My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 617: Jiang Wei

"Why do we want to sell three acres of good land to you, five thousand dollars? Where is the money?" The man named Jiang Yan shouted loudly.

I saw a weak scholar who shouted loudly at the red ear.

Jiang Yan? The young man remembers that when he reported his name, he said that he was surnamed Jiang Mingyan and Lin Lin.

"Well?" Lao Xu and Hao Liu did not think that there was such a literacy in the 30 or so people.

"Hao Haozhen, what's the matter?" Lao Xu looked a little bad and looked at Hao Liu on the side.

"I don't know!" Hao Liu's face turned into iron blue. He really didn't expect to have such a literate character in these individuals. You said that you have read the book and you ran here. What kind of field do you want to go to, you go to the Taishou House, where there are special people to entertain you, now Yangzhou is missing those characters who have read the literacy of the book, let them fill the grassroots to be a small bureaucrat, such as this Lao Xu is such a person because he can write, so he can have such a good job.

"Hao Liu, I tell you, if there is anything, you won't come next time." Lao Xu was so welcome to Hao Liu, he called the name directly.

"Don't, old Xu, Xu Daren, you can rest assured that Hao Liu will handle it well!" Hao Liu looked at Xu Xu's look and was a little confused "seeing Guo's face."

"Do you take Guo Jia to pressure me?" said Xu, who was not good-looking. The background behind Hao’s body was Xinye Guo’s family. This Guojia Lao Xu was also offended, but if he provoked his old Xu, he could let Guo’s change. Come alone.

"Don't dare. Don't dare. Xu Daren is relieved that I will deal with it!" Hao Liu's face is also not good-looking. He waved a few New Wild garrisons and accompanied him to Jiang Yan over there.

"Jiang Brothers. Is this really a sale of a deed!" There are men on the side who are illiterate, but they have heard the words that Yan Yan could not help.

"Oh, it is to sell the deeds. They not only swallow our three-acre fields, but also add a layer of tax every year, and have been added to the sixth floor!" Jiang Yan angered and read the above handwriting.

"Six layers, ah, so high, it can't be printed by hand. When you were in Yuzhou, it was only six layers!" Some people are dissatisfied. They have come to Yangzhou with great hardships, many of them. The weak constitution is dead on the road. What is the picture? It is not the 30% taxation of Yangzhou. Now tell them that this Yangzhou is no different from other places. It is six floors. What are they doing?

"You, everyone, a little safe. Do not worry! We Yangzhou said that 30% tax is 30% tax, how can you deceive everyone!" Hao flow came over. Smiled and said to the gang of people.

"Oh, black and white, here, Hao Duan, you still want to play it!" Jiang Yan said to Hao Liu.

"You, are you literate?" Hao Liu asked the gang.

Many of the people who are shaking their heads even know each other but know their own names.

"Oh, since you don't know the word, how can you listen to what Jiang Yan said? It is said that 30% tax is 30% tax. This Jiang Yan, he is blinded!" Hao Liu eyes, Several New Wild City defenders nodded and surrounded Jiang Yan in the middle.

"I don't have a dazzling look. The above is really written to sell the deed. I don't believe that we will go to Xinyecheng, put him in the door of the door, and let everyone see it on the bulletin board." Jiang Yan still shouted loudly there. .

Hao Liu’s face is already cold.

"This Hao Dujun forced us to sign the body....." The contract of the contract has not been said. Suddenly, Jiang Yan is a pain in his chest. He fixed his eyes and looked at it. It was originally close to Jiang Yan’s Hao Liu’s men. The inflammation is on hand. Just now, a new wild defender secretly punched in the belly of Jiang Yan, so that Jiang Yan could not say a word in one breath.

"This is selling body..." Jiang Yan still wants to open his mouth and punch it on the chest. Some people on the other side look at Hao Liutu’s poor view. The people are also afraid of things. They are not willing to take the lead and look at Haoliu’s fear. .

Hao Liu looked at the gangs, and the people’s fearful look was nodded with satisfaction, so it’s right!

"Cough and cough!" There was blood in the mouth of Jiang Yan, and the guards of these new fields were too heavy.

"Oh, this is Yangzhou, this is what the king of the king of the king looks like. Jiang is a man who knows that there is such a man. It is inevitable that this king Liu Wei will not be able to deceive the world. Hao Liu tells you, even if Jiang’s death is here. Jiang’s person has to say that this is a sales contract. He can’t sign it. If he signs it, he can only be a slave for a lifetime.” Jiang Yan continued to shout.

"If we don't, we won't sign it!" The **** over there were commotion, and they didn't want to press the handprint again.

"Hey! Don't face the face!" Hao angered, he just did not directly kill the Jiang Yan, it is because this Jiang Yan said how good it is worth a three-acre field, now this Jiang Yan face No shame, Hao Liu will naturally not be light again, not just a three-acre field, he will not want to flow, Hao flowed down to wave.

Immediately, the New Wild Guards nodded and understood "Hey!" The cold mangicked up, and the sword in the hands of the new wild defender was squirted. The people of the squad were panicked. This Haoliu was going to kill people.

"Come on, kill Jiang, kill the world, the pseudo-King!" Jiang Yan sneered, closed his eyes.

"Hey!" The hot blood splashed out.

Is this the feeling of being killed? How can I feel no pain? Jiang Yan felt the blood of the blood but could not feel the pain. Is it that he died too fast?

"Ah!" The scream of a scream rang at the side of Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan was very strange. He didn't cry for himself. Why was someone on the side screaming? The subconscious Jiang Yan opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, but let Jiang Yan live. On the ground, a new wild garrison is screaming on the ground, blood is splashing on the ground, and the ground is dyed. famous.

"Jiang Xiong, I have never seen blood!" A very quiet voice on the side sounded.

Jiang Yan saw this, and a young man on the side looked at himself indifferently. He is holding a sword in his hand. This sword is not exactly what the New Wild defenders have just been.

"It's you. Have you saved me?" Jiang Yan saw that this person was not the same person who was called Han Yang. He also had a knife and a strong man. "Why are you saving me!"

"Nothing, just can't get used to it!" This young man is very indifferent, the sword in his hand is still dripping blood, but the young man does not care.

"You, you, bold! Do you want to die!" Hao Liu was shocked and angry. He wanted to kill a Jiang Yan to let everyone shut up. Now it is better not only that Jiang Yan is not dead. One of his men was slashed in the ground and was painfully rolled.

"Death? Just rely on you!"

"Haha, refreshing!" said the knife on the side.

"Okay, okay, okay! Don't shame your face." Hao Liu was also angry. He had a sense of killing in his eyes. This Haoliu was originally a rogue rogue. In this troubled world, he did not kill anyone. In his hands, there are several innocent people's lives, but then Hao flow turned into an official.

"Come to me to win them! Do not kill!" Hao Liu has more than a dozen new wild defenders in the hands, these are his cronies. Either the original mantle rogue, or the desperate in those new wild prisons. Three religions and nine streams, Hao Liu received his life to sell his life. Therefore, since these people have blocked their financial path, they have killed.

"Yes!" There were more than a dozen Hao Liu's men who pulled out the sword and forced them to move toward the young man.

"Han brother is careful! The folks are so happy that you can write and sell the deeds. We can't let people succeed. They are only a dozen. We are so many people. Let's take them together!" Jiang Yan looked over there. Hao Liu’s movement was not awkward. Because of his Jiang Yan’s sake, Hao Liu would have to kill with a few of the Korean brothers. Jiang Yan encouraged the people to help.

Although the young man is a little grateful, he has not taken it seriously, because the people's ideas can be guessed by young men.

"Quickly let go, let it go!" The people on the edge of the people can't wait to retreat. When they are concerned about their own interests, they may resist. It is also someone who takes the lead, but once they encounter such a direct blow, the people are afraid, and the people are afraid of things. For this, it is not humility but helplessness, because I have to fight against the people.

Fortunately, the young man did not care about the help of the people.

"Taiwan Zhoucang, rest for so long, it is the activity of the activity!" Young man's eyes emerged to kill, this Haoliu is not a good thing, this selling deed is so familiar with him and Lao Xu The cooperation should be a long time. The people of Haoliu’s men did not hesitate when they said that they wanted to start. They could know the personal nature of the people, so the young man did not have any obstacles.

"Lord, you have to play ten!" Zhou Cang directly said nothing.

"Well, the scars have forgotten the pain!" Guan Hai said with a cold smile. "You protect me the master, and the people here teach me!"

One is more than a big word, so that Jiang Yan on the side is a little bit stunned, and Hao Liu over there is even more laughed by the young man and his party.

This young man has a total of three people, a sword, or just grabbed it, and he has eighteen people here, all of them are desperate, with human life under their hands, and weapons.

"Give me a slap in them, don't kill them all at once, and give me your hands and feet. I want them to regret coming to this world." Hao Liu pointed to the young man and his party.

"Come on, come to die!" Jiang Yan looked at the enemies who were forced to approach the dozen or so armed weapons. They also bite their teeth and the young man stood up, so that the young man could not help but look at his eyes. This poor scholar has such courage.

But seeing Jiang Yan’s closed eyes and the nervous look, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Jiang Xiong takes care of yourself! It’s forgotten to say to Jiang’s brother, and the royal family is not a deceitful person. It is not a pseudo-king, but he is a royal seal!" After he finished, he immediately rushed out, and the sword in his hand crossed a cold light. A new sergeant rushing to the front was directly cut by the sword and blood. From the blood vessels, the reaction of hypoxia immediately appeared on the new wild defender. He released the hand of the sword. Both hands licked their necks. The mouth grows very big, the big mouth is panting and I can't wait to swallow all the air into the stomach, but all this is in vain, and soon because of blood loss and oxygen loss, the gas is lying on the ground. Into a cold body.

"Ah!" Jiang Yan was very reluctant, but it was really scary when someone died in front of him.

"Cai Hai went on!" The young man lost his sword in his hand, and the knife and his face grabbed the sword and slashed it. Directly cutting the head of a new wild defender into two halves can not live.

"I want to play ten, play ten!" Although Zhou Cang didn't get the sword here, but he was even thicker, he grabbed a new wild defender, and the big fist in his hand fell directly on the new wild guard. On the face of the army, he punched two punches and three punches. When he hit the end, he only heard a bang. There was a white sticky thing on Zhou Cang’s fist. Jiang Yan saw vomiting over there. This is not a brain.

"Little white face to you!" Zhou Cang directly threw the body that was smashed out of his fist by Jiang Yan's hand. Continue to find the next goal.

I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional. There are more and more corpses under the foot of Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan’s face is a pale body of various dead bodies. If Jiang Yanqiang is not holding back, maybe Jiang Yan will be scared to fall on the ground.

"Zhou Cang, Guan Hai don't scare people!" The young man over there looked at Jiang Yan's men and shouted at his own hands.

"Hey!" Zhou Cang 憨 一 那 那 那 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管

"Big. Bold!" Hao Liu was finally scared, because these three people are really like killing God, his dozens of men, these are all desperate, even if it is a good hand on the battlefield, but Now it is dead under the hands of three people.

"I am fighting with you!" Hao Liu also pulled out the sword in his hand and snorted.

"Oh!" Zhou Cang and Guan Hai are sneering, they will see who Hao Flow wants to fight with.

"Big brother, you can't and grab, he is awkward!" Zhou Cang opened his mouth and said.

"I don't want to be strong with you, but if he doesn't want to find me, I can't help it!" Guan Hai said coldly on the side.

"This Hao Liu I want to live!" The young man over there is also an opening.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Zhou Cang and Guan Hai are waiting to see who Hao Liu will spend in the end, but suddenly the two eyes widened.

It turned out that this Haoliu played the sound of the East, he was more happy but did not rush, but the direction of the turn to the war horse over there ran over. It turns out that this Haoliu rush is a fake, and escape is true.

"What!" When Zhou Cang and Guan Hai were stunned, Hao Liu over there had already rushed to the side of the horse. Hao Liu was definitely playing for a long time. A healthy jump jumped over the horse. Ma Yi pulled the head. Just run.

"Where to run!" Guan Hai and Zhou Cang also chased the past. In order to prevent Hao Liu from escaping, Zhou Cang directly threw out the sword in his hand.

"Ah!" The sword has played a role. It directly tears a wound behind Hao Liu. If it is not the armor protection after Hao’s body, this is a must, and Hao Flow is seriously injured. The sword fell and pierced the horse's butt.

The horse that was running was madly madly rushing under the pain.

Zhou Cang and Guan Hai want to continue to chase, but they can only watch this inferior horse dragging Hao Liu and running farther and farther.

"Come back!" shouted the young man behind him.

"Damn! Let him run away."

"Can't catch up." The young man shook his head. If Hao Liu just rode on the horse before, he could chase it. Because this horse is not a big horse but a bad horse, it can swear, but it can't run on the horse. The speed of the outbreak of the two military commanders of Hai and Zhou Cang is still able to catch up.

However, the sword of Zhou Cang is to make this inferior horse completely mad, and it has been played under the pain. Under the arrogance, Zhou Cang and Guan Hai still can't catch up.

"More, thank you for your help." Jiang Yan finally moved. There are seven or eight bodies lying under his feet. They are either bursting in their heads or being split in two. It is all kinds of people watching. It’s horrible and disgusting.

It is not bad that Jiang Yan can not fall directly to the ground.

"You don't have to say thank you, even if you don't have your business. I will also shoot." The young man waved his hand and said to Jiang Yan.

The young man did not let Jiang Yan thank you. Jiang Yan did not feel the "Han brother. Let's go!" Jiang Yan on the side said to the young man.

“Go?” the young man asked, “Why are you leaving?”

"This Haoliu ran will definitely lead to the new wild defenders, we killed so many people, they will come to revenge." Jiang Yan unconsciously used our term.

"They don't come, I have to go find them!" The young man narrowed his eyes. He really didn't think that the policy of his own will be dealt with by the following people. What is Xinye, and other places? Shouchun, Yucheng. Hefei, Zaoyang Yiyang, are these places, is it the same?

Why did the young man not have a cold on the sect, it was because there was a policy that the sect would hinder his policy, so he killed a large number, and now it is better, killing a batch and coming again.

"But we only have four people!" Jiang Yan began to persuade again. Now, when Hao Liu returned to Xinye, he fled, and the big troops brought by Hao Liu could not go away.

"Cai Hai. Go and bring me the old Xu!" The young man ignored the slogan of Jiang Yan and said to Guan Hai on the side.

"Yes!" Guan Hai nodded and left.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. Please beg you, don't kill me! If you want anything, I will ask you not to kill me!" Soon, Guan Hai came over with the same thing, and looked like it was not the registration. The old Xu of the household registration.

"It’s none of my business, it’s not my business. It’s all Hao’s fault. It’s his fault. It’s his fault.” The old Xu couldn’t stop asking for mercy. He was obviously scared. The three murderers were just three and five, and the dozens of new wild garrisons under the Hao’s flow were cut off like cut vegetables. I’m going to fight.

"If you kill you, you will see your performance!" The young man smiled and said to the old Xu on the side.

"As long as I don't kill me, I will listen to you all." Lao Xu is simply asking for mercy.

"Let's say, who is this after Hao's body flow." The young man said to the old Xu, Hao Liu is just a city gate, so a small can not have such a courage to play such a One or two can still be said that this small city gate has turned around, but suddenly there are thousands of them, so it’s really big, and a small city gate can’t do it. If you do, it can only be a dead end. After all, this interest is too great. The reason why the young man wants to ask is that the name of the city gate is so a little uneasy for the young man, surnamed Hao, don't really be him.

If it is really that person, then even if the young man is not willing to give up, he will kill the military law.

"I said, I said, this Hao Liu is he, he is a Guo family!" Lao Xu is almost all knowing everything.

"Guo Jia?" asked the young man in confusion.

"Yes, it is Guojia, the Guojia of Guoyi, the school of Xinyecheng." Lao Xu explained to Liu Wei that this Guo family is the new scholar in the new wild city. The original owner Guo Yi was just a small one. The small county of Xinye was in the next county, but because Xinye was assigned to Yangzhou, a large number of Jingzhou sects left Xinye, which made Xinyecheng form a vacuum of rights. This made the Guo family rise to the top.

Although Xinqi Taishou Liu Qi knows how to govern, but in any case he still has the limitations of his vision. He is still good at using the sect to rule the world. This set of rules has been applied for thousands of years. Later, it is concluded that he is co-governing with the scholar-officials. The world. Because of this, Liu Qi can only pull up a short one and let Guo Jia come up first.

These days, I don’t know why Xinye’s Taishou Liu Qi started to talk about it, so this Guo’s shame from the beginning has become a blatant one.

"Guo Jia? Oh, a good Guo family!" The young man is really angry. A small sergeant dares to do so. The young man thinks again that their horses are not forcibly taken away by this general named Guo Yi. Well.

"Han brother, let's go! It's not worthwhile to talk to this Guo family now. We will leave here to Jingzhou or go to Zhangzhou. You will be re-used by your force. Then we will take revenge to debunk the king. The true face of the cockroach." Jiang Yan on the side continued to persuade the bitter heart.

"Shut up!" The young man didn't speak. The Guanhai on the side spoke directly. "I told you to say a bad word about His Royal Highness. I am not you."

"What kind of gas are you born?" Jiang Yan did not understand. He clearly said that he is Liu Wei. Have a half-money relationship with you. Not to say the master of your family. Jiang Yan couldn't understand it, because these three people have warned him more than once that he is not allowed to say bad things about Liu Wei, so that Jiang Yan is angry and does not understand. Your current situation is not the one who is the king of Liu Wei. What caused it? Staying here is not waiting to die.

"Jiang brother, if you want to go, let's go." The young man frowned at Jiang Yan, no matter how big a person is, but some people said in front of him that he was irritated and that young men would be angry.

"Death is dead, anyway, my life is also saved by you! Jiang Dao will return it to you!" Jiang Yan on the side, no. It should be said that Jiang Yan bit his teeth and said.

"Jiang Wei?" The young man felt a bit familiar with the name, but he didn't think that the number of people who had hidden names was gone. He himself was not replaced by Han Yang's pseudonym.


"Good horse, good horse!" On the racecourse of the New Wild garrison, a man wearing a school armor is running wildly, and the dust rising from the horse is flying all over the sky.

This person is now the owner of the Guo family, the new wild city defender school Guo Yi, Guo Yi is very satisfied with these horses, a total of four horses than a horse. The worst one is also a good horse, able to get on the battlefield.

Among them, the black horse is satisfied with Guo Yi.

"Congratulations to the general. General He Xi is pleased with BMW." The vice-president on the side is flattering against Guo Yi.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Guo Yi is very satisfied with such a flattering. "These four horses except the black one, you can choose one as a mount." I got four horses, Guo Yi, riding one. The remaining three are naturally to be given, and one of them is his own deputy.

"Thank you for the general, thank you general!" The vice-president is also jealous of this war horse. He is also a military commander. The favorite of the military commander except the weapon is the war horse. A good horse can save himself in the battlefield. Life, so I heard Guo Yi’s reward for his reward. How can he be unhappy?

To know that it is now a troubled world, here is located in the south of the Central Plains, and the production of horses is in the north, the northern princes are intentionally or unintentionally restricting the entry of horses into the Central Plains, especially the Cao Cao of Ganzhou is the gateway to the north. The roads in the south are strictly guarded by the troops and horses. The horses are absolutely not allowed to flow to the south of the Yangtze River. They dare to sell a horse in the south of the Yangtze River. Although Liu Wei opened up the sea from Guangling to go to the Gongsun family in Liaodong to buy war horses, but they are all used by the main force. These garrison troops are naturally not available. The main force itself is not enough. How can it be given to other troops?

Therefore, the price of horses on the black market here in Xinye is sky-high, and even the city is priceless. A good horse is naturally dazzling.

"I don't know how those people got these horses! If there is a way!" Guo Yi patted the horse. He was thinking about the original owners of these horses. I don't know where they got the horses. Ah, if there is a way to be good, these few horses say that they have to be worth a thousand dollars. So thinking about Guo Yi is a bit embarrassed, because those few dedication, such a good horse, but still by him Guo Yi to sell the head. However, Guo Yi thought that even if they sold their heads, they could raise their own resources to feed themselves. In this way, I have done a good thing.

"Let's go back to camp!" Guo Yi is also tired. He will send the horse back to the camp. He will prepare for the palace.

"Report! Report the general, Hao Liu was seriously injured and was asked to see the general!" A commander quickly ran over and shouted to Guo Yi.

"Hao Liu? Seriously injured?" Guo Yi's first thought is not to believe, because that Hao Liu is not going to sell people. How can you be seriously injured? I have to know that there is no bandit thief in the new wild, and how can it be seriously injured?

"My horse?" Guo Yi's first concern is not the life of Hao Liu, but the concern is his horse. Although it is a poor horse, it is also a horse.

"Reporting the general, the general's war horse has fallen to the ground and died."

"My horse!" Guo Yizhen said, "Let that Hao Liu see me in my military account. I want him to give me a confession!" Guo Yi said and went to the military account.

Guo Yi was sitting in the military account. Without a lot of time, Hao Liu finally arrived. He entered the camp and was brought in by people. Because Hao Liu is really not hurt. Before that, Zhou Cang’s sudden cut off Hao’s half-fat and stocks. His back had armor to resist but butt, and there was no stock on the back, so he suffered.

Fart, the stock is more meaty, so it will not die for a while, but this way can be very miserable.

"General. General, you must be the master of me, be the master of me!" Guo Yi was prepared to blame Hao Liu, because Hao Liu killed his horse, although the inferior Ma Guoyi was not ready to ride again. However, it has been riding for so many years, the sea is a bit emotional, and the horse can be sold to seven or eighty gold.

However, seeing the miserable appearance of Hao Liu, Guo Yi is a little bit intolerable.

"So what happened? You are not going to Xulian there? How can you make this?" Guo Yi frowned and asked.

"You don't know the general, some people have to rebel! The subordinates can't come back." Hao Liu said with a nose and tears to Guo Yi about his tragic experience.

"What? More than a dozen soldiers have been killed?" Guo Yi suddenly jumped up and "reversed them. What do you want to eat Haoliu! A dozen people can't beat three people?"

"General. I, I~" Hao Liu didn't know what to say. There are only three people, but they are still unarmed, but in the end, more than a dozen of them have been killed by others.

"General, those few look not simple, or where are these good horses coming from! If you just visit the pro, just sit in the carriage, how can there be a horse?" The deputy will speak to Guo Yi.

"General, the thieves are screaming at the gang, the people are rebelling, if they are allowed to succeed, the generals of our generals will be gone. If the tyrants are coming out again, this one will be completely finished." Hao Liu is crying Shouted at Guo Yi.

"Good field?" Guo Yi thought of this. Now it is not the calculation of Hao Sheng who lost his horse and was sinned by such people, but to win those three big people who are not in the right way, if these three people take If there is no such thing, then his good land will not be broken, such as murderous parents. If the real thing is big, Guo Yi can’t eat it. Now it’s because Xinye’s guard Liu Qi does not come out, he Guo Yi This is the case. If Liu Qi is disturbed, this will not be easy.

"Come, come with me to the resettlement camp." Guo Yi will go with his own guard.

"General, these dozens of people are not insured." Hao Liu said to Guo Yi. He was scared by the young man’s two men.

"Do you think that this general is the same waste as your Haoliu?" Guo Yi said disdainfully.

"No, general!" Hao Liu couldn't say that he was afraid of "generals. There are thousands of people in the resettlement camp. If the people are married, then the generals will be safe."

The deputy on the side will listen to Hao Liu’s words and nod. “We will still be insured for the generals. Otherwise, if thousands of people hit the generals, then it’s not good!”

"Okay, then take a thousand people!" Guo Yi nodded. "Take me a speed, I want to see where it is sacred!"



In the resettlement camp, "How can you not go away?" The young man had been thinking about things for a while, and when he reacted, he found that Jiang was still there.

"You don't leave, I don't leave!" Jiang Yan said very hard to the young man.

"You don't have to worry about us! If you kill us, we can't take care of you."

"The big deal is death, anyway, this life is all saved." Jiang Wei said very atmosphericly.

"Cut, I don't know which one I saw just now, the body that was thrown away is scared!" Zhou Cang over there licked his mouth and made Jiang Wei very embarrassed.

"Well, let's say a few words!" The young man waved his hand. "Jiang Xiong, why are you here?" The young man was a bit confused because Jiang Yi was a literate person who had read the book and should not appear. In this resettlement camp, the most missing thing in Yangzhou is the scholars. If Jiang Xiu wants to ask for a lesson, he can do a book, and it’s better to get three acres of good land here.

"I also want to go to the Xianxian Pavilion, but the entanglement on this road has been robbed, so it is only necessary to do so." Jiang Yan said to the young man, it turned out that this Jiang Yan word public. It is a native of Lingling Xiangxiang. It is also a small name in Jingzhou. Because I was a bit talented, I thought about going out and going out to make a fuss. He wanted to join Yangzhou, but the belt was smuggled on the road. It’s hard to work hard and come to Xinye but because he can’t afford it. Into the city fee, was caught by the Hao flow package is ready to be sold to Lao Xu in exchange for good land.

"Hao Liu, the kill!" The young man listened to Jiang Yan's words and could not help but reveal the intention to enter the city. This is true for caravans and even for the people.

"Hey, hey, I still want to rely on the king Liu Wei, but I never thought that his rule is so!" Jiang Wei began to express dissatisfaction.

"Jiang Xiong, the king of the king is the king of Hao, this is Hao Liu, and the king of Liu Wei has absolutely not let this Hao Liu do it!"

"That is also a confused egg!" Jiang Yan said loudly.

"You really don't know how to write a dead character, righteous!" Guan Hai will smash this Jiang Yan.

However, Jiang Wei is very hard and has a neck. "If you want to hit you, just hit it. I am right. I thought that this King of the Kings can be a sage for the people. It seems that it can only harm the people."

"Hey? What happened to Jiang Xiong?" The young man was a bit interested.

"Han brother, you also saw that this royal king may have a good starting point for three acres of fertile land and a three-point tax, but is it implemented now? What is different from other states and counties? Even worse than others. People are enlightened. Said that this new wild is secretly coming, the villain act! In the end, only those corrupt officials are filthy and suffering the people!"


"Then, according to Jiang Xiong's words. Can Jiang brother have a way to deal with it?" The young man looked at this group of Jiang Yan who spoke a set of logic. It was also like a talented person who could not help but dare to interest. Ask more questions.

"This is natural!" Jiang Wei said very well.

"Oh? Tell me!"

"This Royal Highness of the King may be kind to the people, but one thing he did is wrong. If you change this point to the policy of the Royal Highness of the King, you can carry it out in full!" Jiang Wei continued to speak.

"please say!"

"This policy of His Royal Highness has been turned away from nothing. It is that he has made the land good and the land can be bought and sold, so this gang of corrupt officials will dare to take advantage of it! If you say that these good fields become unsaleable, Can those corrupt officials be able to come forward and reach out?" Jiang Wei said his thoughts.

"If you can't buy or sell, the people may not have a sense of belonging!" Why Yangzhou can attract so many people to Yangzhou because he wants to give a good field, according to the head, you come to Yangzhou, these fertile fields are yours. If you tell him that these fields can only be planted but not bought and sold, then the people will be tempted to dismiss more than half of them. What the people want is their own fields, so that they can have a sense of belonging. There is also a good field that Liu Wei rewards, if there is no sale, then what is the meaning of reward?

"That's also simple. If you want to buy or sell, you can, you can't sell it to the gentry and the private, you can only sell it to the government!" Jiang Wei continued to talk.

“Sold to the government?” the young man asked.

"Yes! Sold to the government, the government purchases at the market price, so that the sects can be prevented from annexing the land!"

“The nationalization of the land?” said the young man’s mouth faintly.

"Yes, I know Han brothers too!" Jiang Wei heard the young man said, he said that such a pile is not the meaning of this, under the heavens is not the kingdom, all the land is recovered from the state, the people leave the ration Tian, ​​other fields can be bought and sold but can only be sold to the government, and then distributed to other individuals by the government. This will prevent the sects from annexing the land and allowing the people to farm.

"Jiang Wei?" The young man murmured the name, the nationalization of the land, it is simple to say, but it is still not easy to put forward this concept. Because of the limitations of thinking, this Jiang Yan can come up. Although such a rough but already has a point method, it is really not easy.

"Jiang Xiong, where are you from?" the young man asked.

"Jingzhou Lumen Academy!"

“Lumen College? Have you graduated?”

"Also!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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