My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 656: Accept Jiangdong (3)

"Public, good news, good news! This Yangzhou Liu Wei has sent messengers to talk to us!" In the Yu Yu's house, Sun Ceyi got the news and ran to Zhou Yu's house against Zhou Yu's words. Road.

"Cough, cough! The good news is good news!" Zhou Yu is also very happy. "As long as he and Liu Wei are willing to discuss the conditions with us, then I have the opportunity. The people sent by Jingzhou have news there?" Zhou Yu continued to ask.

"Not yet, but it is also fast, why can't we talk directly with Liu Table?" Sun Ce was a little confused. Originally, according to time, he went directly to Liu Watch, so the speed was much faster, but Zhou Yu did not let Sun Ce find Liu Watch. Instead, I went to see Liu Jing, the current general of the military in Jingzhou, so that the whole speed was dragged down a lot.

"Lord, we can't directly look for Liu Biao!" Zhou Yu shook his head and said to Sun Ce. "If we go to Liu Biao directly, then everything will be exposed!" Zhou Yu can arrange a spy in Yangzhou. Similarly, Zhou Yu believes in Jingzhou. There are also many Yangzhou spies, and it can even be said that Jingzhou’s largest family of scholars and Cai’s family are Yangzhou’s spies. If you ask for Liu’s watch directly, then Jiangdong should not talk to Yangzhou directly, waiting for the Yangzhou army to come. Everyone is washing and preparing to be killed.

Therefore, Zhou Yu went to find another person, that is, Liu Jing, the general of the military commander who mastered the military power in Jingzhou, as long as Liu Wei agreed, the natural Liu watch is not in the words.

"Who is the messenger of the Yangzhou side of the protagonist?" Zhou Yu asked Sun Ce on the side, he needs to know who the messenger is to make countermeasures.

"The original messenger of Yangzhou was the Zhuge Kongming!" Sun Ce said to Zhou Yu.

"What!" When it comes to the name of Zhuge Kongming, Zhou Yu is like a cat that has been stepped on the tail. Jumped up. It almost broke the wound.

"Zhuge Kongming is coming! Not good. Lord Gong, this Zhuge Kongming is not good to deal with!" Zhou Yu brows up and is hostile to Zhuge Liang, because they are the same type of people, all smart people, Smart people repel the same **** for smart people.

"The public servant is not going to panic, I just said that it was originally Zhuge Kongming!" Sun Ce said with a smile to the side of Zhou Yu. It seems that Zhou Yu was afraid of Zhuge Liang,

"Well?" What does the Lord mean?

"Zhuge Kongming was originally going to give me Jiangdong, but it was rejected by the king Liu Wei! I changed someone to be a person you and I are familiar with." Sun Ce explained to Zhou Yu.

"Changed someone you and I are familiar with?" Zhou Yu asked a little confused.

"Yeah. This person is still a public friend of yours." Sun Ce said to Zhou Yu.

"My friend?" Zhou Yu thought for a while, suddenly raised his head and looked at Sun Ce. "Lord, are you saying?"

"Yes, that is Lu Su Lu Zijing." Sun Ce nodded and recognized Zhou Yu's speculation.

"It turned out to be a child!" Zhou Yu’s current feelings are like knocking over the kitchen. The feelings in her heart are in my heart. For Lu Su Zhou Yu, I really don’t know how to face him. It was his recommendation to Sun Ce. However, in the end, Lu Su was arrested by the Yangzhou Army, and later Sun Quan defeated. Lu Su was arrested again and counted as two times.

Zhou Yu wants to laugh. That is because he knows that Lu Su is an honest man. This Yangzhou Liu Wei is the brain being kicked. If you let Lu Su play a conspiracy, then Lu Su is definitely a good hand, but you let an honest man come. When the messenger, this is not to push into the fire pit, but Zhou Yu also wants to cry, because Lu Su is his best friend, if he pits Lu Su, Lu Su will not have good fruit after returning.

"The Lord Gong Yu has a request!" Zhou Yu said to Sun Qi on the side.

"Why do you and my brothers ask for help, let's talk!" Sun Ce looked at Zhou Yu with a bit of blame.

"If possible, Yu wants to ask the child to be in a position under the command of the Lord!" Zhou Yu asked Sun Ce.

"If you tell me where you are, the child is a high-ranking person. Let him stay in Jiangdong. I am too happy to be there, and I am naturally waiting for it!" Sun Ce knows Zhou Yu’s meaning. He is afraid that Lusu will be back after being pitted. If you don't go to Yangzhou, you have to compensate Lusu naturally. Lusu is a book in Yangzhou, but you can say that no one other than Xu Wei is higher than him. Therefore, Zhou Yu wants to prepare for him.

"Thank you for your lord!" Zhou Yu set his heart, and there was a lot less in his heart.

"The Lord does not know when this Yangzhou messenger will come to Jiangdong!" Zhou Yu asked Sun Ce on the side.

"It should be faster!" Sun Ce said, it will be two days, and be prepared early.


Above a Yangzhou Shuijun warship on the Yangtze River, Lusu stood at the bow of the ship, followed by several military commanders wearing armor.

On the other side of the Yangtze River is Jiangdong. Lu Su looked at the scenery there. He could not help but have a pleasant mood. Because Jiang Dong is his home, he came out from Jiangdong.

"Lu Shangshu, and then to the front is the boundary of Jiangdong, and I can no longer **** you!" A young soldier on the side said to Lusu.

"You can send a certain distance to thank you General Lu! Let's let a certain boat go ashore!" Lu Su is also holding a fist against the young general. Although this person is young, Lu Su does not dare to swear this person because this person is One of Yangzhou’s water commanders, except Gan Ning, can say that no one’s prestige is higher than him. Jiangdong Jingzhou, these two former Yangtze hegemons did not dare to say that this young general in front of him is Liu. The heart of the lover’s heart will be Lu Xun Lu Boyan.

"So Lu Shangshu left!" Lu Xun said to Lu Su.

Soon after a Lu Xun command, a small boat drove over and Lu Su went to Jiangdong with a boat.

No one on the way guides Lusu to go with the messenger group in the direction of Jianye.

"Come here, the Yangzhou messenger regiment is here!" The people on the way are actually happy, because the messengers of Yangzhou came, and the representative is peace, for the lives of the people of Yangzhou. Many people in Jiangdong are envious. Because many people in Jiangdong have gone to Yangzhou. They passed on by word of mouth, and some news brought back by some merchants made these people in Jiangdong envious of Yangzhou people, and 30% of the taxes were returned to Liangtian, which is simply a paradise life.

For the people of the messengers in Yangzhou, the people are welcome. Lu Su looked at the people who greeted him and also nodded directly. "Yang’s deputy does not need such tension. These people are not malicious to us." Yang Ye on the side has been keeping Be wary, he is the deputy ambassador Yang Hong asked for Lu Su. In addition to preventing Lu Su from selling himself, there is also the need to protect the safety of Lu Su. Yang Ye’s martial arts is still good. He watched the Jiangdong people gathered together and immediately became alert. The guards under his command also kept their eyes open and ready to guard, and even pulled out the sword.

"Adult, your safety first!" Yang Ye also saw the smile on the faces of these people, but Yang Ye did not dare to relax, there will be more people laughing, laughing and giving you a knife. .

"Forget it! Let's say it in the city!" Lu Su knew that he couldn't persuade Yang Ye and could only shake his head and prepare to enter the city. In other words, Lu Su was in a good mood, watching these people welcome themselves. Lu Su’s heart could not help but add a lot to Jiangdong, and he looked forward to the meeting between Sun Ce and Zhou Yu. If Jiangdong joins Yangzhou, then Lu Su can be the official with Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu’s ability to re-use him.

"Zi Jing, the front is a child!" Just in Lusu is still looking at the customs, there suddenly came a team outside the city gate.

"Protect the adults!" Yang Ye directly pulled out the sword.

"All the knives are collected!" Lu Su ordered the Yangye on the side to say, "No order is not allowed without my orders!" Lu Su has a trace of twilight, which is in the boundary of Jiangdong, and they are fast-forward. City, you are such a small team of people if you are malicious, you can't escape.

"Wu Hou?" Lu Su saw the person who called his name in front of him. This person is not the old master Sun Ce Sun Bofu who had been killed by Lu Su.

"Haha, Zijing, since the last time there has been more than a month, Zijing is getting more and more spiritual!" Sun Ce smiled and stepped forward to Lusu.

Who is Sun Ce, he is the master of Jiangdong, although Jiangdong is no longer able to do it, but there is also a status of Hou Ye, such an identity even out of the city gate can be said to give Lu Su face.

"Yangzhou messenger Lu Su Luzi has seen Wu Hou!" Lu Su will be dismissed from the horse and Sun Ce, but was stopped by Sun Ce.

"Hey, why do you want to see the child, but the son of Jiang Dong is going out, and under the palace of the king of the king, it is even more powerful for the king of the king! It is really enviable!" Lu Su did not know why he felt the words of Sun Ce. A trace of sourness.

"Since the representative of the royal family is the king of the king, it should be my next minister to honor the child!" Sun Ce said with a smile.

"Xia Chen? Sun Ce out of the city to meet!" Lu Su heart could not help but nod, can make this good face Jiangdong bully become so, this shows that Sun Ce really has the meaning of surrender.

"Come, Zi Jing, I will sign the horse for the son!" Sun Ce actually went to his own horse and came to Lu Su, so that Yang Ye was very nervous. If Lu Su ordered that they did not order to do it, they might I can go forward and kill Sun Ce.

"This, this is absolutely impossible!" Lu Su was a little confused. To be honest, Lu Su has not completely changed from this role, or Lu Su is an honest person. He never will be other people. What is the former Sunce, who is the boss of Lusu, the former boss gave you a car, how would you think?

"Why is it not possible, after the son respects us, we are the same as the official hall of the temple. They are all under the palace of the king of the king. The son respects you now as the book of the royal family of the king. The prince went to Yangzhou and it was just a military war." The official position is still above me. When I see the child, I don’t want to salute.” Sun Ce said with a smile at Lu Su.

In Yangzhou, the internal phase is super-good, and the following are the six books. These six books can be counted as compared with the three men of Handi. In the army, only one army commander can be equal to them. There are several commanders in Yangzhou! The only one who can command the whole army is Lu Bu. Even Zhang Liao, these old people, unless they are in the war, Liu Wei let them take the army, otherwise this official position can not match Lu Su.

Sun Ce went to Yangzhou, and it was really a warrior. When he saw Lusu, he was going to salute.

Although Sun Ce said so, Lu Su is still a bit awkward. In the end, Sun Ce forced the request, but Lu Su argued that Sun Ce could only lead the war horse.

Fortunately, this city gate is not so far away, so that Lu Su can also be relieved after a sigh of relief.

Looking at Sun Ce, who is holding the horse underneath, Lu Su nodded even more to Sun Ce. It seems that this Wu Hou really wants to surrender, otherwise the former Wu Hou can be killed or not.

Lu Su is observing Sun Ce. Sun Ce is not observing Lu Su. Sun Ce’s face is smiling, but this heart is gloomy and gnashing. How many times Sun Ce has to fall, this horse pulls out the sword and puts this Lu Su gave the chopping to the ground, but Sun Tseng was tolerated again and again, and the ancients had a slap in the face, and now I have a chance to bite my teeth.

The group is very hot, just like a family, Lu Su's vigilance is relaxed to the lowest.

Sun Ce is confusing Lu Su, but he does not know that Sun Ce’s every move has been eye-catching. Several servant-like people look at Sun Ce’s eyes and give it to Lu Su, and immediately move toward the alley. Going, disappeared into the alley, and finally appeared in the houses of various sects. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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