"Yes, yes, we can finally reunite."

Lin Siwan nodded again and again, the tears that had just stopped almost welled up again.

The man, that is, Bai Junhua, patted Lin Siwan's back gently with one hand, then looked at Lin Qian Yi and said:

"Actually, I fell in love with your mother at first sight, when I rescued Siwan, it wasn't the first time we met.

We also met in country A for the first time, but at that time, I just watched her from a distance, and we didn't say a word.

However, her every move is deeply imprinted in my mind, and I will never forget it.

At that time, I happened to be in a hurry, so I planned that after the matter was over, I would immediately find Siwan and pursue her.

However, I was entangled in things, and I didn't escape until half a year later, and came to country A again.

However, it was too late, Siwan already had someone she liked, and it was time to get married, so I chose to quit.

The third time we met was when I rescued Siwan, she was seriously injured at that time, so I immediately took her to country G to be treated by the best doctor in the world.

However, the injury was too serious. Although the person was rescued, he lost all his memories.

After that, I secretly investigated and found out that it was Yue Kelin who killed Siwan. "

Speaking of this, Bai Junhua's old face turned slightly red, obviously very uncomfortable.

"After knowing the ins and outs, I didn't tell Siwan the truth. Instead, I lied to Siwan that I, I am his fiancé."

After the words were spoken, Bai Junhua's old face turned even redder.

And the people present looked at him with a strange look.

Of course, more of a joke.

Unexpectedly, Bai Junhua actually made a plot that only exists in TV dramas.

Is this fate? Lovers get married?

However, Lin Siwan was not angry about this, she looked at Bai Junhua with eyes full of love, and her soft face was filled with a happy smile.

Obviously, she really fell in love with Bai Junhua.

Lin Qian Yi and the others did not interrupt him, but continued to wait for his next words.

After seeing his wife's happy smile, Bai Junhua immediately let go of the big stone in his heart, and his old face didn't turn red anymore.

"Although I didn't tell Siwan the truth, I thought about helping Siwan take back the Lin family, but my family power is only in country G.

Therefore, I can't do anything to Yue Kelin in country A.

Over the years, I have also developed some influence in country A, but I still can't gain the foundation of Yue Kelin.

Now that the dust has settled, Yue Kelin finally got what he deserved. "

When he heard Yue Kelin, Bai Junhua's face was full of anger.

Bai Junhua calmed down, and then continued, "Over the years, I've actually had people looking for you.

However, Yue Kelin's facts were too clean, and there was no trace of them at all.

If it wasn't for Yue Kelin this time, I'm afraid I still couldn't find you. "

Bai Junhua explained, letting Lin Qian Yi know that she had never been abandoned.

After listening to Bai Junhua's explanation, Lin Qian Yi nodded, her bright eyes were full of sincerity, "Thank you."

Thank you for never giving up.

"What about Wenxi? Who is Wenxi?"

After learning about the past, Lin Qian Yi was relieved, then looked at Yao Wenxi, and asked Lin Siwan and the two of them.

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