My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 610: Broken Jiangling (4)


Three hours said that the length was short and short, and soon the sky gradually became brighter from the dim, the sun gradually revealed his forehead, and the night’s killing, Jiangling City seems to have resumed the past. Calm.

"Adults are bright!" Dong Zhi did not live in the Taishou House. On that night, he took his family to live in the Jiangling garrison camp. Only Jiangling garrison camp can make Dong Zhi feel safe. Now Dong Zhimeimei sleeps and finally gets up.

"Han Wei is back?" Dong Zhi asked the staff at the side.

"There are no adults, but the city has always been sent to kill!"

"I didn't come back, I didn't come back!" Dong Zhi's face showed a smile. If Han Ding didn't come back, it means that Han Dang should have died in the city. When Han Dang died, naturally he could lose all his sins. I went to Han Wei.

The dead man will not justify himself. As for this merit, he is the adult of Dong Zhidong.

"What time is it now!" Dong Zhi got up and asked the staff on the side.

The aides did not directly say what time, but replied, "The time for adults to act is ours!"

"Good!" Dong Zhi nodded. Soon he dressed up and put on his official robes and put on his armor. He sat on the high head and picked up the sword.

"Brush!" Dong Zhi pulled out the sword in his hand. This is a good sword. The cold light is shining. The sound of the sound that has just been pulled out tells the people around him that the steel of this sword is definitely a superior masterpiece. It is a pity that this long sword can never cite blood, because his master simply does not kill the enemy on the battlefield.

"The generals. I believe that the movement of Gangneung City last night was heard. There are enemy troops. The Yangzhou Shuijun has already come to my Gangneung City!" Dong Zhi is sitting on a high horse. This is a good saying. People rely on clothes and horses to lean on the saddle. Although Dong Zhi is a fat man, now riding on a high horse is a figure.

"Yangzhou Shuijun?" The people below heard that Dong Zhi’s words were all discussed. The Yangzhou Shuijun naturally knew it. Isn’t that the enemy of the Jingzhou Shuijun now? How could they appear in Gangneung City? Jiangling City can be regarded as the most solid city in Jingzhou. There is the Yangtze River in front of it. There is a natural barrier Huarong Road behind it, and it still appears at the East Gate. Is this the Yangzhou Shuijun flying over Huarong Road?

"The enemy is the Dongmen school, Han Wei, the duty is not proper, and the dereliction of duty has made this gang of thieves touch my Jiangling city. This will cause my east gate to be broken. Hesitating this thief is a night raid, night. Killing the non-military law, so I waited for three hours, and now the sun starts. At that time when my army annihilated the gangsters, it was time for the generals to make contributions. Let us go out and let the enemy out!" Dong Zhi can say Speaking of a lot of lofty ambitions, people are excited, this is not a fool for Dong Zhi’s men, and it’s not good to fight at night. That is a swindler. Last night, the direction of the East Gate was ignited. It was basically like a day, and it’s all this time. What are you thinking about? Even if the loss is heavy, you must repel the enemy.

The only explanation for Dong Zhi’s failure to send troops is that Dong Zhi wants to kill people with a knife. Now that the night’s effort is small, the troops of Han Wei should be destroyed. The enemy should also be exhausted after a night of hard work. This is completely It’s a lot of credit in front of me, and the confidants of Dong Zhi’s eyes all shine.

"Brothers will send troops with me!" When Dong Zhihao's ambition was to be dispatched, a man shouted loudly.

"No need!" A big slammed door rang and planned Dong Zhi's lofty aspirations.

Dong Zhi was suddenly angry. He wanted to know which one did not know how to break his Dong Dongshou’s speech. Dong Zhi turned his body and saw a familiar figure.

"Han, Han Wei?" This figure Dong Zhi is naturally familiar with, that is not the negligence of his words, the East Gate City Gate, Han Wei, who is in the wrong position. Behind Han Wei is a group of Dongmen defenders who have been infected with blood.

There are more than a dozen beaded on the side.

"Han Wei, how come you are back?" Dong Zhi asked subconsciously.

"How. Dong Daren, I can't come back to Han Wei?" Han Weiwei said ironically. Before Dong Zhi said it, he was all listening to his heart.

"No, no!" Although Dong Zhi was shocked that Han Wei could return, Dong Zhi soon controlled his emotions.

"Dong Taishou, you don't have to work hard to get out of the crowd, the enemy has been wiped out by my East Gate garrison!" Han Wei said to Dong Zhi above.

"Don't be killed by the East Gate garrison?" Dong Zhi was a glimpse. Last night, this Han Wei was still sending people for help. The East Gate was broken. Now he told him that he has already When the enemy rushed out, Dong Zhi suddenly did not believe it.

"Oh, Dong Taishou, you see, what are these people!" Han Wei pointed directly at the dozens of people who were **** by ropes and panted in the clothes of the Yangzhou Sergeant.

"be honest!"

"Right, I forgot to introduce you to Dong Taishou. This young general, that is a big man! It might scare you Dong Taishou!" Han Wei went to the side of a young man and confronted Dong. Zhi said.

"Hey, who can scare this too?" Dong Zhi asked.

"This person surnamed Lu Mingxun, whose real name is Lu, the word Bo Yan, Wu County Wu County people!" Han Dang pointed to the young general to explain to Dong Zhi over there.

"Oh, it turned out to be Lu Xun. What?" Dong Zhi reacted. "You said he is Lu Xun?"

"Yes!" Han Wei nodded. He did not laugh at Dong Zhi’s shock and disbelief, because when Lu Xun was looking for him, Han Wei was not the same expression.

“What can be proved?” Dong Zhiqiang asked the joy of his heart.

"Is this okay?" said Han Wei, who had thrown a print to the past. Dong Zhi took it and took it in his hand. Surely, he saw the words of the Yangzhou Shuijun commander. This person is really Lu Xun Lu Boyan.

"You killed the Yangzhou Water Army?" Dong Zhi asked again?

"That is nature, or where is this Lu Xun Lu Boyan?" Han Wei said to Dong Zhi above.

"Good. Good. Good!" Dong Zhi said three good words to Han Weilian. Above the surface is boasting Han Wei, but the actual idea is only Dong Zhi himself knows, but it is certain that Dong Zhi has deepened the alert to Han Wei, and originally thought that this Han Wei is a husband, although Some martial arts, but it is just a puff, it is not easy to play dead, but I did not expect this man to have such ability. Even the character who hired a general who did not get it was even defeated and returned. Now it has been won by this Han Wei. This Han Wei looks really can't be ignored.

"Come to Han Wei, give this Lu Xun a murder to me and wait for me to send to Xiangyang Mingming!" Dong Zhiqiang endured the joy in the heart center. If this person is really Lu Xun, then his Dong Zhi can do this credit. too big.

"Dong Taishou, this person is what I caught, or let me personally take care of it!" Han Wei said to Dong Zhi, laughing above.

"Han General, you have been through a night of hard work, you should go to rest! This is the next thing to teach us," Dong Zhi said to Han Wei.

"So this credit?" Han Wei continued to speak to Dong Zhi.

"This credit will naturally not reduce your general!" Dong Zhi is comforting Han Wei.

"That's good. That's good!" Han Wei patted his chest with a heavy burden. "Come to me to teach these thieves to the Taishou adults."

"Yes!" Soon Han Jiajun taught the remaining Yu Yu of the dozens of Yangzhou Shuijun to Dong Zhi's people. Dong Zhi's people took them to the back of Dong Zhi.

"So Dong Taishou. Han is going back to rest now!" Han Wei said to Dong Zhi, he said he was leaving.

However, Dong Zhi did not think about letting Han Wei leave, and immediately opened his mouth and "slow!"

"How? Dong Taishou has other important things to tell Han Wei?" Han Wei asked the above Dong Zhi.

"There is no thing, but the general can't go!" Dong Zhixiao said to Han Wei.

"Why?" Han Wei is still puzzled.

"Because the general has the responsibility of neglecting his duties! It is pending trial!" Dong Zhi said to Han Wei with a smile.

"Dereliction of duty? What is the saying?" Han Wei asked for a pound.

"If the Korean general did not neglect his duties, why this Jiangling East Gate will be attacked by this Yangzhou thief army!" Dong Zhi asked.

"That's because they are caught in the dark and will be caught off guard."

"However if the general is cautious, what happens?"

"But I have already wiped out the enemies of the crimes, and even took them with the thief's gimmicks! It is reasonable to say that they should make up for it." Han Wei argued for himself.

"Work is merit, over and over, how can we compare them together? If everyone is like a general who has made a mistake, it will do. How can this army bring it?" Dong Zhiyi said with amazement that he had already seen it.

"So, Dong Taishou must win someone in Korea?"

"The military law is not tolerant!" Dong Zhi said to Han Wei.

"If Han is not willing to let go, then?" Han Wei said, staring at Dong Zhi over there.

"Then I am sorry for the general! Come and give me Han Wei!" Dong Zhi suddenly screamed, and the guard camp behind Dong Zhi soon came out and approached Han Wei.

"I see who dares to move our generals." Han Lei and others immediately took the protection of Han Wei to the middle and pulled out the sword.

"If there is resistance against killing, don't talk about it." Dong Zhi smiled coldly, and he looked at Han Weiman as a murderer.

"Dong Tai Shou, you are going to kill someone in Korea?" Han Wei still did not give up and asked Dong Zhi above.

"How is it?" Dong Zhi has already seen the poor. He now wants Lu Xun to make a great contribution and wants to kill Han Wei to get rid of the Han family. This way, no one dares to dare the entire Gangneung city. Contrasting with his Dong Zhi, Jiangling became a reliance, and Dong Zhi has already belonged to the second son of Liu Wei. Once Liu Wei is in the throne, then his Dong family will be the next family sooner or later.

Now Han Wei has been decided by Dong Zhi, because Han Wei’s hands are not only small, but also all of them are stained with blood. How much combat power can you have? Haha, just win it. Han Wei was killed on the spot, and the guilt of the broken Dongmen Gate was also thrown on Han Wei. Then Dong Zhi was not only faulted but also rewarded.

"Oh. It really is like this!" Han Wei smiled. He also thought about how to ease the relationship with Dong Zhi. I did not expect that I had already entered the list of Dong Zhi’s murder.

"Dong Zhi, you still recognize me!" Another voice passed over. This voice was crisp and clear. I saw a woman ran over and shouted at Dong Zhi, who was above the horse.

"Who are you?" Dong Zhi looked at the woman with a puzzled look. He couldn't remember where he had seen it, but Dong Zhi was shocked when the woman wiped the dust off her face.

"You are, are you the daughter of Wu Fan?" Dong Zhi remembered who this woman is, not the daughter Wu Wu, the daughter of Wu Fan, the owner of the Wu family who had been hacked.

"How come you are here?"

"I came to ask for your life!" Wu Hao looked at Dong Zhi and couldn't wait to immediately kill Dong Zhi to eat his flesh and peel his skin, pumping his ribs. This will relieve the hatred of Wu Hao.

"Haha, haha! I want my life, haha, jokes, jokes, just because of you? It just saves me from going to find you again! Wu family, Han family? Oh, today is the day of your two families." Dong Zhi looked at Wu Wei and looked at Han Wei again. He didn't know where he was. He didn't find Wu Hao. It was because Han Wei deliberately hid people. Hate still want to rely on my Dong Zhi? Yu Yu is Yu Yu.

"With her alone, can we rely on us?"

"Who! Quickly protect the adults." The curtain of the scream suddenly screamed. Because he found that the side of the adult is surrounded by several enemies dressed in Yangzhou water army costumes.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"How come?" Dong Zhi’s neck was suddenly covered with a cold knife. He was suddenly stunned, those ropes? Dong Zhi knew that the ropes that tied the Yangzhou Shuijun and others were not so tight that they let these prisoners get out of trouble. In this way, they could kill the two guards on the side and quickly rushed to Taishou Dongzhi. In front of.

"Don't mess around!" Dong Zhi's aide is overwhelmed. He is the aide of Dong Zhi. Only Dong Zhi can have his sense of existence. If Dong Zhi is finished, he is almost the same. He and Dong Zhi. It’s a glory and a loss.

"Let your people retreat!" Lu Xun on the side said to the director of Dong Zhi over there.

"You all let go, let go!"

"Dong Zhi, I want to kill you!" "Wu Wu Wu, Miss Wu, also rushed up, pulled out the dagger in her hand and asked Dong Zhi to take out 17 or 18 holes. Fortunately, Han Wei was in time. The prevention of Wu Hao, because this Dong Zhi is still useful.

"My Dong Daren, you still want to kill me Han people now?" Han Wei went to Dong Zhi and smiled and said to Dong Zhi.

"You are not Lu Xun?" Dong Zhi saw that the knife was placed on the neck of his Dong Zhi. Isn’t Lu Xun Lu Boyan introduced by Han Wei before?

"I am Lu Xun!" Lu Xun said to Dong Zhi.

"Well, it turns out that you Han Wei has been with the Yangzhou thief army!" said Dong Zhizhen. "I should have known that the Wu family is rebellious. You can't go anywhere with this Korean family. You should have sent the second son to send out your Han family and annihilate your Han family!" Dong Zhi shouted loudly at Han Wei. Road.

"Shut up!" Han Wei directly hit a punch. "Dong Zhi, I tell you, if it is not for you to force me again and again, how can I reverse it? Like Wu, if not you. After killing hundreds of people in the family, how could the deaf children take the map of Huarong Road to Shiyang to find the Yangzhou Shuijun? So I tell you, this is the fault of your Dong Zhi, you forced Ours." Han Wei said to Dong Zhi. "Today I want you to taste the taste of prisoners!"

"Haha, haha, Han Wei, don't be too happy. You don't look at how many people you have. How many people are there? You look at how many people I have, and I quickly let me know." Perhaps he can give a way to life!" Dong Zhi is at this level and still does not die to shout loudly at Han Wei.

"Do you really think that I am so many people in such a district?" Han Wei just wants to laugh. "Brothers come out, come to our Dong Taishou to see how many people we have."

"Brothers are coming out!" Han Lei obeyed the order, and ordered a team of soldiers and horses to be broadcasted over there. The road was less than a thousand people.

"You also come out!" Lu Xun also issued a command from the Han Jiajun and a team of more than a thousand people, which adds up to more than 3,000 people.

"You?" Dong Zhiyi widened his eyes. The sound of the killing in the city last night has not stopped, how come?

"In the middle of the night, they were responsible for calling. In the middle of the night, our Yangzhou Shuijun was in charge. This is all night!" Lu Xun answered Dong Zhi's doubts.

"It turned out to be like this. It turned out to be like this!" Dong Zhi finally understood that he had thought about calculating Han Wei, preparing to kill people by knife, and killing Han Wei by the Yangzhou Shuijun. Who knows that people did not fight at all. Ah, instead, he will be Dong Zhiyi.

"What do you want?" Dong Zhi asked Han Wei and Lu Xun.

"I want your Gangneung City!" Lu Xun on the side said to Dong Zhi.

"Impossible!" Dong Zhi thought that he would not want to refuse. If Jiangling City was lost, Dong Zhike would not be far from death and lost Jiangling City. Can Liu Biao still bypass him? Even Liu Zi, his master son, will not let him go.

"Death? Oh, if you don't let the people under your hand surrender to us and surrender Jiangling City, then you will die now, and we will also take your Dong family up and down like Wu family. We are not clean! We can rest assured that we will not let go of a person in your family. We will follow the roster one by one, and strive for no fish that slips through the net. Let you not even have a revenge!" Lu Xun stood and smiled. Said to Dong Zhi.

"The disaster is not as good as your wife and children. You can't do this!" Dong Zhi struggled to struggle.

"Can't be a wife or a child? Then why do you want to kill the Wu family up and down?" Han Wei asked on the side.

"That's not what I did!" Dong Zhi was reluctant.

"Not who you are?"

"It is the deputy of the second son, and the second son let him do this, in order to kill the chicken and the monkey to warn the Huang family." Dong Zhi told Liu Wei and others that Liu Wei’s words were intact.

"Liu Wei!" Wu Hao gnashed his teeth.

"I don't care whether Liu Wei did it or not. I only know that if I don't get Gangneung City, then you don't want to live a few hundred or so." Lu Xun continued to speak.

"You!" Dong Zhi glared at Lu Xun.

"But if you let your men put down the sword and surrender, then I can allow you to take your family with your family. I will arrange a boat for you. You can take the boat and leave Jiangling to Jiangdong to Yangzhou and even to the Central Plains. Just casually!" Lu Xun gave Dong Zhiyi a slap and gave a peach. If blindly forced Dong Zhi will only be the last fish to die.

Once you gave Dong Zhi the hope of living, then Dong Zhi’s will is not so firm, and Dong Zhi thought for a long time. “Your commitment is really useful? You won’t get the Gangneung and then do it to me?” Dong Zhi still said with no confidence.

"This is not natural!" Lu Xun said to Dong Zhi.

"You swear!" Dong Zhi asked. He did not believe in the casual mention of Lu Xun and others.

"Well, I Lu Xun swears that if Dong Zhidong is too strict to let his majesty put down his sword and surrender, then I must not have any thoughts on Dong Taishou. If I killed Dong Taishou against Dong Taishou, I Lu Xun Lu Jiasheng is not allowed to die in the world!" Lu Xun can make Dong Zhi reassured that this poisonous oath can be regarded as vicious, Dong Zhi does not worry that Han Wei on the side also sent one.

"I Han Wei vowed that if Han Wei was still awkward after Dong Taishou’s surrender, and Dong Taishou’s hands, then Han Wei would not die.”

"And your men!" Dong Zhi is not a man who has been a shoud, this is very savvy, I am afraid that these two people will give him a word. Therefore, Han Wei and Lu Xun can only bring their own men.

This way Dong Zhicai is relieved. The ancients still respected the vows very much. They always felt freely defined in the vows, not to mention the vows of their families, and they would follow them.

"Chen Ming let them put down their swords and accept surrender!" Dong Zhi said to the aides behind him.

"Dongjia?" The curtain was awkward. If it surrendered, could it be no return? The second son will spare them?

"How can I say nothing is useless? Or do you want me to die, let them put down their swords and surrender, ready to receive the adaptation." Dong Zhi shouted loudly at the curtain.

'Yes Yes! "This singer looked at his family's owner and wanted to surrender.

"Too guards have orders, put down the sword, all put down the sword, ready to receive the adaptation!"



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