face. Is stroking a piece of art in general.

"And Madame, this Cao Mengde is not as good as Liu Jingsheng's age, but it is better than Liu Jingsheng, much more! Even in the end, even his own confidant and nephew can be sacrificed!" Cao Cao because of Zou's sake Lost his own general Dian Wei and his eldest son Cao Ang, but became a joke in the world.

"Mrs. Oh, you have a heart!" Liu Wei looked at Mrs. Cai like a flower-seeker and watched the old cow chewing the peony.

"I?!" Mrs. Cai was so caressed by Liu Wei, not only did not have the slightest resentment, but a kind of enjoyment. She used to think about it, she was a beautiful woman, and the two were accompanied by snow, but because of the family’s sake, It is for her to marry someone who can do what she is. (To be continued.)

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