My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1149 I was also kissed by force in my dream

"Yes, ma'am."

Yan Ping quickly regained his composure, quickly got into the driver's seat, started the car and left.

Seeing that the car finally left, Di Yanwei breathed a sigh of relief.

What the hell, finally sent away the Chief Chief who didn't take the medicine.

"It seems that today is really not a good day. Not only is there scum, but there is also a super rotten peach blossom!"

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and sighed.

After taking a few deep breaths, Di Yanwei came out of that cheating mood.

"Forget it, it's just being forced to kiss, my wife will take it as tuition fees!"

Di Yanwei wiped his mouth with the back of his hand to comfort himself.

Of course, the most important wish is that Di Yanwei did not feel disgusted.

If it was really disgusting, it wouldn't be the 'calm' attitude it is now.

At this time, a taxi came, and Di Yanwei waved quickly.

After getting in the taxi, Di Yan could not help but smile smugly, she would not be so stupid to tell him the real address.

Thinking of the fiery eyes Kang Junyan looked at her before leaving, Di Yanwei couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

After a while, Di Yanwei was relieved.

She didn't believe that Kang Junyan, the dignified head of a country, would really be interested in her.

What he said must be nonsense.

It was rumored that he didn't have a woman, but who knew the real situation?

Therefore, he must have many women secretly, otherwise, how could he forcefully kiss her again and again!

Thinking of being forced to kiss him, Di Yanwei couldn't help gritting his teeth, feeling the urge to bite Kang Junyan to death.

What's the matter, she has never suffered such a big loss after growing up so big.

One day, she will definitely get it back!

Di Yanwei thought confidently.

After returning to his three-bedroom, two-living home, Di Yanwei quickly took a shower, threw himself on the bed and dreamed that Duke Zhou had gone.


Waking up the next day, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth and was in a very bad mood.

Because, she dreamed last night that the Chief Chief who went out without taking medicine actually came to forcefully kiss her again!

"What the hell! Next time I see him, I will kill him, regardless of whether he is the chief!"

Di Yan got up and took a shower with a sigh of relief.

When Di Yanwei finished his breakfast and went out, it was almost ten o'clock.

Although Di Yanwei could afford a car, she didn't like driving by herself, so she didn't buy a car.

I usually take a taxi.

Half an hour later, Di Yanwei came to a coffee shop.

The location of this coffee shop is in the suburbs, so few people usually pass by, and there are not many people in the shop.

However, it makes people feel very peaceful here, so many people who have been here will like it.

"Miss Wei, you are here."

As soon as Di Yanwei entered, a waiter greeted her.

"Well, early."

Di Yanwei smiled at the waiter, and then went directly to the place where the coffee is made.

"Wei Wei, you are here, congratulations on graduating at last."

Seeing Di Yanwei, the store manager Feng Zhen walked over and said with a smile.


Di Yanwei poured coffee skillfully, and asked Feng Zhen, "How is the store?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with the store."

Feng Zhen patted her chest and said, "You leave the store to me to manage, how can I let something happen to you?"

Hearing this, Di Yanwei poured two cups of coffee and gave one to Feng Zhen, "Thanks for your hard work."

"how come."

Feng Zhen took the coffee, smiled and shook her head, "This is the life I dream of, and I can't even be grateful, so why bother?"

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