My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 622: New Wildness (1)

In the other gate of Xinyecheng, the gates of the city are all scared to death, because suddenly there are many soldiers and horses outside of Xinye who don’t know where they are, and those who are madly coming towards Newland City. However, the city gates were not able to close the gate in time.

He had thought that he might have finished this way, so that he did not know which terracotta warriors rushed into the new wild city, which counted as a dereliction of duty, and it was the result of the guillotine.

"It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!” The city gates are all in vain. This new wild is on the border of Jingzhou. It is even strict to say that this is the site of Jingzhou. It was only the one that was given by Liu Wei, and the Nanyang County was exchanged for Xinye. The defense of Xinye was still possible, but because of the Yangtze River. The Yangzhou Shuijun played a big victory, and this will become like this. Is it the terracotta warrior of Jingzhou?

"That's all right, don't panic, don't panic!" Someone on the side reminded, "This is not an enemy. This is not an enemy!"

"Not an enemy?"

"Yeah, you see that those terracotta warriors are playing our flag, and it is our black military uniform." The soldiers on the side said to the city gate.

"Our terracotta warriors?" The gates of the city saw the flag of Yangzhou on the other side, plus the black armor. It was all the costumes of Yangzhou's terracotta warriors. Even the gates of the city could see these. It seems that it is not the defender of Xinye. The city gates were just trying to relieve a sigh of relief, but he was nervous again.

"It's not good, it's not good, it's a disaster, it's a disaster!" suddenly there was a burst of soldiers rushing into the city and shouting loudly in the new city. This gang of horses poured into the new wild city and immediately it was shocking. Suddenly, because those accents and wearing are not the original New Wild City defenders.

So what happened. Actually let the broken soldiers appear in the new field.

"Limited people. Those rioters rioted. The riots!" The city gates immediately seized a squadron from the mouth of the squadron to know such a preface without a question and answer.

"The riots of the emigrants?" The city gates were stunned, and then the cold sweats came down. In the past few years, the new wilderness has taken in a lot of displaced people, because Yangzhou’s good farm policy, plus the mobilization of many places every year. All of them have emerged here, and the people who attacked Yuzhou Liu Bei from Yuzhou have also settled in Xinye. The number of people who can be said to be displaced is almost 100,000 counts. This is if the rioters riot. This is really a disaster.

"Quick and fast, go to the big camp and go to the general to tell him about this kind of thing!" The city gates yelled at the people and ordered that Guo Yicai was the city gate of Xinye, so he immediately thought about it. Guo Yi.

"Yes!" The gentleman on the side nodded and left, but he soon returned.

"What did General Guo Yi say?" asked the city gate. He now urgently needs a backbone to tell him what to do next. He is only a grassroots official, only responsible for the wall.

"Guo, General Guo Yi is not in the big camp." The sergeant said breathlessly.

"Not in the big camp? Can you go to Guofu to ask?" asked the city gate. Maybe Guo Yi is in the middle of the Guo family.

"No, you don't have to go to the city. These soldiers are brought out by General Guo Yi." The soldier said to the city gate.

"What? These squadrons are the soldiers of General Guo Yi? What about Guo Yijun?"

"Maybe, it may not be in the military line!"

"Come and go to the Taishou House to find the Taishou adults." The city boss is not the top boss. Then you can only find someone up again, he does not go directly to the front. That is because it is more difficult to cross the boss to find a superior, who is a jealous who likes a subordinate who informs his superiors through himself.

Soon the guards came over and informed that "I’m going back to the city, and the guards are not in the house!"

"People?" The city gates are a little bit stunned. The city gates are a bit dumbfounded. I am looking for my boss's gate, Guo Yi, who is not in the army. Now I am looking for the boss's boss, Xinye Taishou Liu Qi. Not there.

"I have known where the adults are going!" "The gates are anxious."

"The housekeeper in this ruling house said that the adult is too strict, and he went to live in the country house a few months ago. It is to avoid suspicion." The soldiers returned to the city gate and shouted.

"Ask from suspicion?" The city gates screamed and raised their brows.

"That's all, our great adult, he used to be the big man over there." This soldier pointed to the guide, and this is what I understand. One of the new identities of Liu Qi, Liu Qi, is an official of Yangzhou. Liu Wei’s courtier, there is also an identity that is the eldest son of Jingzhou Mu Liu.

In the past, Yangzhou and Jingzhou were allies. Naturally, Liu Qi could be ruthless in the Xinye. He had to know that Liu Qi had a set of people, but after the fall of Jingzhou and Yangzhou, the identity of Liu Qi could be picked up. He is the courtier of Liu Wei, the king of Liu Yu, and the site of his old man. This is simply not a person inside or outside. He is not good at helping Yangzhou. It is not filial, and it is not good to help Jingzhou. It is unfaithful. So Liu Qi is very simple, I am not here, I directly avoided the suspicion, went to the country and went to the country to find a small house to take care of himself.

"Quickly tell other city gates to let the adults come together to discuss things." The city gates are thinking about letting other city gates come together to discuss, the group dragons can not be without heads, must negotiate a countermeasure Well, you can also make an idea with each other.

"Don't go, don't go! The couple are all adults, Hao Dujun, Chengdu, and Han Dufu all go out with General Guo Yi." The soldier said while watching his own, this look is a bit Complex, there is also a kind of sigh, there is a lucky ingredient in it, this is the surname Yang, named Yang Chao, he is the Tudor of the North Gate, he was not shouted by Guo Yi, it is because this Yang Chao Guo Yi is not a passer-by. This person said that it is better to call it a steel system. If it is not good to hear it, it is called uncoordinated. He does not want to be in harmony with those who are Guo Yi and others, so he is very unsociable. The amount was kicked out by Guo Yi and others. The other gates of the city were arguably rich, but Yang Chao was suffering from the bitterness of his hand. This time, Guo Yi did not call Yang Chao. So it is only now. The three gates of the city of Xinye, the four gates, were not in the army. Only he was surpassed by Yang Chao alone in Xinyecheng.

"General, now the biggest job of the official position in the new wild city is you!" The soldiers on the side added a sentence.

"This, what is this called!" Yang Chao is also a bitter smile. Of course, Xinye is a county town. There are also many official positions in the office, but they are all civilians or those who belong to the Yangzhou Ministry of Commerce. It’s not military, and letting them come has no effect. Therefore, the last largest military commander in a city in the new wilderness became a small capital.

"Tudor, now it can only be like this! If the new wild city is lost, you will not be able to kill even if you have ten heads!" New wild city lost, Xinye can not escape the next one, too guard Liu Qi to be unlucky, Guo Yi has disappeared into the chaos, and the rest are not there, then the unfortunate thing is that he is all stunned.

"It can only be like this!" Yang Chao smiled and let him arrange it. He first had to know how many terracotta horses could be deployed in the new field. You also need to know how many ordnance weapons are in Xinye, so that Yang Chao can do much.

"There are only two thousand people in the generals." The four gates sent from the various gates on the side of the city have a total of two thousand people.

"Two thousand people?" Yang Chao's eyes widened. "Are you sure you have no statistics?" Yang Chao has 1,500 people under his own hands. This is a city gate, and the other gates add up to two thousand people? Are you joking? Can it be said that there are only five hundred people in the other three sides?

"Tudor, there are 152 people in the south gate, 100 in the west gate, and 98 in the east gate! There are a total of three hundred and fifty."

Well, the three gates add up to even 500 people to overestimate them.

"People? Where did the people go?" Yang Chao was about to roar. Suddenly there was a chaotic army. Suddenly, the riots broke. He did not have much reaction. Now, even the city guards the army. Not enough.

"Don't, these, these may be related to General Guo Yi!" A soldier said on the side.

"Guo Yi?" Yang Chao listened to the warning of this military, and this reaction came over. He also knew that Guo Yi was eating empty.

The most basic of the four gates of Xinye is the arrangement of two thousand soldiers and horses. That is to say, the total of the new wilderness should be eight thousand defenders.

The original North Gate is the gateway to Xinye, so there are 5,000 people stationed in the north gate. Now, because Xinye has changed its home, it has changed from the barrier of the north of Jingzhou to the barrier of the present Yangzhou to the south of Jingzhou. A large number of soldiers and horses were transferred from the north gate to enrich the south gate.

Among the South Gate, there are 5,000 people stationed, and the other three are 1,500. The Guo Yi has brought out many soldiers and horses, but you shouldn’t have three hundred gates in the three gates. You must know here. It’s Xinye, the opposite of the Yangtze River is Jingzhou. Even if there are soldiers and horses of General Hao Shao on the edge of the Yangtze River, you can’t play this way.

The eight thousand soldiers and horses can have a base of three or four thousand, and they ate almost the same empty space. Yang Chao did not know how to say this Guo Yi.

"Military food and other ordnance!" Yang Chao continued to ask.

"There is no shortage of these new wilderness cities." Military food and ordnance, as long as they are defending the city, there is a natural distribution in the city, and then 2,000 people can not eat much food.

"Reports, reports are all embarrassing, evangelists, emigrants have come to the new wild city!" There are people reporting to Yang Chaohui.

‘How many people are displaced, how far is it from my new wild city? "

"Up to ten miles! The number of people can't see the beginning, anyway, a lot!"

"Through my military order, Guanchengmen, ready to fight!" Yang Chao issued an order in an orderly manner.

"Don't you, can we win?"

Yang Chao did not directly answer the question of the military, but instead asked. "Do we have other choices?" The military is silent. They are now all old and young in the new wild city. Once the new wild city is broken by the people. Then, what the new wild city will become, they have all seen it, and the pain of the yellow towel was engraved in the hearts of many people.

"Give me a person to go to the water army camp immediately, let General Hao Shao send troops to rescue us." Yang Chao prepared both hands, the first is to seek reinforcements, the second is to stick.


"Slow!" Yang Chao waved his hand. "Come on my horse." Yang Chao said to the scout under his hand that Yang Chao’s horse was a good horse, but it was an old horse. Even so, it took Yang Chao more than half of the savings. On the weekdays, Yang Chao was reluctant to ride. I can’t wait for the horse to ride him. Now I’m going to take it out to the bottom of the hand, which shows that the tense is already very serious.


“Is there a riot in the emigrants?” Hao Shao re-cast a large battalion in the flank of Xinye’s flank. This battalion is backed by the Yangtze River, and the prince Liu Wei has taught Xinhao and other places to Hao Shao. Hao Shao has fully utilized the terrain between Xinye.

The new wild city is flat and plain, and the enemy once landed on the edge of the Yangtze River. Xinyecheng will be safe and defensive.

Moreover, Xinye used to guard against the north, so it is completely easy to attack and defend for the gaps in the south.

Therefore, Hao Shao will be placed on the side of the Yangtze River. This one can visit the Yangtze River and send a scout to check to prevent the Jingzhou Shuijun from landing suddenly on the Yangtze River. The second is to prepare if Jingzhou Terracotta is going to attack. Xinye, he Hao Shao can also attack in half. The Yangtze River is a scorpio for Jingzhou to resist the invasion of the south of the Yangtze River, but for the north, the Yangtze River is also a barrier for the South to invade the Central Plains.

Why don't you use him with such a good resource? Hao Shao said that he would do it after he had transferred countless grains and lime wood from Shouchun. This large-scale building on the edge of the Yangtze River came out.

Only 10,000 people in the entire garrison of the Yangtze River are not able to reach the horse, but Hao Shao is confident to block Jingzhou from enemies.

Hao Shao is studying military in the army. Now suddenly a scout ran over and asked for help from Hao Shao. This script is wrong. You must know that Hao Shaocai is the leader of Yangzhou and Jingzhou. The help should also be Hao Shao. Can not live in Jingzhou's attack and seek help from the direction of Xinyang Zaoyang Yiyang, but now it is transferred.

After the scouting explanation, Hao Shao knew that this was a riot of the people, and it was chaotic from the inside of Xinye.

"Is there not a thousand horses and horses in the new wild city? Even if there are 100,000 people in the area, you can also repel the enemy in the new field by relying on the city wall." The vice-president on the side spoke up. Although the riots of the people are a headache, it is not impossible. The most feared by the emigrants is the siege war. They have no ordnance. There are no sharp swords in their hands. There is no armor shield. They are afraid of siege. As long as they hold the four gates of the city, it is natural, and the Yellow Turban Army is also From small to large, from thousands to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people, it is this way to win the city of the big man, but it is here. The eight thousand soldiers and horses in the new wild city are enough to withstand a while, how can they immediately send people out for help?

"How is it that one is coming to report?! Are you new to the wild?" The vice-president said doubts, this is not a trap.

"General, our Guardian has not seen the figure for several months," the scout replied.

Hao Shao nodded. Liu Qi’s suspicion that he knew it, even Liu Qi informed Hao Shao that Hao Shao also wrote Shouchun, and Shouchun’s military division also gave Liu Qi an endorsement, waiting for the Jingzhou thing to solve the re-election. The official is still the other, the staff of the new field is also scheduled to go on the road, but there is no suitable talent. This made the new wilderness lack the official position.

"So what is the defensive school?" It is also a matter of honouring the school, not one can decide.

"Our general Guo Yi has disappeared." Yang Chao did not say that Guo Yi was already in the military line, afraid of affecting morale, only said that General Guo was gone.

The garrison has also disappeared? What does this new field play? Hao Shao frowned

"You go ahead, I will go to Shouchun with the generals and ask for a soldier." Hao Shao’s deputy said to the scout, although Hao Shao has the right to transfer troops and horses in Xinye, but it is also prepared. Jingzhou, instead of dispatching troops and horses to help Xinye, must know that Hao Shao’s hands are less than 10,000 horses. If you go to Xinye who will guard the Yangtze River, there are enough eight thousand defenders in the new wild city.

"General, I beg you to send troops to Xinye, our city, there are no eight thousand defenders in our city, only two thousand, two thousand less than the general!" Scout shouted at Hao Shao loudly, the guard in the new wild city The number of troops is still visible.

Two thousand soldiers and horses are divided into four gates and one door is five hundred people. If it is a small county, it is absolutely enough, but here is the county town. Five hundred people can’t see the figure on the wall. of.

"Two thousand people? What happened?" Hao Shao and the vice-president also ate a pound, two thousand soldiers and horses to do something. The standard of Xinye is eight thousand soldiers and horses, and can even be expanded to 15,000. At the beginning, Liu Watch had more than 10,000 troops in Xinye.

The scouts only said the empty food in the new wild city.

"There is no reason for this." Hao Shao was so angry that he took the case and ate the blood of the soldiers. This is the most intolerable for the generals, especially Hao Shao, a general who came out from the grassroots, but also knows the warmth and warmth of the soldiers. Eight thousand soldiers and horses shrink three-quarters, this horse is enough to eat. Hao Shao is going to ask the sin of Xinye to prepare for the school, Guo Yi, but this is what I think, Guo Yi has not disappeared long ago.

"Through my military order, you can go to Xinye to fight before sending troops!" Hao Shao stood up, it is not too late, you should make a decision as soon as possible, they have to go to Xinye to help the new wild defenders settle the war.

"If the generals go to Xinye, what should the Yangtze River camp do?" asked Hao Shao, the deputy on the side. On the side of the Yangtze River Squadron, there is Jingzhou Terracotta Warrior. If you have transferred it, how can the Jingzhou Army have an action?

"I only have 5,000 people!" Hao Shao said to the vice-president. The remaining 5,000 people will teach you to stay in the Yangtze River camp to guard against the Jingzhou Shuijun!"

"The generals are tens of thousands of people!" The deputy is comforting Hao Shao, and it is not enough for the five thousand soldiers to go to the chaos or to guard against the Jingzhou army. The original 10,000 horses in the Yangtze River water army camp can be discharged from the scouts to monitor the Jingzhou army crossing the river, can be half-crossed, and now five thousand soldiers and horses can only stay in the Yangtze River water camp, waiting for the enemy to attack .

"Give me eight hundred miles to expedite, and flow down from the Yangtze River to Suichun Shouchun, and give me a military commander. They ask for reinforcements. I will first take 5,000 people to contact Xinye." Hao Shao compromises For a moment, 5,000 people stayed in the Yangtze River camp to guard against Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and 5,000 people first went to lift the Waino area, and then asked the reinforcements to Shouchun Lijiang, let them send troops to come to the chaos. After that, Hao Shao took his own terracotta warriors and revolved in the Yangtze River water army Dazhai.

"It can only be like this!" Soon from the 800-year-old rush in the Yangtze River camp, he sent it out.

It took only one day to go down the Lijiang River along the Yangtze River, and the whole Yangzhou knew the riots of Xinye. Lu Bu immediately transferred the state wolf ride to prepare for suppression, a **** hurricane is inevitable. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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