"That's good. If you feel tired, you can go out for a walk at any time, and you can book air tickets, board and lodging."

Di Yan took a sip of his coffee and said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will definitely not be polite to you."

Feng Zhen was not polite either.

Feng Zhen is a single mother with a six-year-old daughter. By chance, she met Di Yanwei.

At that time, Di Yanwei was about to open a coffee shop, so she took care of it.

Feng Zhen's ability is good, she has managed the coffee shop very well in the past two years, and Di Yanwei doesn't need to worry too much.

Sipping the coffee in his hand, Di Yan narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Her favorite thing is to make a cup of coffee and enjoy the tranquility when she is free.

That's why she opened the coffee shop in the suburbs, just because there is no noise in the city.

At this moment, a waiter came over and said to Di Yanwei, "Miss Wei, Mr. Xu is here, and he asked you to come over."

With that said, the waiter pointed to the corner.

Seeing the man's familiar back, Di Yan slightly tightened his grip on the coffee cup.

"Ok, I know."

Di Yanwei nodded calmly.

"Wei Wei, if you don't want to see him, I'll let him go."

Feng Zhen looked at Di Yanwei worriedly and said.

"Need not."

Di Yan shook his head slightly, and smiled indifferently, "I'm fine, it's all in the past."

Feng Zhen still frowned worriedly, but seeing Di Yanwei seeing this, she couldn't say anything more.

Di Yanwei picked up the coffee directly and walked to the table in the corner.

"What's up?"

Di Yan walked over and sat down directly opposite the man.

Seeing Di Yanwei, a man as gentle as jade, raised a comforting smile.

"Xiao Wei, you're finally here. Why haven't I seen you these days? You don't answer the phone calls."

Xu Yixi said with a little worry in his tone.

Di Yan shrugged slightly, and explained easily, "Sorry, I'm busy with graduation these days, so I haven't looked at my phone."

After hearing Di Yanwei's explanation, Xu Yixi smiled helplessly.

"You, it's still the same. You don't care about anything when you're busy. You haven't eaten well these days, have you?"

Xu Yixi said softly and lovingly, those who didn't know thought they were lovers.

Looking at the warm and jade-like sunny man in front of him, Di Yanwei's eyes were in a trance for a moment.

When did she think that his gentleness belonged to her alone.


As if thinking of something, the corner of Di Yanwei's mouth twitched with bitterness.

"Xiaowei, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Seeing that Di Yanwei's expression was wrong, Xu Yixi immediately asked with concern.

At the same time, he raised his hand and reached for her forehead.

Looking at the outstretched hand, Di Yanwei subconsciously avoided it.

Xu Yixi was taken aback for a moment, a look of complexity flashed in his eyes.

As if aware of the embarrassment of the two, Di Yanwei hurriedly laughed and said:

"I'm fine, it's just that I've been too busy recently, and I'm just not used to being idle all of a sudden."

Hearing this, Xu Yixi regained his gentle expression.

"You, you can't stay idle all the time, and you're tired after being careful."

Xu Yixi seemed to blame, but then said lovingly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I learned a lesson once, and I won't let myself get tired again."

Di Yan took a sip of coffee to cover up the loneliness in his eyes.

The only time she was exhausted was because she wanted to give him a surprise, but that surprise was not delivered in the end.

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