My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 499: Teacher Lu


"Let's leave under the knife, keep the knife under the knife!" Just when the sword of the Chu sentence is going to fall directly, as long as this sword falls, then this former Xiongxiong, the original trajectory laid the whole three countries. The hero who is heading will really close his eyes and leave the world forever.

But when the sword of the Chu sentence was about to fall, there was a cavalry with orders. The cavalry shouted and rode the horse to the rapids of the execution.

"Ah!" "Sun Quan has closed his eyes, and his back is exposed to blood under the cutting of the sword."

"Hey!" The Chu sentence is worthy of being killed from the battlefield. When the sword in the hand is about to cut off the head of Sun Quan, the Chu sentence is still urgently killed, and the sword is different. It is necessary to cut off this large head.

"The military commander has orders, and the Chu sentence is ordered!" The cavalry scared the horse, and ran to the Chu sentence and handed the letter in the hand toward the Chu sentence.

The letters in the hand of the Chu sentence were opened. The above is indeed the handwriting of the military officer of the Yangzhou Army, Xu Wei, which reads the grandchildren.

The Chu sentence frowned, and waved to the urban management army on the side. "Come, let go of Sun Quangong!"

"Well?!" Sun Quan escaped from the dead. He gasped for fresh air. He never felt that living was so fun, and death was so terrible.

"I know, I know, Big Brother will not abandon me, I will know that Big Brother must come back to save me!" Sun Quan’s excitement in his heart can no longer be expressed in words, and he escapes from death. This distance is dead. Only a long way away, and the feeling of being stuck with the **** of death simply makes Sun Quan remember for a lifetime.

"I will know, I will know that Big Brother is hurting me! It hurts me!" Sun Quan muttered to himself.

"Oh, Sun Quangongzi, you don't have to die, but it's not your big brother who saved you! Take it for yourself!" Chu said with a cold smile at Sun Quan. Said that the letter in the hand was directly in front of Sun Quan.

Sun Quanwen said that he had picked up the letter from the ground and read it. It was written that the Jiangdong scholars had learned that the second son had been captured and generous, and that the seller had produced the ransom to redeem Sun Quan. Otherwise, Sun Quan still has to die.

"Jiangdong Shizu?!" Sun Quan's green eyes narrowed down. "Not a big brother, not a big brother? Not Sun Ce. Not Sun Ce!?"

Sun Quan is in the middle of it, and the Chu sentence on the side waved to the left and right. "Come on, bring Sun Quangong to bathe and change clothes, and send it to the military division." Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou is worth a million dollars! Naturally, you can't let him see people directly. Naturally, you need to dress up well.

"Yes!" The urban management sergeant on the side of the city nodded and punched, and Sun Quan was dragged away by two urban management sergeants.

Until Sun Quan went far away. The Chu sentence spit out a spit and walked over to a courtyard on the edge of the execution ground.

Into the courtyard, a familiar voice is reading books in the courtyard.

As soon as the Chu sentence stepped in, this figure found the Chu sentence, although this person was dressed in a scribe's clothes. However, the martial arts of one body is comparable to that of the first-class military martial arts. The Chu sentence can not go for twenty rounds under this person.

"Is the person already sent back?!" The person in the courtyard did not ask for a direct question.

"Yes military division, people have sent people directly to Shouchun!" The people in the courtyard did not look up and showed a kind of disrespect but did not make the sentence angry, because he knew that the military division was too busy. The burden of the Lord’s departure from the entire Yangzhou fell on the shoulders of the military division. It is also a matter of busyness that the military division can take time out.

Yes, the young people in this courtyard are really the military divisions of Yangzhou. Liu Wei’s first writer, Xu Wei Xu Wenzhi.

Liu Wei went to Jingzhou, Yangzhou naturally needs Xu Wei to be responsible, and the whole Yangzhou is a waste of time. It can be said that all aspects need manpower. All need people to command, Yangzhou is basically equivalent to rebuilding, Xu Wei is naturally busy.

But since Liu Wei has taught Yangzhou to Xu Wei, Xu Wei will naturally do his best.

The reason why Xu Wei came here personally is because this bureau is very important and must be arranged with all his heart. This is also the letter from the main public Liu Wei that Xu Wei prepared.

Jiangdong has the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, and talented people can be regarded as a place of outstanding people. Now the biggest enemy of Yangzhou Army is not Liu Bei of Yuzhou but Sun Ce of this Jiangdong. Sun Ce's ability is very strong. There are many civil martial arts under his command. If he wants to die with Yangzhou, then Lu Bujun can't really stand it. Lu Bujun's Yangzhou is exposed to the Jiangdong Shuijun.

In addition, the current Jiangdong can be said that there is no internal problem, the original Shanyue family was settled by Sun Ce, and now Sun Ce can come up with all the troops and horses to fight the world.

And this Sun Quan is a bomb inserted by Liu Yu'an in Jiangdong, just like Sun Gan in Liu Beijun. It can even be said that Sun Quan is more powerful than Sun Sun, because Sun Quan has ambition, not a local person. The character, Sun Gan’s bomb exploded, and Liu Bei suffered a lot of damages. If Sun Quan’s time bomb was to explode, then Sun Celian’s life would not be guaranteed, even if this time bomb became a dumb bomb, Liu Wei There will be no loss of anything.

"Good, good, good!" Xu Wei generally seldom praises people. When he heard the words of Chu, Xu Wei used three good words to praise the Chu sentence and let the Chu sentence be overjoyed.

"These are the two dogs should do!" Chu sentence is an excitement. I also handed over my original title.

"Oh, no need to be modest, Danyang soldiers, there is such a flexible, that is, wait!" The reason why Xu Wei let the two dogs to perform one of these two dogs is a military, and all of them are revealed. A kind of killing, that is brought out from the battlefield, such a person is the most people can feel the arrival of death, the second is that the two dogs are smart enough, in other words, they will act, in fact This is also an advantage of Danyang Bing.

Danyang soldiers have a single dragon, a group of insects, this Danyang soldiers veterans can be veteran oil, swindling and sliding to get the opponent to fly.

"Well, if the matter is successful, the military division will certainly be in front of you in the Lord's public, and it may be impossible for the official to rise to the next level!" Xu Wei promised the Chu sentence.

Although the current two dogs are thousands of people in the city management army. However, he is responsible for the aspects of materials. It can be said that he has already deviated from the front line. If he rises again, he may re-enter the main battle, which can make the two dogs unhappy!

"Yes. Yes, thank you military division, thank you military division!" The two dogs nodded directly toward Xu Wei.

"Go on!" Xu Wei waved his hand and said.

After the two dogs left, Xu Wei walked into the house. There was another person in the house. The man was dressed in a prison uniform. It was with the sire of Sun Quan. This Jiangdong Erzi thought that the army officer Lu Suru had been killed.

"Mr. Xu Wei, it is really a good calculation!" Lu Su smiled and watched the people walk into the house. Xu Wei did not hide Lu Su at all, and said the whole dish. The reason why Lu Su smiled. That is because the words spoken by Xu Wei may really come true. His main official Lu Su is the most understandable, capable and ambitious. Such a person is the most terrible. There are many scholars in Jiangdong who are supporting him. Once the contradiction between Sun Quan and Sun Ce is singled out, and with the mentality of Sun Quan, then it may really make Jiangdong turbulent.

"Oh, Mr. Zijing, these are not what Xu Wei said," Xu Xiao smiled and shook his head. Xu Wei is good at Yangmou. Rather than conspiracy, the murderer ruled the country, and the conspirators won the community. In other words, Xu Wei is good at creating a river, and he can prepare for this new country.

The conspiracy is to seize, relying on the skill of the heart to let the enemy be played between the applause. Finally it was wiped out.

"Not Mr. Yuan Zhi's calculation?!" Lu Su did not understand that he thought Xu Wei was modest.

"These are counted by my master!" Xu Hao nodded and pointed to the West.

"蜀王刘莽?!" Lu Sujing's pupil was enlarged.

"Yeah!" Xu Wei nodded. Lu Su couldn't believe it, because Sun Quan was a little famous in Jiangdong, but it was only in Jiangdong. More of Sun Quan's body was bearing the title of a two son. People only know Jiangdong's bully Sun Ce, but they don't know that Jiangdong still has a grand right. Sun Quan is not Sun Zhongmou, but is directly called Jiangdong Ergongzi.

And this 蜀王刘莽刘汉扬, can actually count to count a person who is not seen in the continuation of this phenomenon how can not let Lu Su surprised! The ambition of Sun Quan, I am afraid that a few people know about Jiangdong! And this one enemy can see it, this gaze is really terrible.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi is not afraid of me saying go out?!" Lu Su said suspiciously, because the entire plan Xu Wei told Lu Su.

"Hehe Zijing will not!" Xu Wei did not care to go aside.


"O commonly, don't forget, Mr. Zijing is now a dead man!" Xu Wei took a sip of tea on the table.

"Dead!" Lu Su suddenly got up, yeah, according to the script, Lu Su is already a dead man, died in the hands of the Yangzhou army, not now alive. Since a dead person, then how can the Yangzhou army let go of it!

"How can you want to be right next to your Royal Highness!" Lu Su asked Xu Wei and wanted to get an answer from Xu Wei's mouth.

"My Lord Wang Xia is a long time for Mr. Lu Su. But why don't Mr. Lusu consider joining us?" Xu Wei said to Lu Su, Lu Su, the man of Liu Su, really wants to accept Let him down.

This person was born in a family of a family; he lost his father in his childhood and was raised by his grandmother. He looks handsome and has a strong personality. He likes to read and shoot. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he saw the imperial court, bureaucratic **, social turmoil, often called the youth in the village to practice martial arts. He also despised money and earned money, and won the admiration of the villagers. At that time, Zhou Yu was the chief of the nest. Because of the lack of food, he sought help from Lusu. Lu Su gave a gift of 3,000 yuan to Zhou Yu. Since then, the two have become friends and have worked together for major events.

It can be said that Lu Su’s talent is not inferior to Zhou Yu. Otherwise, he will not lead Jiang Dong’s official position after the death of Zhou Yu. As for the Lu Su written in the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang’s use of the calculation is because he is not in his position. In his administration, Zhou Yu was the great governor of Lu Su and Zhuge Liang. It was also a good friend.

He was used by Zhuge Liang, and that was because he knew Zhuge Liang’s plan, but he didn’t want to dismantle it. Those things that he had to deal with naturally had Zhou Yu’s consideration, and if he had a lot of words, he might lose his friend. The second is to provoke Zhou Yu's authority.

Above the original track. Lu Su is the only person in Jiangdong who can see the whole world. He and Zhou Yuli are in a row and resolutely fight. As a result, Sun and Liu Lianjun defeated Cao Jun in Chibi, and since then. Laid the pattern of the three countries.

Therefore, this person Liu Wei can let him go once, but will not let him go for the second time. For the first time, Liu Weijun urgently needs artisans to come to build the ship. Otherwise, it is impossible to let Lusu go. Because Lu Su is really terrible, such a first-class adviser is like Liu Wei’s treatment of Jia Wei. If he can’t recover, he can only kill, otherwise it is a big disaster.

This is how the second time Liu Wei could not let him go.

"Oh, the good intentions of Mr. Yuan Zhi and His Royal Highness are in the bottom of the heart. But please don't know what Lu Su is doing, and the king of the king is not the hope of the next, this Yangzhou is not a place of success!" Lu Su has said It is very twirling, that is, he is not optimistic about Liu Wei’s character, and he is not optimistic about Yangzhou. Such a place is not a place that Lu Lusu wants to achieve great cause, but Jiangdong is different. Jiangdong has the Yangtze River as a natural danger, Jiangdong is a great man and a land, and the products are also rich. It can be said that even Cao Cao won the entire North Plus. In the Central Plains, as long as Jiangdong can win Jingzhou, then he can rule with Cao Cao. And Liu Wei’s Yangzhou! It was a very incomparable place. It was okay in the early days of the troubled times. At that time, the princes fought, but there were many princes. Everyone was about the same size, and the powerful ones were only one or two states. Yangzhou is a place with rich products and is a place of success.

And now! It is not the same, Yangzhou is in the north of the overlord Cao Cao Cao Mengde and Jiangdong, there is the enemy Yuzhou Liu Bei in the west, it can be said that as long as the northern Cao Cao once settled in the north. The first to bear the brunt is Liu Wei’s Yangzhou! Yangzhou has a flat terrain and there is no natural danger. Cao Cao only needs hundreds of thousands of troops to directly push it! At that time, any conspiracy did not work. It relied on people.

The land of Yangzhou, a state, can be comparable to the operation of Cao, with the state of Xuzhou, Xuzhou, Xuzhou, plus the state of Youzhou, and the state of Qingzhou! Obviously impossible.

Therefore, in Lu Su's view, Liu Wei will be defeated, such a place that will be defeated, Lu Su will stay here!

Another point that Lu Su did not say is that Liu’s attitude towards the clan is also disliked by Lu Su. Although the clan is abhorrent, once a prince does not compromise with the sect, he cannot get the support of the sect, then he will lose. Not far away, the most direct example is that the Gongsun of Youzhou smashed, killed Liu Wei, completely lost the hearts of the sects, and was finally beaten by Yuan Shao.

"Mr. Zijing is really high!" Lu Su’s commentary really made Xu Wei look at it. Originally, Liu Wei was in the letter to Xu Wei, but he blew Lu Su’s talents in the world. At that time, Xu Wei still did not. I believe that if it is really a big talent, how can Jiangdong Sun Ce not activate this person, and after it was activated, it was not defeated by the protagonist Liu Wei, this time it was lost in the hands of General Zhang Wenyuan of Zhangliao, but now Lu Su's explanation had to let Xu Wei admire.

If Xu Wei does not know the capital of Yangzhou, I am afraid that it will be moved by Lu Su.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi praised it! If Gao Cai will not become a prisoner!" Lu Su looked at his clothes with self-deprecating.

Looking at Lu Su's appearance, Xu Wei is also a talented person. As long as he is a talented person, he can't wait to help the main public Liu Wei's income.

"Mr. Zijing, you will consider it again, your friends can be under my master!" Xu Wei is still thinking about Lu Su to join the chariot of Yangzhou, Yangzhou now has Xu Wei and Liu Wei, and even Hesitating an old fox, Jia Wei, but not abandoning more talents, Yangzhou will sooner or later expand, waiting for the grain returned by the Lord from Jingzhou, plus the complete system of Huang Zhong’s general reserve.

"Friends?!" Lu Su stunned. His friends in Lusu are few and far between. This is not Lusu's disunity, but the high-intelligence people can only be friends with high IQ, and ordinary people, they Whether it is showing off or bragging, you can see it. You can see through it. Every move you make in front of others can make people guess what you think. People look at you like a jumping clown. How is it possible? Make friends with you!

Being able to become a friend of Lu Su, it must be a party Yingjie, Zhou Yu counts one, Sun Quan is the master of the half!

Lu Su really can't think of anyone else who is his Lu Su friend!

"Oh, maybe Mr. Forgot. Liu Wei Liu Ziyang is now also the military division of my main public, don't drive!" Xu Xiaoxiao replied.

"Liu Liu Liu Ziyang? Son Yang brother?!" Lu Su's eyes finally lit up. For Liu Wei, Lu Su is very good with Liu Wei, the two have shared drinking and talking about the world.

Liu Ziyang, who wrote in the history book, is a good friend of Lu Su. Write to him, the letter said: "When today, the heroes are bee, relying on your qualifications, especially suitable for today's social situation. You still have to go back to pick up the old mother, can not stay in the East City. Today Zheng Bao this person, in Chaohu has More than 10,000 soldiers, occupying a rich area, many people in Lujiang County are going to depend on him, let alone us. Looking at his trend, there will be more people. You should not go there. Lu Su agreed with Liu Ziyang's opinion, buried his grandmother, returned to Qua, and immediately reorganized his clothes. Want to go to Zheng Bao. It happened that Zhou Yu had already received Lu Su’s mother from Wu County. Lu Su went to see him and told Liu Ziyang’s suggestion and his plans to him. Sun Ce still lives in Wu County. Zhou Yu advised Lu Su to stay. He said: "In the past, Ma Yuan responded to Guangwu Emperor and said, 'The current situation, not only the monarch can choose the minister, but also the monarch can choose the monarch. Now Sun Ce is a wise man, accepting the genius, and I I heard that the mysterious arguments of the ancient philosophers, and the replacement of Liu’s destiny in the destiny, must start in the southeast, and the calculation of the calendar will lead to the construction of the emperor’s foundation. It is in line with the destiny and is still in the southeast. Now it is knowledgeable and ambitious. The scholar is attached to the era of Yingjie. I am comprehending this truth. You don't have to regard Liu Ziyang's words as one thing.

This is completely an insult to Liu Wei. Liu Wei’s reputation may not be as great as Zhou Yu’s reputation, but talent does not have to be Zhou Yu. Even in the academics, Zhou Yu is not as good as Liu Wei. Now Liu Wei is the second person of Liu Yujun's Chinese Chen. It can be said that Liu Wei can be without Xu Wei, but he can't be without Liu Wei, because only Liu Wei can help Liu Wei translate. Out of the books he brought back, turning the things on the books into facts.

The real version of the above story, that is Liu Yi Liu Ziyang, this friend wants to give himself and Lu Suru, a talent for the promotion, and people like them, although they have talents in the chaos, but also It’s good to find out that it’s too late to be filial, so it’s only a matter of fame.

Liu Wei is giving Lusu a chance to become famous. It is a fake intention to rely on Zheng Bao. At that time, Zheng Bao was a tyrant of Yangzhou. When he came to Zheng Baofang, he could have a foundation in the chaos, and he could get the most crucial in the troubled times. Something, that is, military power, Zheng Bao is a man who can't be done, and it is a thief. It is easy to kill this person. By relying on this person, he can gain military power and rely on the military power to rely on one of the princes as a capital. It can be said that Their reputation is maximized!

It is a pity that Sun Ce Sun Ce, who was at the time of Lu Su, just lacked talents. Lu Su had the opportunity to be directly recommended, and naturally did not need to get the capital of Liu Wei.

Lu Su has three and a half friends, his week Yu, the second Zhuge Liang, his three Liu Wei Liu Ziyang, half a friend that is Sun Quan!

Upon hearing the news of Liu Wei, Lu Su was immediately excited. What he was thinking about was to find Liu Wei’s good old-fashioned story. The ancients did not have a phone call like a modern person. A plane was leaning against a hundred thousand miles. Being able to see each other, once separated between the ancients may be a lifetime, above the original trajectory.

Pang Tong has never seen Liu Wei since Yangzhou!

It is naturally exciting to hear Liu Wei’s news now.

"Zi Yang brother in Yangzhou?!" Lu Su did not understand a bit, although the two did not meet, but still had a letter contact a few years ago, at that time Liu Wei had killed Zheng Bao, and later directly with the Minjiang Taishou Liu Xun Going to Cao Cao together, he shouldn't be in Xudu, when did he become a military officer in Yangzhou?

"Oh, Mr. Zijing, Ziyang is already in our Yangzhou! The latest bed of our army that Mr. Zijing saw was the son of Yang Yang!" Xu Wei explained to Lusu. He also said what Liu Wei left from Xu Du Cao Cao.

"Bed??" This thing changed the whole water war, and even the siege war was changed by him. Lu Su was softly experienced by the bed to shoot the scene of the Yangtze River, Jiang Qin 30,000 elite water The First World War was sent to the bottom of the Yangtze River by Gan Ning, and that was the first time Lu Su was captured by Yangzhou.

"Yes!" Xu Wei nodded. "Zi Yang also helped the Lord to fight out of Yuzhou Liu Bei!" The military division of Yuzhou was Liu Wei, but everyone has been unclear. It was because of the Yuzhou War, Liu Weijun did not get any benefit. In addition to a grandson. Liu Wei’s army can be said to have achieved nothing. Even Liu Wei was too cautious and overplayed by the small turkey of Pang Tong.

"How can Ziyang be in Yangzhou!" Lu Su really asked himself, Liu Su Liu Ziyang's gaze Lu Su will not know. This person can be regarded as a talented person in the world. Such a person has a high mentality and can see the general trend of the world. Otherwise, Liu Wei will not kill Zheng Bao, and then persuade Liu Xun to rely on Cao Cao because he I can see that Cao Cao is a hegemon.

It is a pity that Cao Cao is a pity for Liu Yu’s such a Han dynasty, but it’s like a tasteless taste. Liu Wei’s talented Cao Cao wants to use it, but he is afraid that Liu Wei’s identity as a Han dynasty will make him It is biased towards the side of the Han Emperor, so that his rear can not be stabilized. Therefore, Liu Wei was not able to shine.

In the end, even Liu Wei did not get the permission of Cao Cao in the military account. When Cao Cao regretted the night and pursued Liu Wei, Liu Wei was already in Yangzhou. Liu Wei is completely full of a baby!

"Zi Yang's talent, Mr. Zijing should be able to see! I hope Mr. Zijing does not directly reject my Lord!" Xu Wei said to Lu Suxiaoxiao, there is a friend of Liu Wei, maybe Lu Su's atrium will be easier to break .

"If I don't want to be there at the time!" Lu Su looked at Xu Wei and wanted to get an answer.

"I still don't want to. Then I can only ask Mr. to stay in Yangzhou to hide his name! Yangzhou does not die, Mr. can't!" Xu Wei still smiles, both of whom are smart people, Xu Wei also sees the ability of Lu Su, Such a person cannot be released, let alone in the hands of his own enemy.

"Yes!!" If it was before, Lu Su was scornful of Xu Wei. Because in his view of Lu Su, Yangzhou will soon be eliminated by Cao Cao of Zhangzhou. When Yangzhou Road is out of nature, Lu Su will come out, but now it seems that Lu Su’s thoughts, his friend Liu Wei It is impossible to know that this is the fire pit that is still jumping inward.

"Please also ask Mr. Lu Jing to move to Shouchun!" In the conversation between Xu Wei and Lu Su, the identity of Lu Su was fixed! Lu Su changed its name to Lu Jing. Although Lu Su is not willing to join the Yangzhou Army, it is OK to let Lu Su be a teacher! After all, although Yangzhou has money, but there are not many foods, people who can't eat white food, and Lu Su wants to eat in exchange for labor.

And this labor is teaching in Yangzhou! Liu Wei is ready to establish a reading system in Yangzhou. Other princes may have to go through all sorts of obstacles if they want to interfere in reading, because those sects will not make you so happy! Because reading is a privilege of the sects, in their view, the people only need to obey. Reading is still to let the sects do it. Officials are also letting these sects do it. For example, Liu Wei wants to build people to learn like mathematics. Something like this, let these things enter the assessment of the admissions officials. Yangzhou has fewer scholars and less ethical strength. The old sergeant is obedient and obedient, who dares to stand up and give Liu Wei a black, then Liu Wei There is only one word for him to kill!

But like Xu Du, and Jiangdong Jingzhou, these places, your princes usually have to deal with one or two sects, everyone does not care, after all, you are the boss, this world is also yours, but if you touch the interests of all sects, Then waiting for you is ruined. These sects are united, and you may not even use the army.

Throughout the dynasties, it was the same as the patriarchal metric system.

What Liu Wei wants is to establish a college system in Yangzhou. The whole Yangzhou now has a population of 1.2 million, of which there are hundreds of thousands of children. These children are the foundation of Yangzhou after Liu Wei. These children are preparing for Liu Wei. Energizer put all the people to study. The first thing to establish is the elementary school. Liu Wei does not need how many books they can read, as long as they can read the words. The middle school is after the elementary school, and then the high school, as for the university! Liu Wei himself does not have this university level. A university student who has not graduated from school is still a high school to run a high school!

Let these children read and write, this is not a small matter, a whole hundred thousand people, Liu Wei even if the entire Yangzhou reading and writing people are pulled out, it can not finish.

Lu Su is a helper for Liu Wei to stay in Yangzhou to Xu Wei. Lu Su does not want to join Liu Weijun. He is not optimistic about Liu Weijun. He believes that Liu Wei will be defeated, and Yangzhou will also lose. He does not want to show his face. Because of this, relying on Yangzhou, not only in the Lu family of Jiangdong to be unlucky, even if there is Zhou Yu to help. Sun Ce will also turn Lu Jia into the big prison.

Moreover, if Lu Su was arrested after Yangzhou was destroyed, then it would become a prisoner. Lu Su did not want to enter the prison three times. If he accidentally offended someone, he might die in prison.

Since Lu Su didn't want to show his face, Liu Wei would fulfill him. He did not expect Lu Su to help Yangzhou from the beginning. He started from teaching and made him a person who taught and educated people. His name was also changed to Lu Jing.

“Teaching books and educating people?!” Lu Su’s eyes lit up. Because all the readers have an idea in their hearts, that is, they can write books and teach people, and the saints have clouds to help the world. Among them, there is a way to educate people.

Why did Pang Degong have such a reputation in Jingzhou? That is because Pang Degong can establish the Lumen Academy, so that the whole Jingzhou and even half of the big man are under the influence of it. It can be said that there are many out of the Lumen Academy. Officials, sects, these individuals are the foundation of the Lumen Academy.

Therefore, Pang Degong is in Jingzhou, even if Liu Zi, the master of Jingzhou, has to give Pound a three-point face. Such an old man simply can't afford to offend.

Although Lu Su is young, he is also a person with aspirations. He wants to be famous in the world and help the protagonist to achieve a career. This is a famous way of the world. This kind of reading and educating people is another way to become famous in the world. .

"Mr. Yuan Zhi, I don't know how to prepare?!" Lu Su has already clenched his fists toward Xu Wei. This shows that Lu Su has promised to teach and educate people.

"Oh, Mr. Oh, just prepare the knowledge of the five cars of Mr., and the rest will be prepared by us!" Xu Xiao smiled and said to Lu Su.

Lu Su nodded and did not reject Xu Wei, followed by Xu Wei and went to the carriage to get Yangzhou Shouchun.

On the second day, Xu Wei sent Lu Su to the place where he taught and educated people and went to the place. Lu Su dumbfounded.

Because there is an open-air plaza in front of the square, at least there are thousands of people in the center of the square. Although they are quite straight in the cold wind, one pair of eyes are staring at the central Lusu.

In the center of the square, thousands of people are wearing armor. This is where the teacher is educated and educated. This is obviously to want him to be a commander of the military!

Lu Suqiang endured the anger and yelled at the people on the side of the road. "What is this situation? I said Lu Su, I can't join the majesty of the king. You let your military division Let's give up! "Lu Su thought that Xu Wei was in the palace, and wanted to use this piece to let Lu Su join the squat of Yangzhou, or why come to the military camp.

Lu Su admitted that the thousands of soldiers and horses below seemed to be full of energy. They were an elite soldier and horse, but how strong the soldiers and horses were. He said that he would not join Yangzhou without joining Yangzhou.

"Oh!" The civil servant on the edge of the road laughed. "Mr. Lu Su is going to misunderstand. This is not the soldier who makes Mr. Lu Su commandable! Mr. Lu Su, you see the banner over there!"

The civil servant pointed to the tall banner on the side of the big camp, with the same life and death on the top and the other side on the other side!

Seeing these two words, Lu Su's brow wrinkled, this is, this is the slogan of the Yangzhou elite department Qucheng management army.

Lu Su knows the city management army. That is because he and the city management army have not been engaged in war. On top of the city, this army has beaten his Wu Hou Sun Ce and his 100,000 songs from the wall. Fighting down, it can be said that the battle of the city management army is really playing with the blood, and let Lu Su fear, this army is the elite trump card.

"This is the city management army?!" Lu Su asked the civil servant on the side.

The civil official smiled and nodded. "Mr. Lu Su, this is our elite city management army in Yangzhou!"

Lu Sussed, if this is really the city management army, then it is really not to let him Lu Su commander, and he Lu Su even if he receives the attention of Liu Wei, Liu Wei will not directly appreciate Lu Su I put the city management army in the hands of Lu Su, because the city management army is basically equivalent to Liu Wei’s squadrons, and it belongs to the **** camp. Even if Liu Wei is willing to give it, Liu Wei’s generals are not possible. Promise.

"The one above is Lu Suru Jing!" The schoolmen who stood on the side of several city management forces were talking about it.

Huang Xu, the deputy of the city management army, asked the rain on the side.

"Yes, this person is Lu Sujing!" Cheng Yu eyes stunned and looked at Lu Su on the stage. It can be said that Lu Su is the enemy of the city management army. The brother of the city management army died in the hands of Lu Su! Therefore, the rain is not very good for this Lusu.

"The Lord has let this Lusu come to teach, will not go wrong?!" Huang Xu is a little worried, because he also knows that many of the old brothers of the city management army survived from the battle of the city, and talked about the city. In the battle, those old brothers were tearful and tearful, and the men did not shed tears. The battle was almost lost to the city management army!

Therefore, Huang Xu worried that the old brothers of the urban management army saw Lu Su on the stage and could not help but go up to Lusu to settle accounts.

"Do not worry! In addition to me, no one knows the identity of this Lusu!" After all, Lu Su is a military division of the army, a senior officer, or a civil servant is difficult to kill! Those old brothers have never seen him even if they know the name of Lu Su. As long as Lu Su himself does not reveal his identity, those old brothers will not know that Lu Su once commanded the army and let their brothers die.

But those brethren did not know that he was the master who knew it. He looked at Lu Su on the stage with a cold eye. He couldn’t wait to rush directly to kill this cockroach, but remembered the main priest Liu Wei, it was only rain. Can snortle!

"Mr. Lu Su, the first batch of students you want to teach is these urban management forces!" said the gentleman, smiling at Lu Su.

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