My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 636: Artillery (2)

According to Liu Wei’s thought, since the artillery can be created, then it will be built a little more, and there will be a thousand and eight hundred doors. If there are enemies directly pulling out his mother, he will not believe it. What kind of city can resist? These three thousand respected the bombardment of the gun. ----

However, it is obvious that Liu Wei’s idea is good, but the reality is very backbone. Just like Liu Wei’s cheap father-in-law, most of the wealth left by Yangzhou can’t stand the consumption of Liu Wei.

You need to know a thousand thousand cannons. The cost of the light is nine hundred gold, and then all aspects of the gunpowder, frame, projectiles, add up that price is higher.

If you build a thousand or eight hundred, and you have a thousand, then Yangzhou will have to go bankrupt.

One million gold can afford it, but fortunately, others and Liu Wei and others have dissuaded Liu Wei, otherwise Liu Wei really wants to play this.

Finally, a compromise, a thousand or eight hundred did not get, but three thousand cannons still have one hundred and fifty. Even if I only added 50 more, I was crying, and fifty were 50,000 gold. This is not a small number. At the beginning, a Jiangdong second son was only 10,000 yuan, even five points here. One can't reach it.

These three thousand cannons are naturally impossible to use as the cannon of the army, because he is too heavy, and at least two or three horses must be replaced by horses, so they are replaced by thousands of small cannons. Thousands of small cannons. This kind of thousand small cannons, pulling a horse in a carriage is enough to run a cannon, and finally to build a carriage. This speed does not need to be used in many pieces, and it can be used to keep up with the big forces.

Three thousand statues of cannons, above the head of Shouchun City, Liu Wei left eight doors and two doors. Of course, deterrence is more practical than him. If there are enemies siege. This cannon is only a ring. Enemies will have to be chilly, and other important cities such as the Xiajiang River in the Yucheng River and even the Yangtze River Water Village in Hao Shao are like this.

Thousands of small cannons, Liu Wei took out two hundred doors and set up an artillery out of him. This artillery can not be described as not luxurious. It’s really made of gold. Every gun is three hundred and fifty gold. A gun needs a horse and a 30 gold. A cannon needs an ignition hand. There are three filling hands, and one cleaning hand is four people. Two hundred small guns are eight hundred people. Together with the heavy footsteps that become guards, Liu Wei has transferred the scale of two thousand people. An artillery unit was formed.

"Lord, what about the remaining artillery?" Xu Wei thought that these artillery pieces were used for city defense. The three thousand cannons were difficult to move, so it was absolutely easy to use them on the wall. Condescending can also increase the range. However, I did not expect that Liu Wei did not have all three thousand cannons for the Yangzhou City Pool. Not even thousands of small guns were taught to the army.

"The remaining three hundred small artillery pieces and one hundred three thousand cannons were all transferred to the water army." Liu Wei said to Xu Wei and others on the side.

"What?" Xu Wei is obviously a glimpse. One hundred and three thousand cannons and three hundred thousand small cannons are all given to the water army? He Xu Wei did not hear it wrong. The Shuijun needs these cannons. They don't have a bed.

"Yuan Zhi, you naturally didn't get it wrong. These cannons were originally designed for warships!" Liu Wei said to Liu Wei on the side, "Zi Yang took out your drawings and taught us the insiders. Let our inner adult give you a budget before you can build a warship!"

Regardless of whether it is a warship or a cannon, Liu Wei can't be alone. So these are all things that need Xu's purpose, so Xu Wei can infer how much money Yangzhou can use. Liu Wei does not want to be alone. It is not because he wants to let his Majesty be more free to play, but he does not want to be too tired.

"These warships?" Xu Yiyi was a little dizzy when he saw this drawing, because the information on the ship in front of him was so shocking to Xu Wei.

"Is this eleven?" Xu Wei looked at the mast of the sail above to reach eleven. Looking at the contrast on the side, the size of the warship should be about 1,500 tons, which is now more than Liu Wei. It is about five times larger than the main battleship used.

"How can a river of such a size of warship be able to drive down?" Xu Wei asked in amazement to Liu Wei.

"This ship is not in the river. He is the real sea boat!" The Galen ship that Liu Wei had built before was really not a sea boat. He has more in the river. Practicality, they go out to sea and slowly wander along the coastline, where to dare to go to the sea.

"Sea boat?" Xu Wei is even more confused. You have nothing to do with the sea boat. "Lord, our current ship is enough!" For the people nowadays, it is the ridiculous place outside the sea. It should be safe to fight for the Central Plains and the North, not to go to sea.

"The boat in Gan Ning's hands is at most a raft. How can it be considered a sea boat? This is what I want for a sea boat." Liu Wei asked Gan Ning to send people out to explore the Taiwan and Hainan that have not yet been discovered. However, the ship was out. After a few ships, it sank a few ships. It was still a good luck in the Yangzhou Shuijun. It was pushed back by the tide. Only then did they know that their boats were halfway on the road and were given by the waves. It’s sinking, and everyone doesn’t want to live to feed the sharks.

So Liu Wei wanted to build this ship. The drawing of Liu Wei to Xu Wei is the drawing of the Maritime Military Rights. This warship is an outstanding sail ship that the Europeans conquered the sea. His displacement is 1,500 tons, and the total length is about seven meters to eat water at five meters. The speed between six meters is about ten knots.

Liu Wei cannot completely imitate a military-class warship. After all, this is a work of art. The original loading of the military power level should be a warship with a hundred cannons, twenty 60-pound guns, eight 30-pound guns, 32 18-pound guns, and 44 nine-pound guns.

Liu Wei’s warship did not meet this requirement. He now has only 3,000 cannons and tens of thousands of cannons. The three thousand cannons are only 18 pounds of guns. It’s about nine pounds.

"This warship cost geometry?" Xu Wei asked Liu Wei, he did not believe that the Lord would not estimate this thing.

“Yuanzhi, our Ministry of Industry has already estimated. The wood is used locally. It’s about 80,000 gold.” Liu Wei estimated that it was because Yangzhou had not built such a huge warship. Therefore, the shipyard must be demolished and rebuilt. This is so expensive. If the first ship is built with experience, then the price of a ship is about 50,000 gold.

"80,000 gold?" Xu Yulian killed Liu Xin and Liu Wei's heart, but fortunately, he is not here, if he is squatting, he has already fainted.

"Yuan straight, Yuan straight. I can tell you that once the military right is made, it will only make a profit. You know what it is, what is the land after the payment to the state!"

"Nan Yue!" Xu Wei said that when the Qin Dynasty was to perish, the Nanhai County, Zhao Zhao, joined forces with Guilin County and Xiang County, and later established the South Vietnam State in 203 BC. In the first 196 years, Zhao Wei became the minister of the Western Han emperor Liu Bang, and the South Vietnamese country became a "foreign minister" of the Western Han Dynasty. About 183 years ago, the South Vietnamese country and the Western Han Dynasty exchanged evil, Zhao Wei began to call the emperor, and then. Min Yue, Ye Lang, Tong Shi and other countries belong to the South Vietnamese country, and the influence of the South Vietnamese country has expanded to the peak. The first 179 years. The Nanyue State and the Western Han Dynasty were repaired, and Zhao Yu once again called the Western Han Emperor Han Wendi. In the first 113 years, Zhao Xing, the fourth-generation monarch of the South Vietnamese country, requested the “inners” from the Western Han Dynasty, and there was a dispute with Lu Jia. Lu Jia killed Zhao Xing, and his brother Zhao Jiande was the new monarch and confronted the Western Han Dynasty. In the first 112 years, the Western Han emperor Han Wudi sent troops to 100,000 to launch a war against the South Vietnamese country, and in the first 111 years of the demise of the South Vietnamese country, nine counties were set up. The South Vietnamese Communist Party has existed for 93 years and has gone through five generations of monarchs.

Xu Wei knows Nanyue. That is because Nanyue was finally destroyed by the Great Han. It can be said that there are quite a few sites in Jiangdong that were the land of South Vietnam. Some people from South Vietnam were integrated into the Han people and became Baiyue.

Some of them continue to go south.

"This South Vietnam is further south, that is, some small countries are like the western region. Once the passage is opened, then we can open up the Silk Road on the sea. With these sea boats, we can make the road above. The 100-year-old surrender gave us a confession when I was afraid that there would be no money!" Liu Yu’s words have already touched Xu Wei.

If you and Xu Wei said that there is an inexhaustible gold and silver jewel in the south of South Vietnam, Xu Wei thought that you were kidding him, but if you talked to Xu Wei about the Silk Road, Xu Wei was able to let his eyes shine.

After Yumenguan, it is the direction of the Western Region in front. Before the Emperor Wudi, who could know that there are so many small countries in the Western Region, like Yelang, Moon, Da Yueshi, Loulan, these can be It is a small country in the Western Regions. Although these small Western countries are small, they are wealthy and trade with them. With silk, they can exchange for endless treasures.

"In the countries of the sea, can the master know?" Xu Wei asked in confusion.

"Never!" Liu Wei also didn't know much about this Southeast Asian area in the end of the Han Dynasty. After all, the Han people who can record history books are busy fighting, and there is no time to deal with you. Those who have kung fu are basically monkeys. The class, even the text is not there, what record you let him, so this paragraph is simply a blank.

However, Liu Wei is not discouraged. Although he does not know the extent of the current culture of Southeast Asian countries, he knows that this south is definitely good. The location of those gold mines should not change, let alone the other side. There is an Indian.

"Is this warship building geometry?" Xu Wei knows that he can't stop the emergence of this ship, and can only see if he can build fewer ships. He is really afraid that this Liu Wei cheap master will scream for a thousand and eight hundred ships, and that is finished.

"Now, if you want to make more money, you can't afford it!" Liu Wei shook his head with a smile. "He knows that this warship and cannon will almost empty Yangzhou's savings. First build three ships!"

Liu Wei said to Xu Wei that his original intention was three ships, just one ship with a thousand guns and one hundred and three thousand guns each with thirty-three doors, that is to say, one military-class warship was One hundred and thirty-three cannons, although not comparable to the military power level in history, are enough in this park for more than two hundred years.

"Good! Just three ships, only three!" Xu Wei bit his teeth and said.

"Nature, this military right first test the water three times, so that we can build more, others."

"En" Xu Wei had a dim sum, and he heard the other two words. He was afraid that his own master and the other would build other warships.

"Yuan straight is panic, Yuan is not panic, this is what we want to build is not a warship, but a merchant ship!" Liu Wei let Xu Wei look at the drawings below, watching Xu Xin's heart of this drawing is slightly fixed. The drawing is also a thousand-ton ship, but this big ship is much simpler than the military power level. It is characterized by fat, and it is no wonder that merchant ships, the cargo can be seen with good looks.

"This kind of merchant ship, two thousand tons, the cost is about 20,000 gold, the first batch also build three!" Another extra 60,000 gold expenses.

Xu Wei carefully counted the inventory, and they can't even get 50,000 gold in Yangzhou's treasury. Fortunately, there is Jiangling as a support, otherwise it will be finished. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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