My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 629: Unlucky Liu Wei

Liu Wei’s forehead was all cold sweat. He looked at the three Li Yings in front of him as if they were wild animals.

He is now concentrating on the slightest slackness. Because one can't do it well, he may die without even a dross.

"Come back!" The tigress was the first to open. Qiao Yu is also known as Da Qiao. It is the daughter of Daru Qiao Xuan, who is a dignified and wise man. It is a good show for everyone. Of course, this is before Qiao Yu did not marry Liu Wei.

Before Qiao Yu did not marry Liu Wei, Qiao Yu’s indeed is a good show, a dignified person, but after marrying Liu Wei, Liu Wei finally knows what a gentle woman has a gentle side. It is.

"Well!" Liu Wei nodded cautiously "come back!"

"We are beautiful!" The Tigress No. 2 also opened. Miss Lu has never been synonymous with gentleness. It is a small pepper. It is said that if Miss Lu is yelling at herself as soon as she comes up, Liu Wei does not There will be such a panic, but now Ms. Lu is gentle, and she smiles at Liu Wei’s sweet smile and reveals that the two tiger teeth are very cute.

"Beauty, beauty!" Liu Wei nodded heavily, not to mention that his daughter-in-law were all figures of the country, even if they were ugly, Liu Wei did not dare to say anything.

"We can't wait for you?" Yuan Fang also spoke. This discourse is obviously not Yuan Fang's tone, because this is already a bit explicit. Yuan Fang is always the kind of shy person, this is not just one. After that, Yuan Fang’s face was red.

"Served, waited for it!" Liu Wei can only follow the three aunts.

"That is that we can't satisfy you!" The big sister, Qiao Yu, spoke again. He said that he still licked his lips and looked like a charm, and Liu Wei looked very tempted.

Liu Wei hurriedly shook his head. Now he has to calm down and calm down. Otherwise, he will be eaten by these tigresses for a long time.

"What about Mrs. Cai?" the three tigresses continued to ask.

The subconscious Liu Wei is going to talk about beauty. But then I shook my head. "General, average!"

"Whether we compare with her, who is beautiful!" Qiao Yu came directly. Going to Liu Wei's side, the little hand slid gently on Liu Wei's face.

"You are beautiful. You are beautiful!" In fact, Mrs. Cai and Qiao Yu are in different autumns. Mrs. Cai is a noble beauty. Qiao Yu is a kind of temperament. Miss Lu is a small pepper. The kind of shyness of Yuan Fang is also a stunning color.

But now Liu Wei can only praise Qiao Yu and others and dare not say that Mrs. Cai is beautiful.

"Hey? Yes! Since it is our beauty, why do you have to sneak out on the outside!"

"Mrs. I am wrong!" Liu Wei bit his teeth and asked for mercy.

"You are wrong? Are you wrong? Men, isn't it just three wives? You see that you have two wives. You still have a wife and a wife, what's the relationship!"

"Yuer, I was stunned. It was Pang Tong who was the little turkey. Liu Bei’s men were advised. They wanted to frame me and let me break up in Yangzhou and Jingzhou. I bought the drunken dew, I There is no way to get drunk in Xianlu!" Liu Wei explained his difficulties to his own wife, but women need reasons.

Liu Wei had seen a sentence before. If you and the woman are reasonable, then you lose before you talk, and only those who have reasoned with the woman can continue to survive. Those who have won, are basically extinct.

"Hey, it's something that hurts you! If it's just like this, then what's the matter?" Qiao Yu smiled and said to Liu Wei.

"Yu Yu!" Liu Wei knows that he is going to die. Indeed, Mrs. Cai is framed, but what does Yu Yu say? Is it that Liu Wei wants to say that the **** tiger threatens himself? And why? This is not realistic, let alone Liu Wei’s previous paragraph for detoxification. There are other things in Wuxi.

"When it’s so touching, in order to sing a girl, I went deep into the altar of Wuxi. I’m still dying for this. If I am a girl, I’m afraid I have to make it to myself!” Miss Lu also spoke. .

"How do you know?" Liu Wei was a bit stunned. To the Wuxi Shentai, only a few people knew that Wuxi and Yangzhou were so far apart, and who would tell them?

"If you want people to know, unless you are already doing it!" Miss Lvda said coldly.

"Wuxi altar, that Yu Yu and the tiger saved us. If it wasn't Yu Yu and the tiger, I and Zhou Cang Guan Hai and Jia Wei were already given fire by Liu Wei when they were blocked in the mountains. Burned to death, Liu Wei explained to the three housekeepers. At the beginning, Yu Yu was given away by Liu Wei. Although Yu Yu was a barbarian woman, his mother was a Han Chinese and was possessed by his father. This is the body of Yu Yu, so under the guidance of the mother, Yu Yu has the shame of the Han woman. Liu Wei is a good detoxification, although the mind is good, but Liu Wei has already broken. Yu's body, even with his hands.

The kind of shameful place, the mother once told Yu Yu that only the beloved man husband can contact, so Yu Yu thought about marrying Liu Wei, but because the three tigresses in the family were given by Liu Yiyi. Refused.

When Yu Yu was angry, he left Xiangyang and went back to the barbarian tribe. When he went back to the barbarian tribe, it was just that the king was dying. With the help of the tiger and others, Yu Yu took the position of the tribal king and became the A female savage king.

Later, Yu Yu was worried that Liu Wei was also thinking about Liu Wei. This sent a tiger and other people to wander around Fuyang for a long time to see if he could protect and help Liu Wei.

It is precisely because Yu Yu sent the most powerful combat power of the tiger, so it will lose under the confrontation with other tribes, and be defeated by another barbarian head Shamo Ke, and people are also Samoco gave away.

When Liu Wei and Hu Zi returned to the tribe, they learned that Yu Yu was taken away by Shamo Ke, so all the people went to the tribe of Shamo Ke, Shamo Ke sent troops, and Jia Yu took a big fire to Shamo Ke. Thousands of tribes have been eager to burn.

I won Shamo Ke, and I realized that Yu Yu was sent to the Wuxi Altar by Shamo Ke.

When I arrived at the Wuxi Altar, Yu Yu was prepared to be a saint by the elders of the Wuxi Altar. When the saint is to be enshrined in the life of the Wuxi Man, this ending is a tragedy for a girl in the 28th year.

The tiger advised Yu Yu to go back, but Yu Yu seemed to be ironic to be a saint. Finally, the tiger asked for Liu Wei’s hand. To save Liu Wei’s life as a human condition, let Liu Wei let Yu Yu turn his heart back.

The only way to let Yu Yu change her mind is to let her not be a saint. It is to prove that Yu Yu is not a pure woman. Liu Nai Nai can only announce that Yu Yu is his wife, they The two had long been in the midst of Fuyang.

You can't be a saint, but you can't stay in Wuxi. Because she married the Han Chinese, Liu Wei can only bring him back to Yangzhou. This is what happened. In the wild, Yu Yu called Liu Wei as the husband.

The tiger son inherited the position of Yan Yu’s savage king and stayed in Wuxi. Jia Wei was also left behind by Liu Wei. Because Jia Wei and Liu Wei’s words, the terrain of Wuxi is very good. For Han Chinese, it may be difficult because of the dense trees. Going forward, but for these barbarians who lived in Wuxi for many years, they are as flat as they are. You can enter the five counties of Jingnan in the north of Wuxi. This can be used to reunite Jingzhou in Yangzhou and go to the west. That is also a good place, the land of abundance, Yangzhou once won the Central Plains to get Jingzhou Jiangdong the next step is to get the middle.

Jia Wei’s intention was to let Liu Wei send a counselor to Wuxi to help plan and get Luanchuan and Jingnan, but Liu Wei finally left him Jia Yu, let Jia Wei firmly move his own stone and smash himself. His feet made him remorse.

How did Jia Zhang say that he and the tiger were still a little bit sympathetic, and Liu Wei sent another person to Shouchun to find Xu Wei, and then sent someone from Shouchun, which had to delay many hours.

It is better to leave Jiaxuan in Wuxi directly with the ready-made one. The tiger is basically listening to Jia Yu that under the command of Yu Yu. The former Shamo Ke was also surrendered by Liu Wei. This group of Wuxi barbarians did not listen to your poetry etiquette. He listened to who is the big fist, then who is the king.

"Hey. Don't argue!" Miss Lu continued to give Liu Wei a good look.

"You are still honest, well, my sister is coming out, let our Royal Highness King know how we learned about this Wuxi thing!" Qiao Yu shouted after the screen.

"Is there anyone else?" Liu took a moment and slowly walked out of the screen with a pretty woman. He has the beauty of a Han Chinese woman and the generosity of a barbarian woman.

"仟瑜? How are you here?" Liu Wei saw the person behind the screen. This is not his wife in the barbarian, Yu Yu, who came to Yangzhou with Liu Wei, but Liu Wei did not dare to bring it back directly.蜀王府, this is the first place to put Yu Yu in the wild, waiting for the three tigresses in the home to comfort, and to smooth the fur, and then bring back Yu Yu.

But who ever thought that this Yu Yu appeared in his home.

"French!" Yu Yu shouted and shouted Liu Wei, "Yu Yu met your sister!" Yu Yu said to them, Miss Lu.

"Sister doesn't have to pay more!" Qiao Yu paid for Yu Yu. "You are a negative person, you are brought back to Yangzhou, you don't bring us to the door, let us see, and prepare to hide us when!" There was a hint of twilight on his face.

Liu Wei smiled bitterly. He finally knows why Miss Lu and others will know the time of Wuxi. They have the advice of Yu Yu. They don’t know what it is. This Yu Yu is also his good father-in-law. He even secretly sent people to swear. Yu gave the birthday to Shouchun.

As for Qiao Yu’s words? He Liu Wei does not hide it. This is the third division will be reviewed. If the attitude is not good, his Liu Wei can really be miserable.

"I tell you the negative heart, except for the sister Yu Yu, you are not allowed to bring people to the house again!" Miss Lu Da on the side of the road.

"Do you accept Yu Yu?" Liu stunned.

"Otherwise!" Qiao Yu has white eyes, this is brought back, do you still want Jinju to be charming! Qiao Yu is also no way, who would not want to belong to his own Prince Charming, but Qiao Yu knows that this is impossible, who is Liu Wei! He is the king of Yang, and now he is the owner of Yangzhou. Yangzhou has been flourishing in these years. He is a female Taoist who knows that Yangzhou is expanding. After that, Liu’s status will become more and more high, and women who are naturally exposed will become more and more many.

Instead of letting him hold you, it is better to take it home. He is the owner of the harem. Still able to keep the majesty.

"Good Yuer!" Liu Wei was sent to the front of Joe Yu.

"Oh, but the mind-minded people, you go out this time. Let our sisters be scared, so our sisters decided. You can be exempted from death, and you can't escape the crime!" Qiao Yu said to Liu Wei.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Xi and Yu Yu together, Liu Wei did not dare to eat Yu Yu directly. I just want to bring it back to let the tigress in the house pass by. Without their permission, he dares to steal it.

I thought about coming back this time, but I could still stay in a room for one night. I don't think I can't succeed.

"Understand, understand! It's not early, I went to sleep in the West wing!" Liu Wei was ready to leave the house and walked toward the West wing.

"Come back! Where are you going!" Miss Lu Da shouted at Liu Wei.

"Well?" Liu Wei asked in confusion. "Don't you go back? Then I fell asleep in the master bedroom."

"We don't go back, you don't want to go!" Yuan Fang said with a red face to Liu Wei.

"What does this mean?" Liu Wei did not understand, just in the time of Liu Weishen, Miss Lu Da was already close to the body, and directly grabbed Liu Wei's sleeves. Is this going to beat yourself? Liu Wei subconsciously protected his face, afraid that his wife can, but definitely can not let others know. If this is the next morning, Liu Wei stared at a panda's eye and went up. Isn't that a joke? "Mrs. Madame, I don't beat people!"

"Who wants to beat you!" Miss Lu did not say good.

"What do you want to do!"

"French, what do we want to do, you don't know!" Qiao Yu charming smiled, his fingers gently fell on his dress.

"Well?" Liu Wei looked at Qiao Yu's appearance, his eyes were full of thoughts, his eyes sparkled.

Qiao Yu sat directly on Liu Wei’s face.

Liu Wei still did not respond, he felt that the body was cold and then wrapped in soft things, could not help but Liu Yan called out.

"You can go to sister Yu Yu!" Yuan Fang grabbed his face with his hand. A shy and dare to look at it, but there is such a big gap in his clever hands. There was still an eye in the gap.

"Yuan Fang sister, you go first!" Although Yu Yu is a barbarian woman. But the first thing about this man and woman is naturally shy.

"What are you two still doing? Come on!" Miss Lu was just awkward. In the delicate voice of Yuan Fang and Yu Yu, Yuan Fang and Yu Yu were directly brought to the bed. A spring edge between the moments.


"Cough, cough!" The next day, Liu Wei walked out of the room, it was out of the pendulum, the legs were soft, without the slightest strength.

The opposite of Liu Wei is that Qiao Yu and others seem to glow with brilliance.

"French, we are still waiting for you here at night!" Qiao Yu smiled at Liu Wei's charming smile because of the big action. If it was a weekday, Liu Wei would have rushed over, but today Liu Wei could not help. After a cold war, I quickly wore my clothes and went to the parliament hall.

Looking at Liu Wei’s look of wandering and falling away, Qiao Yu could not help but laugh.

"Jade sister, you said that we are so useful!" Miss Lu also woke up and said to Qiao Yu, "Is it too cheap for him! This is a punishment, Jade Sister, is completely responsible for this person." Reward!" Miss Lu Da snorted and said, originally according to Miss Lu, the idea is to dry the person in charge for a ten-and-a-half-month period, not let him touch, so in the end, naturally confess However, Qiao Yu, Jade Sister is changing the way, not only let him touch, but also greatly sleep, this is what the bad guy thought about a long time ago.

At that time, in order to realize his great sleep, he was very diligent against others such as Qiao Yu and Miss Lu.

"Linger, the more the man can't get it, the more he wants it. If you don't get him, then he will naturally change direction." Qiao Yu looked at the door and explained to Miss Lu. The original Qiao Yu is also the same idea as Miss Lu, that is, not let Liu Wei touch, let him die, but after thinking about it is wrong, you do not let him touch, he is a royal king. There is still a shortage of women. You don’t want to touch, naturally you have to let it touch. At that time, there are countless women who are bringing them to the house.

Instead of blocking it, it is better to clear it. This is the set that Qiao Yu took with Miss Lu and others last night.

He Qiao Yu plus Linger and Yuan Fang and the coming Yu Yu, four people, one person at a time, this negative person also has four times, not to mention their extra strength last night, this person's energy is always limited, Joe Yu believes that his night's effort will make him deeply affected.

And Qiao Yu is also selfish, that is, they have a year with three women and Liu Yucheng. But the three people did not move. I thought that Liu Wei had a problem. I needed to call the doctor to nurse and nurse, but I didn’t expect this Liu Wei Liu Hanyang to be in Jingzhou and the Mrs. Cai. Madame Cai was pregnant, but Joe Yu was only able to have a scene last night.

"After talking about Linger, if you punish him, you will not punish you!" Qiao Yu suddenly smiled at Miss Lu, "the taste of singularity is not good!"

"Ah! Ah, sister, you!" Miss Lu, all of her face is shy red, and the pepper is also a shameful time. Qiao Yu will be proud of it, but she did not expect that Miss Lu also countered it. "Yuer sister, you." It’s not the same. Who was sitting on the body of the negative person last night!”

"I didn't!" Qiao Yu's face was red. It was a bit crazy last night.

"Not yet, yesterday, you called the husband to be the most joyful! Fujun, point. Point!" Miss Lu, learning Joey's tone and laughing.

"Dead gimmick, let you say, let you say!" Qiao Yu was so angry that his hand was pressed on the chest of Miss Lu, and if one hand did not catch it, she used both hands.

"Yuer sister, you!" Miss Lu, not to be outdone, but also pressed up. Two-bedroom art is rippling in the house.

Liu Wei’s back pain went in the direction of the deliberation hall. It was really painful and intertwined last night. It would be good if it was two days a day. It would be ten days and a half. Thinking of Liu Wei, I couldn’t help but fight a cold war, if that’s the case. He is not going to be a man. Women are terrible.

"His Highness is good!" Just as Liu Wei thought about something, he had a sweet voice on his side.

Liu Wei turned his head and saw a Feng. Hey, beauty, women are marching toward the ceremony.

This is a pretty woman, the facial features on the face are very delicate, although there is no such thing as a young woman's simplicity. Cooked. The beauty of a woman's familiarity.

People can't help but want to pick.

"Zou?" Liu Wei saw that the person naturally remembered who this person is. This is not the shackles of Zhang Xiu, Zhang Ren’s little wife, Zou’s. It’s true that this Zou’s is really a blemish. Cao Cao lost his eldest son and confidant for him. It is said that Zhang Ren died because he finally passed through.

Zou Shi heard Liu Wei still remember that he couldn’t help but "His Royal Highness." There was a pen in the room under the last study, and it fell into the room. When did you have the time to take it!"

"My pen?" Liu Wei looked at Zou's. If you have a pen, you will be sent back. You need me to take something, but Liu Wei sees Zou's beautiful face and the broken skin. That kind of resentful look.

Liu Wei finally knows that this Zou is still a fake, it is true to find himself, and that time in the study, Zou Shi served with his mouth Liu Wei.

If Liu Wei may have lifted up Zou’s for a long time, he said that he should not eat a tofu, but today, Liu Wei has a heart.

"Mrs. Waiting for me to be free, when I have time, I will go to the lady's room to take it!" Liu Wei seems to be avoiding anything, and Zou said that he left without stopping two sentences.

"There is such a terrible thing!" Only one person who was fascinated by the big, watery eyes was left. Zou Shi is not a fool. He also knows that it is not a long-term thing to stay on the palace of the king. It is necessary to have a name. Now he is to take care of Liu Yi’s son, Zhang Ren’s youngest son. But sooner or later, Zhang’s younger son will grow up. Where is Zou’s time to go? He is a woman. He naturally wants a home. Who can compare with the king in the king’s house! To be continued) r655


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