However, Lin Siwan shook her head, and the self-blame on her face deepened.

"It's my fault. I know they are uneasy and kind, and I know what kind of people they are, but I still have a glimmer of hope in him."

Lin Siwan said painfully.

And the people she was talking about were Yue Kelin and Zhu Lihua.

"If I had made a decision earlier and had been more ruthless, maybe you wouldn't have been nearly killed by them."

Lin Siwan tightly held her hands together, whenever she thought of that scene, she regretted it endlessly.

She actually believed in an extremely cold-blooded person, she was too ridiculous and too stupid!

Moreover, because of his own stupidity, his daughter was almost killed.

She hates and regrets.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi sighed silently.

After all, it is still a word of love.

"Mother, I really didn't blame you, I never did."

Lin Qian Yi took a deep breath, and finally called out the word 'mother', "Besides, I also know that you love me very much, so... I love you too."

When the word "mother" was called out, Lin Qianyi felt relieved immediately, and felt relaxed.

At the same time, a sincere smile appeared on the beautiful little face.

Hearing Lin Qian Yi's mother, Lin Siwan's eyes widened suddenly, and then she wept with joy, the tears of happiness kept falling.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for forgiving mother."

Lin Siwan said to Lin Qian Yi excitedly while shedding tears of joy.

Since Lin Siwan regained her memory, she has been blaming herself, fearing that her daughter would not forgive her.

Wouldn't even listen to any of her explanations.

However, she never expected that her daughter would forgive her so easily.

"Okay, don't cry. Didn't my daughter forgive you? Why are you still crying?"

After hearing Lin Qian Yi's words, the man's eyes also turned red.

However, he still comforted Lin Siwan at any time, which shows how much he cares about Lin Siwan.

"I-I'm just so happy."

Lin Siwan sniffled, took the tissue from the man's hand, and quickly wiped away the tears on her face.

"Okay, but if you cry again, be careful that your daughter laughs at you."

The man joked with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Siwan's expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

Seeing the two getting along, Lin Qian Yi smiled sincerely.

She could see that the man really loved her mother, moreover, he loved her very deeply, deep into the bone marrow.

Therefore, she absolutely believed that a man would love her mother forever.

After a while, Lin Siwan suddenly seemed to remember something, and said to Lin Qian Yi:

"Yiyi, the reason why mother hasn't looked for you for so many years is because I lost my memory after being pushed off the cliff.

I was washed into the sea, luckily I didn't die, but was rescued by Junhua, after I woke up, I didn't remember anything. "

Lin Siwan explained.

Although the daughter said to forgive her, there are still some things that need to be explained, otherwise, it would be bad to make her sad.

She had finally found her daughter, but she didn't want to lose her again.

After hearing Lin Siwan's explanation, Lin Qian Yi was not surprised, but looked stunned.

This was just as she had guessed, and there really was some reason, that's why they didn't look for her.

However, as long as the mother is still alive.

"It's fine, now we can finally reunite."

Lin Qian Yi's face was full of joy.

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