However, no matter how much she guessed, she never wondered whether her fourth master might have another woman.

Because, she absolutely believed in her fourth master.

But what exactly is fourth master doing?

Why does she feel that the people around her are all weird?

I always feel that they have something to hide from her and don't let her know.

Lin Qian Yi sat in the living room of Jiang's house and touched her chin. Would she like to sneak home and have a look?

Glancing that there was no one in the living room, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up, she quickly got up and walked towards the door sneakily.

Seeing that the door was in front of her eyes, Lin Qian Yi's face was filled with joy, and she stretched out her paw to open the door.

However, at this moment...

"Mommy, where are you going?"

Di Moxin's milky voice sounded from behind Lin Qian Yi, making Lin Qian Yi froze instantly.

Lin Qian Yi turned around slowly, and all she saw were her two little buns, Mo Xin, who were looking at her curiously, while Di Moshen, the big bun, still had a cool little face.

"Uh... Mommy wants to go out for a while, you continue to play with grandma and the others in the yard."

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

Immediately, he waved his hands at the two buns, and wanted to turn the doorknob again.

However, the two steamed buns came rushing over, each holding her hand.

"No, Mommy can't go out."

Di Moxin's little bun tightly held his mother's hand, shook his little head, and said seriously.

Although Di Moshen's big bun didn't speak.

However, from the little hand he was holding on to Mommy tightly, it could be seen that his purpose was the same as that of Xiao Baozi.


Lin Qian Yi was in a daze. Why did she feel that even the two buns were hiding something from her?

Di Moxin, the little bun subconsciously wanted to answer, but the big bun glanced at him in time, and immediately covered his little mouth.

Seeing the reaction of the two buns, Lin Qian Yi was immediately sure that the two buns had something to hide from her.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, with a sense of déjà vu.

The whole world knows, as far as she doesn't know about the sense of sight, what kind of trouble is going on?

"Good boy, Mommy will be back soon, go and play by yourself."

Lin Qian Yi wanted to fool the two buns away.

However, the two buns shook their heads in unison, and took her hand and walked into the garden.

"Mommy can't go out."

Di Moxin's little bun still said the same thing.

Lin Qian Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but she couldn't forcibly pull them away, so she could only be dragged away obediently.

While being pulled away, Lin Qian Yi turned her head to look at the door, her bright eyes were full of sorrow.

She hasn't been out of Jiang's house for two days, why is it so difficult to go out?

Either other people blocked it, or two buns blocked it.

The villain in Lin Qian Yi's heart had already cried to the point of tears.

Seeing the two buns pulling him back, Jiang Mingchen and the others who were secretly observing in the dark immediately returned to the original place, pretending that nothing had happened.

Lin Qian Yi, who was dragged to the garden, saw that they were staring at each other, she couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and countless black lines fell down her forehead.

So obvious, when she is stupid?

Helpless, she couldn't sneak home to investigate, she could only have countless conjectures in her mind.

On the third night, Lin Qian Yi was stuffed into the car by the crowd with a dazed expression on her face.

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