Looking at Qi Ling's rosy face, and his well-proportioned figure, a hint of greed flashed in the dazzling light.

However, as soon as he thought of the background behind Qi Ling, Yu Yao instantly extinguished the thoughts that should not have just surfaced.

And Liu Xiyue, the second female number on the side, when she saw Yu Yao looking at Qi Ling in a daze, a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes, and she glared at Qi Ling viciously.

As for the changes between the two of them, Qi Ling didn't notice at all, or in other words, even if he found out, he wouldn't take it seriously.

After all, she is not simply a starlet.

However, Lin Qian Yi, who was sitting on a small stool beside her, could clearly see the reactions of Yu Yao and Liu Xiyue.

Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking: These two people knew something was tricky at first glance, and that Yu Yao Mingming had already provoked Liu Xiyue, but he shamelessly coveted other women, that's really a bad character .

However, as long as dealing with them doesn't hinder her, she won't bother with them either.

Just like that, Lin Qian Yi sat silently on the small stool all afternoon, watching other people's performances.

It has to be said that Qi Ling deserves to be the queen of the movie, with top-notch acting skills, she firmly surpassed Yu Yao and Liu Xiyue.

In the morning, Qi Ling didn't have an NG. Instead, Yu Yao and Liu Xiyue made more than 20 NGs, causing the director Wan Xuanmin to curse directly.

In fact, the NG between the two was mainly because of Liu Xiyue, I don't know if it was because he was still thinking about what he saw just now.

The level of acting skills got worse and worse, and later Wan Xuanmin directly rehearsed her scenes until the afternoon, and filmed Qi Ling's first.

However, it was such a thing that made Liu Xiyue hate Qi Ling even more.

When it was almost one o'clock, Wan Xuanmin finally announced a break, and the filming would start at 2:30 in the afternoon.

As soon as he was liberated, Qi Ling immediately ran to the dressing room to change his clothes, then pulled Lin Qian Yi and ran outside.

"Let's go, sister-in-law, I know a place with delicious food, I'll take you there, sister-in-law Bao, you'll be addicted after eating it once."

While walking, Qi Ling said excitedly.

After reminiscing about that taste, Qi Ling couldn't help swallowing.

Seeing Qi Ling's intriguing look, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up slightly. She couldn't resist eating.

"Is there any crayfish?"

Lin Qian Yi asked.

"Yes, yes, the crayfish there is still a signature dish, I guarantee you will still want to eat it."

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi was interested, Qi Ling introduced her more diligently.

At this moment, Qi Ling instantly felt that the distance between her and her sister-in-law had taken another big step, and she believed that she would be able to hug her sister-in-law's thigh soon.

At that time, she will be fearless!

Even in front of Brother Mo who is like the King of Hades, she will not be so afraid anymore.

Qi Ling thought happily, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Just like that, Lin Qian Yi was abducted by Qi Ling to an unremarkable restaurant.

The decoration of the restaurant is a bit old, but the environment is good, surrounded by bamboo, the breeze blowing from the window, bringing a different kind of coolness.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi sat on the chair made of bamboo, Qi Ling couldn't wait to hand the menu in front of her, and introduced it to her like a group of cannonballs.

In the end, the two ordered four dishes and one clear soup.

"Ahem, sister-in-law, thank you last time. If it weren't for you, Song Le and I would have been severely punished by Brother Mo."

After ordering, Qi Ling took a sip from the teacup on the table, and said somewhat unnaturally.

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