The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled slightly, her bright eyes looked straight at Qi Ling, and she asked, "Is it important?"


Qi Ling didn't realize what she meant for a moment.

"What is Yan Mo's identity, is it important?"

Lin Qian Yi repeated it again, with a faint smile on her face.


This time, Qi Ling was stunned.

What identity matters? This... makes Qi Ling not know how to answer.

Identity can be said to be important, or it can be said to be unimportant.

Of course, the latter is what very few people think, but even fewer people can actually do it.

As for the former, it is the goal of most people, or even everyone's goal.

After all, only by becoming a master and being at the top can one live a more unrestrained life.

And Brother Mo is the one standing at the top!

However, at this moment, my sister-in-law actually asked her, is identity important?

She really wanted to answer that it was important, but when she thought about it, if it was really important, then it meant that the reason why her sister-in-law was with Brother Mo was because Brother Mo had a top status.

Rather than simply liking Big Brother Mo.

Looking at Qi Ling's frown, Lin Qian Yi looked at the bamboo forest scenery outside the window, her bright eyes were clear, as if she had seen through the world.

After a while, Lin Qian Yi spoke again, "I like... it's just Di Yanmo. Does it matter who he is or what kind of identity he has?"

"not important……"

Looking at the bamboo leaves falling from the window due to the breeze, Lin Qian Yi said with an extremely calm expression.

Hearing this, Qi Ling's heart trembled violently, and a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Yes, is it important? If you really love someone, will you really care about the identity of the other person?

Qi Ling asked herself, if Brother Mo was no longer the invisible emperor of City A, would she still love Brother Mo?

There is no doubt that she will choose to continue loving, just because what she loves is only Di Yanmo.

Qi Ling smiled wryly silently, expected, she still didn't fully trust her sister-in-law, otherwise, how could she ask such a stupid question?


Qi Ling lowered his head and sincerely apologized to Lin Qian Yi.

"There's no need to apologize. You just care about my fourth master. I should be happy for my fourth master. After all, he is very lucky to have you guys who really care for him."

Lin Qian Yi looked away from the window, looked at her and waved.

However, Qi Ling shook his head and said seriously, "No, it is our greatest luck to meet Brother Mo. If there is no Brother Mo, I'm afraid I would have died already."

As if thinking of something, Qi Ling looked grateful and determined.

Looking at her expression, Lin Qian Yi knew that Qi Ling was a person with a story, and even everyone around her fourth master might have a story.

Lin Qian Yi smiled, pointed at the food on the table with her chopsticks, "Eat it quickly, or it will be cold, and you have to go back to film later."

Facing Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes, Qi Ling also smiled slightly, the last trace of distrust towards Lin Qian Yi in his heart finally disappeared.

After the two finished their meal, Qi Ling left and went back to the ancient city to continue filming, while Lin Qian Yi didn't have a role until the next day, so she didn't go back to the ancient city.

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