Di Yanwei could not wait to stick two fingers into his eyes.

After recovering, Di Yanwei no longer entangled with him about the child.

Because she knew that if she continued, she would definitely be the one who was pissed off!

"It's too late, I have to go back!"

Di Yan stared at him slightly, and said angrily.

Damn it, she'd better run away, or she'd burst her blood vessels at any time.

Kang Junyan looked at her quietly and didn't speak immediately.

It was unnatural for Di Yanwei to be looked at by him, and just as she was about to say something, Kang Junyan spoke.

"Okay, I'll take you back."

Unexpectedly, Kang Junyan agreed.

Di Yan reflexively looked at him incredulously, his gaze was full of suspicion.

He refused to let her go just now, but now he is so easy to talk to?

"What? Not going back?"

Kang Junyan glanced at her with a cold voice.

"Back, back, of course."

Di Yanwei couldn't care less about being stunned, and nodded repeatedly, lest Kang Junyan would regret it.

Seeing Di Yanwei's impatient look, Kang Junyan frowned, and said displeasedly, "You really want to leave me?"

"No, how could it be, Mr. Chief, you are so handsome, elegant and suave, everyone loves flowers when everyone sees them.

I, a commoner, can see you, it's too late to worship you, why would I want to leave you? "

Di Yanwei wanted to nod subconsciously, but when he realized Kang Junyan's danger, he changed his words immediately.

At the same time, he was still smiling and talking nonsense.

"But, it's too late now, and I'm very tired today, so I want to go home and rest."

Di Yanwei found an excuse to explain.

After spending one or two hours with Mr. Chief, Di Yanwei has already figured out his temperament a little bit.

So, in order to get rid of the chief who didn't take the medicine as soon as possible, she'd better give in first.

As the saying goes, a female man can bend and stretch, as long as it doesn't hurt her dignity.

Di Yanwei comforted himself in his heart.

Kang Junyan stared at her for a long time before looking away.

"Let's go."

Kang Junyan spoke indifferently, pulling her to walk aside.

Di Yanwei obediently followed, sticking out his tongue in a direction Kang Junyan couldn't see.

Mr. Chief, who didn't take the medicine, is really scary!

The two stood in front of the car, Di Yanwei didn't intend to get in the car.

"Well, actually, you don't need to bother you, Chief. I can just take a taxi and go back. It's very close."

Di Yan said with a smile.


Kang Junyan had a stern face, and glanced at her coldly.

"It's really not necessary. I'll just go back by myself. Thank you, Chief, for your kindness. Goodbye. Have a good journey."

Di Yan smiled with a smile on his face, and kept stepping back cautiously with both feet.

Before the last words were spoken, he turned around and wanted to run away.


"Hehe, Mr. Chief, is there anything else you can do?"

Di Yanwei was grabbed by the back collar and was almost strangled to death, but he still had to turn his head to look at Kang Junyan with a smiling face.

"Get in the car by yourself, or should I carry you into the car?"

Kang Junyan ignored her ingratiating smile and coldly asked her to make a choice.

Facing his dangerous eyes, Di Yan swallowed slightly, and said obediently:

"I'll get in the car by myself, I'll just get in the car by myself, and I won't bother you sir."

Di Yanwei was aggrieved in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Because, what the hell, she can't beat Mr. Chief, hey!

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