With a gloomy face, the woman quickly walked back to the room, and the moment she closed the door, she couldn't hide the ferocious hatred on her face anymore.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

The woman clenched her hands tightly together, and her sharp nails sank into her palms, but she didn't notice it.

"All those who have bullied me cannot escape, I will send you to hell, all of you to hell!!!"

The woman's voice was hoarse, and she roared frantically.

Of course, she didn't dare to speak too loudly, because her current life was still in the hands of the man.

If a man finds out about her ulterior motives, she will surely die.

After a long time, the woman suppressed the monstrous resentment in her heart, and walked to the bathroom with scarlet eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, the woman came out of the bathroom.

After changing into a sexy short dress, the woman checked the room vigilantly.

After confirming the safety, the woman quickly took out two things that had been prepared from the bottom of the closet.

Immediately, quickly fix the two things on the thigh with adhesive tape.

After doing this, the corner of the woman's mouth curled up in a sinister arc, and her eyes gleamed with pride.

After a while, the woman walked out of the room again empty-handed.

Immediately when the woman walked out of the room, she attracted the hot eyes of several men sitting in the living room.

The eyes of several men were unscrupulous, making the woman who was looked at seem to be violated.

The woman's face was as if nothing had happened, but her eyes were already full of hatred.

After leaving the third floor of the villa, the woman went directly downstairs to the basement.

When the people in the basement saw the woman coming, they didn't stop her, but began to look at her unscrupulously.

However, scrutiny is scrutiny, but no one dares to really touch a woman.

The woman stopped when she reached the innermost part of the basement.

"The master arranged someone for me, and let me pick it up myself."

The woman said to the two men sitting in front of them, playing cards lazily, with a blank face.

Hearing the woman's words, the two men did not reply immediately, but looked up and down the woman's figure with wanton eyes.

The extremely hot eyes of the two made the woman's face darken instantly.

"What are you looking at?! Believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyes!"

The woman growled viciously and angrily at the two men.

However, the two men showed no fear at all. Instead, they had sinister smiles on their faces, and their scrutinizing eyes became playful.

"Tsk tsk, after being a pet with the boss for a few months, do you really take yourself seriously? Tsk~"

One of the men, with a face full of disdain, said mockingly with a sneer.

The man's words made the woman's face even more gloomy, and the anger in her eyes almost burned the man.

"So what about pets? Even if it's a pet, I'm still the owner's pet."

The woman raised her chin and said proudly.

Immediately, he smiled sinisterly, "If the owner knows that you dare to move his pets, how do you think the owner will deal with you?"

As she spoke, the woman put her hands on her shoulders, grabbed the suspenders of the skirt, and slowly pulled it down.

If it was normal, the two men on the opposite side would definitely appreciate it.

However, they dare not touch this beautiful scene that is clearly on the verge of death.

"what are you up to?!"

The two men stared at the woman in panic, their eyes full of tension and anger.

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