My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 611: The rebellious Wu family

'what did you say? Jiangling was broken? ‘Liu Table seems to be unable to adapt to this news.

‘Responding to the lord, Gangneung has been broken by the Yangzhou thief army! ‘The commander repeated it again.

'how is this possible! 'The first reaction of Liu Biao is that he does not believe that he is more convinced than Jiang Ling’s former defender Dong Zhi. Dong Zhi does not believe that Yangzhou Shuijun will hit the East Gate, but now Liu’s is the Yangzhou Shuijun who gave the entire Gangneung You broke it.

When the Yangzhou Shuijun was so powerful, even if Fuyang smashed Liu Biao, there would be no such reaction, because Fuyang was originally a place where there was no danger to defend. However, the eastern barrier of Fuyang was broken, and it can be said that Fuyang is a horse. Therefore, after Liu Bei attacked Fancheng, Liu Biao would be so flustered to find the reinforcements. Now Fancheng is occupied by Cai Wei’s 30,000-strong army. Liu Biao and Cai Wei have already had a disagreement with each other. Cai Wei’s rebellious Liu Biao is convinced, and Jiangling is different. What is Jiangling? First, he was the second largest city in Jingzhou, and he also existed as a companion to Fuyang.

In order to give himself a retreat, Liu Biao is also for Liu’s hungry generations. He will not annihilate Jingzhou after his death, and finally become a great grandson. The example of Liaodong Gongsun, Xuzhou Taoqian, and Yangzhou Yuanshu is here. It was originally a windscape. The generation of light princes, but once defeated, it becomes a mouse across the street, and the family can't keep it.

Even if the winner who defeats you does not clean up, then some of them will be replaced by their masters in order to please the future master.

Therefore, Jiangling is not only a city pool for Liu Biao, but also a back road for Liu. With this road i, he can go to peace after a hundred years of returning to the West. Even if Jingzhou is lost, he can rely on it. Jiangling’s land has allowed its children and grandchildren to make a comeback. If they are not good enough, they can rely on Jiangling’s stagnation. In the past few years, in addition to the money that Jingzhou gave to the army, Liu Biao sent most of the money and grain to Jiangling. He said that Jiangling had 100,000 troops and grain and armaments. In order to make the military equipment in Jiangling real, the Jiangling this place Liu Biao does not allow the other four major families to get involved. In front of Jiangling, there is Huarong Road behind the Yangtze River Tianzhu. How can it be broken? Liu Biao did not believe it, but now there is no such thing as April Fool's Day. And how much courageous little soldier of this small darling dared to lie to him, the head of Jingzhou,

'what happened? ‘Liu Wei is also a straight frown, why? Because he Liu Yicai just reached into this Jiangling, he just destroyed the Jiangling Wu family, killing chickens and monkeys not only disgusted to the Huang family, but also conquered a Jiangling Taishou Dong Zhi, with this Jiangling Taishou Dong Zhi, can say Jiangling has been in the hands of his six-disc. ,

Now he told him that Liu Wei, Jiang Ling’s enemies had been defeated, and the Yangzhou Water Army was occupied.

That is the armor and grain of the 100,000 army. ‘Isn’t the river already blocked on the Yangtze River? ‘

‘They are, they came from Huarong Road and broke through the city from the East Gate! ‘The commander explained to Liu Wei.

‘Hua Rongdao? All the people are subconscious, Hua Rongdao avoids it, because this place is completely a Jedi, how can it march?

'impossible! Since ancient times, Huarong Road has been a military forbidden land. Those who entered it have not survived. Even if they are lucky enough to come back, they will live soon. How can they go from Huarong Road? ‘Liu’s thoughts don’t want to be denied.

‘That’s because there is a map of Wu’s family! ‘The commander said what he saw and heard, and the news that Miss Wu’s family was still alive was also heard.

‘Wu home? 'There are a lot of people in the field. Naturally, I know that the original Jiangling ship king Wu family, the Wu family generations are all in the fire Gangneung city. When the last Jingzhou thorns Wang Rui, the Wu family was even the Jiangling prefect, this Wu family can have Huarong. The map of the road is not unusual. a bu

‘Oh, well, this Wu family actually has a lingering! ‘Liu’s screaming over there. If there was no evidence that Wu’s family had to rebel before, then there is now, and the Yangzhou Shuijun collided with Huarong Road to break through Jiangling City.

After listening to Liu Wei’s words, the momentum that I saw was not good for myself. I just told the Wu family about it, saying that Wu’s loyalty is here. Now Wu Jiajiu is rebellious. Isn’t this a face? Can bring him in the yellow house.

‘How can this Wu family give a map of Yangzhou Shuijun, how are they linked together, is it that some people and Wu’s family are together to prepare for plotting? ‘Sure enough, Liu Weijiu provoked the fire to the yellow shot.

‘The Lord, my lord’s loyalty to the Lord’s lord is visible! My father is the main guardian guarding the frontiers and killing the enemy. How can I betray the protagonist when I am the leader of the main public? Master public inspection! ‘Yellow shot wants to kiss myself.

‘It’s true that this person lied to the military! I also forgot the master to get this person a good trial! ‘Yellow shots look at this commander, this person brings a bad news, one can not carry him Huang Jia can be loaded, so Huang shot this wants the commander to die.

‘Hey, hey! ‘This ambassador is panicked. If the yelling yellow is taken down, is there a way to live? ‘The lord’s public inspection, even if the villain has ten courage, he dare not lie to the military! This Wu family did indeed give the map to the Yangzhou Shuijun, which allowed the Yangzhou Shuijun to walk Huarong Road and hit Jiangling City by surprise! And all this is that Miss Wu Jiada wants to take the place of the Wu family to take revenge, this will take the map to the Yangzhou Shuijun! ‘The commander is engraving his head. It turned out that this Wu family was forced to rebel.

Who is going to rebel against the Wu family? Nature is clear at a glance.

It’s Liu Wei’s now!

‘You are nonsense! ‘Yes (to be continued...)


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