My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 654: Receive Jiangdong

Liu Wei trembled the next morning to the Shouchun House of the Great Hall. Both legs were numb and shivering. This is called the wedding night. This is called Xiao Dengke. This is completely the tiger wolf nest. . Hey, ww↓w..c★om

"The Lord is newly married Yaner yesterday, but for a moment, but Shutan?" Zhuge Liang and others saw Liu Wei coming out of the backyard. In addition to the three-nine-nine-week prayer, Liu Wei immediately changed his face and smiled. Liu Wei.

Even the honest man Lu Su on the side is a smile on his face. Who can not know yesterday, our Royal Highness, ask for the sound of life-saving.

Liu Wei gritted his teeth and looked at the following martial arts, especially this Zhuge Cunfu. If he didn’t unite Zhou Cang’s confession, how could Liu Wei eat the Sun Shangxiang, how could he be taught last night? A meal.

However, after all, Zhuge Cunfu did not have much fault. Liu Wei was not punished by him. He had to break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. White and white, a group of Yangzhou Wenwu, Liu Wei sat on the main head and closed his eyes. Raising my mind, I was too tired last night.

Watching Liu Wei sit on the main position, the following Wenwu are also solemn.

“Congratulations to the main public, He Xionggong, won the Wu Housun’s family.” Zhuge Liang stood up and confronted Liu Wei’s Hexi Road, and Xu Wei also followed him. “The Lord, this Jiangdong, Wuhoufu, brother Separated, the hands and feet are broken, the name of Jiangdong is not live, please ask the Lord!"

The two things that are irrelevant to each other are mentioned by the two. Naturally, they are not talking about playing, but they are interested in it.

What is Jiangdong? That part of it was originally in Yangzhou. If Liu Wei attacked Jiangdong before that, it was just righteousness, because his father-in-law, Lu Bu, had such a position as Yangzhou.

However, Guo Jiaming, who is now among the Xudu, has descended. He mentioned Lu Bu as a general of the auxiliary country. There is no name.

Therefore, Liu Wei must have a name in order to obtain Jiangdong. If you have a big meaning, someone will follow you, otherwise you will not be a teacher of justice. Even if you win Jiangdong, there will be many troubles.

But now it is different, Liu Wei took Sun Shangxiang Liu Wei's current identity? That is Sun Ce's brother-in-law. It is Sun Ce's flail. The two have changed from enemies to relatives. Of course, Liu Wei will not go to Baba to recognize relatives. What he wants is a name.

You Jiangdong is in chaos, your brother is separated, I am your brother-in-law, I am your relative, I can’t bear to see the family killing each other, so I have to go to Jiangdong to preside over justice, I will not let your brothers get disabled. Liu Wei is Sun Ce's brother-in-law, who is also the brother-in-law of Sun Quan. This presided over the presiding, it is possible to rely on Jiangdong not to leave. It’s not possible to manage Jiangdong’s big scorpion.

"In the middle of Jiangdong, Sun Ce is my wife and brother. Sun Quan is also my wife and brother. The two are disabled, and I am not willing to do it!" Liu Wei is pretending to be uncomfortable.

"The main official is Wu Houzhi's close relatives. When he enters Jiangdong, he presides over justice and blocks the disability. Fang can be a member of the whole family."

"Which is my army and horses, Yangzhou soldiers and horses are also, not Jiangdong people." Liu Wei deliberately failed.

"The Jiangdong people are also in Yangzhou, and the main public enters Jiangdong to stop the killing. This is the way of the people. The Lord can't deny it!" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei, and immediately fell down. The latter group of Yangzhou Wenwu was also happy to follow. . Loudly called the Lord can not be resigned.

The civil servant is delighted, because it is attacking Jiangdong, and the land of Jiangdong is in the hands. This can expand the sphere of influence of the lord. In the second place, there are countless counties in the middle of the river, and there is a natural vacant person who will be promoted to make a fortune. .

The military commander is also delighted to send troops to Jiangdong. This is a beating. If there is a beating, there will be warfare.

"Well, everyone said this, this king ordered the Jiang Xia Shuijun commander Lu Xun Lu Bo to lead the 20,000 water army, and Yangzhou new army 10,000, black chess camp 5,000, Xiliang iron ride 5,000, 40,000 soldiers and horses, Going down the river and waiting for the river, Liu Wei is facing the order below.

40,000 soldiers and horses, the entire Jiangdong can now come up with 20,000 soldiers and horses, and Liu Wei took out 40,000 elite.

"The main public, General Zhang Liao, under the Xiliang iron ride, can not go to Jiangdong." Lu Su on the side opened.

"Well?" Liu Wei is a bit confused.

"The main public, Jiangdong is located in the south of the Yangtze River, the water system is developed, the Sanli and Wuxiang rivers are the same, the land is muddy and fertile, and with the heavy rain, the heavy cavalry is difficult to deploy in the south of the Yangtze River." Lusu lost from Jiangdong. Naturally know how the land is in Jiangdong.

"What?" Liu Wei frowned. The reason why the Yangzhou Army Army had no enemies in the world was because the Yangzhou Army’s heavy armored forces not only had the world’s first cavalry, but also the Xilang Iron Rider. Equipped with troops, in this era of cold weapons, it is definitely something that tears open the enemy battlefield and makes the enemy chill.

"Lord, I am going to Jiangdong to go to the field, but also to attack the city! There is no need to carry the heavy arm." Zhuge Liang on the side also opened, go to Jiangdong, how many elite horses can still be in Jiangdong Yangzhou Terracotta Warfare field, now go to Jiangdong is nothing more than attacking the city to receive the city pool, if his Sun Ce phase, surrender to Yangzhou, then okay, do not know the amount of words, then attack the city.

"Then add 20,000 Yangzhou new army to synthesize 50,000 soldiers and horses." Liu Wei, because he can't use the heavy armor, then only the light armored forces will increase by 20,000.

"So great!"

The deployment of Yangzhou is still very fast. Here Xu Wei stamped the imprint and got the household to go. The household department opened the warehouse to put the grain, and the soldiers and the armed police forces sent people to send the grain to the Lijiang River. Lu Xun in the middle of the river. The army began to allocate to the Lancang River.


Liu Yu first served as a soldier, and he sent a book to Jiang Dong’s grandson Sun Ce.

On the top of this book is Sun Shangxiang's miss for his grandfather's mother. There is nothing in the line between Liu Xie's threat to Sun Ce, and there is no hostility in it.

"How does Wu Hou, if Wu Hou has read the letter, and wants to reply to Mrs. Sun, let him bring it back to Yangzhou!" A Yangzhou bureaucrat smiled at Sun's house and smiled at Sun.

This letter is indeed the note of his sister Sun Shangxiang. Sun Ce confirmed that this tone is also Sun Shangxiang. He knows that his sister escaped to Yangzhou as a female official. It’s just that he did not think that this female official was the last one. This is the hostess of Yangzhou.

"Sweet child, he is still good!" Sun Ce asked the messenger of Liu Wei on the side.

"Mrs. Sun is all good, but the lady has been thinking about Wu Hou, thinking about when Wu can go to Shouchun to see her." Liu Wei's messenger said.

“Going to Shouchun?” Sun Ce shook his head with a sneer. If Sun Ce went to Shouchun, he would be able to come back. “If you are homesick, let her come back for two days. My grandson’s door is always open for her. If you have nothing, leave early!"

"Wu Wu did not bring a letter to Mrs. Sun?"

"No!" Sun Ce took the tea, which means that Sun Ce wants to give away.

Looking at Liu Wei’s messenger’s departure, Sun Ce’s eyes are complicated. He thought for a long time. “Come on the horse, follow me to the public house!” (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster. !

Ps: It will start to explode tomorrow! Stable update, no longer lazy! Thick and ask for a wave of reward!


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