Seeing his little wife's cute look, Di Yanmo chuckled lightly and rubbed her little head with his big hands.

"Don't worry about him, he has his own measure."

Di Yanmo said softly.

However, Lin Qian Yi expressed great doubts, "Are you sure?"

With Di Yanfeng's bastard temperament, is there really a sense of propriety?

Seeing his little wife's suspicious expression, Di Yanmo smiled and said nothing.

The younger brother Di Yanfeng seems unreliable, but his ability has been recognized by Di Yanmo.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Di Yanmo to let him make trouble.

After all, he still cared a little about his younger brother.

Seeing that the fourth master stopped talking, Lin Qian Yi could only fantasize about the scene when that bastard Di Yanfeng faced the enemy in her mind.

But Di Yanfeng, who Lin Qianyi thought was unreliable, led dozens of hidden guards and killed the enemy's nest in a mighty manner.

The enemy who thought he was in the dark was caught off guard.

"How do you know?!"

Seeing Di Yanfeng walk in from the main entrance, the woman's face was full of astonishment, as if she felt very unbelievable.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Di Yanfeng walked in slowly, thinking he was very handsome.

Hearing what the woman said, Di Yanfeng didn't answer, but walked straight to the sofa opposite the woman and sat down.

And also specially fiddled with the brooch on his chest.

"I advise you to stay still, otherwise, my brothers' guns will not be polite."

Di Yanfeng cast a glance, those sneaky men who wanted to pull out their guns said.

However, there was a man who thought that no one had noticed him, and quickly touched his waist.

However, just as he took out his pistol, a gunshot rang out suddenly.


Harsh gunshots sounded in the villa, a blood hole appeared between the man's eyebrows, and then he fell to the ground.

The other enemies looked at the blood-stained floor, and fear appeared in their eyes.

The little thought that had just arisen disappeared without a trace, and he could only stand there in horror, waiting for Di Yanfeng's judgment.

"Unload their guns."

Di Yanfeng said this to those hidden guards.

As soon as Di Yanfeng finished speaking, those hidden guards immediately attacked.

Quickly confiscated the guns on the enemy, and then quickly dismantled them.

The speed was so fast that by the time the enemy reacted, their guns had already turned into a pile of parts, scattered on the ground.

"Okay, it's safe now."

Di Yanfeng was very satisfied with the speed of the brothers, then looked at the woman and said with a smile, "What did you just say?"


The woman's face was livid, and her eyes were full of anger when she stared at Di Yanfeng, obviously she was very angry at Di Yanfeng's attitude.

However, before she finished speaking, Di Yanfeng spoke again.

"Oh, yes, I remembered, you just asked me why I knew, didn't you?"

Di Yanfeng patted himself on the head, looking like he suddenly remembered.

"However, you are asking me what do I know? Do you know that you, Qiu Yuxian, are someone else's pet? Di Bowen's pet?"

Di Yanfeng looked at the woman suspiciously and said, "Oh no, you are Guo Jindou's pet now.

I heard that when Guo Jindou was a prince, he was already very rough. Now that he is not bound by the prince's name, isn't he even more wild?

You are a weak woman, it's amazing to be able to support him for several months, no wonder he dotes on you so much. "

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