Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said with a smile, "You're welcome, I didn't help you for nothing anyway."


Qi Ling never expected that Lin Qian Yi would answer like this, and was stunned for a moment.

"Don't worry, I'm just thinking, if you need your help in the future, don't shirk."

As she spoke, Lin Qian Yi smiled like a little fox.

Tsk tsk tsk, that Song Le is a computer expert, if she wants to dig someone's black material in the future, then she can easily get it.

For example... Xia Baizhi's, for example... Xia Group's.

When she met Xia Baizhi in the ancient city just now, she clearly remembered Xia Baizhi's hateful eyes. With Xia Baizhi's personality, she would definitely think of some tricks to frame her.

So, she found a helper first, and then easily fought back Xia Baizhi, the white lotus.

Although, she only needs to tell fourth master Qin Qin about such a small matter, and fourth master Qin Qin can help her solve it very well.

However, her family's fourth master is so busy, she doesn't want to bother him because of these trivial matters.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi smiling like an old fox, Qi Ling felt a little scared.

How did her family's relatives and sister-in-law make her feel a strong sense of danger? Isn't her sister-in-law still remembering what happened last time?

Brother Mo doesn't need to make a move, does sister-in-law want to do it herself?

Thinking of this, Qi Ling was instantly terrified.

Brother Mo is undoubtedly the existence she fears the most. However, Qi Ling now suddenly realizes that her own sister-in-law has also become the existence she fears!

She clearly remembered the arrogance and methods of her sister-in-law who crushed her so hard back then, and no matter how weak she was, she couldn't beat her sister-in-law, and even her IQ... seemed to be inferior to her sister-in-law, right?

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, that, I..."

With a mournful face, Qi Ling looked at Lin Qian Yi pitifully, hoping to let her go.

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be murder and arson, let alone harm yourselves."

Lin Qian Yi promised with a smile.

Qi Ling carefully observed Lin Qian Yi, and found that what she said was true, he immediately let go of the tension in his heart.

"Hee hee, sister-in-law, don't worry, as long as sister-in-law tells us, Song Le and I will definitely complete it for sister-in-law."

Qi Ling said with a doggy smile.

The current Qi Ling, still has the nobility and elegance of the past on TV? It's just a little white rabbit seeking protection.

Looking at Qi Ling who looked like a dogleg, Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Is she scary? Why did she feel that Qi Ling seemed a little afraid of her? Especially when she asked them to help in the future, preventing her was like trying to prevent ghosts!

The dishes came out quickly.

While eating, Qi Ling kept chattering, as if he wanted to tell Lin Qian Yi everything.

Suddenly, Qi Ling's expression became serious, and he looked closely at Lin Qian Yi.

"Sister-in-law, do you know Brother Mo's identity?"

Qi Ling looked at Lin Qian Yi for a moment, trying to see the expression on her face clearly.

However, Lin Qian Yi just nodded lightly, "I know."

"Does the sister-in-law know that Brother Mo has another identity?"

Qi Ling looked at Lin Qian Yi more and more nervously.

"Another layer of identity?"

Lin Qian Yi swallowed a mouthful of food and looked up at Qi Ling.

"Yes." Qi Ling nodded.

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