My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1078: Emperor Yanmo! What the hell are you doing!

An hour later, I returned to the long-lost Azure Villa.

Watching the car leave, Lin Qian Yi felt a row of crows flying over her head.

Why did Maoyan send her outside the big iron gate of Bieyuan and leave? Instead of sending her to the door of her villa?

Looking at the big iron gate that was slowly opened, Lin Qian Yi wanted to cry without tears!

For the first time, she felt that living in a place that was too big might not be a good thing.

Because it would take at least half an hour for her to walk back to her home from here.

It's just too cheating, is there any!

Looking at the long distance, Lin Qian Yi let out a big sigh, then had a flash of inspiration, and looked at the guard room not far away.

Lin Qian Yi pulled up her skirt and walked over slowly, wanting the hidden guard to inform her so that someone would drive to pick her up.

If it was normal, she would definitely walk back by herself.

However, before she was stuffed into the car, they forced her to put on a long red dress that dragged the floor.

And, it was also paired with a pair of eight centimeter high heels!

Eight centimeter high heels are nothing to other women.

However, for a person who has not worn high heels for a long time, it is simply not too sour!

Walking back in high heels, her feet would be ruined.

If you take off your shoes and walk, the road is basically cobblestone. If you walk back barefoot, her feet will still be useless.

So, it's better to be hypocritical and let someone pick it up, she doesn't want to become disabled inexplicably.

However, just as she walked to the huge window of the guard room, before she had time to speak, the two hidden guards in the guard room spoke first.

"Hi madam, we suddenly remembered that there are important things to do, so we're leaving first. Goodbye, madam."

After finishing speaking, the two hidden guards left the guard room at an extraordinary speed.

Looking at the empty guard room, Lin Qian Yi felt a row of crow heads flying over her head.

When did she become a scourge? Run away when you see her? Is she so scary? !

Lin Qian Yi put her hands on her hips and gritted her teeth angrily.

"Di Yanmo! What the hell are you doing!"

Lin Qian Yi yelled in the direction of her villa, obviously very angry.

The weirdness of the past few days, she knows it without guessing, it's her fourth master's fault!

Otherwise, why are the people around me so cooperative?

After being dragged to Jiang's house for three days for no reason, she still has to walk home in high heels.

It's just going to piss her off!

Lin Qian Yi decided in her heart that when she saw Fourth Master, she must throw him down and ruthlessly trample him!

It's best to let fourth master get out of bed all day!

Lin Qian Yi hummed in her heart thinking.

Lin Qian Yi looked at the huge garden with only dim lights, and sighed helplessly.

The hidden guards in the guard room avoided her, not to mention the hidden guards in the dark.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi stepped on her high heels resignedly and walked slowly towards her home.

As for why she didn't make a call, she also wanted to make a call, but the problem was that her mobile phone was taken away too!

Now, it can be said that she doesn't even have a dime on her body.

Too ruthless, is there anything!

As Lin Qian Yi walked, she kept cursing in her heart.

However, when she stepped on the cobblestone road, the flower beds on both sides were lit up with lights.

Lin Qian Yi, who was complaining, was startled by the sudden light.

Looking subconsciously, I saw a bright red rose lantern on each side.

Moreover, it is still red light, like a real rose.

Looking at the rose lanterns on both sides, Lin Qian Yi was thoughtful. After a while, the corners of her mouth curled up, and a trace of anticipation appeared in her bright eyes.

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