My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 642: Redemption

On the Jingzhou, after Yang Hong was taken down, this silence was terrible. After the front desk, there was no snoring, because no one could touch the sullen face of Liu’s watch sitting on the stage. The next thought. &{}..{}

"How can you silently talk about it, let's talk about it, this Yang Hong's master stayed in Jingzhou's money, we give it or not!" Liu Biao gently knocked on the case, but no one answered.

Liu Biao can only name it "Different degrees, what do you think." The first person under Wenchen is naturally stunned. Although he has been silent for a long time, Liu Biao is still subconscious and asks Yue.

"Well?" Yu Yue was called by Liu Bian, and stepped forward. "The courtier thought that Liu Wang stayed in Jingzhou, and I will wait for what else."

The words of Yue Yue made the people in the room turn their eyes straight. You said that this is not the same as saying that people in Yangzhou have to pay for the drinks, they have to pay for it, instead of asking you to break the house, the broken house. It’s not worth 100,000 gold with gold.

Liu Biao sighed in his heart. He knew that his family couldn’t stand it. After he won Cai Wei, his left and right arm, Cai Jiahe’s family, had already separated from him.

"My son Liu Wei, what do you think!" Liu Biao gave the question to the second son Liu Wei.

"Father, the child thought that this Yangzhou is purely a rogue. He is so precious and precious. It is completely nonsense. The child thinks that he will not give it, and kills Yang Hong to sacrifice the flag. Let him know that Liuzhou is a child. I am not Jingzhou. He wants to come." Liu Wei said to Liu Biao's fist, Liu Wei is now completely inhabited by Jingzhou heirs, this Yangzhou takes money from Liu Bian. It’s not from his Liu’s pocket. I don’t feel bad about it.

"Yeah. The Lord, killing Yang Hong's old man, to pay homage to those heroes who are not in Jingzhou in the Yangtze River!" Liu Wei's majesty is all the main battle, Yangzhou forced the more tight, they Liu Wei's This group of people can better get the support of Jingzhou.

"Yes! Kill, kill well! After the disaster, the Yangzhou army went south. We relied on the Jingzhou recruits who had just learned to climb the 100,000 generals to resist the endless elite of Yangzhou. Finally, we looked at our Liu Wei generals. Among them, he decided to win thousands of miles away. He laughed and let his strong enemy smog. "Yellow shots are also open. He said it with a smile. On the surface, he is boasting that Liu Wei is actually ridiculing Liu Wei.

Yellow shots are often silent and silent, 100,000 troops? Although there are 100,000 soldiers and horses in Jingzhou, everyone knows that the 100,000 soldiers and horses are simply a bunch of new recruits. Even if they are expected to keep the city, do you let them go out to fight? If you don’t see the battle of the Yangtze River Water Village, Liu Wei went out with a 50,000-strong army. How much is there to return? How can this kind of combative force and horses resist the elite of Yangzhou?

"I can't do 100,000 troops. We can set up 150,000 and 200,000. I have a population of up to one million in Jingzhou. Is it still afraid of the Liuzhou children in Yangzhou?" Liu said with anger.

The sarcasm above the corner of the yellow-shot mouth is even stronger. When it comes to the end, Liu Wei still wants to expand the army. The military power of the 100,000 army is not enough for him to eat. He also wants 200,000, 300,000, indeed Jingzhou. The total mobilization ability can really arm out 300,000 troops, and at that time can also fight with Yangzhou, but this is not in line with the interests of his yellow shooting. Once Liu Wei took the military power of 300,000 troops in his hands, this Jingzhou still has his place to stay.

"Yes, yes, for the 300,000-strong army, it is absolutely possible to live and die with the Liuzhou children in Yangzhou. After the hardship, we will wait for the south of Cao Cao in the north, and finally wipe the neck together, or open the door of Xiangyang. Cao Cao's curtains left the life of Er. "Yellow shots said to the following civil martial arts.

Yes! Not only does Liu Wei’s wolf look at Jingzhou, but also Cao Cao’s tiger. When Cao Cao went south to Wancheng, the whole Jingzhou was as close as possible, but it’s not the last time Cao Cao’s brain was going to sleep. Embroidered Zou Shi, I am afraid that Jingzhou, the next son, will not sleep under the breath of Cao Cao.

"Then the meaning of your yellow shot is to agree with this Liu Wei children, 90,000 gold! How many troops can be formed by these golds? How many grains can you buy? How much do you want to fund the enemy? Can only use fire to extinguish fire, ** their body." Liu Wei retorted, to Yangzhou money, although it can be stable for a while, but can not be stable, even gave Yangzhou money, Yangzhou is not going to attack Jingzhou after the expansion.

"Oh, what we want is really the stability of this time!" Huang shot out and said to the main public Liu Zi on the countertop. "Lord, my army is now 100,000 strong, but they are all new recruits, they can only defend the city wall but can't go out in the field, so my army needs time and needs enough time to train the 100,000 soldiers and horses. Only when I am Jingzhou ten When Wan Jingrui was once again formed, he could compete with Yangzhou Liu Wei’s children on the Yangtze River!” Yangzhou needs time and he does not need time in Jingzhou. Jingzhou’s 100,000 army has only one flower shelf.

"Lord, this Xu Cao Cao has sent a letter!" Huang shot and put down a blockbuster.

"Xu Du Cao Cao?" Liu Biao stunned.

"Come, bring the angels of Xudu." Huang shot shouted at the man on the side.

"Yes!" Soon the two scribes were among the three guards of the Jingzhou Hall.

"Fengtian carrier, this angel specializes in Jingzhou's decree, Jingzhou Mushang Liu table is not fast welcoming!" If this angel carefully recognizes that it is not the ambassador of Xu Du Cao Cao who was killed by Liu Wei in Liu Wei, This changed the line and covered up the wound on the face with powder makeup. He came to Jingzhou with the deputy messenger, or the virtue.

However, Liu Biao gave this Cao Cao's messenger face. After all, they said that Jingzhou still obeyed Handi, regardless of whether Cao Cao or Han Di was more than Jingzhou.

Therefore, Liu Biao still went down the main position and went down a long time. "The old minister Jingzhou Mu Liu watched the ambassador, the slogan!"

The messenger of this Xudu is very satisfied with the "Fengtian carrier, Handi 诏曰, Jingzhou Mu Liu, the old man holding weight. Jingzhou in its hands for decades. State Fu Mingqiang. Very gratified, since then, special seal Jingzhou Mu Liu to Jingzhou Shepherd's post, left to move to the east general, in charge of my Jingjing land, to this!"

Promoted? Liu Biao has not responded yet. The angel over there has already shouted "Jingzhou Mu, no. It should be the general of Zhendong, and it is not fast."

"Respect, this general of Zhendong is not the king of Liu Wei?" Liu asked questioningly.

"Hey! That Liu Wei children, that is the king of the king, the Han Emperor naturally arranged!" Xudu's angel said coldly.

After learning that Jiangdong was sealed as a general in the east, Liu Biao seemed to understand what it meant.

"What does Cao Sikong need from the old minister?" Liu asked.

"No need to do anything, do a good job of the general's own work, guard the southeast of my great man, if there are small generations who have the feeling of southeast, and also ask the generals of Zhendong and the generals of the East to abandon their former suspicions." The angels of the city said to Liu Biao.

What is it? I heard these two words. Liu Biao is clear, and who is the most threatening Xiao Jing of the Jingchu generation? That is naturally Yangzhou. The general of the township gave him Liu Bian, the general of the levy to Jiangdong, which is to ask him Jiangdong and Jingzhou alliance, so that they can jointly resist the invasion of Yangzhou. Jingzhou has money, and Jiangdong has good soldiers who complement each other.

"Going up, this Jingzhou Road is no problem, there is a small fighter Sun Ce?" Liu Biao asked, his Liu Biao and Jiang Dong Sun Ce have a murder of the father, this Sun strategy will unify the alliance.

"This does not require the general to worry about it. Our family Cao Sikong naturally has a conclusion."

Liu Biao nodded and looked at the confidence of the messenger, letting people put the messenger of this Xudu into a good life arrangement.

This Cao Sikong is free to conclude that Liu Biao does not need to consider it, if it can make Jiang Dong really and Jingzhou alliance.

Liu Biao seems to have seen the day he can resist Yangzhou.

"Lord, as long as Jingzhou can form an alliance with Jiangdong, or Jingzhou-based, when I use Jingzhou's money and the Jiangdong soldiers, this Yangzhou Liu Wei children are afraid of it." Huang shot on the side Liu Biao said with a fist.

"And what we are missing now is time. If this Liu Wei child is desperate to attack me in Jingzhou, then Jingzhou has nothing to think about except the fish and the net, but now if I give the Liu Wei children tens of thousands of gold, how about me? Jingzhou is just a slap in the face, waiting for my army to form, when it is time to cry that Liu Liu children.

What's more, this Cao Cao in the north is about to clean up the two brothers of the Yuan family. Once Cao Cao is going south, this Yangzhou Liu Wei child is afraid that he is worried about himself! "Yellow shot and smiled at Liu Biao.

Liu Biao has also been said to be a heartbeat. It is indeed the most difficult time in Jingzhou. Only by breaking the current predicament, as long as the 100,000 army is formed, even if it is not with the Jiangdong alliance, he should not be too scared. Liu Wei I can still fight with myself for a long time. Once I have a long-term battle, then Liu Wei will wait for Cao Cao of Xudu to be a black hand.

Even Liu Wei on the side seems to be a bit tempted. It is true that what he needs now is time to train his men and women. Those who are the farmers who put the vegetables down, need to turn them into elite and still take a long time.

"What do you think of Zhongye?" Liu looked at the slogan that was basically a word on the side.

"The army can have combat power in March, and it can be a battle for half a year. It can be played in one year, and it will become elite in three years and five years!"

Liu Biao can't wait for three years and five years, but it is enough to be able to play in one year.

"Good! We give this 90,000 gold!" Liu said biting his teeth. Although the 90,000 gold couldn't move the bones of Jingzhou, it could also make Jingzhou breathe a bit of gas and let Liu Biao feel a pain.

"Since the Lord has given him Liu Wei 90,000 gold, we might as well add some chips!" Huang Lu finally revealed his intentions.

"A little more chips?" Liu did not understand.

"Yeah, 100,000 army training and arrangement arrangements, I can't bear it near Puyang, so we must have a first military camp, and if my army is fighting with Yangzhou, it is within the waters of Fuyang. Whether it is victory or loss, my Fuyang must bear unnecessary losses." Huang shot said to Liu Biao.

"So what do you mean?"

"We will redeem Jiangling!" Huang shot a shocked four.

"Is redemption of Jiangling?" Liu Wei listened to the words of Huang Lu, naturally knowing the intention of this yellow shot. This Jiangling does not say whether it can be redeemed, even if it can be redeemed, then who is the governor of Gangneung? Needless to say, naturally, the father and son of the Huang family are close to the water. The river is so close to the five counties of Jingnan. Originally, the five sons of Jingzhou and the five counties of Jingzhou have made Liu Wei a headache, if it is added. A Gangneung, then even after Liu Wei got Jingzhou, he could only endure the Huang family and his son, so Liu Wei immediately opposed it. "No, my father, my Jingzhou 100,000 army is enough to train in Fuyang!"

"After Jiangling, how big is my army? And after Jiangling, I have a dangerous place to defend in Jingzhou?" Huang shot is also shouting loudly. Now Jingzhou is blocking the Liusong army by using the Yangtze River waterway. The warship sank to him, thus blocking the waterway, passing the Jiangling, and Fuyang is really safe. Liu Biao nodded, and Jiangling was also a good city defense because of Jiangling.

"Father, this Liu Wei children will have 90,000 gold in a seven-in, seven-out house. If it is a huge Jiangling, how much money should it be? Is it necessary to evacuate Jingzhou?" Also, a house, Liu Wei, will be nine. Wanjin, how much does this Gangling have to redeem? Liu Bian can't afford it even if he has more money.

"What do you think of the difference?" Liu Bian asked again the more squatting on the side.

Yan Yue looked at Huang Yao and looked at Liu Wei. He bought Jiangling, which is beneficial to Huangjia. Huangjia can get a seal for no reason, and even can swallow Liu Wei’s hand in the name of Gangneung. If you don’t buy Jiangling, then training the soldiers and horses with Liu Wei becomes a climate, which is not good for the Huang family. The more I thought about it, the yellow shot was a bit too much, but he said that he still wanted to let the young son Liu Zong ascended, so the family and the Huang family still stood in one direction. I thought so much that I had an idea.

"Lord, this is whether Jiangling is redeemed. The words of our family have no effect. We should still ask the Lord. If the price is right, we can redeem it. If Yangzhou’s asking price is too high, then Jingzhou will not pay this money. "There are two things on the surface that seem to help, but in fact they are on the side of the yellow shot. Because he already has the idea of ​​buying.

"Well! Different words make sense!" Liu Biao thought about it and nodded, the price is right to buy it.

"So the master, I will go and bring Mr. Yang Hong!" Huang shot said to Liu Biao.

"It’s not early in the sky, let’s talk about it tomorrow!” Liu watched tired. He was old enough after all, and his body could not hold on, and he had a full day of deliberation.

Huang Yin looked at the meaning of Liu Biao’s departure and decided that he could only nod and discuss it tomorrow. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: March head, I am sorry to ask for a reward two days before the gun! Today’s outbreak seeks rewards! Last month, I won 40 oceans and eight packs of instant noodles throughout the month! Brothers, you have a heart. Today, the outbreak is seeking rewards, and there are also some monthly tickets, and any kind of demand! Now regrouping, the data is the key, it is related to the recommendation of the book after the gun and the big thing that can go on the book again. Please, please!

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