"do not move."

Kang Junyan frowned and looked at her displeasedly, with a warning in his tone.

If you were an ordinary woman, you would definitely be intimidated by Kang Junyan's cold appearance.

But the person in front of him is Di Yanwei, so it will only go further and further to the opposite effect.

"Why, I just move, what can you do?"

Di Yan raised his chin slightly, and retorted arrogantly.

What she hates the most is when others talk to her in a commanding tone.

Moreover, Kang Junyan's appearance, as if he was ordering his subordinates, made her feel uncomfortable.

She is just a stranger to him, why should he order her?

A sharp light flashed in Kang Junyan's eyes, and his voice became colder, "Just because I am your man."

Kang Junyan's voice was full of domineering, and his eyes, as black as an eagle, stared at her aggressively.

Facing his extremely aggressive gaze, Di Yanwei was startled and felt an urge to run away.

However, being so strong, she abruptly stopped her cowardly behavior.

"My man? Are you kidding me?"

Di Yanwei refused to admit defeat, and looked at him amusedly, "Didn't you hear what I said just now? I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend.

So, the ones just now are just acting, understand? "

After finishing speaking, Di Yanwei wanted to break free from Kang Junyan's hand again, but Kang Junyan held it tighter.

The pain in his little hand made Diyan wrinkle his face slightly, he gritted his teeth so as not to let out a sound.

"I never joke."

Kang Junyan stared at her sullenly, his tone almost hurtful.

Di Yan frowned slightly, and asked vigilantly, "What do you mean?"

"It means that you are my woman, and I am your only man, remember."

Kang Junyan said domineeringly.

At this moment, the elevator door just opened, and Kang Junyan let go of her hand, and put his arms around her waist instead.

As for Di Yanwei, he was completely stunned, his little face was full of disbelief.

What did she just hear?

The Chief is confessing his love to her? Or, to force her to be his woman? !

After a long time, Di Yanwei finally realized with a foolish face.

"Wait, wait, did you make a mistake?"

Di Yan stopped slightly, and looked up at Kang Junyan in astonishment.


Kang Junyan answered concisely.

This time, Di Yanwei frowned even tighter, staring fixedly at his face, trying to see that he was joking.

As if seeing Di Yanwei's thoughts, Kang Junyan said again, "I never joke, and I don't like to say it again."

Kang Junyan seemed to be dissatisfied with Di Yanwei's skeptical attitude towards him.

The corner of Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: Didn't you just say it a second time now?

However, Di Yanwei did not dare to speak out.

Who is it that this person in front of him is an unpredictable Mr. Chief?

Although she wasn't afraid of him, she didn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

"Well, Mr. Chief, in fact, we are not familiar with each other. We only met once at most, and we just pretended to be some boyfriend and girlfriend."

Di Yanwei tried to explain, "We don't know each other well, how can we be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

While talking, Di Yanwei broke his big hand holding her, trying to escape him quickly.

Kang Junyan stared at her without saying a word, and after a long time, Di Yanwei's little heart was about to be unable to bear his staring skills.

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