My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1148 My mouth is swollen, how can I meet people!

The warmth in the car gradually increased, and Yan Ping, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had already slipped away.

In the car, there were only two people embracing each other passionately.

Kang Junyan's big hand slipped into her clothes unconsciously, stroking her delicate skin.

The big hand gradually goes up.

Di Yanwei, who was silent in tenderness, suddenly woke up as if he had realized something.

Feeling the big warm hand on his back, Di Yanwei's face turned red immediately, and he quickly grabbed his big hand.

However, Kang Junyan remained motionless, unwilling to let go of her touch that fascinated him.

Di Yanwei couldn't help being anxious.

Although there was no disgust at being kissed by Kang Junyan, she really couldn't ignore his hand.

She didn't want to sell herself out of nowhere.

Di Yanwei wanted to avoid Kang Junyan's kiss, but his other big hand held her head firmly.

Make her unable to move at all.

Just when Di Yanwei was about to suffocate himself, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared, and a sly look flashed in his eyes.

While Kang Junyan was savoring it enthusiastically, Di Yanwei suddenly became more enthusiastic than him, and began to taste his delicacy.

Although, her kissing skills are really not very good.

It can even be said to be like a dog gnawing.

However, Kang Junyan did not dislike him, and his eagle-like dark eyes became even hotter.

As if to melt people into it.

A hint of cunning quickly flashed across Di Yanwei's clear eyes.

Immediately, when Kang Junyan was not prepared, he broke free from his hand that was imprisoning her head.

Before struggling to open his mouth, Di Yanwei didn't bother to pant, and immediately covered his mouth with his hand.

Staring at Kang Junyan, he said angrily and complained, "You can't kiss me anymore, if you kiss me again, you will suffocate me to death!"

A layer of mist appeared in Di Yan's slightly agile eyes, making her look as if she had added a layer of mystery.

It can't help but attract people and lift the mysterious veil.


Kang Junyan said very calmly.

"What won't?"

Di Yanwei, who was almost deprived of oxygen by the kiss, asked subconsciously before his brain could react.

"Won't let you suffocate."

Kang Junyan repeated again, reaching out to pull away her little hand covering her mouth.

"Don't! I don't want to be kissed by you. My mouth is swollen. How can you tell me to see people!"

Di Yan covered his mouth slightly, and said angrily.

Now she is like a bullied little wild cat, which softened a part of his heart.

"let me see."

With an effort, Kang Junyan easily pulled away her little hand, and his eyes fell on her red lips.

Looking at her slightly congested red lips, Kang Junyan's eyes became darker, and he rubbed his thumb lightly.

Feeling his scorching temperature, Di Yanwei's eyes were a little unnatural, and he avoided his hand slightly.

"Well, it's very late now, I'll go back first, and you should go back and rest quickly."

As he spoke, Di Yanwei tried to pull away the big hand behind her.

However, this time she was easily pulled away.

Di Yanwei couldn't help being overjoyed, quickly got out of the car, and then quickly closed the door, as if there was a wild animal chasing after him.

Kang Junyan, "..."

Is the little wild cat so afraid of him?

"Master Chief, be careful on the road, goodbye!"

Di Yanwei, who finally escaped from the devil's grasp, raised a very bright smile and waved to Kang Junyan.

Immediately, he urged Yan Ping, who was stunned, "The head of your family is going home, hurry up and drive."

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