My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 624: Unlucky Liu Wei

The flag of Xinyecheng is fluttering, and the five thousand-year-old wolves are watching the city in front of them. The color of Xiaoran is beyond words. {{wx}

And the state wolf rides from Saibei, has experienced dozens of years, wherever he went, from Mobei to Dongdu Luoyang, then to Hebei, through the Central Plains, it can be said that the reputation of the state wolf ride is relying on the sword in the hand And the war horses under the arm.

Lu Bu made people go forward and shouted, and the state wolf riding position has already opened, and the new wild city also opened the city gate, from which a team of soldiers and horses came out.

It is this kind of gunpowder that is full of play at any time. The conversation between the two people under the new city is very strange.

"It turned out to be you!" Lu Bu looked up at the people in front of him.

"It's really me!" The stranger said with a smile.

"How come you will be here!" Lu Bu looked at the man with a sullen look, and the flames were coming out of the eyes.

"I don't want to appear here too!" People don't know how to explain it. Can they say that they are afraid to go back?

"Are these chaotic people brought you?"

"Those who are the people?!" The man nodded.

"Okay, okay, I made my own anti-self attack on my own city. I have lived for so long for the first time. I have seen it for the first time. My good dear, my Royal Highness! How? You still want to ride the field with me and the state wolf. Something!” Lu Bu smiled coldly.

"Small donkey dare!" The comer was the Han Han, the general of the Han Dynasty, and the general of Liu Han Liu Liuyang. The reason why Liu Wei and others came out of the new wild city was that he gathered more and more with the people. There were only a thousand people in a large camp. Finally it became tens of thousands. The other people in the big camps have always dared to speak out. Now some people have taken the lead and went to Xinye to get justice. The number of people is large. If you don’t give a statement, not only is the reputation of Yangzhou damaged. If you are not doing well, you really have to form a people's change.

Liu Wei had to go with the hundreds of thousands of displaced people to the new wilderness. The defenders of Xinye had already prepared for the death. Liu Wei took out the tiger's character, the sacred king, and the sergeant, Yang Chao, did not dare to commit the same as Guo Yi. Naturally opened the new wild city gate, Liu Wei can not let the people sleep in the wild, they took the migrants into the city, let the officials of Xinye live their lives, waiting for them to give a confession.

The refugees here have not been arranged properly. Someone sent intelligence from there, and Xinye was surrounded by the army. The people also named the name of the thief to lead the dialogue. Liu Wei originally thought about which one was led by the general. It. It was discovered that this was wrong. Liu Wei’s most unwanted person now appeared – Lao Luren Lu Bu.

I can't hide from the first day. Liu Wei bite his teeth and took Guan Hai and Zhou Cang out of the city. As for the military martial arts that are waiting for the battle, Yang Chao is self-proclaimed. He wants to express himself in front of Liu Wei. The leaders of the later generations went down to inspect, and the police forces in those counties would be diligent to help open the way.

"What are you afraid of!" Lu Bujian's eyebrows have been tilted up. "Your wings are already hard..."

"Father-in-law, can we not mention this first!" Liu Wei did not know that this cold-faced man Lu Bulu Feng actually said so, Liu Wei Gu Ji if you let Lu Bu use this to make a fuss, maybe one day today will stay here Listening to the teachings, so quickly Liu Wei is ready to interrupt Lu Bu to let him change a topic.

"Okay, then I will mention what you did in Jingzhou. Okay, that's great! I went to borrow money from others, and finally borrowed the wife of others." Lu Bu's eyes are about to come out.

"I!" Liu Wei, this is simply a self-restraint.

"You can know these days. Linger, they are, they are scared for you, praying for you every day, looking forward to your return." Lu Bu said that the voice is louder.

"They, they are okay!" Liu Wei lowered his head. He did not dare to look directly at Lu Bulu in front of him. Although he was a royal king, he could even say that the whole Yangzhou had subtly changed from Yangzhou of Lubu to Liu. Yangzhou, you can say that when Lu Bu wants to turn his face with Liu Wei, then Lu Bu is definitely the party to failure. The civil servants in Yangzhou are respectful to Lu Bu, because he is the father-in-law of Liu Wei, the urban management The military white horse from the Yiheiqi army is Liu Yu’s loyal and loyal unit.

Even some of the soldiers and horses in the hands of Lu Bu are more convinced to Liu Wei. Some of the old officials of the Lu Bujun, represented by Chen Gong, if they turn their faces, they don’t help each other.

This is the case. In fact, the master of Yangzhou is always in front of Lu Bu, who will let this his father-in-law.

"No you live to nourish!" Lu Bu said with no anger.

"I am sorry for them!" Liu Wei was very embarrassed.

"These words are waiting for you to go back to Shouchun and they personally say, let me have something to do!" Lu Bu said that he was ready to fight.

"Father, you?" Liu Wei was a little confused. He thought that this is his cheap father-in-law who had opinions on himself and was unwilling to enter the city. He was prepared to leave directly to Lijiang.

"I don't have time to comment on you. There are still prey on the banks of the Yangtze River waiting for me to hunt!" Lu Bu turned to the horse's head, and the five thousand and the state wolves rode under his command and soon the former army became the army. The five thousand heavy cavalry quickly disappeared on the horizon.

"Prey?" Liu Wei did not understand where the prey came.

"Lord and the Lord." Lu Bu left, but there is also Hao Shao with Lu Bu, Hao Shao is not a man who is riding a wolf in the state. He has five thousand soldiers and horses to command the commander. Hao Shao looks at Liu Wei in front of him. Before Lu Bu and Liu Yu’s old man, he couldn’t interject himself. Now he can say that he didn’t think that the thief of this chaotic army turned out to be his own lord. Hao Shaoben wanted to blame the new city’s defending city. Distorted, but think about it.

The Guardian is not there, and the garrison general has been killed by Liu Wei, and a city gate can not panic.

"Bo Dao!" Liu Wei also saw his own confidant love, Hao Shao is Liu Wei from the end of the micro-end, when Hao Shao was introduced by Zhang Liao, Liu Wei also said that this person is a relationship, in order to give Zhang Liao's face was the only one who made it difficult for him. But all he gave to him were some recruits. He also sent Hao Shao to the small county.

However, I did not expect that Hao Shao relied on thousands of people to resist Liu Bei and Zhang Xiong. This made Liu Wei slowly discover his potential. This time before killing Guo Yi, Liu Wei always thought that Guo Yi’s Hao Liu might have a relationship with Hao Shao, and finally found out that this was really a romantic horse. Concord. Although Hao is not a big surname, the number of people surnamed Hao has gone too much.

"My father-in-law, where is this?" Liu Wei asked Hao Shao.

"The main public, the warm-up adults should go to the Yangtze River!" Hao Shao reported to Liu Wei, where Jingzhou soldiers and horses seized the new "people change" ready for revenge, arson and robbery, and then let the new wild Destroyed once.

The news that Hao Shao just got is that Jingzhou Terracotta has landed on the banks of the Yangtze River. Because they learned that the state wolf was riding out, it further deepened the news that they thought the new wilderness had changed. They were covering the "friends". However, they did not expect that this "friends" would have been planned by Liu Wei.

"Jingzhou Liu Wei?" Liu Wei also knows that Cai Jia Cai has been under house arrest by Liu Biao. The Jingzhou military division is now Liu Zi’s second son, Liu Wei. This Liu Wei will really catch the fighter. If this is clear Change is true, then Yangzhou really has to suffer a major loss.

But now it seems that this Liu Wei military division is unlucky, Lu Bu said that if it is true, Lu Bu will not be so angry. However, when I saw that this folk change was made by my own baby girl, suddenly Lu Bu was really angry and hated iron. In addition, Liu Wei disappeared for so long, borrowed the wife of Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and concluded that it broke out together.

Lu Bu can't shoot at his son-in-law, so this big brother Liu Wei is unlucky. Lu Bu has summed up all the grievances together. Liu Wei's terracotta warriors have become a punching bag.


Above the surface of the Yangtze River, countless ships are driving back and forth on both sides of the Yangtze River. They are all doing one thing, that is, transporting troops and horses, and sending Jingma's horses and horses from the south bank of the Yangtze River to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

“How long does it take for the 20,000 terracotta warriors to be transported?” Liu Wei looked at the ships coming and going on a warship and was constantly transporting troops and horses towards the north bank of the Yangtze River. This has been several hours. However, 20,000 terracotta warriors have not been transported, so Liu Wei’s face is a bit unsightly, because the warplanes are fleeting, and more delays may have a major change.

"The military division is getting faster, faster!" The schoolmen on the side comforted Liu Wei. Liu Wei was in a hurry. They were also anxious. Yangzhou had already dispatched and the state wolf was riding and attacking Xinye. This shows that the folk change is true, and There, there are only five thousand soldiers and horses in the Yangzhou Yangtze River Shui Dazang. This is a big credit. This time Jingzhou dispatched 50,000 soldiers and horses, and 30,000 attacked the Yangzhou Yangtze River surface camp from the front, and 20,000 sneaked from behind. In the past, on both sides of the attack, even if the Yangtze River Water Village was built to be stronger, it could not hold back.

I have a lot of credit and I want to rush to do it.

However, they are in a hurry and useless. It takes a while for the ship to be transported. What's more, most of the ships they use to transport the troops are not warships. The warships of the Jingzhou Shuijun were once half in the Jiangxia Shuijun camp. Jiang Xia was given to the Yangzhou Army, and half of them were in the hands of Zhang Yun of Fancheng. Zhang Yun is now listening to the announcement, how can he ignore you?

Now the ships they use to transport the terracotta warriors are temporarily called from passenger ships or cargo ships, and even small fishing boats. It is often chaotic that the large and small ships cannot be uniformly deployed. This also delays the speed and does not stop. Let the Yangtze River Water Village have been taken down, leaving time for the Yangzhou Army.

"Damn Cai Wei!" Liu Wei is very dissatisfied. If Cai Wei's 30,000 Jingzhou Shuijun in Fancheng cooperates, I am afraid that he will take the Yangtze River Water Village now. However, looking at the steady stream of Jingzhou soldiers and horses has been registered on the north bank of the Yangtze River Liu Wei and a lot of comfort.

"Let them speed up! There are two more hours, I will attack the Yangtze River Water Village, I want to give Yangzhou a surprise!" Liu Wei is preparing to attack the Yangtze River Water Village, so that the Yangzhou Army will ignore it.

"Yes!" Although the school was embarrassed, the two hours were enough.

"Hey, he Yangzhou took me Jiangxia Jiangling, then I attacked his new wilderness, even if I can't get the new wild, I have to give him a new torch!" The new wild city boundary is not big, but his prosperity is not inferior to other Some of the main cities, because Xinye was a transit point for the transactions between Jingzhou and the Central Plains and the northern princes, Liu Wei used the Wancheng generation and the twenty-eight city pools to change the new five cities, which is enough to see the prosperity of Xinye.

Liu Wei and Liu Biao are not the same. Liu Biao is good at defending but he will not forge ahead. Liu Wei has a pioneering ambition. His purpose of coming to Xinye is very clear. If possible, he will occupy Xinye and let Xinye re-enter the boundary of Jingzhou. The original city defense of Xinye was enough to withstand the threat from the north.

If he can't take up the new wilderness, he will also be raging in Xinye. In addition to being able to make a bad breath, he can also plunder. The prosperity of Xinye has made Liu Wei covet for a long time. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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