My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 500: Big soldier

"Teach these soldiers?!" Lu Su first stunned and then became angry and sullen, facing the civilian officer on the side. "Why, is this Xu Wei want to humiliate my Lu Su Luzi? So, then Please kill Lumou!" He was originally left by Xu Wei. Lu Su thought that he was Xu Xiwei. Lu Su himself did not want to die. In his opinion, the destruction of Yangzhou was a matter of time. At that time, Wu Hou of Jiangdong It must have taken Jingzhou and Cao Cao across the river and ruled it. At that time, Lu Su was not too late to leave, so there was no objection to Xu Su’s invitation to leave a teaching book.

Just like Xu Wei, who was in the original trajectory, entered Cao Ying, and he could not speak much.

But now it is a shame to his Lu Su, this is a military camp, can he let him come to the military camp to teach? Do you have a big head coach who doesn't know one of these big characters? Among the ancients, the status of the sergeant is very low. The good man is not a soldier. The good iron is not nailed. It is the status of the soldier’s Chad. In the troubled times, the status of the soldiers may be higher, but it is not high. Going, the peace and prosperity of the world, those generals were made by the civil servants.

Where does this group of Wufu know how to read? It’s all a bunch of illiterates. This is not a humiliation for him by Xu Wei, which means that his talents can only teach these big soldiers?

"Shame?!" The colleague of the collar Lu Sulai on the side stunned, and this humiliation came from where.

The civil servant did not know how to explain to Lu Su, but a voice on the side was picked up.

"Would you like Lu Sujing? If you think that teaching the city management army is a humiliation to your Lusu Luzi, then the camp gate is there, listen to the respect!" A proud voice was uploaded from Taiwan. Come up.

"Mr. General?!" The civil servant saw the coming man rushing forward to hug his fist. Cheng Yu’s status in Yangzhou is not small. There is no first-class martial arts in the rain. There is no wisdom to strategize, but he has always occupied this Yangzhou's most elite terracotta warriors, which can be seen as the importance of rain.

He was rushing out from the lower jaw with the main public Liu Wei, and it was an absolute confidant, so they were very respectful of the rain.

"It's rain?!" Hearing the name of the civil servant on the side, Lu Su knows the identity of the coming person. The city management army can be called the general and the surname is only the city management army will become rain. . This is an old rival, although Lu Su could not remember to live in the rain. But knowing this name is the main force of the city management army after Liu Wei.

"Mr. Lu, the general does not mean this. I hope that Mr. Lu will not be surprised!" Huang Xu, who was on the side, hurriedly pulled forward into the rain. This Lu Su was sent by the military commander Xu Wei, and it was returned by the rain. It’s raining and there are good fruits to eat.

Even if the rain is the old man of Lu Bujun, he will not escape the criminal law in the face of Xu’s law enforcement.

"Since this general has said this! Then leave! Please send Lumou to Shouchun prison!" Lu Su extended his hands and let go of the expression.

"Oh, it is not a failure of the men! Losing the Lord is praised to you, but it is only like this!" Cheng Yu said to Lu Suzhen, Cheng Yu has a lot of impressions on Lu Su. If it weren't for this person, then many brothers would not die. The old faces of the urban management army have basically changed their minds. They have already caught up in Cheng Yu’s view. Since they can’t surrender, they’ll not be able to kill them. They can also comfort those who are in the Spirit of Heaven.

"Well?!" Lu Suyi heard the rain and the anger was suddenly angered from his heart. He Lu Su was lost. He did not admit it, but if you are so humiliating, it is really boring. . "The coward is not enough to talk!"

"Kill it down!" Lu Su said to the civil servant on the side.

"What happened to the coward, you are lost in the hands of the coward, or Jiangdong celebrities, I think it is not as good as shit!" Cheng Yu is not polite to Lu Su.

"The Confucius has a cloud, and there is no class to teach! You Lusu Luzi Jingguang has a reputation, but it is a famous reputation. What happened to this sergeant? You are provoked by you! Those who are studying in the school are the children of the sect. People, are we not a person in this group of soldiers?!" It was a rain that pointed to Lu Su's nose.

"Oh, the scholars in the school can read thousands of books, govern the county and county! What is the use of your sergeant reading?!" Lu Su retorted that when the soldiers have to be aware of the soldiers, what is the reading? use? Just obey.

"Yes? Our lord has said that it is not a good soldier to want to be a general. What do people mean if they don't have a progressive heart to live? Like the sects of the sects you said, do you eat and die?!"

"Is quite a general's pawn?!" Lu Su was really said that he had a little thought, but then he shook his head. Where is the world hierarchy? Basically, what was born is so doomed you. What is it for a lifetime? A soldier is desperately trying to fight ninety-nine. It is a war dead, or when a hundred people will come to an end, only one percent will step on the head to become a general.

"Oh, then I will ask you two thousand generals of Yangzhou. Do you know the word? You don't even know one big character. Can you give me a lecture? Can you understand it?!" Lu Su looked at the rain with ridicule. Time, reading is the only person in the upper class who can afford to read, not the big-headed soldiers who can't afford to eat.

Cheng Yu did not retort on the spot, but went to the stage and looked at the soldiers of the city management army below. "Brothers! Go ahead and know the word!"

“Well?!” Although the urban management officers on the stage did not know why the Lord would be raining, almost 80% of the people below took a step forward, and only 10% were still hesitating. I don’t think it’s literacy.

"Mr. Lu Su, what do you think?!"

"Hey? Is there anyone who really knows the literacy? Or you become a general who fooled me with this prisoner!" Lu Su did not believe that if one or two hundred people stood up, then Lu Su still believed, but this station came out It is more than 1,500 people, and there are only a few hundred people who have not moved. Lu Su naturally does not believe that he can read and write and need to be a big soldier here. Can you be an instrument or something like it, is it better than being a soldier? And there is security.

"Below, these are the ones that go forward. You Lusu Jingzi is free to order. As long as anyone can't know the words, I will go to the public to ask the Lord to let you go back to Jiangdong!" Cheng Yu looked at Lusu. The words are coming.

"General, are you crazy?!" Huang Xu on the side shocked, put Lu Su back to Jiangdong? This Lusu is the person who wants to be named by the protagonist. Even if he kills, he will not let the tiger return to the mountain.

"Is this true?" Lu Su hearted, he still thought about going back to Jiangdong.

"I can make a military order in the rain!" said the rain coldly,

"it is good!"

"But if you want to lose Mr. Lu Su?!" Cheng asked the rain.

The subconscious Lu Su opened his mouth "Impossible!"

"Oh, Mr. Lu Su has done a good job without a sale!"

"If I lose, I will let the generals handle it!" Lu Su said to Cheng Yu, in fact, Lu Su said that it is equal to Bai said that he is now the fish on the cutting board of Yangzhou, not to dispose of it. It!

"If Mr. Lu loses, I don't want Mr. Lu Su to do anything. As long as Mr. Lu Su stands in front of this stage, he will apologize to the thousands of brothers below!" (To be continued.)

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