My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 609: Broken Jiangling (4)


"Thank you for the elderly to lead the way! This is your reward!" Lu Xun thanked the old Li head who led the way.

'This this! "What Lao Litou cares about now is not the golden leaves in this hand, but the scene in front of him. These people told him that the old Li head came to visit relatives, but now they took out a sword and attacked Jiangling City.

"Well?" Lu Xun thought it was not enough for the golden leaves, so that the vice-president on the side gave two leaves, but the old man still did not leave.

"The old man, don't be greedy!" The vice-president on the side was a little angry, and the road was a dozen miles away. A golden leaf was enough for him to buy a few acres of land. He gave three pieces and did not leave. This is not greedy.

"Give him all!" Lu Xun put a hand in the gold leaf, although more, but Lu Xun does not care about this.

But the old man still does not leave.

"Does the general want us?" The deputy was slashing over the neck. Lu Xun frowned. If the old man was just a person who had broken their actions, then Lu Xun would not hesitate to kill this person, but the old man led the way. People, without him, they also can't come outside of Gangneung City. People want to know that they can't do it, but if the old man really doesn't know what to do, then he can only kill it.

"Cousin, let me come!" Wu Hao on the side went up to "the old man, take your golden leaves and go, it’s going to fight here. It will be dead."

"You, who are you!" Lao Litou finally reacted. Lao Li’s head was a little remorseful. If it was a thief army, then he was the sinner of Gangneung. After returning, the folks in the village would see it like this? Even if others don't know. His conscience will also be uneasy.

"We are the Yangzhou Shuijun!" Lu Xun on the side said to the old Li head.

"Yangzhou Shuijun. That King of the Kings?" Lao Li asked a little surprised.

"Well!" Lu Xun nodded. He looked at Lao Litou if there was anything wrong with Lao Litou, then he was no wonder that he was Lu Xun.

"Yeah, that's great! The Yangzhou army has come over. Isn't we going to be in Yangzhou?" Lao Litou not only showed no hostility towards this Yangzhou water army, but a joy.

happy? Lu Xun wiped his eyes as if he had read it wrong. This is not funny. The enemy attacked your hometown. You showed a joy. "What and Yangzhou?"

"Taxes!" Lao Litou said to Lu Xun, Lu Xun understood this, and Yangzhou’s taxation was only 30%. In Jingzhou, it is a tax of 60%. For these people, it may be feared that Yangzhou will come over and reshuffle the power. However, for these people, I am afraid that the Yangzhou Shuijun will be able to get it. Less tax, 30%, if it is 30% tax, then the old Li's second child can already get married, and he needs his old Li head to cut wood to subsidize the family. The common people are so simple, who is good to the people, and the people are good to whom.

"This must be. Certainly!" Lu Xun said to the old Li head, he did not expect that the low tax of the protagonist would have this advantage.

"You want to enter the city! Yes! It is not the best time!" Lao Li said to Lu Xun.

"Well?" The vice-president on the side is a bit too cute. What does this old Li head mean?

"I have also done things under the command of General Huang. This city is generally divided into three classes. When the child starts to play as a class, it is a class at the time of the application, and it is the third time from the time of application to the second day. Class, a total of three classes, if you want to go to the city, then when waiting for the exchange class, this time is the most relaxed time, this time is the best time for us to enter the city!" Lao Li head actually used us This word is spoken. "There is a dead corner there. If you go there, we can definitely enter the city!" The old man was in a thousand miles.

Lu Xun couldn’t help but look at the old Li’s head. Such an inconspicuous old farmer was able to point out the dead corner of the city wall. This is not easy, so don’t underestimate the old man. The older he is, the more capable he is, because It is really not easy for you to live to this age in this troubled world. How can you survive without a little bit of work, not to mention the old Li head who has been beaten back.

With the help of the old Li head, the Yangzhou Shuijun was much more convenient. Just after, it quickly moved from the corner of Gangneung City. The sky has begun to darken.

"Zhang Wuchang, come to take over!" In the afternoon, Jiangling City Gate guards have stood for one afternoon. Jiangling City Gatekeepers are naturally happy to watch the robes coming to take over. This is going to go back to eat some hot food and drink some small wine. Your body is warming up.

"Yeah, let you go back comfortably!" Zhang Wuchang said with a smile on these robes.

"Get it! Now there is still a comfortable time!" The gatekeeper shook his head. They were where the Han Jiajun used to be in the East Gate. They used to be the guards of Ximen. The West Gate was in the hinterland of Jingzhou, so it was the way to go. As long as the boat enters Gangneung, it must go to the west gate. This oil can be big, comfortable and comfortable.

However, since the Wu family in Jiangling has finished, they can say that this treatment has plummeted. The original guardian of the West Gate has now become the East Gate guard. What is the East Gate? Guarding Huarong Road? Some of the countrymen in the city, not to mention the oil, and even the oil flowers are gone, this is not the most sad, their original two thousand brothers have also been taken away, thousands of people will be demoted However, their Han Jiajun is now a grandfather who does not hurt or love.

"Hey, cautious and cautious!" Frustrated and shook his head, they were ready to hand over.

"Who is this?" A group of people in the front had already left the handover, and suddenly there was a movement between them.

"Is it because they are back and have something falling?" Zhang Wuchang was a bit confused.

Waiting for him, he only felt the cold light flashing a knives on his neck.

Zhang Wuchang’s eyes widened. “Who are you?” Zhang Wuchang asked the owner of the sword on his neck.

"Don't say anything, don't worry about who we are! Don't say anything, or we will kill you now! Go, take us into the city!" said the cold voice of the owner of the sword.

"The general has already solved it!" Someone soon came over to report.

Zhang Wuchang, listening to the reports of these enemies, knew that his own men had all been finished.

"Go!" This is called the general behind the scenes, and the shadow of Zhang Wu is scared. These individuals all have armor on their armor. It doesn't look like a thief army at all, like some regular troops. It is the armor of their Jiangling army that can't match.

Zhang Wuchang, who was held hostage, soon came to the gate of the city. "Hurry up, fast and quick, we have to take down the gate!" The general who had arrived at the gate of the city could not help but relax. As long as you enter the city of Gangneung, you can take the city gate and you can kill this Jiangling defender. But suddenly his stomach hurts.

I saw Zhang Wuchang saw his head down and hit the general with his head. Although there was not much damage, he let this Zhang Wuchang break free, only to hear that Zhang Wuchang suddenly yelled "enemy." Attack, enemy attack. Come on, come on."

"Looking for death!" The general was furious and was going to chase and kill Zhang Wuchang, but was stopped by a young man on the side.

"That's too late!"

"Who!" The other Jiangling defenders on the top of the city also discovered the following Yangzhou Shuijun "enemies, enemy alert, alert!"

"Speedy quick decision!" Lu Xun took the lead and rushed in. The gate was much less alert than before because of the change of defense. It was a sudden attack by the Yangzhou Army. It was a glimpse. After they reflected it, the Yangzhou Army had already attacked the city. The door is down.

"Quick and fast!" The city gate opened. Lu Xun and others stood with a few elite soldiers, and the Jiangling defenders wanted to close the gates.

"The East Gate is broken!" Lu Xun has only two thousand people in his hands, but each one is the elite of the Yangzhou Shuijun. They are already screaming in Huarong Road. They are all swamps, the death of robes, and the unknown fear. They are all angry and angry, and they are full of dissatisfaction, but they are full of dissatisfaction. You can't help you with Huarong Road. Then Jiangling’s Jiangling defenders are unlucky.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The sound of rushing all day, Lu Xun knows that their body shape can't hide, so simply hit it.

"What is the situation!" Han Wei is a very competent school. Although he used to collect protection fees when he was at the West Gate of Gangneung, it was inevitable because you have to support a group of soldiers. Ah, and there is still a Korean family behind Han Wei. It’s just a little bit of money, so Han Wei has only collected the toll.

But for the training of the soldiers and horses, there are still military affairs, which are very heart-warming.

When Han Wei was on duty, he would not go back to Hanfu, and he lived on the tower. So when the shouting sound on the wall rang, Han Wei got up and quickly put on the armor. .

"What happened, what happened?" Han Wei quickly pulled a Han Jiajun who ran down from the front, but the Han Jiajun only managed to escape and failed to tell Han Wei about the specific situation.

"Homeowner, homeowner!" Han Jiajun is basically a servant of the Han family or a private soldier, so he called Han Wei as the owner.

"East Gate, there is an enemy in the East Gate!"

"Enemy?" Han Wei didn't believe it, but the rushing sound over there was not fake.

"How many enemies are there?" Han Wei's first reaction was to know the number of enemies.

"No, don't know!" The sky has dimmed, where is the number of enemies.

‘Run with me! "Han Wei will rush to the past with a pro-guard camp and go to the East Gate.

"Go, can't go." The guard on the side said to Han Wei, "The Dongcheng Gate has been broken. It is useless for us to go now." Now the sky is dim, and the enemy simply doesn't know where it is. The guards who originally had the gates were able to resist the enemy. Now they have no use of the gates. If they rushed into the enemy camp, what should they do?

"Go! By the street, we will fight back and forth. People come to me to inform the Taishou adults and let the Taishou adults send out reinforcements." Han Wei is a man who knows the military. He knows that things can't be done, and he immediately changed. A set of methods.

"Yes!" Soon Han Wei’s order was passed on, and Han Jiajun leaned back against the street.

"Their direction?" Han Wei gradually discovered a law, that is, the enemy on the opposite side did not attack other places, but instead attacked the city, Han Wei lost his head. I looked over behind me. there?

Han Wei will not be unfamiliar in this direction. That is the direction towards Jiangling Taishou Palace.

"What do they want to do?" Han Wei thought for a while and soon understood "Would they want to swear the thief first?"

Yes, Lu Xun is the plan now. He has only two thousand people in his hands. Even if he is fine, he can’t be an enemy. At least there are about 20,000 guards in Gangneung City. If they are entangled, Lu Xun is about to enter a disadvantage, and he is eager to pay attention to a good time.

Time is now in the dark. It is very beneficial for the Yangzhou Shuijun, because they are coming in from the raid. The enemy does not know how many terracotta warriors they have, but the sky always turns into daytime. Once the sun shines, then his Yangzhou Shuijun can To be dominant, the Yangzhou Shuijun must find a way to resolve the battle before dawn.

This place is not in the Yangzhou Shuijun area. Although they have a guide from Wu Wu, Miss Wu, but there is only one person, how can they care for the whole army? The enemies are all people in the Gangneung City Pool. For the Jiangling defenders who have lived here for several years or even decades, they can be unfamiliar.

So the land is not in their hands. Now it is a surprise attack on the enemy. If it is delayed, this Gangling garrison will be familiar sooner or later. Once they are calmed down, the bigger the more smoothly.

People and above! The Yangzhou Shuijun has a total of 2,000 people, and one person is dead. Lu Xun has no reinforcements and cannot be transformed into terracotta warriors. There are tens of thousands of enemies. This is not the key. The key is even the attack on Jiangling. Lu Xun still has to defend Jiangling. If he can only attack it, he will not be able to defend it.

Therefore, Lu Xun now needs a quick fix, and a prerequisite for quick fix is ​​necessary. That is, he won the thief, and the thief in Gangneung City is Jiang Ling’s Dong Zhi.

Wu Hao on the side is very hard to lead the way, because he wants to kill Dong Zhi, Lu Xun also wants to win Dong Zhi, the cooperation between the two is intimate.

"Can't let them go to the government!" Han Wei understood the idea of ​​the Yangzhou thief army and immediately arranged it. At the beginning, it was in the contact movement of the Yangzhou Shuijun. Hard hit, even if the loss is a bit heavy, but under the command of Han Wei, Han Jiajun rushed forward one after another.

"Who is this unified soldier?? Can you find our plan?" Lu Xun also discovered that after arriving in the city, the road is getting harder and harder. Basically, it can be killed every ten steps. Obviously this is obvious. The opposite garrison school also discovered Lu Xun’s plan. Moreover, this Gangling garrison is not weak. It is not like a second-rate garrison. It is more than enough for the first-line main force. So Lu Xun wants to know who this commander is.

"Give me a tongue!" Lu Xun ordered the man under his command. He wanted to catch a living mouth to find out who was in charge of the Jiangling defender.

"Yes!" Soon after the killing began, the Yangzhou Shuijun stayed away, no longer a live-mouth, and soon a wounded Jiangling defender was caught.

"Tell me, who are you? Tell me, I will let you go!" Lu Xun asked the living mouth on the side. He wanted to use a living path to make this tongue open, but whoever thought of this tongue was very hard.

"Hey!" The tongue spit out directly, and almost splashed on Lu Xun's face. If Lu Xun is hiding fast, this spit with blood will go to his face.

"Give face a shameless face!" The vice-president on the side will kill the tongue with a knife. "General, I will go and grab one for you!" Lu Xun also nodded. He has no time to waste, and he is not good to interrogate. This tongue is hard, but he doesn't believe that all the tongues are hard and there will always be people opening.

"Han Jiajun?" Suddenly Wu Hao opened his mouth.

"Miss Wu,?" The tongue saw a sudden glimpse of Wu Hao on the side.

"You are Han Lei?" Wu Hao asked in confusion. When she rushed into Gangneung City, she found that the gangs were very familiar, but because they could not see clearly at night, Wu Hao was not sure. .

"Missy, you are not dead?" Han Lei's face showed a happy color "Great, great! The owner is worried about dying you." Han Lei is a guardian of Han Wei, once Han Wei Book boy, is a confidant of Han Wei.

"You mean that the opposite is Han Weihan's big brother?" Wu Hao saw Han Lei and decided. Is Han Jiajun not guarding Ximen? How can it appear in the East Gate?

"Miss. How are you here?" Han Lei did not directly answer Wu Hao's question. Instead, ask questions. He looked around the Yangzhou Shuijun "He, they!" Han Lei seems to understand something.

"Han Lei, I want to take revenge, I want to report the vengeance of the 148 people in Wu family." Wu Hao said to Han Lei, so the face of this young woman is absolutely.

"Hey!" Han Lei sighed. "Miss, when the old Wu was killed, our family had wanted to go to the rescue, but when they got there, the fire had already burned." Han and Wu were connected. The Wu family was responsible for the money, and the Han family was in the military. Therefore, the Wu family was killed and Han Wei immediately went with the Han Jiajun, but it was still late.

" Needless to say! I know!" Wu Hao saw Han Wei in the direction of the Wu family outside, because Wu Fan and Han Wei’s father were at the turn of the eight worships, but Han Wei’s father had to leave the house early. The industry gave Han Wei to let Han Wei come out alone, but Wu Fan and Han Wei got along like a righteous father. When Wu Hao did not go to Han Wei, he was afraid that he would bring disaster to the Korean family. After all, the Han family was only four thousand soldiers and horses, but Liu Wei was the one who took the six thousand Jingzhou iron rides in his hand. Coupled with the soldiers and horses in the hands of Jiang Ling Tai Shou Dong Zhi, the Han family did not have any chance of winning.

"Han Lei, you told Han Wei to tell him to let us go." Wu Hao said to Han Lei.


"Let him go!" Lu Xun on the side of the order under the command, quickly helped Han Lei touch the ropes.

"Miss, don't be used by the villain! Master Wu's embarrassment, the owner will help you find Huang Zu's like the state animal husband, Ming Ming, will definitely wash the grievances for Master Wu." Han Lei is in turn to persuade Wu Hao.

"Oh, even if you wash your grievances, how can you wash your grievances, will the 148 people in Wu’s family survive and die? No, no! I want revenge, blood can only use blood. Repay!" Wu Hao's words. "As for the villain you said, this Lu Xun Lu General is my cousin!" Wu Hao said to Han Lei on the side.

"Cousin?" Han Lei has not heard that Wu Hao has such a cousin named Lu.

"You go!" Wu Hao said to Han Lei, Han Lei looked at the persuasion that Wu Hao, and can only leave without leaving.

"I only give you a fragrant effort. If your family can't give me a reply, then I can only offend and fight!" Lu Xun on the side said to Han Lei. Han Lei snorted and left.

"What! Is the child on the opposite side?" Han Wei heard the story of Han Lei coming back and jumped up.

"Yes homeowner, Miss Wu is on the opposite side!" Han Lei said to Han Wei.

"Are you sure you didn't read the wrong person?" Han Wei asked again and again.

"No!" Han Lei shook him. Although Miss Wu had a gray cover on her face, Han Lei still knew that it was really Miss Wu.

"Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s great, it’s great!” Han Wei is very excited. His concern for Wu Hao is not only because of the world, but also because Han Wei likes Wu Hao for a long time. For Wu Hao, Han Wei and his childhood, Xiao Hanwei swears that he wants to protect Wu Hao for the rest of his life. In the Wu family, Han Wei is saddened. Now she knows her favorite. Nothing, I just laughed.

"Homeowner, he has a cousin named Lu! I will think that Miss Wu should be deceived." Han Lei continued.

"The cousin of the surname Lu?" Han Wei already knows that the enemy opposite him is the Yangzhou Shuijun. Is the surname of the Yangzhou Shuijun surnamed Lu? "What are you talking about? Lu Xun?" Han Wei said uncertainly.

"Yes, that's Lu Xun! At the end, I think this person is confusing Miss Wu, how could he be Miss CV's cousin!" Han Lei said to his family.

"If that person is really Lu Xun, then he is really a cousin of the nephew!" Han Wei suddenly remembered, the Lu family of the Wu family and the Lijiang River were really relatives, but later Lu Jianglu After the home was destroyed by Jiangdong Sun Ce, there was no contact. In the past few years, Lu Jia has been reorganized. The most famous is Lu Xun. He is now the commander of the Yangzhou Shuijun. The current Yangzhou Shuijun has decided to go to Jiangdong and Jingzhou in the middle of the Yangtze River. Jiangdong 60,000 army. In addition, Jingzhou’s 40,000-strong army was all sent to the Yangtze River. Finally, it was conquered by Jiang Xia Shuijun in Jiangxia. Everyone did not know that all of this was planned by Zhuge Kongming. Jiangdong would not say it because it was said. It’s shameful. The only thing that Jingzhou knows is the literary hiring. The literary hiring is now locked into the prison, so everyone is thinking that this is all the work of Yangzhou Shuijun commander Lu Xun. It was he who first destroyed the Jiangdong and Jingzhou Shuijun coalition forces, and then persuaded Zhuge Liang to drop. This is really a famous world. It is almost comparable to Yangzhou’s Liu Wang’s under the Yucheng City to resist the 100,000 troops of Jiangdong. The record, and you have to know that Liu Wei has a smashing city as a resistance, but Lu Xun is the warship pulled out to fight "Lu Xun? I did not expect him to bring the troops personally!" Han Wei had to admire this 觅The cousin of the child, he did not do a good commander, and actually personally took the risk.

Han Wei had always felt that this Yangzhou Shuijun could not appear in the East Gate. Now I want to have a nephew in everything that can be said, because Wu Jia is in this Gangling for more than a dozen generations, and their home will naturally Leave yourself a back road. This back road is Huarong Road, once the incident changes. Being able to take a leisurely walk away from Huarong Road, the enemy’s map without Huarong Road can only be a dead end.

It is too sudden that the Wu family was destroyed. Who knows that Liu Wei will be uncomfortable with the rules, and he will not go to the blue and white to kill the Wu family and burn the Wu family.

"Let your nephew pass?" Han Wei’s heart is tangled. He also wants to help Wu Hao revenge. He wants to kill Jiang Zhi’s Tai Shou Dong Zhi, but he does not care about Han Wei. Han is also up and down. There are hundreds of people, if Han Wei is all alone, what should Han Wei do? He Han Wei will also be mixed in Jiangling.

If Wu Hao is not in the past, Han Wei is sorry for his own conscience in his heart. The relationship between Wu Jia and Han Jia is irreversible. Han Wei likes Wu Hao, and Han Wei suddenly falls into a dilemma.

"Report! General, the enemy on the opposite side sent a messenger to see you!" The guard on the side said to Han Wei.

"The messenger?" Han Wei took a moment, but still let people bring the messenger.

"You are the messenger of Lu Xun?" Han Wei asked the young man in front of him.

I didn't expect this young man to smile and shake his head.

"You are not the messenger of Lu Xun?" Han Wei did not understand, but this came out from the opposite Yangzhou Shuijun. Isn't it the messenger of Yangzhou Shuijun commander Lu Xun or the messenger of his Han Wei? Is there a third person in this city?

"Yes is not!" The young man smiled and said to Han Wei, "General Han Wei, in the next Lu Xun!"

"Hey!" Han Wei’s subconscious is to say hello in turn, and suddenly heard Lu Xun’s name. "What? What do you mean by you?"

Han Wei asked a little unbelievable.

‘Oh, General Han Wei is in Lu Xun! "Lu Xun repeated it again.

"Homeowner, he really is Lu Xun!" Han Lei on the side helped Han Wei confirm it.

"Well, the homeowner made a meritorious deed, and won this person. This Yangzhou water army is not attacking!" Han Jiajun on the side said excitedly. The Yangzhou Shuijun wanted Qin Zexian to be the king. As long as Han Jiajun won the commander of the Yangzhou Shuijun Lu Xun, then the battle would not win.

"Oh!" Lu Xun did not open his mouth but looked at Han Wei, the commander of Han Jiajun on the side.

"Retreat!" Han Wei did not listen to his own words, directly to Lu Xun to grab it, he also looked at Lu Xun "Is the general of the land really not afraid of me to take you?"

"Afraid!" Lu Xun said bluntly.

"Well?" Han Wei thought that Lu Xun would say some heroic ambitions. Who knows this is a word.

"But I know that General Han Wei will not!" Lu Xun continued to speak to Han Wei.


"Because General Han Wei has been difficult to protect himself, I won the most with my Lu Xun in the cell!" Lu Xun said to Han Wei.

"You fart!" Han Lei on the side listened to Lu Xun and yelled. "Our generals have won you, you can make your Yangzhou Shuijun defeat without fighting, and then use your head to ask for merit. Will inevitably be appreciated by the state animal husbands!"

"Appreciation will not, the road to death is one!" Lu Xun continued to speak.

"How do you say this?" Han Wei is not a fool. It is true that he admires Lu Xun’s coming alone, but he also knows that Lu Xun will not be able to grasp himself in his own death.

"Han General. Although Jiangling City said that I have not been able to win. But his East Gate is gone. My Yangzhou Shuijun has already entered the city. Who is responsible for this sin?" Lu Xun said with a smile to Han Wei. .

"When the city is broken?" Han Wei frowned. What is Jiangling? It is the second main city of Jingzhou. Although there is no state animal husbandry in Jiangling, the capital of Jingzhou is not here, but it is indeed an arrangement of Jingzhou Liu Table. The place of the road, even if he is dead. Liyang was broken, and Jiangling was able to leave a path for future generations. Because Jiangling is in front of the Yangtze River and the natural barrier behind Huarong Road, it can be said that it is easy to defend, as long as the warship is on the surface of the Yangtze River. If it sinks and blocks the Yangtze River waterway, even if the enemy is a million-strong army, it can be used as a Diaoyutai. In the Gangneung, there are grain and grass ordnance weapons that have been used for hundreds of thousands of years. If the enemy is coming, there will be less. The 100,000-strong army is going to be destroyed, and there are more. I am going to squash in the city of Gangneung and the enemy simply can't take you. If your army comes in more, you will naturally need a lot of grain and see who is more powerful.

Therefore, the importance of Gangneung City is more important in the mind of Liu Biao than that of Fuyang. This is an important basis for future generations to guarantee that his old Liu family will not be destroyed. Now this city, which seems to be indestructible in Liu Biao, has been broken. Although it was not won by the Yangzhou Shuijun, it is a fact that the city gate was broken.

Who is responsible for this sin, there must be someone who is unlucky.

"If Han won the general, can you cancel the game? Even the Yangzhou water army commander, I believe that Jingzhou animal husband will inevitably not call Han's fault, and even can rise to the ranks!" Looking at Lu Xun’s eyes, now Lu Xun in the heart of Jingzhou Liu Bian is definitely on the list of slaying, because the Yangzhou Shuijun and the Jingzhou Shuijun and the Jiangdong Shuijun coalition have a slap in the face, Jingzhou Water Why did the army want to practice with the Jiangdong Shuijun, and even Jiang Xia also gave Jiangdong Sun Ce, knowing that Jingzhou and Jiangdong had the murder of the father, Liu Biao did not want to get back a face! A face that belongs to the dignity of a man, but this face not only did not escape, this face was beaten more swollen.

If Han Dang sent Lu Xun’s head, then Liu Biao would be overjoyed. Under the big joy, Han Dang would naturally have no sin and reward.

"Oh, General Han Wei, you think so good!"

"How to say this!"

"General Han Wei, I asked you, did you take the head of Lumou directly to your state animal husbandry?" Lu Xun said with a smile.

Han Wei frowned, and even if he won Lu Xun, Lu Xun’s head should also be given to Dong Zhi Dong Zhi, who was handed over to Dong Mu Liu, or on the military road, to the current Jingzhou military division Liu Wei, and then It was handed over to Liu Biao by Liu Wei.

"Tai Shou Dong Zhi, military division Liu Wei! General Han Wei, are you familiar with these two people?" Lu Xun deliberately asked Han Wei.

To say that he is familiar with Dong Zhi and the second son Liu Wei, Han Wei is really familiar. Of course, he is familiar with it. In the past, the Han family was fighting against the Wu family, and Dong Zhi was the enemy. This political enemy Dong Zhi How could he be unfamiliar? As for the second son Liu Wei, he is now the master of Dong Zhi. It can be said that the two are a group, which led to the destruction of the Wu family.

"With two people, you will definitely ask for General Han Wei!" Lu Xun continued to speak. This sentence is completely an antonym. What is called a dedication, it falls into the hands of Tai Zhi Dong Zhi and Er Gongzi Liu Wei, I am afraid this Even if he had Han Wei, he also played a half-fold, but Han Wei’s heart is still thinking about the compromise. He just wants to ignore the fault of his Han Wei, and it’s not good.

"General, Yang Jun is back!" Someone said to Han Wei, Yang Jun was sent out by Han Wei to find Dong Zhi Dong Zhi to support the army.

"Yang Jun is back?"

"General, general!" Soon Yang Jun was brought to Han Wei.

"Yang Jun, how do the adults say? The reinforcements?" Han Wei asked Yang Jun. Although it is deadlocked now, Han Wei knows that the soldiers and horses under his hand are really better than the Yangzhou Shuijun opposite, once the opposite Yangzhou The water army is desperate, and he is really hard to resist, let alone the opposite of Wu Hao.

"Reinforcement, the reinforcements have not come yet! Dong Daren said, if the general can't resist three hours, then the generals should not go back!" Yang Jun on the side looked at Han Wei carefully.

"Three times, haha, haha! Good three hours!" Hearing the words that came from Yang Jun, he immediately laughed.

"General, homeowner?" All of them were surrounded by Han Jiajun. They looked at their own generals and they seemed to be a little crazy. They were all worried.

Only Lu Xun smiled and seemed to be successful.

"Dong Zhi, Dong Zhihao is a good calculation!" Han Wei smiled coldly. Three hours said that there were not many, and that there were not many. After three hours, it was just the time of dawn. Why can these Yangzhou Shuijun be able to I entered the East Gate and entered the Gangneung City. It was because I was caught in the dark and the Jiangling garrison was caught off guard. Otherwise, it would not be so smooth. Once the dawn was over, these Yangzhou Shuijun raids would not work. At that time, it was not surrounded by the Gangneung Water Army.

Han Weixiao is because his Han Jiajun is not talking about three hours under such high-intensity combat. I am afraid that one hour will not persist.

This Dong Zhi played a good calculation, let him Han Jiajun and Yangzhou Shuijun consumed. If Han Jiajun eliminated the Yangzhou Shuijun, then Han Jiajun himself was also suffering a lot. When Dong Zhi wanted to win Han Wei, it was very simple. It is. The sin of Jiangling City was also able to be planted on Han Wei, and Han Wei can have any resistance.

If the Yangzhou Shuijun defeated Han Wei, then it was not bad. Then, with the hands of Yangzhou Shuijun, Dong Zhi finally got rid of a big affliction. It can be said that the Korean family is the rhythm of annihilation.

After three hours, Dong Zhi then took the horse to collect the fruit. It’s already too much to transfer the troops from the south gate of the north gate of Ximen. Dong Zhi actually wants three hours. This is simply the heart of Sima Zhao.

Han Wei is not a fool! So he can understand it.

"Come on!" Han Wei suddenly shouted.


"Give me the generals Lu Xun!" Han Wei said to the people under his hands. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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