Di Yanfeng was smiling, and kept lifting Qiu Yuxian's scar very awkwardly, it was bloody, no wonder!

Every time Di Yanfeng said a word, Qiu Yuxian's face turned red with anger, as if she was about to explode at any moment.

However, Di Yanfeng didn't care about her, and said happily:

"Look, Guo Jindou actually lent you all his men, it's really kind to you.

However, the subordinates he trained, whether it was three years ago or three years later, are still so good. "

Di Yanfeng said with a sigh, and then he felt proud and spread his hands, "Look, it's so simple to subdue these rookies."

After casting a disdainful glance at those men, Di Yanfeng looked at Qiu Yuxian with a smile again.

It seems to be admiring her angry appearance.

Qiu Yuxian gritted her teeth, forced down the overwhelming hatred in her heart, and stared at Di Yanfeng.

"What do you want? If you dare to kill all of us here, you will definitely be in trouble."

Qiu Yuxian said firmly.

Under Guo Jindou's deliberate concealment, until now, Qiu Yuxian still does not know that Di Yanmo is the person in charge of the YE Group.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be saying that now.

Di Yanfeng stopped laughing, and sneered coldly, "Since I dare to come, do you think I will be afraid of such trouble?"

Qiu Yuxian's heart tightened, and she was suddenly a little uncertain.

As Di Yanfeng said, since he dared to come, he had already foreseen the outcome.

Qiu Yuxian didn't know what to do, but she still had a trump card.

"You're not afraid of trouble, so what about Wen Lingyang's life?"

Qiu Yuxian raised her chin and smiled sinisterly.

Sure enough, Di Yanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Qiu Yuxian coldly.

"I don't think my brothers can't solve you rookies."

Di Yanfeng said confidently.

The sinister smile on Qiu Yuxian's face deepened a bit, and her eyes were full of confidence.

"I don't know what happened to the dogs Guo Jindou raised, but I can be sure that once I die, Wen Lingyang won't be able to live either!"

Qiu Yuxian referred to Guo Jindou's subordinates as dogs, so one can imagine how much she hated those people.

Hearing Qiu Yuxian say that they were dogs, the surrounding men who were restrained by the hidden guards glared at Qiu Yuxian angrily.

That ferocious appearance seemed to wish to slap her to death.

Qiu Yuxian didn't care about those furious gazes.

In her eyes, these people are already dead.

She doesn't need to care about the dead.

"You think I'll believe it?"

In Di Yanfeng's hand, he didn't know when there was an extra gun, and he played with it casually.

That casual appearance made people feel a strong sense of danger.

"It's up to you not to believe it, unless you want to gamble with Wen Lingyang's life."

Qiu Yuxian didn't seem to see the gun in his hand, and she wasn't timid at all, as if she was determined by Di Yanfeng.

The danger emanating from Di Yanfeng became more intense, and he looked at Qiu Yuxian with murderous intent.

A sense of fear rose in Qiu Yuxian's heart.

However, in order to be able to escape from here, she forcibly controlled the expression on her face, showing no trace of fear.

She knew that the enemy would hesitate only if she was firm enough.

She was betting on how much Emperor Yanfeng and the others would care about Wen Lingyang.

"Not bad."

Di Yanfeng restrained his killing intent in an instant, showing admiration, "You have learned a lot after lurking for so long."

Saying that, Di Yanfeng got up slowly, walked towards Qiu Yuxian, and put one hand on the back of the sofa behind Qiu Yuxian.

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