My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 657: Accept Jiangdong (4)

In the Jianye, the Shizuzu’s left house is above the top of our house. Our stalwart adult is standing on the bed. “Hey, hey!” Zuo Li was in pain on the bed, and his age was already big. This is another good fight, although it only played three boards, but this old body can not hold back.

"Oh, rumor! Who is it, even the master of our family is like this." On the side of the old man, he took care of Zuoli on the bed. This is the big lady of Zuo Li, this year has fifty A few more. I am an old woman in Jiangdong.

"It’s not the Zhuge Chang who made the new master of the lord!" One looks very similar to Zuo Li, and he is so good that he is so good that he is beaten by such an outside kid, which makes us face of the left family. Where to go, go out later, other sects will see us like this. "This little master of the left family is angry, his old man was beaten, and he played so beautifully, because he was beaten by his superiors. If it was the original Zhang Zhao, it was justifiable. After all, Zhang Zhao is an old-fashioned Jiangdong scholar. People are the boss of the sect. It is an honor for you to be beaten by a younger brother. However, this young man’s tone is very different. “When our family was in Jiangdong, it was the strict white tiger Xugong. Which one is not against my father, an outsider, or a backstage, so that he was beaten by his left family, so that the scholars would laugh at their left family.

The Jiangdong sects are not in a group. After all, there are naturally many disputes.

And there is the right to take the left stand, and let the left family become a joke, that is, tell those Jiangdong scholars to be honest. Otherwise let you be like the left family.

"This is the main public Wu Hou is getting more and more confused. This Jiangdong will be defeated in his hands sooner or later!" Zuo Li's son Zuo Jie said resentfully.

"Cautious!" Zuo Li on the side said to his son. This Jiangdong is originally the site of Sun Ce, or not too much, to know that the left family had support for Yan Baihu and Xu Gong, but in the end there was no way, only to support Sun Ce.

Zuo Li’s heart is also full of resentment. This Zhuge is a thing, even dare to do so, his **** can only be squatted. It’s hurting to sit down. The injury on this **** is small. It’s true that this face is lost, so Zuo Li is very resentful, but he has to endure resentment. Who makes his family his boss? Sun Ce’s attitude towards the sects also changed, because the Jiangdong sect and Sun Quan went too close, and Zhang Zhao was the best attitude of Sun Ce, and even pulled Zhang Zhao’s ambassador out. Although he was stubborn, he was not stupid. If he accidentally gets the handle, he can't stand Zhang's home. So this fight is a hit.

"Master, lord!" Just as the Zuo Li family sighed, the servant-like person over there rushed to the left-facing bedroom. "The big things are not good, the big things are not good! ”

"Call, what is it! I don't know the rules!" Zuo Jie was upset. He saw this ignorant servant rushing. He went up and slapped the past and beat the slave. "Your family is very good! Hey! Dog stuff, don't talk to people, ask me to teach you." Zuo Jie slaps this slap.

If it wasn’t for Zuo Li, I’m afraid this servant couldn’t see a face. Even if this servant’s face is still red and round, people who don’t know think it’s fat.

"Zuo Feng? You are not going?" Zuo Li said halfway, stopped his mouth, he looked around, no one, he called to his son, "Go, close the door, don't let anyone come in!" "Zuo Jie did not know why his old man had to do this, but he was obedient to let the left and right have been shielded. He also sent people to stay outside the courtyard and not let people come in."

"Is there a message?" Zuo Li asked this question to the left front. This left front is a person left to go out to wander around Wuhoufu. Now Wu’s attitude towards the Jiangdong sects, they don’t know one by one, they are afraid, Wu Hou is dragging himself because of the second son’s affairs, so that he There is still a reaction.

"Well, Master, there is news, the big thing is not good." The left front was screaming again, and saw that Zuojie, the left-handed master, had to raise his hand to scare a Ji Ling, nor Exaggerated again.

"Say, what happened!"

"Master! Yangzhou, Yangzhou came to the messenger!" Zuo Feng said to Zuo Li and Zuo Jie.

"Yangzhou came to the messenger?" Zuo Li frowned. What did Yangzhou send to the messenger? Is it a remark? However, Zuo Li did not have too much heart. "On this matter?" This left wing is too much of a fuss.

"Master, this ambassador of Yangzhou, you still know." Zuo Feng said to the left.

"I know?" Zuo Li has a doubtful interest. "Who is this Yangzhou messenger?"

"The last time the master did not remember to go to the Yuhang to drink alcohol!" Zuo Feng reminded.

"Lu Jia?" Yu Hang, who can let Zuo Li go to drink, is also a Lu family.

"Yes, this is the big master of this Lu family." Zuo Feng last time followed the left standing.

"Lu Su?" Zuo Li stunned, this Lu Su was once the pride of Lu family, not only talented, but also the governor Zhou Jiang of Jiangdong is the turn of the corner, so Lu is very proud to have this A child.

Later, Lu Su was recommended by the general governor Zhou Yu to become the military division of Jiangdong. He was killed by the main public, Sun Ce, and even let Lu’s family be infinite. Even after Lu Su was captured, Lu’s family still paid a heavy fortune. At that time, no one dared to look down on the Lu family. Lu Su later followed the second son and grandson to send troops to Linhuai. This time, the Lu family was lonely. Because according to the news from the second son, Lu Su has been killed by Yangzhou people. The last time Lu family asked the left family to go to dinner, Lu family wanted to ask Zuo Li to help, and take care of them Lu Jia.

However, I did not expect that this Lujia Dagong not only died from Yangzhou, but also turned into a messenger of Yangzhou. It’s really a change.

"Looking like this Lusu Lu Zijing is not bad in Yangzhou!" Zuo Li nodded, can be used as a messenger in general, the status is not low, can let Lu Su out of Jiangdong, which also explains The master of Yangzhou is very valued to Lu Su.

"Master, this is not a lord, you know what is the most surprising thing." Zuo Feng began to sell off, but if only the master is one, then he sells off, the master may also reward him with two silver flowers, but unfortunately There is also a big son on the side.

Zuo Jie hates people's surprises. "If you have a fart, you will have to worry about it. There are so many things to come!"

I got such a reward, and Zuo Feng had a lot of teachers. "Wang, Wu Hou, Wu Hou actually went to the city to meet the messenger of Yangzhou, and also helped the messenger of Yangzhou!" Zuo Feng grievances said.

"What!" Zuo Li slammed over his body. This turn was painful, but Zuo Li has already taken care of it. "Are you sure you are not mistaken?" Zuo Li looked at his servant.

"That's true, the villain is not mistaken. If the master doesn't believe it, you can go find some people. They can see it at the gate of the city!"

"Quick and happy, ready!" Zuo Liqiang resisted the pain in his **** and gnawed his teeth! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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