My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 623: New Wildness (2)


The movement of the Yangtze River Shuijun Camp has been unable to conceal the Jingzhou soldiers and horses. In Jingzhou, the surveillance of the old rival Jiangdong has now been released. Instead, all the energy is placed on Yangzhou, so the Yangtze River Shuijun The terracotta warriors and horses that mobilized in the battalion quickly responded. /

"You can know why this Yangtze River water army camp is moving in the end?" Liu Wei is sitting on the main position, he is now organizing the military, so according to the rules, the military general Liu Wei is naturally above the main position, Liu Biao The day was not good, because the things in Gangneung City made him dizzy, although he had sent troops and horses, but Jiangling did not have one good news.

"General, will the military and horse transfer of the Yangtze River Water Camp be thought of over the Yangtze River to attack my hinterland?" The school stood up and said to Liu Wei.

"Attacking Fuyang? No!" Liu Wei shook his head. Although the terrain was low, it was difficult to form a sufficient resistance. Even in the same level of the city, the defense of Fuyang is the weakest, but it is also weak, the Yangtze River. Ten thousand soldiers and horses in the military camp can break through the ranks of Fuyang.

What's more, in the Jiangxia generation, the Jingzhou Shuijun was eliminated, but there was still a Jingzhou Shuiyang army in the Fuyang generation. That is the 30,000 terracotta warriors in the hands of Cai Wei. Although Cai Wei did not listen to the announcement, the 30,000 terracotta warriors But still quite awkward.

Unless the Yangzhou Shuijun's naval warships can come to the waters of Fuyang, the Jingzhou Shuijun can still shut up and become the overlord in the first zone.

"Army, you have forgotten it, this Cai family and the fake Wang Liu Yu have a lot of relationship!" Someone said to Liu Wei, the person who said this is heartbreaking. He did not say much on this bright side. But the secret means that it is possible that Cai’s family has already rebelled against Jingzhou to prepare for Yangzhou. If Cai Jia really does this. Then the 30,000 Jingzhou Shuijun may become the 30,000 Yangzhou Shuijun.

"This will not!" Liu Wei still shook his head. Although Cai Wei, the man Liu Wei did not understand, but he also knew that Cai Wei had not been able to do that step, unless Liu Biao forced too much, after all, the people who betrayed the master did not have People are willing to bear, if Liu Biao is not good for Cai family! Then you are justifiable, you rebel because it is because the master is not good for you. However, before Liu’s incident, Mr. Liu’s case for Cai’s family was really one person. It can be said that Cai’s family is in Jingzhou.

You don't know that Jingzhou Shepherd is Liu Biao, but you don't know, there is a Cai family in Jingzhou.

Although Cai Wei is now under house arrest by Liu Biaoguan in the house, but Cai Wei still has hope, that is, suffering, and Liu Biao Shouyuan consumed, Liu Biao died, Liu Bian has a total of three sons, the eldest son Liu Qi. The second son Liu Wei, the youngest son Liu Zong. The eldest son Liu Qi has not qualified to inherit the state animal husbandry. After all, he has been separated from the Jingzhou officialdom. He is an official in Yangzhou. The second son, although he is a martial artist, you must know Liu Wei. Although Liu Biao calls him a son, However, Liu Wei is not Liu's personal after all. It is the child left by Liu Biao's brother who was taken care of by Liu Bian, so the biggest heir now is the younger son Liu Zong.

As long as Liu Zong inherits the position of Jingzhou Mu, then his Cai family will not be dead, or even a comeback, and he will be the king in Jingzhou. It is precisely because of this that Cai Wei will not rebel in the last moment.

Another point is that Cai Yuke is in Fuyang. He is now rebellious and not ruined. Once Cai’s hundreds of people have been killed, what is the use of betrayal?

"Report, report the military division, the information from the new field!" Just when the people were still guessing, there were sent troops to send intelligence.

"Call up!" Liu Wei waved his hand and said to the man. Liu Wei took the secret letter and read it. This secret letter was sent from Yangzhou Xinye. In Xinye, Liu Wei also had intelligence personnel. And what happened in Xinye is basically unable to hold back Liu Wei.

"Haha, haha, God helps me, and God helps me too. If you really get the helper, you can help the lost." Liu Wei saw the secret and immediately laughed, making the following people somewhat inexplicable. The school graduated a step forward and asked Liu Wei, "What happened to the military division? What is the joy of what?"

"Come here, you can see for yourself!" Liu Wei gave the secret letter to him with a smile, and Jingzhou Wenwu, who quickly turned around, looked at it again. His face was not normal.

This is written on the riots in the new wilderness, tens of thousands of attacks on the new wild city! There are only two thousand defenders in Xinye.

What happened in the new wild city was simply full of surplus, and those who broke the soldiers quickly entered the city, so the accuracy of this information is very high.

Now it is possible to explain why the Yangtze River Shuijun Camp will mobilize the troops. According to the truth, the soldiers and horses of the Yangtze River Shuijun Camp should not be mobilized. Even if he mobilizes it, it is also used in the attack on Jingzhou. Immediately after the transfer of the Terracotta Warriors, Jingzhou’s civil and military forces were tense. The Jingzhou Shuijun and the Jiangdong Shuijun on the Yangtze River challenged the Yangzhou Shuijun. The Jiangxia, Shiyang, and Jingzhou Nanjun Jiangling were also lost. Now Jingzhou has left Changsha. A generation and a generation of Fuyang.

The Yangzhou terracotta warriors are pressing harder and harder. If they are not good, they can attack Jingzhou across the river. Well now, it turned out to be Yangzhou’s own problem.

“There has been a civil change in Yangzhou?” Some people wondered if this would be a trap. Yangzhou’s reason should be the best place for the people. One person will send three acres of good land, if you open If you are embarrassed, you will not be required to pay taxes in the first five years. After five years, this land will belong to you. Every acre of land will be taxed at 30%.

Jingzhou, a group of Wenwu also knows that people in Jingzhou are already very good, but they still can't catch up with Yangzhou, because Jingzhou does not dare to reduce taxes. In that case, Jingzhou not only can't receive food every year, but it is better to pour it from the treasury. It is.

Therefore, some people think that this is a false intelligence, in order to let Jingzhou soldiers and horses relax their vigilance, which makes Yangzhou soldiers and horses can take the opportunity to attack Jingzhou.

"This is not impossible! But the possibility is very small!" Liu Wei shook his head and said, is the people's change so good control? And if you mobilize other troops, you may be confused about Jingzhou. But what you are transferring is the Yangtze River water camp. There is a slight wind and grass. It can be said that Jingzhou is waiting for it. You are not a stunned snake.

"Is that really a change of people?"

"This is not certain!" Liu Wei also shook his head. "No matter what, we should be ready to do both!" A school station stood up and said to Liu Wei.

"Also, first, we must be prepared to prevent the enemy from being confused by our army! The second is that the army is ready to mobilize. If the people in Xinye really change, then this is our chance!" This person is very capable. Compared with his older brother Liu Qi, his ability is only weak, but he is much more decisive than his older brother Liu Qi. The so-called opportunity is that once the discovery is really a new wilderness, Jingzhou will immediately send troops to attack the Yangtze River water camp. Walled.

Threatening the new wild, the Yangtze River Shuijun camp or the transfer of troops and horses stationed in the Yangtze River water army camp, against Jingzhou.

But if your terracotta warriors are all transferred back, then whoever handles the new wild soldiers will inevitably become bigger and bigger, even if it is not like the original Huang family chaos, but it can also make Yangzhou disgusting.

If you don't transfer the troops, you still go to attack those chaotic people. Then I took the Yangtze River Water Village directly and landed to help the people. If you can't do it, Xinye can regain it. Even if you can't get it, let the new pearl of the new field pay for it.

"Through my military order, the whole army is not disarmed, the whole army is ready to go!" Liu Wei issued an order to go down.


"I attacked my own city, what is this!" Liu Wei sat on the night light and looked at the new wild city pool over there. He couldn’t help but smile. What is Xinye? It is part of Yangzhou, and Liu Wei is the master of Yangzhou. It is reasonable to say that he should be the ruler, and these people who are under the rioters are rioters. He should suppress the emigrants instead of carrying a large number of emigrants now. The new wild city has flocked.

The culprit caused by all this is our Comrade Jiang Wei. When Liu Wei and Guan Hai Zhou Cang were killed by Guo Yiyu, a thousand people besieged three people. If there is no armor, the three can only be defeated. Guo Yi will die. Similarly, there will be death and injury among the three Liu Yi people. At this time, our Comrade Jiang Wei has exerted strength.

After knowing the identity of Liu Wei, Jiang Wei returned to the camp of the emigrants, relying on the three-inch tongue, or relying on Guo Yi’s big words, he turned out to be In order to keep secret and prepare to kill thousands of emigrants in this camp, the gangs were originally timid and afraid that they would not dare to stand up against Guo Yi.

As for Liu Wei and others for their early years, they also did not care or even complained about Liu Wei and others.

But if you think that they are harmless, then you can make a big mistake. Although the people will endure, but he also has no tolerance, you Guo Yi is ready to ask for their little life, anyway, it is a dead word. The gang of Guo Yi’s mouth, the people got up and resisted.

There is no problem with Guo Yi’s hands and thousands of soldiers and horses. It’s a pity that the Lord will be captured. There is no decent military commander in Guo Yi’s army. Although the displaced people have not trained here, the farmers themselves have The strength of a hand, the shovel in the hand can also kill people, not to mention the three-class military commanders like the wolf-like tiger, Guan Hai Liu Wei Zhou Cang, three people rushed forward, with thousands of people hit the wind battle.

In this way, Guo Yi’s morale is getting lower and lower. Basically, there is no enemy of Guanhai and others. The displaced people look at this snoring and the more they play, the morale becomes soaring. Under his command, Guo Yi was killed by six hundred soldiers and horses, and two hundred people were seriously injured. Only less than two hundred people were left behind.

This is what Liu Wei is like now, with thousands of emigrants heading for the new wild city. He needs to give these people a confession to arrange an arrangement. The number of other emigrants camps on the road is increasing, and finally Liu Wei looked at tens of thousands of people in front of him.

"Lord, we are not rebellious now!" Zhou Cang on the side carefully asked Liu Wei.

"Make you a head, how can you make your own counter!" Guan Hai said nothing to Zhoucang is a chestnut. Yangzhou is Liu Wei’s, and Xin Ye is also Liu Wei’s.

"Okay!" Liu said with a smile. Liu Wei’s eyes in the new wild city have been closed, and the above is heavily guarded, meaning a pair of enemies.

"Cai Hai, you shouted the door!" Liu Wei said helplessly to Guan Hai, letting Guan Hai screaming the guards of Xinye.

"Know the Lord!"


The night was terrible and quiet. Hao Shao went to the night with five thousand soldiers and horses and went straight to Xinyecheng. The scouts he sent were observing the movements of Xinye. In the range of thirty miles outside the new city. Hao Shaoan camped up.

"There is no enemy near the new wild city?" Hao Shao was puzzled to listen to the report of the scout under his hand.

"Yes general, the four sides of the new wild city have been observed in ten rounds, there is no trace of the enemy!" Scout said to Hao Shao nodded, this scout leader is a robe of Hao Shao, is Hao Shao from the state He was brought together by the wolf, and his scout level was very high. Hao Shao was also very trusting. He said that no enemy army must have undergone deep investigation.

"There is no enemy? Is it that the chaos has not yet reached the new city?" Hao Shao was a bit strange, then Hao Shao shook his head. No, after the information from the new field was sent out, the chaotic people were already close to the new wild city, and when Hao Shao was sent from the order to the sentinel, the gang of people could climb to the new wild city even if they climbed.

"Don't the gang change the people?" This is also an explanation. If you didn't come to Xinye, it would be a diversion. It's not right! Hao Shao has dispelled the idea. There is no big city near Xinye. This chaotic people are 100,000. If there is not enough food, they will starve to death in a few days. How could they be willing to give up the new wilderness, only to win the new wilderness to eat.

"Just!" The scout on the side added that "there were a lot of abandoned things found outside the square!" Scouts saw many wastes discarded by the people. Like crutches and tents, and even broken clothes, these are the items of the people. Only a large number of people will leave so much garbage.

"The gang of people will be in the vicinity of Xinye!" Hao Shao immediately confirmed that those living garbage does not really represent a large number of displaced people near Xinye. But the scouts have already said that they have not found traces of the displaced people. They can’t hide them. It’s not two people, that’s hundreds of thousands.

"They won't be in the new wilderness!" The scout on the side added another sentence.

"New wild city?!" Hao Shao also thought of it, can not hide the 100,000 people in the invisible, not only the new wild city? Xinye is a county town. His size can lay down 300,000 soldiers and civilians, and only Xinyecheng can lay down 100,000 people.

"Is the New Wild City being attacked by the chaos?" asked the scout on the side.

"No!" Hao Shao vetoed that even if there were only two thousand soldiers and horses in Xinyecheng, they should not be attacked at once. There are signs of fighting outside Xinyecheng? Hao Shao asked the scout on the side.

"No!" There is no trace of fighting outside the new wild city, no body.

"The new wild squadron surrendered!" Hao Shao can only do this worst plan. The 100,000 people are not aware of the ghosts. There is no Henderson fighting on the new wild city. Then there is only the new wild city. The defenders surrendered.

"What should we do now?" The scout on the side asked, is it still going to be solved?

"What to do? Wait!" Hao Shao also smiled and shook his head. What can I do? It can only be cold. If Xinyecheng is not broken, Hao Shao’s five thousand soldiers can go to the rescue, but now Xinyecheng has Surrendering to the chaotic people, is it that he has Hao Shao with this man's five thousand soldiers to go to the siege? The field can distinguish what is a professional force, what is a miscellaneous force, but the defending city is not like this, with the defense of the city wall, it can be said that the defending city is an ordinary people can also play the ability of elite warriors.

He Hao Shaoshan is not good at attacking, let alone Hao Shao in order to speed up the rescue speed, lightly loaded, no bed guns, no talk about the ladder, how to attack the city.


"Yes, wait!"

On the second day, the state wolf rides with 20,000 steps, and the commander of the state wolf ride is not someone else's Lu Bulu Fengxian, the 20,000 steps behind him, of which 10,000 are the Yangzhou army and the Yiyang war. , by Wei Yanjun handsome.

"Waiting adults!" Hao Shao quickly went to see the ceremony, and Lu Bu nodded. "Get up and talk, how is the current direction of Xinye?"

"Reviewing the adults, not optimistic!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Bu asked, frowning.

"New Wild City may have been broken by the chaos!"

"What about the two thousand defenders in the new wild city? Can't you insist on it for three days?"

"When you wait for the adults, Shino is accurately surrendering to the chaotic people."

"Be bold!" Lu Bu has a hint of twilight, no matter who does not like traitors. If the new wild city is broken, even if it is broken, Lu Bu will not be so angry. But the surrender is different. Still surrendered to the chaotic people.

"Report, report to the generals, the Yangtze River Shuijun camp sent an urgent report!" Hao Shao and Lu Bu in the military talks over there from the Yangtze River water army camp sent information.

"Say!" Hao Shao did not conceal the meaning of Lu Bu, because Lu Bu said that it is also a half master of Yangzhou.

"Returning to the generals, there are a large number of enemy forces outside the Yangtze River camp!" The commander said to Hao Shao, the enemy! It is only a family who can be called an enemy in front of the Yangtze River Shuijun. That is the Jingzhou Liu watch.

"Liu Biao also knows this news?" Hao Shao did not want to get the news, and it turned out that Jingzhou is like a mosquito that smells blood.

"There are five thousand soldiers and horses left in the Yangtze River water camp!" Hao Shao said to Lu Bu. Originally, 10,000 soldiers and horses Hao Shao had the confidence to be too lazy to attack the 100,000 Jingzhou soldiers and horses. Now there are only five thousand soldiers and horses. Many places have become stretched. Once Jingzhou is willing to give up the blood, the Yangtze River water army camp is not receiving If you live, you can log in everywhere along the Yangtze River.

Hao Shao wants to transfer the troops and horses back, but now there is no news at Xinye. Xinyecheng is occupied by the chaos. If you can't get the new wild city in time, then the new pearl of Yangzhou will be destroyed. How strong the chaos of the chaotic people, Hao Shao Lubu they all know. When the Yellow Turban army ravaged the big man, it was basically ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and this kind of thing was revolted with one. They attacked the city and broke your home. You can only follow them behind in order to survive. broken.

Therefore, this group of chaos will only grow bigger and bigger. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Xinye, and now there are more than 100,000 people. This is a big hidden danger if Xinyecheng can’t control it.

Therefore, this Jingzhou aspect will be very empty, so that Yangzhou soldiers and horses will not be able to close.

"Hao Shao, you should bring people back to the Yangtze River Shuijun Camp!" Lu Bu said to Hao Shao.

"When you are an adult, if I go back, how can I attack the city?" I want to know that Lu Bu has brought a state wolf ride, and I can't let the Hezhou wolf ride the horse to attack the city.

Lu Bulai was also anxious, and the people were rebellious. After receiving the help from Hao Shao’s soldiers and horses, Lu Bu immediately set off. He took 20,000 steps, but the 20,000 steps were still on the road, etc. This day lily is cold after they arrive.

Their original consideration is that the New Wild City garrison can hold on to two days a day, even if there are few, one day and two days, even outside the field, even the elite heavy arm step is not the opponent of the state wolf riding, let alone these A chaotic people.

However, people are not as good as days. This new wilderness surrendered without any slight resistance. It was a surprise to completely attack Yangzhou. Now it is a problem to stay in front of Lu Bu.

Are you attacking Xinye in the end, or not attacking Xinye?

If you attack the new wild city, then you must leave Hao Shao's five thousand elite, relying on them to go to the city to attack the new wild, even if Lu Bu personally played, there must be soldiers and horses. It takes time to sit on the ladder. This will take more time to attack the city. If you attack the new wilderness, the Jingzhou Army will attack you in the Yangtze River.

If you don't attack the New Wild City, then the destruction of the people will not be half a month. Even if the new wild city is recovered, it will be completely finished. The gang will restore the new wild city from the prosperous to the Stone Age.

What's more, the chaotic people took one, and it was originally a hundred thousand chaotic people. He entered the new wild city and destroyed the family business of the original people in Xinyecheng. Then these people in the new wild city have become homeless people, then only The team that can join this group of people is probably 100,000 today, and it will become 200,000 tomorrow.

If it spreads around Xinye, Yangzhou can be said to be chaotic.

"Hey!" Lu Bu snorted and said nothing to go with the state wolf riding directly toward the direction of the new wild city. "Go!"

"Warming adults?!" Hao Shao stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Lu Bu was doing. He looked at him and went down to the new city. He suddenly ate a pound and chased the horse with his horse. He Hao Shao was in the wolf. Waiting for the ride, know that Lu Bu, who eats soft and does not eat hard, likes to come horizontally. If he really comes to a heavy cavalry siege, Hao Shao will cry. Therefore, Hao Shaogan chased the past and wanted to let Lu Bu stop to take a long-term plan.

"When you wait for the adults, wait for the adults, now is not the time to attack the new wild!" Hao Shaogan chased the past "Warming the adults, anger, waiting for tomorrow, I will let the army cut down the trees to make the ladder, and immediately attack the city!" Unlike Gaoshun, who directly opposed Lu Bu’s character, Hao Shaohao also spoke to Lu Bu’s temper. Hao Shao said on the side of Lu Bu that he said that the heavy armored cavalry attacked the city. I want to let Lu Bu give up this temper.

"Who said that I want to attack the new wild!" Lu Bu turned his head and said to Hao Shao.

"Isn't it attacking the new wild?" Hao Shao took a moment, then you went with the state wolf rushing toward Xinye. Why?

"I want to see what the leader of the chaotic people in this new field is!" Lu Bu said coldly. Being able to smash the riots, this person is inevitably not simple, just like the three brothers of the yellow thief, Zhang Zijiao, telling the truth, if it is not the rebellion of Tang Zhou, then the Yellow Turban will not rush to ask for another three or five years. It is really hard to say whether this world is surnamed Liu or surnamed Zhang. Unfortunately, there is rebellion in this.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao can only rushed up. If he had another one or two years, let him seduce and confuse people, and then deceive the morality of benevolence and righteousness, Lingdi may have to die.

"Call!" Hao Shaosong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it is not directly attacking Xinye. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: The recent story is a bit messy! fainted! To sort out the outline tomorrow, it should be in accordance with the outline. It should not be said by the book friends that it will affect the plot! Speed ​​up the development of the plot tomorrow!

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