My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 621: 弑主(2)

Guo Yi’s face has been grayed out. He didn’t expect to be under the current level. Finally, Guo Yi lost.

"How about Guo Yifu!" Liu Wei's battle knife racked on Guo Yi's neck and said to Guo Yi.

"Serve? I don't accept it! Guo Yi wants to struggle with struggle, but he is directly pressed by Guan Hai on the side. Guo Yi has broken several places, it is broken. "If it weren't for the **** beast, how could I lose? Guo Yi screamed in a loud voice. If it weren't for the **** horse that fell him, how could Guo Yi lose his hand?

"Are you talking about the night light?" Liu Wei said indifferently, "Guo Yi, Guo Yi, have you forgotten how you got this horse?"

"Wars?" This horse is not what Guo Yi grabbed from Liu Wei and others.

"Guo Yi, you lose, you lose, you are too greedy." Liu Wei looked at the horses in the night and said that the night is a god, his IQ is comparable to a child of several years old. Generally, so basically some instructions are understandable. Liu Wei uses a bamboo flute in his arms. Once the bamboo flute word is blown, the night light can react, in Wuxi. The tiger and the wolf fight, this night will be nothing more than leaning over and leaping over these things.

The horse suddenly leaned over, and Guo Yi was thrown out without responding. This gave Liu Wei a chance to win Guo Yi.

"I!" Guo Yi is also remorseful. If there is no such **** beast, he will not be won by Liu Wei.

"If you let me go, my king, Guo Yi must remember your great grace!" Guo Yi said to Liu Wei.

"Let you go?"

"Let me go!"

"Where do you want to go?" Liu Wei said with a playful taste.

"As long as you let me go! I will leave the new field. Leave Yangzhou to a place where you can't see the king of the king!" Guo Yi looked at Liu Wei. Guo Yi has been a bit pleading for mercy.

"This war horse!" Liu Wei stepped forward and touched the black night light. Luminous is also very satisfied with being caressed by Liu Wei, and even with his horse head gently facing Liu Wei to show its love for Liu Wei.

"This war horse is yours!"


"Hao Liu has been killed by me."

"Kill it?" Liu Wei did not expect to get this answer from Guo Yi's mouth. This Hao Liu said that he is also the person of Guo Yi, so he was directly killed. It is really a good bird.

"What about these people!"

"His Royal Highness, their title deeds are all in my Guo family's house, and I will give these people all the time after I go back!"

"You have earned a lot in these few months!" Liu Wei continued to speak.

"His Royal Highness, Guo Yi is willing to contribute 13,000 yuan to support my Yangzhou army!" Guo Yi bit his teeth, in order to survive Guo Yi can only come up with all the capital.

One thousand three thousand gold. Liu Wei’s eyes smashed up. This number is really not small. It’s 13,000 yuan. When Liu Wei won the Jiangdong Ergong’s grandson’s rights, the ransom exchanged with Jiangdong Sunce was just that number.

One is Jiangdong Ergongzi and the other is a small county guarding school. The gap between the two people is too big. It can be seen how much Guo Yi has been greedy. This is only a few months. If this is going on, I am afraid that the whole Xinye can't satisfy the greed of Guo Yi.

"This is three thousand gold, the king wants it!" Liu Wei said to Guo Yi.

Guo Yi’s face was a happy moment, although he was very distressed that this Wanjin family property would be given to others. But Guo Yi has no way, as long as he can live. Then naturally there is a chance to make a comeback. If you die, nothing will be done. "Thank you, His Royal Highness, thank you, His Royal Highness."

"Don't thank me! This is three thousand gold, you don't need to give it up, I will take it myself!" Liu Wei said very gently to Guo Yi.

"Go yourself to take?" Guo Yi stunned, but then Guo Yi responded. The meaning of this Liu Wang’s discourse was completely exhausted. If Guo Yi offered it, it would represent Guo Yi used this 13,000 gold to buy his life here, but if Liu Wei took it himself, it would become Liu Wei to kill him Guo Yi.

‘Don’t you let me go, do you really miss me? "Guo Yi is still holding a glimmer of hope.

"Let you let go? Let go of you, how can I confess to these people? Let go of you, how can I govern Yangzhou, let me go and let me know how to deal with the world!" Liu Wei said coldly to Guo Yi, Guo Yi It was a huge greed. He seized the empty space in Yangzhou. Only then can he start a big job. If Liu Wei let him go, then what about corruption in the future, just confiscating the family?

Liu Wei never believed that Gao Lulu could make his Majesty a clean and honest, and he did not believe that he could serve people with morality, so that these officials would no longer be corrupt. Liu Wei believes that there is only one thing, that is, strict laws.

Only a strict reward and punishment system, this can be a ruler in front of these officials, let them know that they can not cross the Thunder Pool, and Guo Yi is unfortunate, he became such a typical example of Liu Wei. If Guo Yi is put, then the second third or even the tenth Guo Yi will appear in Yangzhou.

Only by taking Guo Yi’s criminal law, can it be used as a column to let these corrupt officials who want to reach out know what is called a dead end.

Moreover, Guo Yi is still an opportunity for Liu Wei to restore his reputation. Now the emigrants have expressed their deep disdain for the four words of Liu Wang, who thinks that Liu Wei is a liar and deceives them to Yangzhou. There is no credit.

People who have the hearts of the people have the world, and Liu Wei is not allowed to let Guo Yi give him a confession.

"Do you think you won, 蜀王殿下!" Guo Yi said with a sneer at Liu Wei, and now Guo Yi, who was taken down, finally admitted that Liu Wei’s identity was Liu Wei’s prince. He also knows that Liu Wei will not let him go.

"Don't I lose?" Liu Wei asked.

"You didn't lose, but you didn't win. You didn't want me to die. Guo Yi. Well! Then Guo Yi will die. It's not a bad thing to have your companion in the Huangquan Road!" Guo Yi screamed wildly.


"You are still doing what you are doing. Give it to me, kill this Liu Wang and others!" Guo Yi cried.

"Who I dare to see! Guo Yi has been obsessed with it. Do you still want to step into the footsteps of Guo Yi?" Liu Wei knows why Guo Yi is confident, that is because Liu Wei and others have not eliminated Guo Yi. Brought a thousand soldiers and horses.

"Guo Yi's sin is that it is not an exaggeration of the family. You should not be confused by him. As long as you put down the butcher knife, you will never be embarrassed!" Liu Wei sprinkled the soup on the side, hoping that these new wild defenders could listen. my own.

Sure enough, Liu Wei’s unspeakable words made some of the new wild defenders shaken. They started to step back.

"Isn't it? If you haven't been smothered with me, someone!" Then let's put down your sword and go down to our king's palace. Otherwise, you are destined to come down with me!" Guo Yi struggled over there. With.

"Shut up!" On the edge of the tube, Jiang will stop Guo Yi's embarrassment. He wants Guo Yi to be unable to speak, but it is obvious that Guo Yi's previous words have already moved the group of people under Guo Yi's hands. .

After they learned about Liu’s true identity, they were also very scared. They also thought about whether they could blame the law. Unfortunately, Guo Yi said that they only remembered that these foods had good fields and they were not contaminated. Tao, Guo Yi dare to be greedy, but Guo Yi is not stingy, he is corrupted by 60%. The remaining 40% were given to the people under the hand, so this is someone who is willing to give him a life.

Guo Yi has been reminded. They just remembered that the gold and silver in their homes, the houses they bought, the babies and the servants were not all exchanged for these good food. If Liu Wei wants to liquidate, they can't eat and walk.

So I thought that the eyes of each one began to turn red, and surrounded the direction of Liu Wei and others.

"Your general is in my hands! You are not afraid that I will kill him?" Liu Wei, the knife is placed on the neck of Guo Yi, Liu Wei does not want to be an enemy of these new wild soldiers, because they say they are It is a person, a member of this big family belonging to Yangzhou. Liu Wei does not want to kill them. The reason for killing Hao Liu’s dozens of men is that Liu Wei can see that there is no good man under Hao Liu’s.

"Do you still have a retreat? Even if he doesn't care about the Liangtian army, you are besieging the king of the king, this is a big disrespect to the king, but you have a second way to choose from the death penalty. Well?" Guo Yi sneered.

"Kill, kill them, don't worry about me Guo Yi, big deal is a death, death can have him 殿王殿下伴伴我郭毅 this body is not a loss, as long as the killing of Liu Wang is killing those 刁People, this day is high and the land is rich, where can't go?" Guo Yi is holding the gang of new sergeants over there.

He didn't know that the battle here was not only the attention of his new wild defenders, but the people in the big camp were also watching the battle here. He had to go to the people in these camps. The killings have been heard by those people.

Guo Yi is already crazy. He wants to go with the singer Liu Wei. Here, even a thousand people do not resist standing and give Liu Wei a killing for them. Liu Wei can dare to face Guo Yi and others directly because he knows that relying on the martial arts of three people can surely smash the thief to smash the king, and win Guo Yi. This battle is over. Who ever thought that this Guo Yi came to the end? Crazy.

"Come, kill, kill!" Hahahaha! Liu Wei children, either you let me go, or die with me here," Guo Yi shouted loudly, and when the cold light flashed, Guo Yi’s scream changed. It became a scream. To be continued. .

Ps: The New Year's bell is about to ring. There are guns here. Wish all the brothers to reunite and be well-being. The single brothers can bring their sisters home in the coming year, and they have the girlfriend's blessings. That is to come to a big fat boy, in one sentence, there is a gun for you to celebrate the New Year! Come quickly and red! (It’s great to have your company during the year!)


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