"I have something for you to do now, which is also the thing you most want to do. You stay by my side for this reason."

Although the man's words were interrogative sentences, the tone was affirmative.

Therefore, he knew very well why the woman would stay by his side and let him do whatever she wanted.

And the reason why he kept the woman was because he wanted to use her.

To put it bluntly, the two are just using each other.

Of course, because women are attached to men, women can only be obedient so that they can get what they want.

Now, she finally waited.

"The master is wise."

The woman replied respectfully, not caring about the sarcasm in the man's tone.

But, really don't care?

This point, also from her tightly clenched hands, can draw a clear answer.

The submissiveness of women makes men even more disdainful.

"You are leaving for country A tonight, and I will give it to you. I don't need to tell you how to do it?"

The man restrained his smile and said with a ferocious face.

"Master, don't worry, I know what to do, and I promise to satisfy the master."

The woman continued to speak respectfully.

And her lowered eyes were glowing with excitement at this moment, and even her body trembled slightly because of the extreme excitement.

Finally, she finally got what she was waiting for!

She didn't believe that Lin Qian Yi could escape this time!

As soon as she wanted to see Lin Qian Yi tortured to death by her, the woman's delicate face became distorted in an instant.

Her distorted face is like a ghost crawling out of hell, which makes people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

"You'd better know how to measure, otherwise, if you ruin my big business, I will make your life worse than death. My torture methods will never be forgotten by you."

The man said viciously, his tone full of warning.

The man's vicious words made the woman's thin body tremble violently, and her eyes were filled with fear.

After following the man for so long, she knows all about the man's means.

The vicious methods of the man in the past emerged in his mind, and the woman's body trembled even more.

"Yes, I promise to satisfy the master."

The woman still replied respectfully, but in her hoarse voice, there was an obvious trill.

Obviously, she was terrified of men.

The woman's reaction seemed to satisfy the man, and she waved her big hand impatiently, "Get out, I'll get it myself."

"Yes, master."

The woman got up quickly as if she had a seizure, and hurried out of the room without putting on her clothes.

After the woman walked out of the room naked, she immediately attracted several fiery gazes.

The woman had a gloomy face, ignoring the hot gazes of the men in the living room, and quickly walked to another room.

Looking at the Chiguoguo woman who walked by quickly, those men seemed to be familiar with it.

However, that fiery gaze was still not willing to move away from the extremely attractive Chiguoguo woman to them.

Of course, there is no love in these men's eyes, some are just playing with ignorance.

It seems that in their eyes, a woman is just a plaything that cannot be put on the table.

However, it is true.

Because they all know what kind of existence a woman is in the eyes of their boss.

That's why they are so unscrupulous, looking at the Chi Guoguo woman.

Otherwise, even if they were given a hundred courage, they wouldn't dare to look at it.

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