My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 655: Accept Jiangdong (2)

"Cough, the main man is coming?" Among the Jiangdong metropolitan government, Zhou Yu struggled from his bed and climbed up.

"Don't move, don't move, be careful of wounds!" Sun Ce rushed to stop Zhou Yudao, Zhou Yu's wounds began to scare, and also passed the initial period, now just wait for the wound to heal, nurse well It is. If you accidentally move the wound and crack it, it will not be good.

"So, then I can't afford it!" Zhou Yu smiled at Sun Ce.

"The public, the news of Xianger has." Sun Ce said to Zhou Yu, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's relationship is basically a lot of things do not evade Zhou Yu, since Sun Shangxiang left, Sun Ce is always worried about his baby sister.

"Scented children have news? That is a good thing, and let Xianger come back soon." Zhou Yu is also looking at the feeling of the younger sister, Sun Yuxiang, Zhou Yu and Sun Ceke have long known, Sun Shangxiang is also Zhou Yu looking at growing up.

"She may not come back." Sun Ce's eyes are a bit bleak.

"What happened to Xiang'er?" Zhou Yu was a little shocked. Looking at Sun's bleak eyes, was Sun Shangxiang murdered?

"This is not the case. On the contrary, she still lives very well." Sun Ce shook his head with a smile.

"Well?" Zhou Yu didn't understand. If Xiangli lived very well, why Sun Ce is like this.

"Xianger is married." Sun Ce said to Zhou Yu.

"Married? Who is married to?" Zhou Yu stunned, knowing that in this age, girls marrying or men welcoming them are all to listen to the words of their parents. This fragrance is married, why is this? My brother is the last to know.

"She married the Liuzhou of Yangzhou." Sun Ce said to Zhou Yu.

'what! "Zhou Yu has a big eyes.

"You still remember the public money, I want to get the support of Yuan Shu, let him return the father's old department to me, I used to worship him as the righteous father" this time. The name used by Yangzhou is the name of Yuan Jia. Sun Ce is the son of Yuan Shu, so Yuan Fang can say Sun Shangxiang's sister. It is his mother's family, this way. The words of the parents' commandments will be there.

"Married to Yangzhou Wang Wang Liu?" Zhou Yu's mind turned.

"He Liu Wei wants to get my Jiangdong." Sun Ce is not a fool. On the contrary, Sun Ce is also very brainy, but sometimes he is not willing to think more. He has developed a puzzle. Kind of dependence on Zhou Yu.

Liu Wei will be married to Sun Shangxiang. Needless to say, I know that it is purposeful. Otherwise, how can he marry an enemy girl with the hatred of Jiang Dong and Liu Wei? He is not afraid of chaos in the backyard.

"He Liu Yi wants to get great justice!" Zhou Yu also understood, Liu Wei greeted Sun Shangxiang for the sake of gaining justice, so that he could send troops to Jiangdong. This Cao Cao Cao Mengde had a purpose but did not expect Jiang Dongsun and that. Yangzhou Liu Wei two enemies gave a kiss. Liu Wei had the name of Wu’s relatives and was able to send troops to Jiangdong.

"If it is not a conspiracy, hehe!" Sun Ce regretted a cry, if it was not Sun Quan's self-confidence, Liu Wei even married Sun Shangxiang, Liu Wei did not have an excuse to intervene in Jiangdong's affairs.

"This messenger sent by Liu Wei of Yangzhou, can you talk to the protagonist about the surrender?" Zhou Yu also means that this Yangzhou Liu Wei has threatened Sun Ce. If Sun Ce does not surrender, he will directly attack Jiangdong.

"This is not. Just sent the family book of Xianger." Sun Ce shook his head, Liu Wei is still very polite.

"Well!" Zhou Yu listened to Sun Ce's words not only did not have the slightest gratification, but worried.

"Lord. You are fast, send people to go quickly and catch up with the messenger of Yangzhou." Zhou Yu anxiously said to Sun Ce.

"Well?" Sun Ce took a look at why he wanted to catch up with the messenger?

"Fast, after catching up with the messenger, ask him if he surrendered to Jiang Dong if he surrendered." Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce.

"Survey? No, my Sun Ce will never surrender." Sun Ce shook his head and said it before. Sun Ce was a good face, and he lost to Liu Wei. He can always think about winning back, how can he surrender?

"Lord. We are only imaginary and arrogant, if the lord still wants this Jiangdong great cause. You must say this." Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce, in a bad language, it is called a dog that does not bite, bite The dog does not call, if the messenger sent by Liu Wei directly threatens Jiangdong Sun Ce, then it shows that Yangzhou is not ready for the battle, but once the Yangzhou messenger arrives just smiles, then it shows that Yangzhou has already sent troops. The idea is that if this army is not in this messenger, it is precisely because you know that you have nothing to talk about, so you can send troops directly to catch you.

"The big governor, where is the big governor." Just when Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were still discussing, there was an urgent voice outside.

"The Lord and the Metropolitan Governor are in the room, what happened?" Lu Meng outside stopped the coming.

"Fast, tell the big governor, Yangzhou, Yangzhou army moved from Jiangxia." This Jiangdong's off-line officer said that he immediately mixed up in the past, Zhou Yu was sent to the Yangtze River by Zhuge Liang in the Jiangdong army. In the bottom, I was ordered to enter the Lijiang River, and I was always watching the every move of Yangzhou Terracotta Warriors. Today, I finally got the information.

"Fast, let him pay in!" Lu Meng commanded the person to send the letter to the room. Sun Ce and others wanted to ask, but this person was fainted.

"Use cold water!" Zhou Yu said to the person under his hand on the bed that "the military is urgent, only so."

Soon the cold water was sent, and a pot of cold water poured on the body of the messenger, and suddenly woke up and stumbled.

"Where is this?"

"This is in the room of the Metropolitan Governor. Quickly said, Jiangxia is like this? What happened to the Yangzhou Army?" Lu Meng asked anxiously.

"The governor of the main public, the Lijiang River and the Jiangxia are all mobilizing the troops and horses, and the Jiangxia Shuijun has begun to go south." The letter of the letter sent to Sun Ce and others.

"Has the south?" Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are all nervous. The target of the Yangzhou army is still used to say that it is naturally Jiangdong. Sure enough, this Yangzhou Liu Wei is ready to shoot on Jiangdong.

"How many soldiers and horses" Zhou Yu and Sun Ce asked.

"No, I don't know, but there are a lot of food. There are a lot of warships, and the three big camps in Lijiang have started to move."

"Three big camps?" Generally speaking, a camp should be stationed around 5,000 people, and three seats are 15,000 people. The Jiang Xia Shuijun should not be less than this number, which means that it should be between 30,000 and 50,000.

This Yangzhou King of the Kings really can afford to see them Jiangdong. Five thousand elites entered the east of the river and did not say anything. If Suntech did not come today, I am afraid that waiting for the Yangzhou army to come down the city, then Jiangdong has no other way to go except for surrender.

"Fifty thousand army!" Sun Ce brows up close, 50,000 soldiers and horses before Sun policy does not care, because Jiangdong is not as good as Jingzhou but 100,000 soldiers and horses can still be obtained, even Jiangdong's water army is famous in the world. It is difficult to have rivals on the Yangtze River. But now it is different, Jiangdong’s capital has been exhausted, and now there are at most one or two thousand people who can take out the war in the entire river. How to fight.

"If he comes to attack, my Sun Ce will stick to Jiangdong." Sun Ce bite and said, it is a way to defend against the enemy by the wall.

"Lord, can't!" Zhou Yu thought without shaking his head and opposed the "Lord, is the city of Jiangdong a solid city of the Central Plains?" Zhou Yu asked Sun Ce on the side.

Sun Ce shook his head. Because the Jiangnan River was blocked by the Yangtze River, the city of Jiangnan was generally built low. And because of the wet soil, the foundation is not deep, and naturally it is not strong. Where are the old town pools that have been reinforced by the Central Plains and even hundreds of years of history.

"Lord, that Liuzhou of Yuzhou is sitting in the fortified city of Yuzhou, but the ending!" Zhou Yu said to Sun Bian on the side, the ending is that Liu Bei has only one Weinan in the stagnation.

Sun Ce sank, indeed, his Jiangdong's achievements are not as strong as those of the Central Plains. Even Yuzhou can't stand it. He also counts on these Jiangdong cities to hold on.

"Don't I really want to surrender like Liu Wei's child!" Sun Ce was a bit unwilling, and he still wanted to escape the lost face.

"Lord. We are not really surrendering to Liu Wei!" Zhou Yu smiled and said to Sun Ce.

"Well?" Sun Ce did not understand Zhou Yu's thoughts.

"The main thing we need now is to delay the time." Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce, what Jiangdong is currently missing is two things. The first is time, the second is money. As long as there are these two things, it is sooner or later that Jiangdong will recover.

“Is the main public important in face or is Jiangdong’s foundation important?” Zhou Yu looked at Sun Ce seriously.

Sun Ce did not speak, but was silent.

"If the Lord is important in the face, then the Lord is ready to surrender to the King Liu Liu, and the King Liu is kind, then the Lord may still be a rich family in Yangzhou for a lifetime, if Yu Wang Liu I am a little bit guilty, and there is no male under the Sun family." Zhou Yu speaks to Sun Ce.

Zhou Yu is not threatening Sun Ce, but the truth is that in general, the princes fight each other. In the end, losing one party is very miserable. For example, if you said Yuanshi of the original Yangzhou, what is the final outcome? The bodies are almost impossible to enter the soil. The only son is still dead.

The grandson of Liaodong was even worse, and all of them were burned to death by themselves.

If you surrender, for example, Xuzhou’s Taoist Tao Chi, Tao Qian’s death, the two sons have long disappeared into the world.

Because keeping these individuals is a trouble in the end, there will always be those who are dead or loyal, and even the traitor is using these banners to restore the old master to make you tireless, so the best way is to kill them.

"If the Lord can put the following, then we have a line of vitality!" Zhou Yu continued to speak to Sun Ce, Sun Ce's eyes are tight and tangled.

"Send two people, go all the way to Yangzhou. As long as the letter of the Lord is given to Xianger as a brother, then in the letter, tell Jiang to the pain of Jiangdong and see if he can let the king of the king transfer a batch of money. Come to Jiangdong, ease the urgency of Jiangdong, and then talk about the nostalgia for Shouchun. In the tone of the courtiers!" Zhou Yu gave Sunce a plan.

"What is this?" Sun Ce wondered.

"Let our aunt and prince Liu Wei reassured, but also sent a signal to the prince Liu Wei, that is, Jiang Dong is willing to surrender and see how good the conditions are given by this prince. It is also to delay the time!" Zhou Yu is facing Sun Ce said. Talking about conditions later is a normal way, because if you don't have any conditions like people surrender, what do people think? Have such a good person, talk about conditions with Yangzhou. Let him think that he can win Jiangdong without his blood, so that he can delay the time!

"There is still a way to Jingzhou! The main public in the name of the generals of the East, like Liu Biao, use our soldiers in exchange for Jingzhou's money and grass! As long as time and grain have been obtained. Then Jiangdong is still the main public Jiangdong, Sun Jia's Jiangdong. Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce.

"If the king Liu Yi is not willing. Or do you want to attack Jiangdong?" Sun Ce asked in confusion.

"If the king Liu Wei is still attacking Jiangdong blindly, then Yu is willing to coexist with the protagonist and Jiangdong!" Zhou Yu said firmly against Sun Ce.

"Okay, just gamble this!" Sun Ce was silent for a long time, and finally nodded heavily.

"Come on, come to me to catch up with the messenger of Yangzhou and say that there is a book in Benhou that needs the messenger to help." Sun Ce still took Zhou Yu's suggestion, defrauding time from Yangzhou, defrauding money from Jingzhou, once the two were in place. He Jiangdong is not the power of a war.


"This Sunce went home to the book?" In Yangzhou, Liu Wei is still very strange. This Sun Ce is the legendary righteousness. He got the inheritance of the Western Chu King. The West Chu King was not willing to cross Jiangdong. Therefore, Liu Wei is not surprised that Sun Ce will not directly write letters, and even killing the messengers is possible. Then he Liu Wei directly sent troops to push Jiangdong.

However, I did not expect Jiang Dong Sun Ce to return to the letter.

"Come up and see me!" Liu Wei said to the messenger below.

"Yes!" Soon the letter arrived in the hands of Liu Wei, Liu Wei looked at the past ten lines, wrote on it, a brother worried about his sister. Also related to love, Liu Wei nodded and nodded, this Sun Shangxiang and his brother's relationship is still good.

Go on. Liu Wei is a little frowning, because the above is the shortcomings of Jiang Dong, and the predicament of Jiang Dong, all of which are Sun Ce in the bitter water. I hope that Yangzhou can give support to Jiangdong.

Then there is the meaning, that is, Sun Ce has used a respectful name for Sun Shangxiang, that is, the meaning of the mother is inside, and even said that Liu Wei should send people to Jiangdong to discuss the conditions. This Jiangdong bully is to surrender. Alright? Liu Wei’s mouth could not help but curl up.

"The Sun Gong’s Sun Ce said something in the letter!" Xu Wei on the side asked Liu Wei doubtfully.

"Yuan straight. You can see it yourself!" The letter in the hand of Liu Wei was handed to Xu Wei on the side, and Xu Wei picked up the letter. I also looked at the past and soon read the "Lord. This Jiangdong bully wants to surrender?"

If Jiangdong Sun Ce wants to surrender, then Yangzhou’s policy on Jiangdong can be changed. If Sun Ce does not surrender, then it is enough to attack Jiangdong directly. However, if Sun Ce surrenders, then there is no need to send troops. Those munitions can be saved. Come down to appease the people of Jiangdong. The soldiers did not take the blood to win Jiangdong. This is what Liu Wei wants.

"Impossible!" Zhuge Liang on the side shook his head directly. "The Lord, this is the strategy of Jiangdong Sun Ce. He wants to delay the time." Zhuge Liang on the side only read the letter and immediately said it.

"Let the time?" Liu Yan frowned.

"Lord, this Jiangdong Sun Ce is a good strategy, no! It should be said that Zhou Yu Zhou Gong has a good plan, he actually wants to delay the time, so that my army can not win Jiangdong, so that he can get food from Jingzhou, and then in Jiangdong When Jiangma was formed, Jiangdong’s vitality was restored. Then I want to win Jiangdong and I need to pay a price several times more than now. This letter is probably written by Zhou Yu, in order to confuse me Yangzhou! Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei.

"Zhou Yu's plan?" Liu Wei is also hesitating. If it is on weekdays, then Liu Wei may immediately agree with Zhuge Liang's words, because regardless of whether Jiangdong surrenders or does not surrender, the meaning of Liu Wei is not hit, you do not surrender I will hit you, now I have a soldier and a big righteousness, and you are still playing.

However, this is Jiangdong, and Liu Wei is a little headache, because Liu Wei is from the present world. For Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, he always has an inexplicable feeling. Jiang Dongmei Zhou Lang is like gathering cards, that is A different kind of fun, Liu Wei has recovered Zhuge Liang, he wants to recover Zhou Yu, and even Liu Wei has a bad taste that is to let Zhou Yu give Zhuge Liang a hand, or let them be the official hall.

Therefore, Liu Wei is holding the heart of love for Zhou Yu, and Sun Ce is also. If you get these two people, then there will be three warriors in Liu Weiwu who will refine the gods.

There is also Xianger, this is the brother of Xianger. Liu Wei does not want to be too much, if he kills Sun Ce. Sun Shangxiang will hate him for a lifetime.

"Zi Jing, look at the handwriting of Sun Ce from time to time." Liu Wei shouted at Lu Su, who had never said a word on the side.

"Ah, yes, yes!" Lu Su was in a daze, interrupted by Liu Yiyi, and immediately responded to Liu Wei nodded and took the letter.

"Zi Jing, how are you always absent-minded these days?" Liu Wei was a little frowning, because it has been against Jiangdong in the past few days. Lu Su always can't afford to look like, just like a wood man, he can't play a suggestive role.

"Also ask the Lord to forgive the sins. If the Lord wants to attack the north and enter the Jingzhou, then he will naturally die and die. But this attack on Jiangdong, the minister, the court is really difficult to open, and Chen is dead." Lu Su is facing Liu Wei Say your own thoughts, if you attack Jingzhou. Or attacking Cao Cao, then Lu Su is bound to be a pawn, helping Liu Wei to make suggestions. However, this attack on Jiangdong, Lu Su really can not afford to be interested, because he Lu Su once worked in Jiangdong, although Sun Su did not seem to think that he is not his own Mingzhu, but Sun Ce is good for him Lu Su There is a grace of knowing, another Zhou Yu can be said to play with Lu Suguang ass, is Lu Su's best, although it is said to be their master. But Lu Su really doesn't want to deal with his friends.

"Zi Jing is so guilty of sin, loyalty. It is true to the old master, and more loyal to my Liu Weidang!" Liu Yan said with a smile to Lu Su.

"More. Thank you for your understanding!" Lu Su grateful to Liu Wei, who had nostalgia for the old master. This is very uncomfortable for the new master, just like a person who jumped to another new boss, but he still thought about it. The old boss is good, the new master can be happy, so Lu Su was just reluctant to be reprimanded by Liu Wei, but in the end Liu Wei not only reprimanded but also praised him.

Lu Su was grateful that Liu Wei naturally picked up the letter and read it well. The careful identification of one word and one word finally pointed to the above-mentioned Liu Wei’s fist: "Returning to the Lord, this is indeed Wu’s note."

Lu Su, who served as a military strategist in Sun Ce’s army, naturally knows what Sun Ce’s handwriting looks like.

"This is the handwriting of Sun Ce?" Zhuge Liang asked with a big eye and asked Lu Su on the side. "You must look carefully!"

Lu Su listened to Zhuge Liang’s words and read it again. The answer is “Kong Ming. This is indeed Wu’s handwriting. It’s not wrong. The tone of the above letter is also the same as that of Wu Hou.” When Lu Su was in Jiangdong I also saw Sun Ce’s attitude towards Sun Shangxiang’s speech. This book also has the same blame that Sun Ce ran away from his sister. In Sun Dong’s time, Sun Ce’s reprimanded Sun Shangxiang was the same.

"The Lord Gong is impossible. This Jiangdong bully will never surrender. If he wants to surrender, when I fire his tens of thousands of troops, I should write a book about Yangzhou’s words surrendering. How can it be delayed?" Zhuge Liang still Do not believe, he does not believe that Jiangdong bully will surrender, this Jiangdong bully is barely incomparable.

"This Wu Hou said that he is tired!" Lu Su said on the side of the ghost.

Liu Wei nodded. "Kong Ming, this Jiangdong bully, he is also a human being. He is reluctant. He always knows the current affairs. Now the situation in Jiangdong is there. What is Sun Ce’s use with me, and surrender is also a love. But the original, let alone the thing!" Liu Wei said to the people below. The thing he said in his speech, the following people all know what it means, that is, Sun Quan betrayed Sun Ce. "Zi Jing, how is this Sun Bofu's feelings about Sun Zhongmou?"

"Not a father and son, better than a father and son, the brothers are very profound!" Lu Su said to Liu Wei, you want to think that Sun Ce is Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu is very sensitive to people's ambitions. When you see Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu Like to get rid of this person, because he feels threat, he feels Zhuge Liang's ambition, such a person, unless it is used for his own use, or else he will kill as soon as possible.

The same is true for Sun Quan, so Zhou Yu reminded Sun Ce early, to guard against this younger brother. However, under such a situation, Sun Ce still wants to give Sun Quan the opportunity to let Sun Quan send troops to Linhuai and give him the opportunity to grasp the military power. It was this time that Sun Quan was rebellious, and Sun Ce was reluctant to kill Sun Quan.

"It’s no wonder that such a person betrayed him. He will be tired." Liu Wei remembered a person, Jiangdong bully and a person imagined. That is Liu Wei’s cheap father-in-law, Lu Bu, who both seem to have carved out from a mold. Lu Bu is also a person who can’t do it. However, when Lu Bu knew that he was betrayed by Hao Meng and Hou Cheng, Lu Buxin was also very tired, the feeling of hard-working. Lu Bu is not willing to bear.

This time Sun Ce was betrayed by Sun Quan and betrayed by his closest relatives. This is no less than someone who stabbed you in your heart. Sun Ce’s disappointment is also extenuating.

"But the Lord." Zhou Yu is vigilant against Zhuge Liang. Similarly, Zhuge Liang is also wary of Zhou Yu. They know each other what kind of person they are and know the strength of each other.

"Kong Ming has nothing to do! If my army enters Jiangdong, it is easy to win Jiangdong, but this Jiangdong people's heart. Is it necessary for me to kill one by one?" Liu Wei said to Zhuge Liang, laying down Jiangdong is easy, but want Jiangdong Governance, become a place of taxation, become a place of affluence, it can be difficult, Yangzhou is inherently lacking bureaucracy, this Jiangdong is killing one by one, who is going to manage it, if Jiangdong Sunce surrenders, it is not the same That's the case. Liu Wei can save more than half of the effort to make Jiangdong smooth.

"Subdued the Jiangdong bully, this can also reflect the ability of my Yangzhou!" Liu Wei surrendered a prince. With this prince as a template, it is much easier for others to be reduced again.

Zhuge Liang looked at the persuasion of Liu Wei, and could only sigh back.

"In this case, we need to send a person to go to Jiangdong and discuss the conditions with our Wuhou adults." Liu Yan smiled and said to the following civil martial arts "Who wants to go."

"Lord, Liang is willing to go!" Zhuge Liang took the lead and stood up.

Zhuge Liang’s positive is a good thing, but this time Liu Wei is frowning. This Zhuge Cunfu has been stopping Jiangdong from surrendering to Yangzhou. I don’t know why Zhuge Liang’s hostility to Zhou Yu is so big. Liu Wei is afraid that Zhuge Liang will go. It will be a bad thing. So I shook my head. "Kong Ming, it’s not that the king won’t let you go. But Kong Ming, you remembered the Yangtze River! The 60,000 Jiangdong Shuijun was sent to the bottom of the Yangtze River by Kong Ming, if you went to Jiangdong. I can't guarantee your safety!" Zhuge Liang destroyed Jiangdong's 60,000 elite army in a battle. Although it made Zhuge Liang's fame, it also made Zhuge Liang's name the object of Jiangdong's curse, because these 60,000 soldiers How many people in the horse are husbands, fathers and brothers! Therefore, if Zhuge Liang went to Jiangdong, Liu Wei also needed to send troops to protect Zhuge Liang.

"There are people who know more about Jiangdong than Liang," said Zhuge Liang, frowning. When Zhuge Liang was in Jingzhou, the military division of Jingzhou Jiangxia Shuijun knew Sun Si and Zhou Yu. "The main public only needs to send a team of people, even if there is no protection from the soldiers and horses, can he still hurt me?" Zhuge Liang said a bit disdain. He Zhuge Liang represents Yangzhou, is the representative of Liu Wei, he went to Jiangdong If it is hurt, it is that Yangzhou’s face is hurt, and Liu Wei is angry. Jiangdong has good fruit to eat! Therefore, even if Jiangdong Sunce hated Zhuge Liang in Jiangdong, he had to send troops to protect Zhuge Liang. Only by guaranteeing the safety of Zhuge Liang, he was able to better discuss conditions with Yangzhou.

Zhuge Liang said that it is correct, but Liu Wei is the main consciousness and does not want Zhuge Liang to make Jiangdong ah, I am afraid that Zhuge Liang has messed up, not to mention that there is really someone who knows more about Jiangdong than Zhuge Liang. Liu Wei can’t help but look at it. Going to Lu Su over there.

Although Lu Zijing of Lusu is a little honest, but also knows a little human feelings, this Zhuge Liang has been self-recommended by Mao, this has already made it clear that Lao Tzu is going to decide, whoever dares to grab, that is to go with Lao Tzu.

This is a matter of offending people. Lu Su is going to close his eyes and no longer care about it. But when he sees the light from Liu’s eyes, Lu Su can only smile in his heart. The thing that offends people is like It is fixed, but in desperation, Lu Su can only stand out. "Lord, Lu Su is willing to go." Lu Su said to Liu Yu.

"Zi Jing, you!" Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Su with a big eyes. You really don't say that Zhuge Liang really didn't have Lu Su. This Jiangdong locals know Jiang Dong, but Zhuge Liang did not think that Lu Su, an honest man, dared to come out. Offended him.

Looking at Zhuge Liang, that can eat his eyes, Lu Su has no way, he can not say that the main public Liu Wei is threatening himself, so Lu Su can only speak to Zhuge Liang on the side, "Kong Mingfei is my original It is the hometown of the Jiangdong people, but also the so-called soldiers, the second cut, and the second. The battle between Yangzhou and Jiangdong will surely make a living. It can be negotiated or negotiated!" Lusu means mine. Zhuge brother, I am a Jiangdong native. I naturally hope that Jiangdong peacefully surrenders to Yangzhou. In this case, everyone should not meet with each other. So Jiangdong is not a charcoal, and why can he talk about it?

"You!" Zhuge Liang pointed to Lusu, an honest man who wanted to argue but didn't know what to say. He had a mistake. Yes, people are Jiangdong people. People don’t want Jiangdong’s life to be charcoal. They also want to contribute to Jiangdong’s hometown. You can’t stop people.

"The main public, the child respects the real, does not make it!" Zhuge Liang persuaded the above Liu Weidao, Zhuge said that an honest man like Lu Su was sold by others and still gave money to others, such a fool you How can I let him go to Jiangdong?

Zhuge Liang, this is with Liu Wei. Liu Wei is also frowning, if you shoot Zhuge Liang. Then it may be a bad thing. In the end, if you don’t fight, you may become a war. Our Zhuge brothers are warlike and everyone knows this.

If you don't send Zhuge Liang to send Lusu. This is not good. This is the first time to offend Zhuge Liang. This second thing, Lu Su honestly everyone knows that Zhuge Liang has said it, and Lu Su’s Liu Wei is really afraid that Lu Su will sell himself.

"The main public, Zhuge Shangshu rest assured, my embassy, ​​will send a special person and Lu Shangshu to go to Jiangdong!" Or Yang Hong on the side stood up and gave Liu Wei a solution.

"Yang Foreign Minister!" Zhuge Liang can't make a temper because Yang Hong is responsible for foreign affairs. If you really want to count, then Zhuge Liang and Lu Su are both laymen. This Yang Hongcai is a serious master of the vertical and horizontal, I think that Jiangdong Zhang Zhao wants to benefit from Yang Hong’s hands. I did not expect to be played by Yang Hong.

Now Yang Hong has spoken, what can Zhuge Liang say?

"Good! There are such words as Hong Shu, Kong Ming, you should rest assured!" Liu Wei said with a smile, what Zhuge Liang can say.

"Lu Su went to the front to listen to orders!" Liu Wei said to the following Lu Su speech.

"Lu Su is in!" Lu Su went forward and bowed up.

"Lu Su, this version of life for you to send Jiangdong messenger to Jiangdong, all the big and small affairs have you set, you need anything to get from Yangzhou! Only one, go to Jiangdong to give me Jiangdong smoothly, is a battle Yes, and the child respects you!" Liu Wei’s right to Lusu is not too big. If Lu Su does not want to talk about it, then the 50,000-strong army that is now on standby can be directly under the command of Lusu. Attacked Jiangdong.

"Lu Su led the life, must not live up to the hope of the Lord!" Lu Su nodded very grateful to Liu Wei for his value.

Soon, the deliberation was over. Liu Wei had already set Lu Su as the ambassador. The person sent by Yang Hong as a deputy helped Lu Su to send Jiang Dong and Jiang Dong Sun Ce to discuss the appropriateness of surrender.

Zhuge Liang left the face with a bad look. Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang's appearance and could not help but shook his head. He quickly accelerated the speed and caught up with Zhuge Liang.

"Kong Ming, Kong Ming! Wait for me, wait for me!" Lu Su strode toward Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang heard the sound behind him and then saw that Lu Su Luzi could not help but cold up. "Is there something?"

"Kong Ming, you know, I really don't want to fight with you." Lu Su smiled and pointed at Zhuge Liang.

"Is it interesting to say this?" Zhuge Liang said to Lu Su.

"Kong Ming, you said that I am an honest person. I didn't expect the Lord's Guild to send me to Jiangdong. I don't want to do this. Jiangdong is my hometown after all. My family is still in Jiangdong, so Kong Ming you. I have to wait for more, I really don't want Jiangdong and Yangzhou to fight," Lu Su explained to Zhuge Liang.

“Hey!” Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Su’s sincere look and shook his head. “Zi Jing, Zi Zi, you are a big fool, but why is this pure benzene like a bell and drum! Jiang Dong Sun Ce, Jiang Dong Zhou Yu, you I don’t understand who they are? The Lord’s public hopes that Jiangdong can surrender. Can you not see Lu Su’s death? Jiangdong can all surrender, but these two people can’t surrender!” Zhuge Liang’s eyes widened to Lu’s speech. .

Sun Ce is a person, he is an ambitious person and has ambitions. If he is a military commander, then he will surrender Yangzhou and there is nothing Liu Wei may assign a heavy responsibility, but Sun Ce has another identity, that is, princes, so Once Sun Zi’s identity is over, he will be embarrassed. The princes who have surrendered since ancient times are generally raised like pigs. Do you say that Sun Ce, such an ambitious and ambitious person, would agree to Liu Wei’s captivity?

And Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu’s loyalty to Sun Ce who can’t see it? Sun Ce will not surrender. Similarly, Zhou Yu will not surrender the two are one.

"Kong Ming, me!" Lu Su did not know how to speak.

"Zi Jing. If you are a friend, then listen to me, the Lord is not giving you all the big things to do as the Lord! Let the front line General Lu Xun immediately send troops to Jiangdong to win the Wuhu generation, as a springboard to enter Jiangdong, and then pass through The county soldiers are divided into two roads and all the way directly to the north to attack the Jianye, all the way to the south to recover the Kuaiji, so that Jiangdong can break!" Zhuge Liang has long been ready to attack Jiangdong.

If Liu Wei teaches this post to Zhuge Liang today, Zhuge Liang will immediately send troops.

"Kong Ming, please forgive me, I can't promise you!" Lu Su on the side shook his head and refused Zhuge Liang.

"Why?" Zhuge Liang stared at Lu Su.

"The Lord Gong let me go to Jiangdong. It is difficult for me to decide not to go. Kong Ming’s soldiers are only going to be ruling and attacking the city." Lu Su also wanted to persuade Zhuge Liang.

"Don't tell me about the military book. Can Zhuge Liang see that the military book will be less than you Lu Su? I respect you, I tell you, you can't understand people's minds if you understand the military books. Let me tell you, you will tell you that you are wrong. I will also tell the Lord that this Jiangdong can't surrender. "Zhu Geliang said to Lusu and said that he would turn around and leave, and he ignored the screaming behind Lu Su.

"Kong Ming!" Lu Su bite his teeth. In fact, Lu Su also wants to listen to Zhuge Liang, because Zhuge Liang is his friend. It is also his confidant friend, but Lu Su can't do it, because Zhou Yu over there. Zhou Gongyi is also a friend of his Lu Su.

"You can rest assured that Kong Ming, I will definitely see everything when I go to Jiangdong. If there is any slight change in Jiangdong, I will inevitably let Jiangdong fall into the flames of war." Lu Su looked at the back of Zhuge Liang who was away and muttered to himself.

Zhuge Liang did not immediately go back to his house but went to the lobby of the Criminal Department. Zhuge Liang entered his office. He used a pen and ink paper and wrote it on it. It quickly became a hit.

"Come, come to me and send this letter to Jiangdong!" Zhuge Liang ordered the people under his hand.

"Well? You are this adult?" The men on the side were a little confused. To know that Zhuge Liang was rejected by Liu Wei in the hall of the proceedings, many people still know that he thought Zhuge Liang was not dying.

"What is the waste? This is just a family book. You can help me quickly and send it to Jiangdong." Zhuge Liang said to his own men with no anger.

"Yes!" I don't dare to speak more. Picking up the letter, I saw the letter on the top of the letter, respecting my brother Zhuge, the following is the name of Zhuge Liang. This is indeed a book.

“Does Kong Ming sent a letter to Jiangdong?” In Liu’s study, Xu Wei was on the side, and Xu Wei came to Liu Wei to report on these things from time to time, and he said with it, Zhuge Liang let The man sent a letter to Jiangdong.

"This Zhuge village husband carrying me a letter to Jiangdong? Is it?" Liu Yan frowned and doubted.

I saw Liu Wei frowning. Xu Wei hurriedly explained to Liu Wei, "The Lord, it is just a family book. Kong Ming has absolutely not betrayed the mind of the Lord." The relationship between Xu Wei and Zhuge Liang is still good. It can even be said that Xu Wei came to Yangzhou because of Zhuge Liang’s sake. He experimented with Liu Wei and finally joined Liu Wei’s majesty.

Liu Wei looked at Xu Wei and shook his head. "Yuan straight, where do you want to go, I am the kind of suspicion? He Zhuge Liang does not say that it is not a spy of Jiangdong, even if it is, then I also recognize" Liu Wei Said to Xu Wei, if Zhuge Liang is the spy of Jiang Dong Sun Ce, then this Sun Ce can still really get the blood, ah, the 60,000 elite water army, just to insert a spy? Then let's have a little more of this spy.

"I am angry that this Zhuge village husband, even not dead, but also carrying me to send a book!" Liu Wei did not say good. This Zhuge village husband, Zhuge Liang is such a enchanting, can he send ordinary books? Liu Wei did not believe it. Actually, Zhuge Liang had a brother Zhu Gejun who was an official in Jiangdong, but you didn’t contact me lately. Why don’t you contact now? This is not to be unwilling!

"Would you like to send someone to send the letter to the people, don't let this letter go to Jiangdong?" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei.

"No, let him send it, this Zhuge village husband will not give him a heart, it is better to let him send him to let him completely die!" Liu Wei did not stop Zhuge Liang, let him go. (To be continued)

Ps: first! There is one more, continue to seek rewards! R655


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