My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 616: Selling deeds

"Well?" The young man frowned. He waved his hand and was already on guard. If he really wanted talent, he said that he would not have to kill.

"Oh, rest assured, rest assured, I will not kill you, kill you, how can I get the money, I will not kill you, I will give you work, give you the field, so that you will not starve to death. "The city gates are laughing and talking to Liu Wei and others."

"Give us the field?" The young man is even more confused? At this glance, the city gate knows that it is uneasy, will he give it to the field so well?

"The Lord, let's kill it." The man on the side said to the young man.

"No!" The young man shook his head. If he couldn't do it, he would try not to start, because in any case, this is also a "self". Killing himself is not a joke to the enemy.

"Then, the Lord, we will show our identity." The knife man suggested.

"Slightly safe." The reason why young men don't want to start is that they are afraid of revealing their identity. Once they reveal their identity, he will not have to go back to Shouchun and have to go back. He can't face himself anymore. For them in Shouchun.

What's more, young people look at the people around, as well as the words of the city gates, a few key words, so that young men can not help but think about it, the field? Human head? money? The young man seems to think of something but is still uncertain.

"General, let the insiders be arranged, and go with the generals." The young man said to the city gate over there.

"Go, go!" The gates of the city are still given to face, because he looked at the insider said by the young man. Although I can't see the face, I was obscured by the cloth. But you can also see the skin color. Black and yellow, this is what the rural women have. It is not in the eyes of the adults. The ancients have always used white as their beauty. They don't have any healthy bronze color, because only women from big families will live in a simple way. Such a woman is as white as it is not a congenital black skin.

The women of the people who show their faces will naturally be sunburned by the sun for their livelihood. When they see the skin color of this black oil, they have no interest.

"French. Let me go with you!" said the woman with a gauze cover on her side.

"You stay here! I will come back when I go! There are things that they can protect me with both of them!" The young man arranged the woman and walked away with the gate.

"General, are we going to go here?" the young man asked, because they were heading out of the city. I stayed on the road for a while, and some people joined the team.

"Nature is a good place to go!" The city gates are all because they have money to get their hands, and the young men are so cooperative, they are naturally happy, and this attitude is better.

Soon a large camp appeared in front of the young man.

"Well?" This large battalion is very large, but it is not a soldier, but a group of people dressed in clothing. Here is what it is.

"Okay! It's here!" The gates of the city came down from the horses. Guo Yi took the horses of young men and others and took a good horse. This inferior horse also let the city gates ride first in a good mood.

"Hey, this is not Hao Duan! What kind of wind has blown Hao Duan to here?" This city gate is surnamed Hao. The celebrity, originally a land rogue, likes to sway in the city, provokes the wrong life, no less is being plunged into the prison, but because there are some individuals familiar with Guo's family, it is not long before it is released, and later because of the new field. The city changed from Jingzhou to Yangzhou, so the original city gate defender was transferred back by Jingzhou Liu Biao. Naturally, it needed to be re-guarded in Xinye, so the old guardian was recruiting locally. This Haoliu wanted to engage in The military squadron joined the new wild garrison, and it was originally the turn of the new wilderness that Guo Jialai was the master.

Guojia was originally a small sergeant in the new wild city. The family property was not a thousand dollars. The only official in the family was the county magistrate Guo Yi under the new city. However, because Xinye belonged to Yangzhou, many of the sects in Jingzhou migrated. After all, Liu Wei’s original reputation was there, but there was no one left in the city.

So even though Yangzhou and Jingzhou were alliances at the time, most of the sects were removed from Xinye and went to Jingzhou.

This Guo family is just a small family. There is still a county official in Xinye. If you leave Xinye, then there will be people in Jingzhou who will give him a position, so you can only stay in Xinye. Waiting for the arrangement of the new master.

It is also considered that Guo Jiazu’s grave smoked and luck. Most of the sects left the new field and gave the new field a great power vacuum.

Xinye Taishou Liu Qi, like Yangzhou Shouchun, requested to dispatch officials, but Yangzhou’s military officer Xu Wei’s own Yangzhou officials were not enough. Where can he send people to fill the new field, so Liu Qi can only pull up the dwarf, and this Guo family will go up. Grades, from a small county town, to the current school in the new wild city, Guo Jia is also worth double, this Haoliu is because of a little relationship with Guo.

This changed from a mantle to a city gate, and his identity changed, but the nature of this rogue did not change.

"Where is the wind, naturally it is for you to send money to Lao Xu!" For such a bureaucrat who is smaller than his official position, Hao Liu is still respectful and respectful, because everyone is not seeking money.

"How much is this time?" Lao Xu saw Hao Liu is also very happy that someone is naturally comfortable to send money.

"A total of thirty-two people, you have 20% of the old rules!" Hao ran down the horse and pointed to the thirty-two men behind him.

"Two percent? Ha ha Hao Duan ah, this can not be!" This old Xu shook his head.

"In the past, it was not all 20%!" Hao Liu frowned and said, the two layers are not low, one person and three acres of land, thirty-two people are 96 acres of land, these two achievements are nearly 20 acres of land. It has been counted a lot. This is 20 acres of good land, there are also several gold.

"In the past, it was comparable to the present!" said the old Xu, who snorted. Before this, 20% or even 10% of the old Xu are doing. That is because Xinye and Jingzhou are too close. When Jingzhou and Yangzhou are in mutual conflict, there is someone in the field of Xinye who wants it. Even if the farmland is worthless, I am afraid that Jingzhou, which is separated by a river, will be over, so naturally 20% One can be.

However, now the Yangzhou army has won the status of the Yangtze River hegemony in the first battle of the Yangtze River. This Jingzhou is now unable to fight the river when it comes to self-protection. Therefore, these two achievements cannot be said.

"Hao Hao 尉 ah. You have to know, this is the risk of us to kill the head!" This old Xu continued to speak.

"Okay, okay, how much do you say!" Hao Liu is very dissatisfied, the risk of killing the head? If you are afraid, you should go early, and it will be a long time to kill. It’s not bad this time.

"This number!" Lao Xu smiled and extended five fingers.

"Five percent, huh, huh, old Xu. You go grab it!" Hao anger smirked and laughed, 50%. If he took 50% of his old Xu, he would drink the northwest wind.

"Then I can't help it!" Lao Xu said to Hao Liu.

"Xu Xu, we have been so many times, 50%, this is impossible! I don't believe that you will have a business without doing it! This is two and a half!"

"Four and a half!" Lao Xu also lowered a plus, Hao Liu said yes, why not do business, he is not guilty of money.

"Three percent!" Hao Liu bite his teeth and added it.

"Four percent!" Lao Xu also lowered his request.

"Old Xu, three and a half, if there are more, then this business is not worth mentioning." Hao settled and said that if it is more than three and a half, he will not really earn much, and he will risk losing his head. It’s better not to do it, but the broken people’s roads are like murderous parents. Hao Liu’s eyes have slightly expressed dissatisfaction. You have broken my financial path, and he has a way to curb the old. Xu.

"Okay, good, good, look at your face in Hao Dufu's face, it's 30%!" Lao Xu is not a monk, knowing what is more than enough to make things happen, Hao Liu is such a character, you If you want to rely on him to do things, then basically impossible, but if he wants to break your business, but can think of the law is corrupt.

Therefore, Xu also did not want to offend Hao Run three and a half times and he also earned.

"Thirty-two people! You can be optimistic about Lao Xu! Come and come to the general!" Hao Liu shouted at the people under his hand.

The young man looked at the ragged people around them. They were all dull, and they walked over to the old Xu under the push of the soldiers under Hao’s hands.

In front of Lao Xu is a case. There are some book papers on the case and a pen full of ink.

"What is your name, where are you!" Xu opened a blank piece of paper and asked the first person to come.

"Small man, dog left, Yuzhou people!" Lao Xu asked this side of the answer, Lao Xu wrote the word left on the book paper, and Yuzhou people, looked at the dog left and wrote One sentence, the black eyes of the human lips are big and the gods are not gods. This is what the dog is now.

For the name of the dog left, Lao Xu has long been used to it. In the troubled times, people are despicable, often eating too much or dying in war. Therefore, in order to make their descendants live, the people have some unpleasant things. Names such as dog eggs, dog left and so on are just thinking about the name, hey, a little can let God not let him go to heaven (that is, dead).

The young man wanted to ask something, but no one answered him. The people around the young man were all blind.

Soon to the young man.

"What is your name?" asked Xu.

"I, I!" The young man hesitated for a moment, so he couldn’t help but raise his head. "Ask me, what is it!"

"My name is right! My name is Han, famous." The young man said to the old Xu.

"Han Yang?" Lao Xu couldn't help but look at his eyes. Generally speaking, the people are all more famous. Especially these people are very few. The dog has a lot of dogs. Suddenly there is a normal one. got used to. However, Lao Xu still wrote Han Yang, a person from Xuzhou.

"The latter one!"

"My name is Guan Hai! It is also a person from Xuzhou."

"Calling Zhou Cang! With them!" Soon most of the people were registered, and under the command of Lao Xu, these individuals were put into the camp. There are many people in the camp. Carefully count the number of thousands of people.

"After another batch!" Watched the entry of young men and others. The people who had been in the camp for a long time looked at the young man and others and shook their heads. They didn’t know whether they were sorry or gloating, or they were sick.

"Hey, I said Uncle, what the **** is going on here, why are there so many people in this big camp?" The young man glared at the old Xu who was still registering the staff and seized the opportunity to ask a The people who had been in the camp long ago asked.

"Big brother, don't call Uncle. I am not older than you! This year is only twenty-seven and seven," said the young man who was caught by the young man.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" The young man is a bit embarrassed at this age is really not an uncle, but this is a bit anxious, but the young man has not taken care of it. "What is going on here, that old Xu? And these people!"

"Don't you know if you come here? That Xu Daren is to give you a good field.!" The "uncle" explained.

"Divided into a good field?"

"You are not from a foreign country. As long as you enter the Yangzhou boundary, you can use the head of the people to declare a good field to the Yangzhou government! One person is a three-acre field." The uncle continued to speak, the young man knows what is called a human head.

"Well!" The young man nodded. He remembered that there was such a thing. In order to attract more people into Yangzhou. Yangzhou was originally squandered by the cheap father-in-law of his own, and it has long since become a ten-room, nine-space. Therefore, in order to fill the vacancies of the people, he released various policies to welcome the migrants into Yangzhou. One of them can switch to three acres of land, and can also have 30% tax, which is better than all the states in the world. Over the years, Yangzhou has once again gained popularity.

"One person, three acres of land, as long as you surrender 30% of the tax!" This man called the uncle's mouth is full of awkward look. But I shook my head again. "Unfortunately, unfortunately!"

"Well?" Looking at the uncle's look, the young man couldn't help but wonder. "What's wrong? Is it too much for the 30% tax?" The young man was a bit confused. He didn't understand the tax on agriculture because in his time, not only the farmers did not Taxes are needed and the state gives subsidies. The 30% of the numbers he gave at the beginning were based on other states.

"More? Oh, of course not much! There is such a big advantage in this world! Everyone gives three acres of good land!"

"What happened?"

"The key question is that the three acres of fertile land and Sancheng tax will be where we can get the people!" The uncle shook his head. "You are also cheated! Hey!" The uncle looked at the young man and others. mercy.

"I have known this Royal Highness for a long time, how can it be so good-hearted. It is a lie!"

"What do you guys say?" The man on the side was a little angry.

"Retreat to go!" Guan Hai's look really shocked the uncle, but heard the young man's swearing knife and the man left, this uncle just took a picture of the chest "wonderful! Everyone is not the same!" ”

"How can the deceased of the king of the king lie? Brothers can talk about it!" The young man continued to ask.

"Need to say it? You will know it right away." The uncle snorted.

"Come here! Come over." The Haoliu over there has not left, shouting loudly.

"Call you!" said the uncle to the young man and others.

"Looking at the past!" The young man heard the words and went.

"Tell you a good news." This Hao Liu said to the thirty-two men who had just been sent. "From today, you are our people in Yangzhou."

The young man was a bit awkward to listen to this.

"You listen to our generous king, and now everyone has three acres of good land!" This Hao continued to speak.

Hearing Hao Liu said that the people who had been dull eyes suddenly lit up in the eyes. What the people want most is not the land. With the land, they can grow crops to fill their stomachs and prevent them from starving.

"Of course, this three-acre field is not for you! It is rented to you." Hao Liu continued to speak loudly.

“Rent?” The young man thought a little.

There was a disdainful smile on the edge of the uncle's mouth.

"Our Yangzhou tax you also know 30%, 30% tax! As long as you plant a good land, you can naturally eat! There are even extra food to change some money to add things to the family."

The tax of 30% is also very tempting. Now it seems that an acre of fertile land can produce 300 to 400 kilograms of grain. It is a big harvest. If you pay 30% of the tax, you can receive two hundred and one. Ten kilograms of grain, three acres of land is more than six hundred, enough to eat.

"If you come and come, just sign this thing, you can have the fields to plant the land." Hao Liu said to everyone, "Old Xu takes things!"

The old Xu also nodded, and soon people took out dozens of pieces of straw from the camp there.

"One person, this is your household registration. Just put your palm print on it. You have been our Yangzhou people since then." The soldiers and horses brought by Hao Liu distributed the papers.

The young man also got a copy. After he opened it, he finally knew why Hao Liu said that the field was rented.

Because the writing on this paper is not a household registration at all, the household registration should be the thing recorded by the old Xu, and now the things of the young man and others are completely sold. The young man took the knife and the paper in the hands of the strong man and took out the basically the same thing above the name. Turning Zhou Cang into Guan Hai, Li Er was replaced by Wang Er Ma Zi.

The above is the willingness to sell the three acres of good land in Haoliu, at the price of five thousand dollars, after the difficulty is to rent the text of Haojiatian, this is written in the first year is to pay 30% of the field to Hao family, this second year is the next year plus 10%, until 60%.

"Oh!" The young man looked at the paper and laughed. When there was a policy under the policy, he relied on this 30% tax and Sanmu Liangtian three-three policy to attract the people to come to Yangzhou to settle down, but did not expect someone. Put this idea on.

This Haoliu is really smart. I don’t directly take advantage of it. Instead, I rely on this land lease to get the field. Even if someone finds it, I can evade it. After all, I bought it with money. This is written in black and white. You have pressed the fingerprints, and there are still fakes. He does not force you. In the first year, 30% of the taxes will make you sweet. When you first came to Yangzhou, it was a poor and white barefoot. Hao Liu is also afraid of these rioters, so the first year of Tian Fu is 30%.

Let you taste the sweetness. In the second year, Zhang Yicheng, you can’t walk away at this time. If you pay more than one layer of tax, you can still eat it. In the third year, it will rise to 50%. Not full, but I can have a full day, and in the fourth year, I will be 60%, but I will not eat enough, but I will not starve to death, plus you have been in Yangzhou for a few years. You have changed from bare feet to wearing shoes. With a small number of family businesses, you will simply abandon them all! Young men have seen too many people in this world. These people are really small and strong, and they are very patient. If you don’t overdo it and don’t push them into death, they can really bear it. Tolerance is absolutely docile as a lamb grazing in a diligent manner, waiting to be slaughtered by you.

This Hao Liu and Lao Xu have seized this feature and made a big leap in Yangzhou’s big policy. Don’t underestimate the three-acre field. One person is a three-acre field. There are thousands of people in this camp. Thousands of acres of fertile land, this value is not small.

"You, you are not selling the title deed!" Among the 32 people, there are other literate people besides the young man, and the young man turned his head. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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