My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 105: Serving Dumplings for Kiss Fourth Master

On the way home, the two went to the supermarket to buy a pack of dumplings and some daily necessities.

After returning home, Di Yanmo went to the study room to deal with things, while Lin Qian Yi carried the dumplings she bought into the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi come into the kitchen, Chen Bo was surprised.

"Ma'am, do you need anything? Uncle Chen will get it for you."

Chen Bo walked up to Lin Qian Yi respectfully, and said with a kind smile.

He became more and more satisfied with this lady.

Because, only after the wife came to this house, the young master's face became more emotional, and he finally appeared to be a little popular.

The current young master is finally no longer a cold and heartless robot.

Therefore, Uncle Chen is grateful to Lin Qian Yi. He really hopes that his young master and his wife will be so happy for a long time.

Seeing Uncle Chen, Lin Qian Yi also had a smile on her face.

"No, Uncle Chen, I just want to come in and cook some dumplings."

With that said, Lin Qian raised a bag of dumplings in Yang's hand.

Hearing this, the smile on Uncle Chen's face became brighter, and he looked at Lin Qian Yi with a smile in his cloudy eyes, "Madam is planning to serve dumplings to the young master?"


Lin Qian Yi nodded, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on her face, "I can only serve this kind of wrapped dumplings, and I'm not good at cooking other dishes."

Although her mother taught her how to cook, for some reason, every time she cooks, the dishes seem to have been destroyed thousands of times.

It makes people have no appetite at all.

Therefore, for more than 20 years, her mother cooks in her family. If her mother goes on a trip or something, she basically orders takeaway directly.

Regarding Lin Qian Yi's embarrassment, Chen Bo didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Because, in his opinion, with the degree to which their young master dotes on his wife, he must be reluctant to let his wife cook every day.

Madam only needs to be with the young master, other things, don't they just have servants like them?

So, their wives are so virtuous that they even made dumplings for their young master.

The madam and the young master are so affectionate.

Thinking of this, Chen Bo became more and more satisfied with Lin Qian Yi.

"Does Madam need to prepare something? Uncle Chen, I will prepare it for you."

With that said, Uncle Chen was going to get the ingredients in the refrigerator.

"No, no, no, Uncle Chen, it's very easy for me to order dumplings. I don't need to prepare anything, just do it myself."

Seeing that Uncle Chen wanted to get something, Lin Qian Yi hurriedly stopped him.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's insistence, Uncle Chen didn't say anything else, and then left the huge kitchen with a smile, leaving the kitchen to Lin Qian Yi.

After Uncle Chen left, Lin Qian Yi seemed to have a lot of work in the kitchen, and then began to make dumplings.

In fact, her making dumplings is very simple, that is, boil water and put it down to cook for a while, add oil and salt, and then take it out.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Qian Yi was at the door of Di Yanmo's study with two bowls of dumplings.

Carefully holding the tray with one hand and opening the door with the other, Lin Qian Yi walked in with a smile on her back carrying her trophy.

"Kiss fourth master, eat dumplings."

Lin Qian Yi put the dumplings on the tea table in the study, and then looked at the fourth master who was reading documents behind the desk with a smile.

From the time Lin Qian Yi opened the door, Di Yanmo already knew that she was coming. When he saw the dumplings in her hand, a flash of surprise flashed in his deep eyes, and then he was full of pampering.

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