With the affirmation of Qinqin Fourth Master, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Then let's go home now and let Uncle Chen cook something delicious for us."

Looking at her own fourth master, Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

Looking at the little wife who was snickering like a successful little fox in his arms, a look of helplessness flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes again, but the pampering in his eyes was even stronger.

Forget it, principles and majesty, in front of his little wife, those are not worth mentioning at all, even a hair of his little wife can't compare.

Isn't everything he did to make his little wife carefree? Don't you just want to let the little wife do whatever she wants under his protection?

His little wife is more important than anything else, even... his life!

"Let's go, let's go to the supermarket by the way, I want to buy something."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi stood up holding his arm, and then pulled him out.

And Di Yanmo let her pull him away, his deep eyes only looked at her dotingly, without any dissatisfaction.

Before leaving the box, Lin Qian Yi put her hands behind her back and secretly made a Y to Di Yanfeng and the others from behind.

Seeing the door being closed again, the few people in the box still couldn't react.

Their ruthless boss, who is uncompromising in his actions, really let the person who wants to be punished just like that? !

The eyes of several people are full of disbelief!

At this moment, they deeply felt how powerful their sister-in-law is!

Just being coquettish, plus pretending to be pitiful, can make their stern boss surrender instantly and follow her obediently!

Is this world really going to be fantasy? !

Why did they encounter so many incredible things in one day! !

As for Qi Ling and Song Le, who had walked from hell, their bodies completely collapsed after Di Yanmo's figure disappeared, and they fell powerlessly on the sofa.

The two sat slumped on the sofa, their eyes met inadvertently, and then moved away instantly, as if they were frightened.

"By the way, fourth master, do you eat dumplings? Mushroom stuffed."

Sitting in the car, Lin Qian Yi asked fourth master who was holding a document beside him.

"Well, eat."

Di Yanmo looked up from the document to his little wife, and after finishing speaking, he looked back at the document in his hand.

The corners of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up slightly about her family's act of kissing Fourth Master, and her bright eyes could not conceal her joy.

She found that his dear fourth master would look at her whenever he talked to her.

This kind of behavior made Lin Qian Yi feel how much her family's fourth master cared about her.

She was so favored by Qinqin Fourth Master, which must have made many people jealous, and how lucky she was.

Fortunately, I was able to meet her family's fourth master.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face became brighter and brighter, as if her mood was about to fly.

And Di Yanmo, who was looking down at the document, raised his head to look at her at this moment, seeing the bright smile on her face, his deep eyes softened more and more.

His little wife can always touch his mind.

But, when will his little wife be willing to accept him wholeheartedly?

After so many years, he could hardly bear it anymore, but he didn't want to hurt his baby and his little wife, not even a little bit!

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