My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 643: Family affairs

"Mr. Yang Hong, here, here! You please, please!" The prisoner was very diligent to give Yang Hong a slap in the prison. Can you please go out with respect, this Jingzhou ups and downs to offend this There may be few people in the position. If one accidentally provokes this, it may be that the master Liu can really tie himself to Yangzhou. {{wx}

"Well!" Yang Hong seems to have something to worry about. He just nodded all the way. He saw that he was leaving the prison of Yangyang. Yang Hong suddenly asked the jailer on the side. "General, this lady stayed in prison." For a long time?" Yang Hong asked.

The jail school was obviously a glimpse, but then nodded. "Mrs. Cai has been in this jail for more than a month!"

"What do he like to eat on weekdays?" "Looking at this jail school seems to be giving food to Mrs. Cai, Yang Hong asked."

"It's all commonplace, but the lady sometimes likes to eat some plums and oranges, so I will give him some."

"Plum, orange?" Yang Hong thought for a while. This day, plum and orange have one thing in common. That is, they are all sour.

"I know! Thank you, the general! The general's grace, I am not forgetful in Yangzhou!" Yang Hong squatted at the jail school.

"Where is it." The prison is a bit stunned.

Out of the prison, there were officials from Jingzhou, and they were sent to the residence to receive a good reception, bathing and dressing, and soon Yang Hong changed into a new one.

"Yang Hong adults, please, our lord invited Yang Hong to go to the deliberation." Yang Hong was finished, and naturally someone came forward with Yang Hong.

"Leading the way ahead!" Yang Hong nodded and followed the people who led the way.

"Yang Zhouchang, Yang Hongyang is an adult." Yang Hong stepped into the Jingzhou's parliamentary hall. The Jingwu Chamber of Deputies had a pair of eyes and looked at it and seemed to be waiting for him.

Yang Hong did not care about these eyes. The big ear strode into the hall. He represents the representative of Yangzhou, the imperial concubine of the Great Han Dynasty. Therefore, with such a cost, Yang Hong is naturally confident.

"Yangzhou Governor has seen Jingzhou Mudan!" Yang Hong is holding a fist in the above Liu.

"Cough, Yang Chang, my master is not Jingzhou grazing now!" Wenwu on the side reminded Yang Hongdao.

"Not Jingzhou animal husbandry?" Yang Hong stunned. It is not Jingzhoumu.

"Because of the Handi dynasty drooping curtain, my main scenery Shenggong is now expensive for the Dahan's generals of the town of Jingzhou to lead the matter of Jingzhou Yizhou. If there is a small squad in my Jingchu generation, then I will be exempted from the general of Jiangdong General Jiangdong Zhengdong Destroy the thief together!" The tone of the speech seems to be slightly pointed.

"Jiangdong General!" Yang Hong is shocked but sneer at the surface, and sure enough, this Xu Du Cao Cao is going to go to Yangzhou to attack the great meaning of Jingzhou, and then give him Liu Guan official position to let him and Jiangdong through together Resist him in Yangzhou.

But you have a good plan. Similarly, Jingzhou also has a wall ladder. Yang Hong’s heart is sneer, but this surface skill is still doing very well. “So, congratulations to the generals of Zhendong. Congratulations to Jing Shenggong’s rise!”

Yang Hong’s compliment made Liu Biao unsatisfied with his head.

"Yang Chang, your Lord stayed in my wealth in Jingzhou. My Lord has sent people to check it out, and 90,000 gold has been prepared. I will wait for Yang Chang to come over and take it back." Really polite, 90,000 gold eyes did not hesitate to agree, that is, Yang Hong, followed by the main public, the land must be scraped three feet to see more wealth can not help but feel the richness of Jingzhou.

Yang Hong couldn’t help but want to let Yuan Shu attack Jingzhou directly.

"There is a general in the town of Laodong. My master will remember the good intentions of General Zhendong. Let the Jingyang generation be well-connected!" Yang Hong said that he was also a retribution.

Liu Biao does not want this sentence, as long as you Yangzhou do not attack again. Then the 90,000 gold will be worth the money. As long as he gives Jingzhou enough time, there will be self-protection in Jingzhou.

"Yang Chang, my lord has another question to ask." Huang Yin's hand on the side opened.

"Well? I don't know what else can Liu Zhendong ask?"

"I don't know when Miss Wu Jia took her cousin and a group of relatives to protect the province and then left Jiangling to go to Yangzhou." This yellow-shot man specially added the tone to the escort.

Provincial pro? Miss Wu Jia? Kissing? Yang Hong’s eyes turned, and he naturally knew that this Jiangling Wu family, this Miss Wu family did not go back to the provincial relatives but went back to revenge. Now Jingzhou actually asked when to return, this guardian also added a tone, Yang Hong soon understood.

Miss Wu’s cousin is not to say Lu Xun, Miss Wu is Lu Xi’s cousin. This pro-defense is naturally the Yangzhou soldiers and horses under the hands of Lu Xun. To Yangzhou soldiers and horses to leave Jiangling, Jingzhou wants to redeem Jiangling? Did this thing become?

Yang Hongduo looked at the yellow shot over there. This Huang family wanted Jiangling, Yangzhou sold Jiangling, Yang Hong listened to the internal phase Xu Wei said, because Yangzhou now wants to build cannons and sea boats, so Yangzhou is in poor money. This lack of money naturally finds money. This is not because Yang Hong came to Jingzhou to knock Jingzhou. After the disaster, Xu Wei accidentally mentioned the matter of Gangneung. This is the chicken rib in the hands of Yangzhou. It’s a pity to eat the tasteless taste.

Jiangling's city defense is good, it is relative to Yangzhou, with Huarong Road as a block, but Jiangling also has his drawbacks, that is, communication with Yangzhou or military and military. If the Yangtze River waterway is not dredged, Jiangling will almost become A lonely city.

It is a bit unworthy for a lonely city to send troops to station, so Xu Wei thought about selling him, and this seller seems to be Huang.

The Huang family is not stupid to ask them to pay for the Huang family. Naturally, it is not the same for the main public, Liu Zi, and it is not the same. If Jiangling is recovered on the edge of the five counties of Jingzhou, it is naturally taken care of by the Huang family. The money of the public family increases the power of his Huang family and not for you, but I did not expect this speed to be so fast.

"This Miss Wu and his cousin would have left Jiangling, but Miss Wu did not know why there are people in the Gangneung who have to be responsible for the main house and family business, or they will be defeated sooner or later!" Hong is difficult.

"Those of the main house and family business have been sold. Miss Wu Jia is no longer living in Jingzhou, and there is no time to keep those ancestors clean!" Jingzhou Wenwu could not help but look white. The foundation of this Wu family was either burned out. They were either evacuated by Liu Jing, the second son of Jingzhou. Where is the ancestral industry.

"I don't know Yang Chang's messenger. This time, Miss Wu's ancestral industry is worth hundreds of thousands of gold." Liu Wei, on the side, said irony, Liu Wei is eager to ask Yang Hong for a price. If the price is high, then Liu Biao will not Will be redeemed.

You must know that Liu Bian’s money is now his own in Liu Wei’s view. What is Liu Biao’s use of his own money to help the Huang family buy the city?

Huang shot is also nervous, watching Yang Hong hope that Yang Hong does not want to mess.

"The last time someone came out to 150,000 gold, but Miss Wu did not want to sell it." Yang Hong began to sit on the ground, and 150,000 gold? The entire Wu family may be worth so much. However, the Wu family has now been defeated, but thinking that it can be exchanged back to a city, there seems to be no more than 150,000 gold. Compared with the Liu Wang, the king of the house will have a lot of 90,000 gold.

"Fifty thousand?" Huang Lu and Liu Wei are all glimpsed. Huang Lu was a big surprise after the big surprise, but Liu Wei was just the opposite. He was furious after the first shock.

"What's wrong? Is it more? Or is there any money in Jingzhou?" Yang Hong thought in his heart, and he planned to loosen it a bit. However, what he did not expect was that Liu Biao was a one-off.

"Well, 150,000 gold will be 150,000 gold, and it will inevitably give Yang Chang a good money and send it to Yangzhou." Liu Biao thought about it or agreed to bite his teeth. They originally planned to spend 200,000 to 300,000 gold, but did not expect Yang Hong to buy a price of 150,000. I thought about it and earned it.

"Well?" Yang Hong is also a bit stunned, so refreshing? Originally, Yang Hong also planned to bargain with Jingzhou for a while. I did not expect this Jingzhou aspect to be so refreshing. Immediately, Yang Hong regretted it a bit. She knew that it would be more important. However, the words have already been exported, and Yang Hong is also difficult to recover.

"A total of 240,000 gold, Yang Chang reassured, will certainly be arranged for the sample length. At night, Yang Chang made a meal together!" Liu said with a wave of waving.

"It’s better to be respectful than to be so obedient."

In the evening, the priests and priests in the priests are not happy. The two masters seem to leave early. Liu is the reason of the body, and Yang Hong is interested in it.

On the second day, the speed of Jingzhou’s work was not bad. Soon, the treasure of 240,000 yuan was filled with dozens of large ships and went straight to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

With this money, Liu Wei in Yangzhou is overjoyed, because with these two hundred thousand, then don’t see Xu Wei and the two bitter face of the cockroach all day, he and Xu Wei are also happy. More money went into the treasury, but it was thought that the money would soon become a sea boat and a cannon, and their happy thoughts were gone.

"Hong Shu did a good job!" Liu Wei did not hesitate to praise Yang Hong.

"These are things that the old minister should do." Yang Hong owed a sin to Liu Wei.

"There is really money in this Jingzhou." Liu Wei looked at the feelings of those golden art jewelry, 24 million gold, this is not a small number, buy grain can buy five or six hundred thousand stones, However, it was quietly taken out by Liu Biao, this is the nine cattle in Jingzhou.

"This Jingchu land, this is the place of wealth, plus after the yellow towel, the Central Plains nearly half of the people in order to escape the war to protect the family into the Jingzhou, so this Jingzhou is full of people, can really become the most affluent "Xu Wei is also feeling on the side. When Xu Wei was in his hometown, there was a wealthy person in Naifu County. That is, the rich man is a rich man, but in Jingzhou, it is just a A slightly wealthy businessman or the people will stop, but it is just a gold. This meal may eat a few gold. The people are like this, not to mention the individual scholars, and Liu Biao is the master of Jingzhou.

"If you take Jingzhou, you can't be rich and enemies!" Liu Wei couldn't help but have another interest in Jingzhou. Xu Wei on the side quickly stepped forward to discourage the "main lord. Although Jingzhou is rich, it has been consumed for years." The rest of the money is among the Jingzhou sects!"

"Shis?" Liu Wei thought about it. "It’s just in the hands of the sects!" Liu Wei does not care about the sergeants.

"The Lord can not do this," the majority of Jingzhou is a sect, and Liu Wei will clean up the gang. Ok then. Basically, no sect will support Liu Wei in this world. No one will surrender Liu Wei. Liu Xie’s sergeant who killed the city of Yucheng was almost excluded by the local scholars. Otherwise, Liu Yu took Yuan Fang’s daughter Yuan Fang and got the support of Yuan Jia. I am afraid that Jingzhou is also No one wants to make friends with him,

"The Lord Gong has just set an agreement with Liu Biao. This just got the money and went to attack Jingzhou. This will make people in the world ridiculed!" Xu Wei was discouraged by the pains of the side, for fear that Liu Wei would not be able to attack immediately. Jingzhou.

"Don't kill it!" Liu Wei waved his hand and he knew that Xu Wei was ironic and did not let himself attack Jingzhou.

Looking at Liu Wei's impulse to attack Jingzhou, Xu Wei was relieved.

Yang Hong on the side looked at the end of the two words. I don't know what I am holding.

"Hong Shu. If you are out of Jingzhou, you will be tired. Go back to rest soon!" Liu Wei shouted at the edge of the guard. "There are people who are ready to send the uncle to go back to the treasury. To the top of Hong Shu Mansion

"No, no, the old minister has a son, and there are not many servants. The money is enough. The money is still used by the great cause." Yang Hong said. "The old minister is just!"

"Well?" Looking at Yang Hong's swallowing, Liu Wei was a bit strange. "Hong Shu has no outsiders here, you just say it!"

"Okay. The old minister is blunt!" Yang Hongsi thought for a while and finally opened his mouth. "The Lord, the old minister wants to know is the Lord in Jingzhou and Mrs. Cai?"

Liu Wei’s smiling face suddenly solidified. “Hong Shu. You are tired, go back.” Liu Wei’s face is very unsightly.

"The old minister just wants to tell the Lord."

"Come, send the guest" Liu Wei's face is more and more gloomy.

"Yes!" A few of the guards on the side came up and said to Yang Hong, "Yang Daren, offended!"

"Lord, you avoid talking, sooner or later you have to know that the old minister just wants to tell the Lord, there is such a bitter woman in Jingzhou, his child already has your child!" Yang Hong loudly facing Liu Wei Said.

"Well?" Liu Wei was shaking all over. "The child is not mine, not mine! He is dead and dead." His whole face was smashed.

"Hey!" Yang Hong sighed with a sigh. "Sure enough! When a lover arrives at the end, it becomes an enemy! Let's go old." Yang Hong was taken out.

"Lord!" Xu Wei did not speak on the side, waiting for Yang Hong to leave, Xu Wei shouted in a low voice.

"Yuan straight, I am dying, let you laugh." Liu Wei then relieved his mood and showed an ugly smile on Xu Wei's face.

"Lord, why bother you and me?" Xu Wei smiled at Liu Wei. Although Xu Wei did not understand what happened in Jingzhou, he knew that there must be something in the heart that Liu Xie couldn't solve.

Xu Wei is not entangled here, but to change the topic so that Liu Wei can relieve the mood. "The letter has been sent to Jiangdong, and the men under Chen Junshi have also been dispatched."

"Okay, good! Jiangdong Sun Ce, it is life and death to see his own." Liu Wei also changed his mood, and his eyes turned to the south bank of the Yangtze River "She, okay!!"

Xu Wei didn't know if he was him or she. He could only smile and shake his head and leave the hall.


"Come out, come out~" It’s hard to get the weather in Jiangdong for a while. On this day, Jiangdong’s generals, the horses and horses gathered, and the soldiers and horses also came a lot, one by one.

"Do you want to fight again?" There are people outside the general's house who are wondering.

"Oh, oh, oh, this troubled world, I don't know when it will stop," and the people on the side sighed "The three children of our family have already gone, how many people are going to fight again?"

The old man’s remarks made the people on the side all sorrowful. This one of the Jiangdongs did not have a dead soldier. Even if they were not married, they were accompanied by seven or eight generations.

"Don't talk nonsense, what are you still playing now? This Wuhou has no conscription. This time, I heard that Wu Hou is going to the forest to hunt, this is the only one!" Someone seems to know that the news is directed at the people. .


"Yeah! Going to the city to hunt, this will let the followers follow."

"As long as you don't fight, just don't fight."

This people really guessed it right, Wu Hou Sun Ce is really going out to hunt this time.

Since the defeat of the Yangtze River. Sun Ce has been staying in his Wuhou Mansion and he is not going anywhere. Drinking alcohol all day long. In the end, because of Zhou Yu’s words, this made Sun Ce a little bit more excited. In order to show that he is no longer indulged, this is the hunting.

"Big Brother, I will go with you this time to hunt!" Zhou Yu also stood on the side and said to Sun Ce.

"No, public money. This time I am going to distract my heart, I want someone to be quiet, if you are. I can't let go." Sun Ce said with a smile on the side of Zhou Yu.

"Big brother, are you really okay?" Zhou Yu still looked at Sun Ce with doubts. Although he had uttered madness in the past few days, he did hold on to Sun Ce, but he was afraid that Sun Ce would be extremely opposed.

"Do not worry, your brother, I am absolutely nothing, I will go to a day or two, and I will be back soon. During this period of time when I am not there, I will teach you public money in this building." Sun Ce still There is also a kind of confidence in that kind of smile. Let Zhou Yu put it down.

"That's good, then it's good. There are still things to deal with in Yu, I will not send you the big brother." Zhou Yu is busy with the care of those soldiers. Jiangdong has no money, but also give The families of the soldiers were pensioned, so a penny was deducted for two purposes, which made Zhou Yu so busy.

"You go!" Sun Ce waved and said.

"French, you can't bring a little more than this time." On the side, Sun Ce's wife said to Sun Ce, Sun Ce was originally a child of the sect. The children of the sects are generally very early, and it is difficult. After the birth of a wife, the original Sun Cezheng should be a big Joe, but the big Joe is gone, so I can only accompany this small to accompany him to the big 妾 to help, become a flat wife.

"Isn't these sergeants enough?" Sun Ce patted the shoulders of his wife. "Now I am tired of Jiangdong. Those soldiers who are guarding the city are too late, and we don't have to bother them any more."

"So General Lumen and General Ling Cao, you have to bring them." Mrs. Ping is still a little worried.

"No problem, no problem, I still have to do these two people, even if I don't even let the company accompany me, how can they both go?"

"In this case, the husband will go back early!" Sun Ce comforted his wife and left with a dozen or so sergeants.

From a distance, Sun Ce was far away from the city gate, and there was no trace. This lady of Sun Ce’s wife returned to Wuhoufu with her niece.

"Second son, this Houye has already gone out." Concerned about whether Sun Ce has gone out or not, there is only one lady, in another restaurant, a man who looks a little like Sun Ce has picked up a glass of wine on the side. This was only a report from a middle-aged man.

"Two sons, it is time for us to act!" The middle-aged man on the side urged the young man.

"Xu Gong, you follow me for a lot of time!" The young man was asked and asked the middle-aged man on the side.

This middle-aged man named Xu Gong thought about it, and this was the opening of the "two sons counted today, just a year and a half!"

"It’s only a year and a half!" The young man repeated it. His repetition made Xu Gong very embarrassing, because normally, the longer you stay in the master, the more the master’s favor for you, the more the master will The more you feel relieved, the more than a year and a half after Xu Gong joined the second son.

"Xu Gong, you know why you only follow me for a year and a half, but I am able to let you participate in this matter?" The young man said with a glass of wine.

"This, this is because the subordinates are loyal to the second son, swearing allegiance?" The middle-aged man said to the young man.

"Oh!" The young man chuckled twice, his voice full of disdain and ridicule "loyalty? Swearing allegiance? Hehe tribute, Xu Gong, you really don't tell the truth? Who is carrying this son? Going to the room where Xu Du Cao made? One and a half hours, hehe and you are very familiar with the Cao messenger!" The young man did not say that the sweat on the forehead of this Xugong was added.

"The second son is forgiving, the second son is forgiving, his subordinates, and you have no two hearts for the second son." Xu Gong hurried down on the ground and slammed his head against Sun Quan. His forehead was fast. The floor was opened, and the blood stayed on the face along the forehead. Soon the face was all blood, and people felt awkward.

"Right? Hehe!" The young man smiled. "When I said that I want to kill you. If I want to kill you. I will be able to throw you into this Yangtze River when you go back! You still need to wait until now. ""

Xu Gong is now more fearful of this second son. "You don't have a problem with one road. I won't stop you! People go up high, water goes down!"

"I don't dare to subordinate, I don't dare!" Xu Gong and Meng Meng got up.

"I use you, that's because I know that you hate my older brother. You can't wait for my big brother to die." The young man said to Xu Gong, what is Xugong's original? He is a builder. The owner of the Xu family. When Sun Cegang entered Jiangdong, Xu Gong simply looked at Sun Ce and thought that Sun Ce was just a coward. He counted something, so he offended Sun Ce. He did not know that Sun Ce might not be offended by the entire Jiangdong sect but dare Offended the family.

Therefore, Sun Ce was angry and gave Xu Gong’s home to the family. The Xu family was supposed to be completely destroyed by Sun Ce, but it was left by the second son. Xu Gong had a deep hatred for Sun Ce. Nature can be used by Sun Quan. Others, even the confidants of Sun Quan. Sun Quan did not dare to use it with such ease, if he was accidentally told his big brother. Then his grandchildren will be finished. After all, he can give these personal things to his brother.

"Get up, go on like this, don't say I kill you, you kill yourself!" The young man waved his hand. "This is a matter of time. Are you staying in my Jiangdong or where you are going, I don't care." How are you, but there is one thing, that is, you have to do this beautifully for you, you understand! If you can’t, then even if you ran to Xu, I can have your life!” Sun Ce eyes There was a killing in the middle of it, and Xu Gong repeatedly nodded.

"Go! You should do something!" Sun Quan waved at Xu Gong.

Xu Gong retired with respect and watched Xu Gong leave with seven or eight sergeants riding a horse. Sun Quan did not know why this heart was always blocked.

"Come on!" Sun Quan shouted at the people under his hand.

"Two sons!"

"Give me a horse, prepare a sword, I want to go out!" Sun Quan said to the servant on the side.

"Yes!" Soon Sun Quan also disappeared into Jianye City.


"Good!" Among the tens of miles outside the city of Jianye, a flying arrow galloped, and a flexible hare wanted to hide at his own pace, but did not expect it. In front of the flying arrows, the pace he did was simply in vain.

A long sword shot directly through the hare and nailed him to the ground.

"The Lord is a good arrow!" This hare is already in a hundred steps, but Sun Ce can still bend and bow and hit it. It can be seen that this Sunce's arrow is high.

"Go and get the hare back!" Sun Ce said to his men, there are already seven or eight hares on the knight's horse under the hand. These are all shot by Sun Ce.

"There are some hares that are too unpleasant! I still go hunting in Maolin." Sun Ce’s face reveals an expression of interest to Maolin.

"The main public is in this maolin, the road is unclear, there is a crisis." The knight on the side dissuaded Sun Ce.

"Crisis? Is it a beast, or a worm?" Sun Ce said disdainfully, "I am a grandmaster of Jiangdong, who is a little bully. I have been afraid of any crisis. These beasts are not good enough, if they come out. That doesn't just become my Sun Ce. Prey under the arrow!"

"This!" The Cavaliers also wanted to persuade, because Mrs. Ping had told them before they came out, try to go hunting outside Maolin to relax and go back.

"Hugh is a lot of words!" Just between the knights and the gods, Sun Ce has already ran towards the depths of Maolin on horses.

The knights saw that the Lord and the Lord had gone in, and they could only follow up with the horses.

"Look, there is a big deer over there!" Sun Ce's eye is also a good luck. Once he entered Maolin, he immediately saw a fat deer eating grass on the side.

I really hate to die a good deer, the body is strong, the whole upper and lower is also plump, but it is a pity that he met his Sun Ce.

Sun Ce bent over and took a bow in one go, and a sharp arrow flew directly toward the deer who was eating food.

"Hey!" The bow and arrow fell on the side of the deer. This is not Sun Ce's lack of alignment. But this elk has a vigilant heart, and he has escaped by the instinct of the body.

Elk also saw Sun Ce and others, and Sun Ce looked at each other and immediately turned around and ran to the other side.

"Hugh to leave!" Sun Ce and others saw such a good deer, so it is possible to give up, and immediately a group of people are fully chasing away.

"You go there, you go here, you two go to the back!" Sun Ce arranged for the men and women, let them go out one by one, Maolin Zhongguang is relying on the horses to catch the elk If Sun Ce is still the original Oolong, then it is not a problem, but Oolong has already died on the battlefield of Yucheng. Now Sun Tsai’s is a good horse, but it is better than nothing. On the footsteps of the elk, the elk can only be driven away, relying on copying his back. When the elk was chased, it was definitely a choice. Just drive him to a certain place and you can kill it.

Sun Ce pursued from the front, and the knights rounded up from the side.

"How good is this Maolin if it is in the Central Plains!" Sun Ce pursued the elk and could not help but think of it. This is the idea that Sun Ce has always been. He thought that relying on Jiangdong, the land of Jiangnan is also Jingchu. The birthplace can go to the Central Plains. Who knows that Jiangdong has the Yangtze River as a barrier, and it has also become a prisoner. He completely blocked his Sun Ce in Jiangdong, shook his head and took these unhappy things. All abandoned, Sun Ce continued to pursue.

The shape of the elk is getting closer and closer to Sun Ce's pursuit. Sun Ce fixed his eyes and couldn't help but because the elk was in front, and it fell on the ground. Which knight was chasing him in advance.

Sun Ce was about to go straight to the scene, and suddenly a hurricane came from the scene, and a roaring voice shook. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Continue to ask for! Amen!

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