"You are my woman!"

The cold air on Kang Junyan's body exploded in an instant, almost freezing Di Yan to death.

The implication is that you are my woman, and your affairs should be none of his affairs.

Di Yanwei laughed angrily, and shook his hand, trying to get rid of his holding her hand.

However, she couldn't shake it no matter what, but she was tired and her hands were sore.

"You fucking let me go!"

Di Yanwei was completely pissed off.

"You said that I belong to you? I also said that all your net worth belongs to my old lady, so do you have to give all your net worth to my old lady?!"

Kang Junyan's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Diyan and asked calmly, "Do you want it?"

"Yes, then do you dare to give it to my old lady?"

Di Yan stared slightly, and said with a half-smile, as if he had expected that he would not give it.

However, the next moment Di Yanwei wanted to slap himself unconscious.


Kang Junyan replied without hesitation, and then looked at Yan Ping, "I will transfer everything I have to my wife's name."

After finishing speaking, Kang Junyan looked at Di Yanwei again, asking, "Are you satisfied?"


Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan, as if he had seen a ghost, all the cells in his body were full of inconceivable!

"Are you joking?"

Di Yanwei asked cautiously, as if he was trying to prove something.

Kang Junyan held her hand tightly, his breath became colder, and a trace of displeasure appeared on his stern face.

"I said, I never joke, remember, if you can't remember, I have a way to make you remember."

Kang Junyan's eyes were as black as an eagle, and a stern light flashed, and he said in a warning.

After hearing Kang Junyan's words, Di Yanwei looked at him, and suddenly became weird.

Then he turned his head to the side of Yan Ping, and asked seriously, "Your head, did you go out today without taking your medicine?"

The corner of Yan Ping's mouth twitched slightly, "..."

Kang Junyan's face darkened immediately, and he stretched out his hand to pinch her face, making her look at him.

"I'm not joking with you. You can't escape, and don't try to escape. Otherwise, I will let you know the consequences."

Kang Junyan warned coldly.

"Hehe, it seems that your brain is not light today, Mr. Chief should go home, wash and sleep."

Di Yan heheed a few times in a strange way, and then wanted to shake off his hand again.

What the hell, if I knew she wouldn't ask him to pretend to be her boyfriend, it would be fun to slap her in the face, but it caused a lot of trouble.

She really didn't expect that the head of a dignified country would forget to take medicine when he went out!

Really cheated my wife to death.

While slandering Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei used all his strength to break away from Kang Junyan's big hand that was holding her.

"Di Yanwei!"

Kang Junyan's face was already too dark at this time, and his voice was full of warning.

"Why, want to fight? Come on, I'm afraid of you!"

As he said that, Di Yanwei waved his right hand which was not being held, and said arrogantly + domineeringly.

Kang Junyan's forehead jumped up suddenly, resisting the urge to strangle him to death.

"You think you can beat me?"

Kang Junyan glanced at her contemptuously.


Diyan gritted her teeth slightly, unable to hold her breath, which gave her the urge to bite Kang Junyan to death.

Killing the head of a country, can you not go to jail?

After struggling for a while, Di Yan gritted his teeth and choked out a few words, "What exactly do you want?!"

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