My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 637: Liu Biao or Jingzhou

If you don't have money, you have to think about open source and thrift. Of course, saving money can't save much money. The whole Yangzhou is developing all the way. How can there be a place to save money? The river should be dredged, the road must be repaired, and the land must be cleared. Now Yangzhou It’s all a thriving look.

The throttling can't be saved, then it's open source, open source, this one has to ask the family department Shangshu, and he has called it, and he can only shake his head. Now the basic scene of Yangzhou can't be bigger, maintain such a business. The road is not easy.

The annual tax burden should be around 30 to 400,000 gold. This is still based on the use of all relationships. It is impossible to add more, unless it is to kill the chicken and take the eggs.

"There is no way on the road, then we will change one way!" Liu Wei thought about it, the easiest wealth to send, and the fastest way to come to the money, Liu Wei thought for a while, and finally his eyes lit up.

Why didn’t he think that the world’s easiest thing to get rich was not the other, that is, the wealth of war, the cannon’s golden ring is not the war wealth, it took a city, got a city tax and got the enemy in the city. The remaining ordnance, the Treasury, these are wealth, and the enemy is arbitrarily compensated, and the Yangzhou army is now ready to go.

Liu Wei first thought of Jingzhou, because Jingzhou is really rich and oily, and won a Jiangling company, Liu Wei received 500,000 stone grains, countless armor weapons, and a dozen Wan Jin, these are all money.

If you take the Jingzhou South County and the Jingzhou House, you may be able to get more than one million gold receipts.

"Yuan straight. How do we send troops to attack Jingzhou?" Liu Wei now thinks that money is going crazy. There is such a rich man around. Not to grab his mother's, I am sorry that he is Liu Yang's Yangzhou army.

Liu Yiben thought that Xu Wei would agree with his own thoughts. Now the three main forces in Jingzhou, the main force of a literary talent has been eliminated in the Yangtze River, and there is also a Huangzu’s terracotta warriors can only see Keeping the five counties in Changsha, the last one is in the hands of Cai Wei, but now Cai Wei and Liu Biao are both inconsistent with each other. It is not bad for Cai Wei not to rebel. You are also counting on Cai Wei to help you. So now is a good time to attack Jingzhou.

However, Xu Wei is shaking his head against Liu Wei’s fist. "The Lord is definitely not the time to attack Jingzhou!"

"What is this again?" Liu Wei did not understand. If such a big rich man is in front of you, don’t you attack it?

"Lord, we took Jiang Xia that was the Jiang Xia Sergeant who had already withdrawn. Jiang Xia is basically a dispensable one. I took Jiangling. That is my Lu Xun general's strategy, and the assault on Jiangling has Jiangling Wujiada. Miss, help each other, but if you want to attack Fuyang now, then it is not an enemy with Liu Biao!" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei.

"Isn't it an enemy of Liu Biao? What does this mean?"

"It is not an enemy of Liu Biao, but an enemy of Jingzhou." Xu Wei continued to speak.

"There is a difference between the two!" Liu Wei did not understand. This Jingzhou is not the Jingzhou of Liu Biao, Liu Biao and Jingzhou are still separated?

"The difference between the two is big. What do the Lord need to get the world?" Xu Wei asked Liu Wei.

"People's heart? Army?" Liu Wei responded with doubt. The people who got the hearts of the people got the world, Liu Wei still understands. If you look at Liu Bei’s show there, you can make the people foolish, and finally die for him, and there is a strong army.

"Ran!" Xu Wei nodded. "But the Lord, do you think that you are now on both? Are you getting the people of Jingzhou, are there enough troops?"

"Army? I am in Yangzhou, 100,000 elite pillows are waiting to be sent. In the Yangtze River, my Yangzhou Shuijun has also traversed the river. This public heart can give them 30% tax. Can he still compare with Yangzhou?"莽 莽 庶 庶 庶 庶 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三It is a landless farmland, and Liu Wei has something like sweet potato in his hand, so he can afford it. He doesn't believe that Liu Biao can think of him like Liu Wei.

Xu Wei smiled and shook his head. "Lord, we didn't care about it before, because it is true that Jingzhou Liu Table can't do 30% taxation, but the Lord, it is at the Jingzhou border. And this time we are attacking Jingzhou House, it is Xiangyang. A generation." Xu Wei explained to Liu Wei, Liu Wei attacked the periphery of Jingzhou does not matter, because the people there are indeed poor, can not afford to join the Yangzhou to enjoy the benefits of 30% tax, but the generation of the Sun is different.

What is the place in Fuyang? It is the economic and political center of Jingzhou. It can be counted as a place where you can get rich. A music museum can bring Wanjin’s income in one day, let alone other places, just like now, the emperor Even if it is an ordinary people, he can become a million or multi-millionaire if he sells his house.

Therefore, although the people in Fuyang are still in a state of high taxation, they are not poor. This is why Liu Wei’s recruitment in the vicinity of Xiangyang cannot be found. People have money to eat, why should they follow you? Don't live your head on your waist.

If Liu Wei is attacking Jingzhou now, then it is really not an enemy of Liu Biao, but an enemy of these people.

This group of people thinks it is also simple, this is my hometown, and also the political and economic center of Jingzhou. When Liu Biao is in, my property can be sold at a high price. If you attack me, your capital of Yangzhou has nothing to do with Shouchun. My position in Fuyang will naturally be reduced, and the house price will not fall, and there is another reason why you can’t beat my home.

This has already touched on the vital interests of the people. When the people of Xiangyang will not buy Liu Wei’s embarrassment, even the 30,000-strong Jingzhou Shuijun, who is under the leadership of Cai Wei, can only transfer the bow and Liu Biao to deal with Yangzhou. After all, Fuyang is also the hometown of those Jingzhou Shuijun.

"I gave them their original treatment is not good! But I will give less house, I will give less land!" Liu Wei said to Xu Wei.

"Lord, how much can you give? Jingzhou has hundreds of thousands of people. If you give the people of Fuyang. Then what about other people in Yangzhou?" Xu Wei asked. There is no absolute fairness in this world, but there is a premise that it is not afflicted with unequalness. If you give Jingzhou people so many benefits, how can you face the people of Yangzhou? You can’t be more honest, Yangzhou people and you I have suffered together.

"The people's heart is on the one hand, there is another one that is the huge relationship between the scholars in Jingzhou!" Xu Wei said again, Liu Wei got the Jiangxia Jiangling in Jingzhou, which is good character. After Jiang Xia was removed from the Yellow Emperor, the Jiangshi sects moved away from Jiangxia. As the Jiangxia War became bigger and bigger, the sects had long since ran without a shadow, so they took Jiangxia without any hindrance.

The original first sect of Jiangling was the Wu family of Jiangling Ship King, and was also killed by Liu Wei with an excuse. Therefore, the sects who have a relationship with the Wu family are also in danger. They fear that they are the next Wu family and they also begin. Moved to Jingnan, which is the five counties of Changsha, as for the scholars related to Dong Zhi. Because Dong Zhi rebelled, Lu Xun handled it as simple as that. If you rebel against nature, there is an excuse to engage you, and everyone will not say anything more.

Therefore, Jiangling and Jiangxia can accept very easily.

But now you have to attack the Fuyang. It is different. What is the place in Fuyang? It is the place where the scholars get together. The Central Plains is chaotic. Many of the large and small people in the Central Plains have taken refuge in Jingzhou, so the Nazi in Fuyang is a Then one.

Although the biggest family and Cai’s relationship with Liu Wei is very good, it is not good for Yangzhou to speak in this case, because Liu Wei’s attack on Xiangyang’s victory in Fuyang will definitely be a cleaning of the power of interest. Xiangyang was originally a piece of cake, and all the scholars who have been in Fuyang have already been allocated.

If you want Liu Jin to come in, it will definitely bring you the people of Yangzhou. When the local scholars and the foreigners in Yangzhou will inevitably have conflicts, the cake will be so big, and there will be more people who divide the cake. Some people suffer.

This kind of loss is not willing, so once Liu Wei attacked Xiangyang, the gang of the gang will definitely unite the front.

"What to do, if you can't fight it, then you can't fight it. Do you want him to enjoy his old age in Liu Biao! That Liu Wei is forming a new army, waiting for the 100,000-strong army in Fuyang to appear again!" Liu Wei has a twilight, Attacking Jingzhou is not just Liu Wei’s coveted Jingzhou’s wealth, but also the revenge on Liu Biao. After all, Liu Wei died almost in the hands of Liu Biao. There is still a woman who thinks about her tingling in Liu Xin’s heart.

"The Lord, we can't attack now, but it doesn't mean that my army can't take Fuyang!" Xu Wei shook his head and calmed Liu Weidao.


"Lord, we are going to attack Jingzhou now. We can only let Liu Biao integrate the power of Jingzhou. You are against us. This is not good for us. Even if we attacked Fuyang, we are unable to enter other places. In the end, we can only stay in one place. And we are now the best offensive. The Jingzhou is not a piece of iron. The protagonist knows that Huang Jiada’s son, Huang Lu, and Liu Zi’s second son, Liu Wei, are? Words are coming.

These two people, Liu Wei, of course know that they are not only familiar with it, because both of them have been enemies with Liu Wei. "What?"

"The two men are now Liu Biao's left arm and right arm!" Xu Xiao said with a smile. "But these two people are not allowed."

Xu Wei’s previous sentence made Liu Wei frown, but the latter sentence made Liu Wei think about it.

Liu Biao's two confession is contradictory. This fun is not small. Although the king's emperor's technique is to support one man to suppress another, then support the suppressed and counter-attack, thus ensuring the balance of rights under the hand. .

But that is the art of the emperor. It is necessary to wait for the empire to reunite. If you have no enemies in the country, now Jingzhou itself is difficult to protect, and it is still guilty inside. Isn’t it looking for death?

"Liu Table's age is already deep. According to the information sent by Yang Chang, Liu Biao has not lived for a long time." The news that Yang Hong's spy in Jingzhou brought is that Liu Biao has vomited blood several times. Very bad, from the medicinal materials he used, there have been medicinal herbs such as ginseng and ginseng in the past 100 years. These are all used in sling.

"Liu Watch can still exercise restraint in these two people. If Liu Biao is dead, the Lord, what do you say about this Xiangyang?"

Since Huang Yin has had a bad relationship with Liu Wei, naturally there will be no good situation.

Liu Wei wants to press Huang to shoot one, then he must get the big position of Jingzhou. On the contrary, if Huang Yao wants to press Liu Wei, then he must not let Liu Wei have this opportunity to support Liu Zi’s youngest son, Liu Zong.

Cai Jiahe’s family also wants to support Liu Zong’s ascension, and Liu Wei’s hands have military power. Once Liu Biao died, Liu Wei had already seen the scene. Liu Wei can't force Huyang to go too far now, but should relax, let the second son of Liu Biao train the troops and horses well.

Just when the two were in the middle of the discussion, there was a **** who came in and said to Liu Wei, "Report! Return to the Highness of Your Highness, Xu will come!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated Faster!

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