My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 628: Unlucky Liu Wei

The Yangtze River Water Village is in full swing, the black Yangzhou Army, and the green Jingzhou Army are intertwined.

"Military division, this, this!" The vice-president on the side looked at the scene in front of him. He simply felt that he was stupid. Although Jingzhou soldiers and horses in the Yangtze River water-storage village occupied half of the country, you have to know that it is using oil. Tactics.

The terrain inside the Yangtze River Water Village is limited, and it is impossible for all tens of thousands of troops to enter, so only thousands of thousands of inputs can be put in. Adding oil tactics is a taboo for the military.

The deputy will have the heart to discourage the military officer Liu Wei on the side, but looking at Liu Wei’s sly face, he still gave up the idea, not that he is stupid, but that Liu is crazy. A group of Jingzhou soldiers and horses were put into the Yangtze River waters, and Lu Bu and others in the Yangtze River waters were simply unable to understand.

Who is this commander in the Jingzhou Terracotta Warriors? Actually, such a faint move came in. The terrain of the Yangtze River is so big that the two sides are intertwined, and the number of wolves in the state is small, but they are all wearing heavy armor, and the opposite Jingzhou Terracotta Warriors, the water army They are all wearing a vine or a wooden armor. In this case, they can float in the water during the water battle, instead of sinking directly to the bottom of the river like the armor, so it is obvious that the state wolf rides in this water.

"They want to hold us down?" Lu Bu looked at the opposite tactics of adding oil, adding oil tactics, generally only for two situations, one of them is that people who don't understand the art of war are completely looking for death, because your powerful power has been dispersed. It can only be attacked by the enemy one by one, and the other is to contain the enemy to cover the retreat.

For example, when Liu Bei was driven out of Xuzhou by Cao Cao, he used the oil-adding tactics to block the army of Cao Cao, and to contain the enemy, so that the enemy could not fully pursue the main force of Liu Bei. Only these small units can be solved first.

This Jingzhou warrior commander is not like a person who doesn't understand the military affairs. Otherwise, he will not use the method of water and land attack. Now it seems that there is only one idea behind. That is, he wants to hold back the state wolf ride?

"Well?" Lu Bu frowned. Is there any other plan for this Jingzhou side?

"Wang Kui is here!" Lu Bu shouted at the men.

"The end will be!" A strong man stepped forward and clung to Lu Bu.

"Wang Kui. You took a ride with five hundred horses and patrolled the river on the side of the Yangtze River. I visited this Yangtze River Water Village and visited me carefully! Don't miss the slightest enemy!" Lu Bu carefully Be cautious, and soon the five hundred heavy cavalry re-entered the war and went out of the Yangtze River, and went to visit the Yangtze River.

"Kill, kill, kill! You must hold them back, Xinye, I can't get you Yangzhou, don't want it!" Liu Wei's eyes turned red. The 50,000-strong army now has more than 20,000 left, but Liu Wei still does not give up. He wants to contain Lu Bu. He thinks that Lu Bu’s state wolf rides to Xinye is to calm the rebellion of Xinye. He wants to After picking up his Liu Wei and then marching to the new field, Liu Wei is going to delay the army of Lu Bu, making it difficult for them to return to Xinye. Waiting for those chaotic people to make the whole new field into ruins.

"General!" Soon in the doubts of Lu Bu, Wang Kui returned.

"How is Wang Kui?" Lu Bu asked Wang Kui.

"The generals have been explored in the 50-mile round, there is no trace of the enemy!" Wang Kuihui reported. Underneath his hand, five hundred elite cavalrymen searched around without stopping, and found no enemies.

"Have you carefully searched?" Lu Bu asked again.

"General, we have carefully discerned a circle of 50 miles, a grass and a tree!" Wang Kui continued to reply.

"That's weird!" Lu Bu really couldn't figure it out. Why is this Jingzhou aspect so this is to find death?

Lu Bu did not understand "Wang Kui, you will bring people to expand the search scope!" Wang Kui left again.

"Through my military order, be careful and guarded, steady and steady!" Lu Bu did not understand naturally to be cautious.

The sky was very dim and the Yangzhou Jingzhou side began to cover the flag.

"Military division, it's dark!" The vice-president on the side couldn't easily hold on until the sky was dark, and the sky was dark. This is not the modern light. This sky is dark unless the moon is good, cloudless, otherwise it is dark. One piece. I can't see my fingers, and I still fight like this.

"It’s dark? Then hit the drums and gold!” Liu Wei did not force it. It’s dark, unless it’s a sneak attack. Otherwise, there will be no war at night.

"Yes, yes!" The deputy will hear Liu Wei want to ring the hearts of the soldiers. This is only a relief. The golden sound rang, and the Jingzhou soldiers and horses of a team have retired from the Yangtze River.

The deputy's heart is bleeding, the 50,000 army, although it is a 50,000 new army, but it is also trained for a few months, there are more than 10,000 Wuling elite inside, now, 50,000 soldiers and horses It is not bad to be able to return 20,000. There are still many serious injuries in it. In the future, there will be no battlefield. Even Wuling elite will have less than 3,000 people. Let the deputy want to cry without tears.

Liu Wei looked at this battle report and passed it down one by one. He looked down and looked very gloomy. The loss of this battle was too great, but Liu Wei thought about losing tens of thousands of soldiers and horses but Yangzhou lost a bustling county. The city, could not help but Liu Xiao laughed again.

"But the battle damages 30,000 soldiers and horses. I am rich in Jingzhou. Without 30,000 soldiers and horses, I will recruit another 30,000, 50,000,000 yuan! He lost the new wilderness in Yangzhou, and made Xinye a ruin. Haha. Look at how Yangzhou is still consuming with us!" Liu Wei’s eyes let out the 30,000 terracotta warfare for a wealthy county. This is definitely his Liu Wei earned, not to mention if the chaos is really large, it affects Yangzhou. Other counties, then this sale is really big.

The deputy also nodded. He also wanted to admire Liu Wei as the second son. If it was his own, he would not want to use 30,000 soldiers to pile up. In other words, he did not have this power, but Liu Wei is different, he has This force, he can not bear the children can not find the wolf.

"The military sergeant really made a fortune in the country. The wealth of Jingzhou is not comparable to that of Yangzhou. The 30,000-strong army will recruit for a few months and then become a soldier. However, if Yangzhou loses the new field, it will hurt the bones! And he wants Yangzhou. To regain the new field, it is necessary to lose the troops and horses. Unfortunately, even if you win the new wild city in the end, it is also a ruin!" The school on the side also nodded and appreciated. Liu Xiaoxiao’s acceptance of his identity is his own identity.

"Report. Xinye sent intelligence!" A message was sent from Xinye.

"New Wild Intelligence?" Liu Wei said, this new wild city is not already closed, and those chaotic people are not prepared to play a siege war with the Yangzhou Army in Xinye. Now someone will send information from Xinye.

Could it be that? Liu Wei’s face has a hint of joy that can send intelligence from the new field that closes the door, so only his own people can do it. Could it be said that this intelligence officer has been in contact with the leader of the new army? This leader of the chaos is trying to join forces with his Jingzhou.

"Congratulations to General Hexi General. If the leader of the Xinye Army can join me in Jingzhou and even rely on Jingzhou, then I will be waiting for Jingzhou Guangjing Jingzhou to enter the Central Plains!" Can you enter the Central Plains Liu Wei, but he knows If you can contact these chaotic forces, then you can certainly make Yangzhou suffer losses, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Liu Wei still understands. The more fierce this group of chaos is, the more favorable it is to Jingzhou. Yangzhou will inevitably send a large number of people to go to encirclement. At that time, the strength of Jiangling’s Jiangxia generation will naturally decrease. At that time, it is a good time to recover Jiangling and Jiangxia.

Liu Wei smiled and opened the letter in this hand, opened the letter, and Liu Xiao’s face suddenly stiffened on his face.

"Army, military division? What's wrong? Is this chaotic army leader insatiable? Or not willing to cooperate with us?" The vice-president on the side asked.

Liu Wei did not answer, and the deputy looked at the past with his eyes. This look was shocked. This information is written on top of what is there. All of them are a farce of the Yangzhou army's own people. The leader of the chaotic army is not the other person, Liuzhou Liu Hanyang, the owner of Yangzhou, so the city gate was opened again after it was closed. This Jingzhou intelligence personnel sent the information, which is why Lu Bu’s state wolf riding can return to the Yangtze River Water Village rescue so quickly.

The deputy will be embarrassed. If it is really as stated in the letter, then they will not hesitate to use the oil-adding tactics today, and they will lose more than 30,000 soldiers. What is it just a joke that people play? Or a small misunderstanding of others,

The schoolmen on the side are also looking strange.

"Liu Xiao children, you, you, you. You!" Liu Wei is more wrong than ever. He is worried about spending his troops and horses, but in the end it is a joke. Liu Wei suddenly looked black.

"Military division, military division!" Soon some people came up and hugged Liu Wei to prevent Liu Wei from falling.

"Let's go back to Fuyang!" Liu Yuqiang stunned and yelled at the side of the deputy commander.

"Yes!" The deputy nodded.

"And I tell you. This kind of thing can't be mentioned with anyone, otherwise. I will let you know that my temper is not so good!" Liu Wei's eyes are shining against the crowds of the school. Said.

"Yes, yes, yes!" All the school uniforms were stunned and stunned, and they were played, no! It should be said that he was being played by himself. Such a big joke, Liu Wei naturally does not want people to know.

The army of Jingzhou went to Xiangyang on the other side of the Yangtze River overnight.

In the end of the tiger's head, Lu Bu in the Yangtze River water village knows that Liu Wei has retired, and that the monk of Zhang Ba can't touch his mind. Under caution, he still arranges people to watch day and night. On the third day, Hao Shao's five thousand. The army returned to the Yangtze River Water Village, and Lu Bu left with the state wolf.

The goal of this state wolf ride is naturally the birthday of Shouchun, the capital of Yangzhou. There are three more people in this road. One is Zhoucang and the other is Guanhai and one is our Royal Highness.

The first thing that Lu Bu returned to Xinye was to ask Liu Wei to go back with him. Liu Wei refused, but saw the cold look on Lu Bu's face, and swallowed the words of rejection.

In the field of Xinye, hundreds of thousands of people, Xu Wei also dispatched officials from other counties and counties to arrange resettlement. Guo Jia originally intended to only blame the evil, but after the identification of the people, Guo Jia did not have a good person. Guo Yi’s son only robbed the famous girl two days ago, and also killed the husband of the woman. If Guo Yi’s support was long, she was already locked into a prison.

Guo Yi’s old mother and mother are more and more defeated, this kind old mother in Guo Yi’s heart. In the outside world, it becomes a female demon.

The other family members of the husband of Guo Yi’s son who was killed by Guo Yi’s son wanted to continue to sue Guo’s family, but they were sent out by the old venomous woman.

Therefore, Guo’s up and down Liu Wei was not left, even Liu Wei was in front of Guo’s old venomous woman. He personally killed his grandson and placed the head of his grandson and son in front of her.

Liu Wei can only deal with Guo Jia because of time constraints. As for the other small shrimps, they are taught to other people. Liu Wei is not afraid of the fleas in these new wilderness cities jumping over the wall, because Wei Yan’s five thousand Yiyang martial arts have been stationed in the city.

"That father-in-law, can you stop first!" Liu Wei rode on the horse and shouted at the edge of Lu Bu.

"What happened?" Lu Bu asked.

"My one wants to be a Christ!" Liu Wei looked at Lu Bu.

"Large little!" asked Lu Bu.


"Small is just a little on the horseback!" Lu Bu did not look at Liu Wei and said.

"That big!"

"Big, then bear it, it is Shouchun in front of dozens of miles!" Lu Bu continued to speak.

"But I can't help it!"

"I can't help it?" Lu Bu frowned. The big hand waved down five thousand and the state wolf ride stopped, and soon stopped. "A fragrant time. If more than a musk, look at yourself. Do!” Lu Bu said to Liu Wei.

"Oh!" Liu Xiao smiled and quickly went to the bushes on the side.

"What did your family eat in these days? Have you ever eaten your stomach?" Lu Bu rode on the horse and asked Guan Hai and Zhou Cang on the side.

"No, the Lord and the people are eating the same thing!" Zhou Cang said that he ate his mouth and licked his mouth.

"Why is it so several times!" Lu Bu snorted, and this Liu Wei Liu Hanyang has been calling several times on this road.

"Maybe it is afraid.." Zhou Cang will tell the truth, and the pipe on the side of the road slammed "maybe this is just back to the soil, not acclimatized!"

"A musk time is coming! Wang Kui sent people to please our Royal Highness!" Lu Bu said to Wang Kui on the side.


"Come, come!" Without Wang Kui, Liu Wei himself came out of the bushes and he went to the war horse. The face is a bit unsightly, like a sick person. Liu Wei is indeed sick, but this disease is not on the body but in the heart. The closer he is to Shouchun, the more serious the disease of Liu Wei is. Looking at the tall city in the distance, Liu Wei’s stomach of this calf is getting deeper.

"The front is Shouchun!" Liu Wei swallowed a slobber.

There are a few miles away from Shouchun City. "The Lord, you see there!" Guan Hai pointed to the pipe on the edge of the city, and the black man was crushed. Is there an ambush?

Where did the fire ambush come from near Shouchun, Lu Bu took the telescope in his hand and looked at it. "Go, your comrades come to greet you!" Lu Bu sent it after he learned the news of Liu Wei in Xinye. The message was given to Shouchun.

Lu Bu let Wang Kui take the side of the wolf and take the sidewalk to leave Shouchun stationed. He took Liu Wei and others directly to the direction of the pavilion official road there.

Going into it, Liu Wei saw it. It is really the Wenwu of his Shouchun. This person who is on the top of the line is not the other person. Liu Wei is in the Xuchun Xu Yuanzhi who is in the shopkeeper of Shouchun. On the left hand side, there is another scribe, Liu Wei, who thinks that he didn't recognize it. It should be the talented person recruited by Xu Wei in the days when Liu Wei left. The right hand side of Xu Wei is not Liu Wei Liu Ziyang. Huang Zhong, Cheng Yu Huang Xu and others are all here.

Liu Wei looked at this group of people and didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, after Xu Wei and others saw Liu Wei, they immediately bowed down. "I will wait for the return of His Royal Highness!"

"Get up, get up!" Liu Wei hurriedly went down to the war horse and walked over to Xu Wei and others. Liu Wei let them get up. They didn't start, but Liu Wei went forward and helped Xu Wei. Xu Wei got up. Xu Wei was the first person in Wenzhou of Yangzhou. Xu Wei started, and they dared to leave.

"Yuan straight, I haven't seen you for many days, you have worked hard!" Liu Wei said to Xu Wei, who was holding Xu Wei. The entire Yangzhou up and down, large to send troops to dispatch troops and small to some of the transportation of materials are to ask Xu Wei. It is still better now. In the past, Yangzhou lacked talents. Xu Wei was so busy that he could not leave the ground.

"It's not hard work, it's hard work, and these are all things that are within the division. For the people, the minister can't share the worry. And let the lord take the risk, this person Xu Weizhi, please ask the public to punish!" Xu Wei fell down again. At the beginning, why did Liu Wei leave Yangzhou, the good master of Yangzhou, not to do it, but instead went to Jingzhou to be a guest. That is because Yangzhou lacks food and grass, and Liu Wei has to do it.

To know that this is to go to the guest, in fact, is to be a hostage, Liu Wei is the owner of this state of Yangzhou, go to Jingzhou as a hostage, you let Yangzhou people face where to put it.

Therefore, Xu Wei blamed himself day and night. He thought that he was a top adviser under Liu Wei but could not share his concerns with the Lord. Instead, he let the lord take the risk. This is his negligence of Xu Wei, and later Liu Wei's disappearance, Xu Wei even thought that after getting the news of Liu Wei's death, the soldiers broke Jingzhou to avenge Liu Wei, and then he took the lead.

"Yuan Zhi, if you do this, you must punish me for Liu Wei. You are not treating me as a stunned man," Liu said with a smile at Xu Wei. Xu Wei and Liu Wei looked at each other and smiled. The tacit understanding between the two had already happened.

"Zi Yang, how about your industrial area!" Liu Wei asked Liu Wei on the side.

"The lord, Zi Yang failed to complete the lord's trust, and the book left by the lord of the lord's book can not be dismissed by the protagonist!" Liu Wei is also half-dead. There was a shy look on his face.

"Ten one or two?" Liu Wei listened to Liu Yu's words, this Liu Wei Liu Ziyang, where is this to sin. This is entirely inviting merit! Liu Wei, the books that Liu Wei brought back, knew clearly that it was basically the first and second industrial revolution. If you can read all of them, then Liu Wei’s Yangzhou can be advanced. For a thousand years, even guns can be made.

One of the ten and one is also quite a lot. Liu Wei is clear that the tenth and the second are at least one or two hundred years advanced.

"The main public, you look at the cement road and the Shouchun city wall, these are all merits!" Xu Wei said good things for Liu Wei on the side.

“Cement is now in mass production??”

"These are the remaining cement, which is used on the official road!" Liu Wei looked at Liu Yusheng afraid of Liu Wei's punishment, because the price of cement is still very high, Yangzhou also sold a lot. After the cement was sold, the princes and vassals were either used to build their own houses. Buildings built with cement get to know and form quickly and easily. The previous houses were all piled up with stones. It took more than half a year to build a house. Now it is much simpler to use this cement, and I still get to know each other.

Although some people have thought of using these cements to consolidate the city walls, the price is still too expensive, and they can't make them. The cement wall consolidated with cement can attack the ripper. Yangzhou raises the price to sell lime. The city wall is not a small thing. It can be built without a pack of two bags of lime. It is a massive amount of cement. This is the case with a city wall, not to mention the city walls under the general princes. .

Yangzhou can use cement to build roads. That is because Yangzhou produces cement by itself. For Yangzhou, the value of cement is some money. Other materials and processes are purchased locally, so other states are repaired with high cement. The house, the house built with cement can make people feel complacent, indicating that my family has money, can build a house with cement, and Yangzhou uses this high cement to pave the way. If you sell these paving cement, there are tens of thousands of gold.

"To get rich first, repair the road, Ziyang, you see that you have done a good thing!" Liu Wei not only did not blame Liu Wei, but even praised Liu Wei. When transportation is developed, it will be able to make more and more merchants, and the more convenient the traffic, the lower the cost of goods. You are like Jingzhou. He is rich because he has developed waterways and the north is rich. It is also caused by the ten generations of Handi who built roads in the Central Plains of the North. If you are inconvenient in transportation, even if you have problems with the capital city, how can someone come?

"To get rich first to repair the road?" The young scribe on the side of Xu Wei could not help but mutter.

Liu Wei also saw this person. This young scribe may be a talented person recruited by Xu Wei. It is not too old, but it has a dusty flag. He still has a lupin in his hand. Now it’s winter, don’t you Still want to fan the wind?

"Does this want to learn Zhuge Liang?" Liu Wei was in a good mood. He smiled and teased the young scribe on the side of Xu Wei. He hoped that Xu Wei could introduce this scribe to himself.

“Zhuge Liang?” The young scribes stunned, and Xu Wei and Liu Wei were also a bit stunned.

Liu Wei responded to this. This feather fan towel is indeed the standard of Zhuge Liang, which is the image of modern people. Now, here is the Three Kingdoms era, Zhuge Liang's reputation may not have Xu Hao, they are big, how can they know.

Liu Yizheng is thinking about what excuses to explain his mistakes. I didn't expect this young man to open up. "How did you know that Zhuge Liang!"

"Well?" Liu Wei did not understand. Is Zhuge Liang so famous now? "Zhuge Kongming, people say that Wolong has one that can be safe in the world."

"His Royal Highness praised it!" The young scribe was suddenly humble. Let Liu Wei be more confused, I am complimenting Zhuge Liang, and you have a half-money relationship, you are a modest wool ball.

"The Lord Gong actually knows Kong Ming, then I don't need to introduce it!" Xu Wei on the side is also a smile.

"Kong Ming?"

"The evil spirits Zhuge Liang has seen the Royal Highness of the King!" The young man suddenly bowed down and made Liu Wei a glimpse.

"You, you, you said that you are Zhuge Liang? Word Kong Ming?"


"Zhu Geliang is not in Jingzhou?" Liu Wei is even more confused, Nanyang Zhuge and Xizizi Yunting. This Zhuge Liang should not be in the Zhuge Temple waiting for Liu to run the door to visit the three, how can it appear in Yangzhou, but also in front of him Liu Wei.

Originally, Liu Wei still thought about it. He sent people to go to Zhuge Liang and persuaded him to join the Yangzhou Army. If he joined, he would bring him back. If he did not join, Liu Wei even had the idea of ​​killing Zhuge Liang, but who would have thought of it? This Zhuge Liang actually came to his own face.

"The main public. Kong Ming has abandoned the dark cast to join me in Yangzhou!" Xu Wei explained on the side.

From Xu Wei’s discourse, Liu Wei knew that Zhuge Liang had seen himself in Xuzhou’s evil spirits, and his own unintentional singers were suffering. The dead people have bitterly moved the three kingdoms.

Later, Zhuge Liang joined the Jingzhou Terracotta Warriors, commanded the Jiangxia Shuijun, above the Yangtze River, relying on the anti-countermeasure, the iron chain chain of a fire to the Jiangdong Army and the Jingzhou Army were burned, and finally took Jiang Xiajun to Yangzhou.

"This, this, this!" Liu Wei did not see the smile of this young man in front of you, you can never imagine. Between this person and the laughter, the 100,000 army was destroyed.

In addition to being shocked, Liu Wei was a ecstasy after the disaster. Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Kongming. Although it is said that this person is mythological in history, it is undeniable that this person’s ability is still very strong, otherwise he will not be run by Liu Beiliu, and there will be a list of the masters who have been passed down through the ages. .

Now such a enchanting character has come to Yangzhou and has become a person in Yangzhou. Liu Wei can not be excited.

"Ha ha ha ha, get Kong Ming, very 100,000 big army!" Liu Wei pulled up Zhuge Liang's hand intimately, he did not care about things like men and men.

"Yellow General, Cheng Yu Huang Xu!" Liu Wei turned his head to the military commander there. Huang Zhong’s face had a few more wrinkles. He could see that Huang Zhizhong was very hard to do things for Yangzhou. However, despite the hard work, Liu Wei still saw the kind smile of Huang Zhong’s face.

People will laugh, but this smile is some of the heart, some are floating on the surface, the smile that floats on the surface is the fake smirk, for example, when Liu Wei was laughing in Jingzhou, it was all superficial work. .

Huang Zhong’s smile is a real smile. It can be seen that although Huang Lao’s general is tired, he is still very satisfied with his current life, because Huang Lu represents Huang Zhong’s, and Huang Zhong’s The second life, and Liu Wei is the one who let Huang Xu live, Huang Zhong can not laugh out.

"When is the grinding time, it is better to go to the city to talk about other things!" Lu Bu came over and said to Liu Wei, all the other people all saluted Lu Bu, Lu Bu nodded.

"Yeah, let's go outside, let's go into the city!" Liu Wei walked in front. He was the head of Yangzhou. Even if Lu Bu could not walk in front of Liu Wei, the Shouchun's civil and military people would not agree.

Walking in Shouchun City, Liu Wei nodded and nodded. Many places can see that Xu Wei is really attentive. The original Shouchun Liu Wei came over, it was ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and many houses were all The second time, the planning is also a mess.

However, the current Shouchun is a big change, the houses are neatly planned, and many of the original wooden house cottages have been pushed down, replaced by houses built with cement. Naturally, there is no use of steel bars, not because of cutting corners, but because bamboo strips are enough now, because the houses are flat and high, but there are two layers. Although Yangzhou seems to have nearly 1.5 million people. However, if it is spread to every county, it will become very rare. In modern times, there are more than one million people in a district with a high population density.

"Lord, in the underground of every house, we have paved the pipe pit for sewage!" Liu Wei explained to Liu Wei, Liu Yan took the books back to the city planning books, Liu Wei took Although I can't do it in the book, but basically some of the sewage pipes, and those water flows can still be left.

Everything in Shouchun City, although it can't make Liu Wei's eyes shine, but to this extent, Liu Wei is really attentive. Liu Wei Liu Ziyang, Liu Wei is thinking if Cao Cao knows that he is such a talent to let go. Now, will you even have a heart that wants to die?

When you get into the city, you don’t have to be a celebration party to eat and drink enough. The most difficult thing for Liu Wei is coming.

Liu Wei, he did not dare to go back to the palace, Liu Wei was stunned in the hall of the proceedings, but in the evening, the father-in-law who could not drink the wine can kill people’s eyes, and can only move to the back yard step by step. And go.

Back to the king's palace, Liu Wei has to think about it. There are three houses in total. One is the wife of the wife Lu, the other is the wife of Yuan Fang, and the other is the name of the wife who is actually the owner of the harem. Jade.

Liu Wei didn't know which room to go to. It was not good to go to any room. I went to Miss Lu's room. Miss Lu was happy, but Liu Wei promised that he would definitely be tortured to death by Joe Tiger on the second day. Jade's room, Miss Lu, did not say on the surface, but this little tiger will slowly swallow himself.

Going to Yuan Fang’s room, Yuan Fang can be said to be the gentlest and kindest among Liu Wei’s three wives. However, one emphasizes that, however, it was once Yuan Fang, who is now brainwashed by two tigresses for many years. Seeing that it will evolve into the third tigress to advance and retreat with these two people.

"Which one does not go! Otherwise it will affect the unity of the family!" Liu Wei himself comforted, no matter which room to go to, it is not good, then simply do not go, although the death of early death is dead, but more It will be a while to live for a while. Liu Wei’s idea of ​​being better than death is to go directly to his master bedroom.

"Hey, how is this light on!" Liu Wei walked outside the house and looked at the lights inside. It was a bit strange, but it was relieved. He was the owner of Yangzhou. It was still very normal.

Open the door and enter the room in one go.

Liu Wei was about to close the door, and when he was lying in bed and sleeping for a while, he turned his head and his face was completely stiff. "F, husband!" Liu Wei added a door, because it was in his own Four Raiders appeared in the room at once. (To be continued)


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