"How is this possible?!" Lu Su was stunned on the spot. This is a whole thousand people. Lu Su points out at least 100 people. Among the 100 people, Lu Su is free to pick it up, but these 100 people are all literate. Although it can only be written like a ghost character when writing, it is true that they all recognize the word.

If this is more than a thousand scholars, there will be more people than Jiangdong’s scholars. Of course, it’s still far worse than the real readers. They just write some words and know some words, while those who read are reading the classics of sage for decades. Their foundation is better than that of the city. The soldiers are much stronger.

"How about Mr. Lu Su?!" Cheng Yu stood on the side and said to Lu Su. Although the city management army is still in the ranks of illiterate people, it is just that they do not understand some knowledge. Writing literacy this thing, in this few months Since then, the urban management army has been writing literacy in addition to training. It can be said that the urban management army, the old and the old, are trying to get the strength of breastfeeding.

"What about them? They!" Lu Su made a hundred out of the gang who took a step forward. It turned out that none of the gangs could understand the words he wrote, and Lusu was not the kind. The swindler, the unfamiliar word, he did not write at all, he wrote some popular words, but these people are all aware, Lu Su turned his attention to the hundreds of people who did not stand up and said that they are illiterate. Said.

"Li Erniu, debut!" Cheng Yu looked at the person pointed by Lu Su and shouted at a city sergeant below.

"Yes!" The urban management sergeant named Li Erniu stood up and walked in front of the rain.

"Come to tell Mr., why don't you step forward!" Cheng Yu was very loud and asked Li Erniu.

"Because, because I can't recognize it!" Li Erniu seems a bit shy, standing in front of the rain, embarrassed to say.

"I don't know?" Lu Su stunned.

"Yeah, this gentleman only knows some of the words written on it, and there are more than a dozen who don't know!" Li Erniu said with a smile on his head.

"I only know a few? There are still more than a dozen don't know?!" Lu Su looked at the words he wrote on it, and there were hundreds of them, but this Li Erniu said that he only had a dozen or so, even These are ordinary words. But with these words, you can write a letter.

"If you don't believe it, you can let Li Erniu recognize it!" Cheng Yu pointed to Li Erniu and said that he didn't care.

This kind of expression makes Huang Xu on the side look like a laugh, this general is also true. For the sake of this literacy, their urban management army almost did not turn over with the main official. When the rain was still in front of the main public, a big soldier needs to know what words, as long as he can obey, but the public has been punished for a month’s clothes. After that, this changed slowly, but it was still embarrassing. They wanted to know the words and the books.

Now, in front of this old rival Lu Su, Cheng Yu can be regarded as a real exaggeration for a while.

"No need!" Lu Su knows that since this is the name of the rain, naturally this Li Erniu will not recognize it. Coupled with the people he had before Lu Su, Lu Su's face is more complicated and complicated.

Because if this is lost, Lu Su would like to apologize, in front of these two thousand people, in this large court, to the gang of the old. The gangsters apologize, this face is simply a little lost.

"Mr. Lu Su, you can ignore the generals! He is talking about it!" Huang Xu on the side went forward and said to Lu Su, knowing that Lu Su is the name of the lord, if this is This person does not join Liu Weijun okay, if he joined Liu Yijun. Then the main public Liu Wei must be re-used. This rainless plain will offend a colleague. If this Lusu has talents, then it is not impossible to give rain to embarrassment. Huang Xu is giving the steps to both sides. under.

"Mr. Lu Su, we are in charge of the city. It is the Lord's office to read and write. Maybe we are still a bunch of illiterate people in a few months, but now they are hundreds of people who know each other, but also Just knowing it, it is still a little difficult for them to write!" Liu Wei gave the city management army a dead order. All the urban management army must know a hundred words from the beginning of the war, and can read the letters. If you look like a long man, you need to write, not too much. At least some of the enemies, numbers and the like need to know. After that, the team leader will have thousands of people, and thousands of people will need to be able to write letters. The map needs to be understood. Otherwise, how to march and fight.

All of this is given when Liu Wei left. If anyone can't finish it, then he will directly lower it. Thousands of people will not be able to complete the task and drop it to 100. The 100 people will not be able to finish the captain. The captain can't finish it. Long, Wu Chang, no longer complete the road directly as a small soldier, the small soldier still does not learn, that Cheng! The city management army can't keep you, and directly kicks out the city management army to the garrison army.

This Li Erniu used to be a hundred people. Now he has been reduced to a long-term one. It is still seen that Li Erniu has a strength to be a slap in the face, otherwise he will give him a glimpse.

"Your lord?!" Lu Su did not understand, why should a group of soldiers read and write? This is totally inconsistent with Lu Su’s thoughts. As long as the soldiers can understand the order, the commanding operations are all generals. Many generals do not know the words. Is it true that the gangs know the words to be the instruments? Obviously not.

"I said it earlier, our lord said, don't want to be a general soldier is not a good soldier, you ask who does not want to be a general below! Li Erniu, you, you want to be a general!" Li Erniu on the side shouted.

"Think, dreaming!" Li Erniu’s voice is very loud. When he was a general, there was a good life, and among other princes, the general’s position was basically selected. It is not a child of a sect, but a son of a general. You are an ordinary **** who wants to be a general who does not dream of daydreaming.

In the urban management army, as long as you have the ability, you will definitely give you the opportunity to be a general. It can even be said that the people who are released by the urban management army can basically become officers.

"If you want to be a general, you must first read and write?!" Lu Su was really smothered by the slogan of the city management army. Indeed, in addition to martial arts, a general needs strategizing, reading and writing is necessary.

However, thousands of people in this city management army should be generals. How many troops does this Yangzhou have and how many generals are needed?

Huang Xu did not say much, because this matter is related to the secret of Yangzhou. "Mr. These people are going to be generals in the future!" Liu Wei training city management army is not used as a trump card or elite. Elite department songs, Liu Wei's men have black chess troops with Yiyang martial arts, cavalry above the heavy armored cavalry Xiliang iron ride, light cavalry has white horses from righteousness, but also hesitant to his cheap father-in-law and state wolf ride, trap camp, this ace Elite is enough. Liu Wei’s need for the city management army is not to let them charge, but to train as a teaching camp. This group of people said Huang Xu’s words. It’s really all about being a general.

This group of people is the general of the reserve. Liu Yiyang’s 300,000 reserve is being reorganized. If it is not a war, Yangzhou’s soldiers and horses are enough, and they do not need to play. If a large-scale battle breaks out, then the 300,000-strong army will not be inferior to any of the soldiers and horses, because 100 of them will start from the city management army, and the troops will surely let this Only the reserve soldier Ma Huanran is new.

The city management army is equivalent to the military academy. Liu Wei asked Lu Su to come to Lusu to teach the city management army and military strategy! There are basically things to do in Yangzhou that can be accomplished in the art of war.

Xu Wei commander-in-chief was busy in Yangzhou. In the industrial park, Liu Wei could not get away from it. Huang Zhong is going to command the training of 300,000 reserve troops. Zhang Liao wants to help Liu Wei to open up the territory, and then talk about the generals who know how to teach! Originally, Liu Wei was planning to send Jia Wei back, because the matter in Jingzhou was almost over, but now Lu Su was arrested, so waste utilization. Let Lu Su, the later general manager of Jiangdong, be a good teacher of Dangdang City Management.

"Five thousand generals?!" Lu Su muttered to himself, this Yangzhou is a big layout, but also a great ambition.

"So, you don't need to be arrogant with the generals. According to Syria, it's all right! Mr. continues to class. We listen to it!" Huang Xu still eases the contradiction between the two, and it doesn't matter if it rains, but in Was pulled by Huang Sui, but it was also figured out. What is he and a Lu Suqi, it is already a prisoner, why not have this amount.

"No!" Cheng Yu was ready to give up, but Lu Su shook his head and stood up and said, "No!"

"Why do you still don't believe it?" The rain snorted. He thought about this Lusu, but he didn't give up. He thought that they shouldn't be literate. "If Mr. still doesn't believe it, the rain can put this. The remaining 3,000 people of the city management army also came to the monarch! "Because the locality is limited, there are only two thousand soldiers in the city management army. If Lu Su does not believe it, then the rain can completely replace the remaining 3,000 people. Let's give a demonstration to Lu Su.

"No need!" Lu Su shook his head. The two thousand soldiers, Lu Su can see that they are not scholars. Looking at the wind and rain, they know that they are real soldiers, not waiting. The scholars in the house, not to mention the rain, said that the entire city management army is literate, even if there are only two thousand people, it is very bad. Therefore, Lu Su did not doubt it at all.

Lu Su sorted out the sleeves, and he removed all the folds from his body.

"Mr. What are you?!" Huang Xu on the side did not understand, and asked Lu Su.

Lu Su went to the stage and looked at the thousands of soldiers below. The thousands of rivers below were watching Lu Su. I wanted to see who was the one who was sent by the Lord’s public to give them lectures. Well.

I saw Lu Su suddenly bent down on the stage, holding fists in both hands, and directly squatting at the thousands of soldiers below.

"Hey!" The soldiers below are boiling, because when the military officer sent people to say this, but Lu Su said that it is a famous celebrity, is a talented gentleman, so that they should not be negligent, but This Mr. Celebrity is yelling at them. What is going on?

"Jiangdong ignorant people, like the generals apologize!" Lu Su is the honest man in history, when he says it can be done, people do not know what they can, people have faith, and do more with less.

Cheng Yu looked at the sly Lu Su on the stage. He finally knew why the protagonist would send him to give lectures to the city management army. Such an enemy, the former rain may have complaints, and what can be said about one defeat? But now he understands how terrible such an enemy is, and now they are going to turn the horrible thing in this person into their own things, and let the city management army once again become a sword in the hands of the Lord. A sword that can open up a broad territory and stabilize the country.

"Let's go!" Cheng Yu said to Huang Xu on the side.

"Well?!" Huang Xu stunned, going to the rain, where to go?

"Go to a location, listen to Mr. Lu Su's lecture!" Cheng Yu smiled and said to Huang Xu!

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