My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 658: Accept Jiangdong (5)

"Father, where are you going now!" Zuo Jie did not understand, because his father is now injured, and this time should be a good rest instead of going to the place to run around.

"I still have a rest? This is burning firebrows. It’s hard to be left in our left house!" Zuo Li flustered and refused to take care of the pain. But on the butt, he did not live up to expectations. Blood rushed out, and the painful left-handedness was a grin.

"Come on, bring the whole bed to the father and go to prepare the carriage!" Or the young man of Zuo Li thought again, and immediately let people prepare the carriage, his father's **** hurts, then simply move the bed together.

Soon the servant came over and the carriage was ready. Zuo Li was about to get on the carriage but shook his head again. "No, no, no carriage, the carriage is too conspicuous. For the oxcart, I used a shed to cover it." Left to speak, this side has tossed for a while, and this is the beginning.

"Hey, where are we going?" Zuo Jie still doesn't understand why this old man is so awkward.

"Where to go? Go to Zhangfu!" Zuo Li said to the son on the side.

"Go to Zhang Chang’s home? Hey, this Zhang Changzhi has to leave, what are you doing to him?"

"Zhang Chang can't go and can't go away, let you go where you go, so much nonsense!" Zuo Lizheng is annoyed, his son said more than this is not to find it.

Zhang Zhao's house is on the other side of Jianye City, so Zuo Li's **** is very uncomfortable, but fortunately it has arrived.

Zuo Li’s oxcart did not dare to walk the main entrance but walked through the back door.

I didn't expect the back door to be very congested. What a broken piece of the car, what broke the carriage appeared. They are all concealed and concealed.

When the left father and son entered the Zhang family. I found that there are already some better people there.

"Zuo Taishou is also coming! Zuo Tai Shou is still a good injury!" The acquaintance on the side greeted him.

"No! But I have to come." Zuo Li smiled bitterly.

‘This Zhuge 瑾 Jingzhou 佬 is actually so vicious to the left. It’s true that the Lord’s lord was blinded by the villain, and even the old-fashioned people like this have to go. "The acquaintances on the side yelled at the enemy against the left.

If it is a weekday, Zuo Li may have complained about it, but now it seems that Zuo Li does not have that mind, because he is now a distress.

"Where is Zhang Changzhi, the old man has something to discuss with Zhang Daren!" Zuo Li was very anxious. Zhang Zuo soon appeared in the emergency of Zuo Li.

"Left to the front, our family's homeowner called Zuo Taishou to go to the study!" Zhang Zhao's butler ran over to the following few sects of the family, and naturally shouted some Jiangdong Da Shi. Those little people are not in scope.

Into Zhang Zhao's study, everyone else walked past, and only Zuo Li Taishou was lying in the past.

Into the room of Zhang Zhao, naturally, I have to ask for a cold, and I will quickly cut into the subject.

"Do you know what?" Zhang Zhao said, "This Yangzhou messenger has already arrived at Jiangdong!" Zhang Zhao said to the following Jiangdong family owners.

This is naturally known. If you don't know these things, how can these personal people come to Zhang Zhao's house?

However, these few people are not good at it. They have an idea in addition to waiting for Zhang Zhao’s idea to let Zhang Zhao make a head bird, or let Zhang Zhao’s Zhang family pay more. So that they can get more benefits, it would be better if they could bring Zhang Jia to the same level as them.

Zhang Zhao’s heart snorted. This gang’s family owner, Laozizi, thinks that he will get good benefits without paying. It is simply a dream.

Zhang Zhao is also indifferent. "Good, come well!" Zhang Zhao smiled at the following few homeowners. "The messenger of Yangzhou is coming. I don't need to fight with Yangzhou in Jiangdong. Everyone is doing a good job under the palace of the king of the king. It's a pity that I don't have this blessing in Zhang's family. Zhang has to leave this land of Jiangdong. I have to go to that place!" Zhang Zhaoyi’s deputy did not matter how high he was hanging. It was also that Zhang Zhaodu was sent to Xu Du by Wu Housun, and these things really have nothing to do with his Zhang family. It is.

"Zhang Daren, can't you, you can't go!" As soon as I saw Zhang Zhao, I wanted to be the treasurer. Now a bunch of homeowners on the side were panicked. If Zhang Zhao’s heart ran, then they could No association.

Although Zhang Zhang’s right vacuum can free up more than half of the positions of Zhang’s right to let them fill the vacancies, if Jiangdong joins Yangzhou, they can panic, and after all, they are old. At the beginning of the family, when Sun Ce was stationed in Jiangdong, how many Jiangdong scholars were eradicated, such as Xu Gong’s Xu family, such as Yan Baihu’s Yan family, and what are the two relatively close to each other. Pulled up the roots.

Therefore, they are more flustered, and even if the new owner of Yangzhou Liu Wei does not deal with them, then the bureaucracy of Yangzhou will not let go of this big cake of Jiangdong, when it is time to be overwhelmed, so the existing The vested interests of the taxi family are unwilling to change the boss.

"Zhang Daren, this master has begun to give the Lu Zijing a horse. This Jiangdong still has a few days, can't be like this, Liu thief, must not teach him Jiangdong, this Liu butcher was killed in the city How many of our sects, Zhou Xiong, Wang Xiong, and Dai Xiong," said a sect of the sect of the sect, the kind of deep-sickness and sorrow that made him feel the disgust of Yang Xi, the king of Yangzhou. .

It’s no wonder that after Liu Min’s entry into the Lijiang River, it was a killing. When other princes killed the sects, they might think about these consequences. However, Liu Wei is different. He doesn’t want to, he just wants I don’t think anyone is going to remind him that Chen Gong is not around. Liu Wei is surrounded by a group of generals. For Liu Wei, as long as someone threatens him, then it’s natural to get rid of it, so before Chen Gong’s It was too late to come to Yucheng to stop Liu Wei. Liu Wei had already killed all these scholars like watermelons.

Such a behavior of Liu Wei completely made his butcher's name sit down. The Lijiang sects were originally associated with the Jiangdong sect. Now they have been killed so much that they can prevent these Jiangdong sects from being enemies!

"No, the Royal Highness of the King is still the King of the Great Han, it should be kind!" Zhang Zhao said with a smile: "There are no hatreds under the Royal Highness of the King, and the Royal Highness will not find you trouble." ""

Zhang Zhao’s words made the following group of Jiangdong Shijia’s family more horrible. Where is your comfort words? It’s completely intimidating. Which Jiangdong sect in Jiangdong did not have a festival with the prince Liu Wei You said this is not a threat!

This is not clear to tell the gangs of the Jiangdong sect. If the prince Liu Wei is in Jiangdong, then the first ones will die.

Although Jiangdong has been ruined, but how to say this gang is still very rich.

"Zhang Daren, you can't go, can't go, what do we do when you leave!" The owner of a single gentry is completely panicked.

"But the lord has let me leave Zhang Zhao to go!" Zhang Zhaoyi, who can help, looks at these sects.

"Zhang Daren, you can't go, you are our main heart, you are the hope of our Jiangdong sect." Some of the owners bite their teeth and sighed. "We are going to ask the Lord not to let the Lord drive away Zhang Daren, but we are Jiangdong bones!"

"It's useless! The Lord has already sighed. Zhang Zhao said with helplessness that Sun Ce is now bringing the messengers of Yangzhou to the horse. He will care about other things. Sun Ce will listen to this gang."

"That can be done like this!! Can we wait here to die!" Some people showed a look of fear.

"Unless!" Zhang Zhao suddenly said a word.

"Unless?" Hearing that Zhang Zhao had a turning point, a group of sects and family members were all very happy, but this is what it means.

"Unless we changed the Lord!" or the old stubborn on the side of the left is much more stubborn.

Zhang Zhao couldn’t help but see the left eye. This left-handed guard is really not seen by our Zhang Chang’s adults. After all, our Zhang Chang made the adults, but our left-handed Shangguan, who used to think that this left is Old confused, is an old stubborn, now it seems that this old confused and clever, he is a great wisdom and deliberate.

"Change the Lord?!" This is an opening. Immediately, a group of sergeants are all stunned. This is a big rebellion. What is called a change of the lord? If it is heard by Sun Ce, there is still good. It’s all about rebellion.

So one by one subconsciously shrinks the neck and looks out the window.

"Reassure that this is my Zhang Fu, there will be no ears in the wall." Zhang Zhao dispelled these personal concerns.

For the lord, this is still a surprise to their gangster family, but surprised to surprise, this group of people have begun to count, you can not expect this group of people to be good people, are a bunch of people to eat Tubal, loyal? Oh, for them, loyalty is also a loyalty to their own family. As for others, if the lord gives them benefits, then they will be loyal, but if the lord can not bring enough benefits to them, then worship. Let me.

Therefore, changing the dynasty over and over again in history is not that the enemy is too powerful, but that there is a group of traitors around you.

"This is the change of the Lord, who is it? Is it to let the king of Liu Wei into the Jiangdong?" Some people wondered, this change of the Lord to let Liu Yu into Jiangdong is also a change of the Lord.

"What do Zhang Daren think of the second son?" Zuo Li asked Zhang Zhaoxiao Yingying! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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