Yao Wenxi, who was mentioned, straightened his back instantly, and looked at Lin Siwan and Bai Junhua with burning eyes.

Although he has not spoken just now, it does not mean that he is not in a hurry.

After hearing that Lin Qian Yi was not abandoned, she wanted to know even more if he was not abandoned.

Although he is living a good life, he also likes his current life.

However, everyone would want to know whether he was an abandoned person or not.

Lin Siwan looked at Yao Wenxi, with a relieved expression just now, and now she suddenly blamed herself.

Seeing Lin Siwan's self-blaming appearance, Bai Junhua quickly hugged her into his arms, and gently patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Let me tell."

Bai Junhua also looked at Yao Wenxi with an apologetic face, but his eyes were very kind and grateful.

Yao Wenxi didn't respond, but just clenched his hands tightly and fixed his eyes on Bai Junhua.

As if he was afraid, what he heard was not the answer he wanted.

After Bai Junhua explained again, everyone understood the whole story.

Yao Wenxi is the son of Lin Siwan and Bai Junhua.

After Lin Siwan was rescued by Bai Junhua, although she lost her previous memory, under Bai Junhua's sincere care day and night, she gradually developed feelings for him.

Moreover, they got married two years later and had Yao Wenxi soon after.

Just when they thought they could live happily as a family of three, Yao Wenxi suddenly disappeared.

To be precise, Yao Wenxi disappeared at his home.

Lin Siwan had just given birth and was recuperating at home. She was probably too tired that day and slept relatively deeply.

And Yao Wenxi, who was just born, slept in a small bed not far from her bed.

However, when Lin Siwan woke up, Yao Wenxi disappeared, along with a servant at home.

In this case, you don't need to think about it to know that someone did it on purpose.

At first, Bai Junhua thought that the servant stole Yao Wenxi because he wanted money.

However, several days passed without any movement.

There was no news from even the police.

A month passed, and there was still no news. The servant and Yao Wenxi seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Even Bai Junhua invited all the private detectives in country G to search, but still found nothing.

This search has been looking for more than 20 years.

And Lin Siwan also became seriously ill because of Yao Wenxi's disappearance, and her body became weaker.

"Actually, I know in my heart that it was all done by my elder brother, but I have no proof. For more than 20 years, I have been unable to do anything to him!"

When it came to the end, Bai Junhua looked angry, but more helpless.

After all, I know who did it, but I can't find any evidence. This kind of feeling is really aggrieved.

"Moreover, the reason why Siwan fell into such a deep sleep at that time was entirely because she was given sleeping pills."

With Bai Junhua's explanation, he hoped that Lin Siwan would stop blaming himself, and at the same time, he also hoped that Yao Wenxi would not hold grudges against Lin Siwan's mother.

"how about you?"

Yao Wenxi, who had been listening quietly all this time, suddenly spoke, looked at Bai Junhua and asked, "Where were you at that time?"

Facing Yao Wenxi's question, Bai Junhua did not answer immediately, but became even more guilty.

After a while, Bai Junhua opened his mouth, wanting to continue speaking.

However, Lin Siwan shook his hand and stopped him.

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