
Kang Junyan took her hand and walked unhurriedly, as if taking a walk.

"Where are you going?"

Unable to break free from Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei could only be dragged away obediently, but he still couldn't help asking.

Kang Junyan squinted at her, and said with a little disgust, "You talk too much."

Di Yanwei, "..."

Well, Mr. Chief thinks her tongue is dry.

What the hell! If you think her tongue is dry, let her go!

Now, Di Yanwei stopped talking.

It's not that I dare not say it, it's that I don't know what to say.

What should be said, she has said just now.

When the convulsion of the chief chief is over, she can be relieved.

Just be patient.

Di Yanwei convinced himself so in his heart.

Yan Ping, who was following behind, couldn't help feeling a little flustered as he watched his head walk with a woman hand in hand.

He had never seen such a chief.

Mr. Chief, could it be love at first sight for this woman?

Yan Ping thought secretly in his heart.

Then what the chief said just now, is he going to do it well?

Yan Ping couldn't help feeling a little distressed, because he didn't think that the chief was just talking casually.

Fifteen minutes later.

Being dragged by Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei couldn't help feeling a little black.

What about 'go'?

Just going in circles in the garden?

Di Yanwei couldn't help wondering if Kang Junyan was playing with her.

Suddenly, Kang Junyan stopped.

Di Yanwei also subconsciously stopped and looked up at him.

Those agile eyes seemed to be strongly expressing: Can you let me go?

However, Kang Junyan didn't look at her, but put his big hand on her stomach.

Di Yanwei, "..."

What is he doing? Wouldn't it be to see if she has one?

The corners of Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, only to feel that 10,000 cockroaches were rushing past her mind.

"What are you doing?"

Di Yan knocked off his hand vigilantly, stepped back a little, and stared at him vigilantly.


Kang Junyan said calmly.

Di Yan drew a black line, "..."

"Of course, I just ate too much. After walking for so long, I have almost digested it. Can you not flatten it?

It's not that I was forced to kiss you, and she became pregnant with a child. "

Di Yanwei rolled his eyes at him, very speechless.

Kang Junyan didn't care about her attitude.

"You want to have my baby?"

Kang Junyan raised his eyebrows, and said in a thunderous tone.


After hearing Kang Junyan's words, the alarm bell in Di Yanwei's heart rang loudly, "Master Chief, please don't distort my meaning, please.

Madam, I am only twenty years old today, at the age of beauty and beauty, how can I have a child? ! "

Di Yanwei originally wanted to put his hands on his hips to increase his momentum, but his left hand was grabbed, so he had to put one hand on his hips.

"Oh, I see."

Kang Junyan nodded solemnly, and then said, "I have no objection to you waiting a few years before having a child."


Di Yan almost choked to death on his own saliva.


Seeing that she was choking on his own saliva, Kang Junyan immediately said with a little disgust.

However, he quietly put his hand behind her and patted it lightly to make her feel better.

"I was also scared by you!"

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and retorted angrily.

Kang Junyan didn't speak, but still looked at Di Yanwei with the eyes of "you are stupid".

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