And those girls, in addition to the look of awe, also have the look of fascination, even Huo Shiyi is no exception.

Kang Junyan's charm, I believe that in the whole country A, few women can resist it.

Of course, this doesn't include Di Yanwei, an outlier.

"Get up."

Di Yanwei also got angry, stood up suddenly, stared at him with his hands on his hips, as if he was about to fight.

Although I don't understand why the two suddenly behaved like this, but seeing that Di Yanwei is going to be unlucky.

Huo Shiyi and the three were very happy in their hearts.

However, after Di Yanwei stood up, Kang Junyan dragged him expressionlessly and walked out.

Seeing the private room door being opened and closed, everyone suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay.

But Huo Shiyi and the other three didn't see Di Yanwei's misfortune, but they showed resentment, and their teeth itched with hatred.

"What are you doing? What are you pulling me out for?"

Di Yanwei was held tightly by his hand, unable to break free, and said to Kang Junyan with an irritable expression.

"You eat too much."

Kang Junyan glanced at her and said with a frown.

Di Yanwei was taken aback for a moment, and then his mind was running fast. After a while, he asked strangely, "And then?"

She eats too much? Then what?

It's not like she eats from him. If she eats more and eats less, does it have anything to do with him?

Besides, didn't he just say that it was delicious?

Now blame her for eating too much?

It's really... a non-human being with uncertain and incomprehensible thoughts!

Di Yanwei kept slandering Kang Junyan in his heart, almost hitting a villain.

Kang Junyan was about to say something when Yan Ping just came out of a private room.


Seeing Di Yanwei next to Kang Junyan, Yan Ping was surprised, obviously completely unexpected.

"Well, let's go."

Kang Junyan responded, then took Di Yanwei's hand and walked into the elevator.

There was no intention of explaining why he was with Di Yanwei.

Of course, he didn't need an explanation.

"Uh, chief, what about the Liang family?"

Yan Ping put away his curiosity and asked Kang Junyan.

"Just do what you want, and you still need me to teach?"

Kang Junyan glanced at him with displeasure, and pulled Di Yanwei directly past him, leaving a majestic back.

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping was startled, with awe on his face.

At this moment, the door of the private room behind Yan Ping was opened, and a middle-aged man with a bald head walked out.

"Major General Yan, why do you..."

Seeing Yan Ping standing at the door, the bald man couldn't help being puzzled, and then glanced at Kang Junyan.

"Chief? Chief, this is..."

Seeing Kang Junyan enter the elevator, the bald man subconsciously wanted to catch up.

However, Yan Ping stopped him.

"The chief left beforehand."

Yan Ping raised his hand to stop the bald man from catching up, and said calmly.

Hearing this, the bald man couldn't help being anxious, "Major General Yan, then, what about my Liang family, what can the chief explain?"

The bald man asked Yan Ping politely, his eyes full of expectation.

However, Yan Ping's answer made him feel desperate.

"The chief said, deal with it as you want, and everything will follow the procedure."

Yan Ping responded indifferently.

After finishing speaking, regardless of the ashen expression on the bald man's face, he walked directly to another elevator.

In the elevator.

Feeling the temperature from Kang Junyan's hand, Di Yanwei wanted to break free with some unnaturalness.

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